Dec 14th 2011
Intelligent Machines 125
SOPA vote, Google's jets, Carrier IQ, Google Wallets, Google+ Hangouts and beyond, Kindle Fire lacks parental controls, and more.
Records live every Wednesday at 5:00pm Eastern / 2:00pm Pacific / 22:00 UTC.
Mike Elgan,
Tom Merritt
SOPA vote, Google's jets, Carrier IQ, Google Wallets, Google+ Hangouts and beyond, Kindle Fire lacks parental controls, and more.
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- SOPA has a committee vote tomorrow. Call your congressperson now for free:
- Founders/execs of Google, Twitter, Yahoo, eBay decry SOPA
- Galaxy Nexus
- Megaupload to Sue Universal, Joins Fight Against SOPA
- Google’s 3 Top Executives Have 8 Private Jets
- Google+ Takes Hangouts "Beyond The Status Update" With New Features
- Google updates Chrome with multiple user profiles
- Google prepping Siri competitor, codenamed 'Majel': rumor
- Gina's Tip: New "scribbles" feature in Gmail app for iOS
- Jeff's Number: LouisCK grosses 500k; nets 200k on open video