Jan 31st 2013
iOS Today 134
RepairPal, 500px Porn, 128GB iPad
Hosted by
Leo Laporte,
Sarah Lane
Car safety apps, RepairPal, aSmart HUD 3D, a big new iPad, Rdio goes international, Wake the Cat, Karateka, & more!
New episodes every Thursday.
Leo & Sarah run through car safety apps, RepairPal, aSmart HUD 3D, a big new iPad, Rdio goes international, Wake the Cat, Karateka, & more!
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Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show.
- Waze
- RepairPal
- Logitech UE Mobile Boombox Bluetooth Speaker and Speakerphone
- aSmart HUD 3D +SpeedCams
- New iPad 128gb - Feb 5
- 500px back in App Store
- Rdio opens up free music streaming to the U.K., Canada, Australia, & 11 other countries
- IPAD STAR OF THE WEEK: Barley's Vine!
- Sarah's App Cap: Wake the Cat
- Leo's App Cap: Karateka