Jul 6th 2014
This Week in Tech 465
Let's Ask the Audience
What to forget, value added squatters, Blackphone, T-Mobile cramming, and more.
The EU's "Right To Be Forgotten," Apple may not call patent troll a "patent troll" before jury, Uber and Lyft ordered to cease operations in Pittsburgh, the Blackphone, Android might be broadcasting your location history, NY court says cyberbullying law violates free speech, Google Buys Songza, T-Mobile has been hiding bogus charges in phone bills, and Microsoft's smartband said to come in October.
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- The EU's Right To Be Forgotten Is A Mess & How Google's Making It Worse
- Google de-listing of BBC article 'broke UK and Euro public interest laws' - So WHY do it?
- Apple may not call patent troll a "patent troll" before jury, says judge
- No Name Calling In My Court: Judge Bans Use Of Term " Patent Troll" In Jury Trial
- London Transport Regulator Says Uber Can Legally Operate
- Uber, Lyft ordered to cease operations in Pittsburgh
- Exclusive: A review of the Blackphone, the Android for the paranoid
- EFF warns that Android might be broadcasting your location history, Google investigating possible changes
- Cyberbullies get green light in New York to make your life hell
- N.Y. top court says cyberbullying law violates free speech
- Google Buys Songza
- Google shows Apple how to buy a music service
- The FTC Claims T-Mobile Has Been Hiding Bogus Charges In Phone Bills And Took 'Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars' From Consumers
- US sues T-Mobile, says carrier made millions off "bogus" cramming fees
- Goldman says Google has blocked email with leaked client data
- Microsoft Smartband Coming in October with 11 Sensors, Open APIs, and Cross-platform Compatibility