Inside TWiT Posts

Happy Labor Day!

Two New Shows Goes Read-Only

As you may have noticed, I have changed into a read-only web site, without logins and commenting.

The Lab Debuts April 23

No TWiT This Week - Happy Easter and Passover

We're taking the week off this week. TWiT will return next week. See you then!

TWiT, The Movie

The video from last week's TWiT is up. It's a huge 500MB file. Too big to put on a feed. You'll have to download it directly. Thanks for the bandwidth, CacheFly!

MacBreak's Back

G4 Acquires TWiT

OK I guess I was too subtle - this is an April Fools joke. I haven't sold TWiT to anyone, least of all G4!

The Lab With Leo Laporte

My new TV show, The Lab with Leo Laporte debuts in April, but I'm in Vancouver right now for rehearsals. Here's a short video of the new set we shot on Wednesday.

MacWorld Coverage

Happy Holidays

Thanks for making 2006 a banner year for the TWiTs.