May 16th 2013
Windows Weekly 312
Paw Friendly
Hosted by
Mary Jo Foley,
Leo Laporte
Micosoft's summer show madness, a look at the Lumia 928, more Blue news, and more.
Records live every Wednesday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.
Peter Bright
Micosoft's summer show madness, a look at the Lumia 928, more Blue news, and more.
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Check out Paul's blog at the SuperSite for Windows.
Check out Mary Jo's blog at the
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show. The Windows Weekly theme music is courtesy of Derek K. Miller.
- Android accounts for 75 percent market share; Windows Phone leapfrogs BlackBerry
- Hands-on: Nokia iterates with the thinner, metal-er Lumia 925
- Microsoft shares details about its next Windows Phone 8 update
- Here’s the real theme of Google I/O: Service unification between Chrome and Android
- Xbox Reveal Tent
- Gumballhead - Three Floyds Brewing Co. & Brewpub