Mar 14th 2013
iOS Today 140
R.I.P. Google Reader, Digg Reader, Currents
Hosted by
Leo Laporte,
Sarah Lane
Google Reader apps that won't die: Feedly, Reeder, Digg Reader, Flickr Studio for iPad, Bossjock Studio for podcasters, & more!
New episodes every Thursday.
We cover the Google Reader apps that won't die: Feedly, Reeder, Digg Reader, Flickr Studio for iPad, Bossjock Studio for podcasters, & more!
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Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
- Google Currents
- Feedly
- Reeder
- Digg Reader!
- Apple Stores in France banned from forcing employees to work late
- Twitter acquires We Are Hunted, readies standalone music app
- Boy racks up a £1,000 iPad bill
- HOMESCREEN OF THE WEEK: Apps of the Alphabet!
- BiteMyApple, Suggested by Jeff_N in TWiT's IRC chat
- iRest lap stand
- Haiku Deck
- Sarah's App Cap: Flickr Studio