This Week in Tech 467 (Transcript)
Leo Laporte: It’s time for TWIT. This Week in Tech.
Ben Thompson from Stratechery joins us, Dan Gillmor and me as we talk about the
week’s tech news. Those big layoffs at Microsoft, revelations about the
security of the iPhone, even iOS7 and why Netflix seems to have it all wrong
about me. Honestly it’s wrong. It’s all coming up next on TWIT.
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This is
TWIT, This week in Tech. Episode #467. Recorded
July 20, 2014
Netflix Thinks I’m a Bronie
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It’s time
for TWIT, This Week in Tech, the show where we cover the week’s tech news in
obsessive detail and usually have a little bit of fun doing it. So glad you’re here and glad to have our
guests. Dan Gillmor, journalist,, you’ll see his columns in the Guardian as well as
elsewhere. He also teaches right now at
Walter Cronkite’s School of Journalism for mass communication where he tries to
beat digital media literacy into the heads of the students of Arizona State
University. How’s that going for you?
Dan Gillmor: Good to be with you!
Leo: I think promoting entrepreneurship is
an easier thing to do with young people today.
I think they realize if they don’t make a job they’re not going to have
a job in any case.
Dan: Yep
Leo: Thanks for joining us Dan we appreciate
it. Also here from Stratechery, one of
the most insightful analysts, I’m quoting him all the time. On the scene today, Ben
Thompson. Good to have you Ben
and welcome
Ben Thompson: Good to be here!
Leo: @Monkbent on Twitter
Ben: That’s me
Leo: Is there a beat for Stratechery. I know
you do newsletter, that’s kind of your bread and butter. But you’re not aiming
it at investors or anything like that particularly are you?
Ben: I think it’s a great service for investors.
It gives a lot of context, what’s happening.
But I don’t give specific advice or anything like that. Wish they didn’t limit how much I could
charge as well. No I think, the way I think about is, I’ve been doing Stratechery
for about a year and a half now and giving pretty contextual analysis of what’s
happening in tech and what the newsletters does is that every day, three items,
not as long as the articles on Stratechery, but much more direct and to the
point. This is what’s happening, and why
I think it’s happening. Things to think about.
Leo: Most value added, there is so many
voices with tech news and tech stories. But there is so few talking about what
it means and I think Dan and Ben are really adept and that’s why we have you on
TWIT. That is what TWIT is all about.
Trying to understand what’s going on.
The biggest story, Satya Nadella dropped the other shoe and is firing
14% of Microsoft employees. The largest layoff in the history
of Microsoft. They announced this
on Thursday, but Nadella telegraphed that it was coming in a couple of cryptic
emails in which he implied that we are realigning the company. Most of these employees,
like 12,500 were Nokia employees.
I think, while it is a huge layoff, it does seem to me that of the
18,000 jobs the vast majority really are redundant people that were acquired
when they merged with Nokia. Ben is this
a sign that Microsoft is in trouble? Or it Microsoft doing
the right thing?
Ben: It’s funny because I’ve actually been
on vacation for the last week, which is unfortunate that this came down at that
time, because…
Leo: This is your natural beat isn’t it?
Ben: Yeah, one thing I’ve written about probably
more than anything else is Microsoft specifically. The challenges their facing, how they need to
align themselves going forward and I thought the first memo in particular was
very encouraging.
Leo: He got you too.
Ben: I think a lot of the criticisms
focusing on word length and that sort was…
Leo: 3,000 words
Ben: When you’re dealing with a company of
130,000 people, it’s easy enough to sit on the side and say it ought to be like
this. Without appreciating, this is how
it works in a very large corporation with tons of people who are going to be
hanging on every word. You were keeping
the company moving. There’s a lot that
goes into these emails. I agree in a
vacuum, it would be great if they could be short, succinct and punchy with a
comedic twist towards the end. That’s
not how these communications work. Actually, for communications for a Microsoft
in particular, I thought it was pretty clear.
It was we’re going from a company that just a year ago had their CEO
saying everything is about Windows. Windows matters. Windows, Windows, Windows. To a yes, very long email that said word
Windows, at least in the context of the PC operating system one time. They said the word Nokia one time. People
focusing on that, there is no change. In
my opinion, could not be more wrong. It was
a complete refocusing of the company. It
was very clear there were further shoes to come down. Obviously one of them came down this week.
Leo: That is what John Sculley said, this is
a typical email from a CEO. I know, I used to be president of Apple. You don’t want to be too specific. But you want to be able to say, point to the
email and say I warned you we were going to be laying people off. I told you.
Ben: The layoffs were,
I think they were quite clear in the email.
Leo: It was obvious. When they acquired Nokia it was obvious. Nokia has what, 25,000 employees? There was a lot of overlap.
Ben: That’s probably the most disappointing
thing. The fact that post-Nokia they’re still larger than they were pre-Nokia. I’ve actually been writing and suggesting
that they’re going to need more layoffs.
I believe they needed layoffs before the Nokia think even happened.
Leo: Yeah
Ben: I do still think is the case if you’re
talking about being a productivity company where you’re not one of the major platforms. You don’t need 105,000 people. It would have better in my opinion to have
cut deeper and to try and have done it just one time because I’m not sure that
this is going to be enough.
Leo: It’s pretty clear the stock market
likes, well the stock market always likes cut jobs. That means lower costs theoretically higher
profits. Stock market reacted pretty well, Microsoft stock took a fairly big jump
Ben: Microsoft stocks have been sailing, they
are up, they were somewhere between 25-30 for a decade. They’ve been in the 40s for quite a
while. I don’t think that’s because for
anyone that is serious about it. There
have been very clear shifts. I wanted to
write some things, I was looking for the right analogy. I was trying to find how long does it take to turn a super tanker. Something like 8 hours. Once you start the turning process, it takes,
it doesn’t happen right away. This is
the thing with Microsoft, if ever they were a supertanker in tech,
it’s them for better or worse. To me
that first memo was saying, ok turn starboard.
The actual process of turning to starboard to then express disappointment
that it hasn’t yet turned around is, I can’t think of
the word for it. It’s not a nice word.
Leo: You remember it,
you don’t want to say it. Dan does it feel like we’re only talking about
Microsoft because historically they’ve been important? Is Microsoft still relevant in a world where
everyone is using smartphones and tablets and the cloud?
Dan: Of course it’s still important. Everyone’s using those things but, a few
hundred million people are also using PCs and Windows. They’re clearly important. Their document formats are still largely
standard. Their doing a lot of stuff
that is going to be with us for a long time to come. I agree on that memo, it was certainly wordy
and certainly all over the place. You
had to read it in the context as a state of union address. Where
every department in the government is fighting to get some language in. Where it’s almost always a
giant mess. Most presidents go on
way too long when they give it. I think it’s
in that category. I agree with Ben that
this is a significant shift. I still
don’t quite understand why they bought Nokia in the first place.
Leo: In fact they’re retrenching a little
bit because the Nokia X devices were for Android phones, looks like some of them
are going to be Windows phones again.
Ben: Sorry just to jump in but this is one
thing that really irks me about this is people saying blame. I don’t know Nadella, but to blame him for Microsoft’s
state as a lot of this criticism does
Leo: Oh he inherited it He’s doing the best
he can to dig out from years of mismanagement.
It wasn’t just the years of mismanagement though. What Ballmer did on his way out of the company
with reorganizing and then buying Nokia, compounded to a significant degree all
the problems that Microsoft had.
Leo: Ballmer left him with Windows 8, a
giant Nokia acquisition, and a whole new goal devices and services.
Ben: Well it’s not a goal, it’s a tactic. A tactic
that makes no sense
Leo: Has Nadella abandoned devices and services?
Ben: Yes, that was the best thing about the
memo. He very explicitly moved on from
devices and services. He is like this is
nice, but we need to move on and this is what we’re going to do instead.
Leo: I would have like to have been at that
board meeting. See Ballmer still on the
board, Bill Gates is on the board. I’d
like to be a fly on the way. Satya says,
by the way we’re going to change, you know the devices and services thing? We’re not going to do that.
Ben: I have it right here. I have a quote from the memo, it says, More
recently we have described ourselves as a devices and services company. While the devices and services description
was helpful in starting our transformation, we now need to hone in on our
unique strategy. That is corporate speak
for good bye to the previous guy. All
this stuff now is about unpacking Steve Ballmer’s last six months. At the time I wrote, lots of people wrote
it. It still boggles my mind, that he
could have done all that on the way out the door.
Leo: Patterson in our chatroom says all CEO’s
have to remodel the kitchen. Is this
kitchen remodeling or this is going a little deeper?
Dan: Its way deeper and it’s pretty clear
that when the board hired this guy for the CEO job
they knew what was coming. Microsoft is
not an incompetent company, their board is a bunch of
smart people. Plainly he said, here’s is what I’m going to do if you make me CEO. They said fine. I’m certainly willing to believe that Steve
Ballmer was not thrilled with that but he’s one guy on the board at this point
and owns a lot of stock but that’s not enough.
I think this is an important shift.
I don’t know where it’s going to go but Microsoft certainly was running
along in place. Keep in mind, when they
run in place they’re still printing money.
At a spectacular rate.
Leo: But, you have to plan for the
future. You know that is not going to continue
forever. IBM is still around whether
they are as relevant I don’t know but at some point you have to make a
shift. The good news that
strikes me, the reason that Nadella got the job because he was running the Enterprise
side and the cloud side. The good
news the future is really a cloudy future.
A cloud based future. Microsoft
is well positioned with Azure to do that.
Ben: The other thing, Nadella opposed the Nokia
acquisition. He is absolute, 100%
cleaning up a mess that he didn’t create.
That acquisition, yes, they are smart people on the board but I do think, there will be changes there over the next year. To see just how much change the company is willing
to think about and go forward with
Dan: The devices thought, I’ve never been
believing that devices were their future in particular, but I have to say when
they really put their minds to making some good hardware they do a good job, a
hell of a job. The Xbox is terrific.
Leo: Well, Xbox 360 not so terrific. Xbox One was good. They’ve stumbled a few times.
Dan: They have, but they’ve also gotten some
stuff right. They created a real
platform with the Xbox. The Surface, the
new one looks really nice to me. I’m not
saying this is, there’s an element of lets beat Apple and some of the newer
stuff but that’s obviously not going to happen and I think they had to act on
that one quickly. On
the phones because they’re not going anywhere with those.
Ben: The phones they’re cutting though,
they’re cutting all the feature phones and the low end phones. They’re keeping the Luminas and the problem I
have with the devices, the Luminas are very nice and the Surface is very nice,
the most recent version, the problem though is the way you sell a device for a
premium is because it’s differentiated. You differentiate it most effectively
with your own services and your own software on top of it. The problem is the motivation to do that is
exactly opposite the motivation to be a great services company full stop. The services company work
on all devices. Needs to work on IOS devices, Android devices, these will work
all over the place. What’s encouraging
is Microsoft is making great strides there.
Office for IPad, obviously the most visible part of
this. It’s problematic for the
company to have these two diametrically opposed incentives going on. Especially given its history of being a platform
company and being the Windows company. It actually strikes me,
I think I’ll write about his for tomorrow, so you’re getting a preview. Maybe now, especially with Nokia this would
be the time to think about would it be better of being two companies?
Leo: Didn’t Nadella say pretty explicitly
I’m not going to get despite the fact that were moving away from devices and
services, I’m not getting rid of Xbox I think he implied were not getting rid
of Nokia? We’re not going to spin off or stop Surface. He did put the kibosh on the Mini Surface and
Windows RT.
Ben: Yeah it’s hard to say though because he
put those way down in the memo and barley mentioned
them. If you want to
get into corporate memo criminology, as a former employee...
Leo: They’re not on top, they’re not drivers
but they’re not gone
Ben: That’s true but it doesn’t suggest a
hide, you can go either way with this.
Reasonable people can completely disagree. I suspect Nadella personally is not a fan of
this strategy. He is very
attuned to the incentive argument that I just laid out, especially with his
background. It’s one of those things,
that’s a pretty, he’s done a lot that’s going to take more than six months
Leo: You know what might be most important
to do is to change the toxic corporate culture.
It strikes me and I’m not an insider obviously. But when I talk to
insiders they say that one of the issues for years with Microsoft was you had
all these divisions were really fighting against each other. The Office division was going to make damn
sure there was no Office in the iPad because that would under mind Office regardless
of whether it was a good strategy. Nadella made sure Office on the iPad came
out even before Office had a touch version for Windows. One of the things he needs to do is get rid of this toxic culture. The way they were stack
ranking employees, things like that.
Ben: That was Windows, not letting Office be
on other platforms.
Leo: Right.
Ben: Because they wanted that to
Leo: That’s right.
Ben: That was a reason to buy Windows.
Dan: It’s too bad they didn’t break up the
company about 15 years ago.
Leo: that’s what Dvorek
always called for. He said there should
be three Microsofts, you’d triple the value because
each company has value. But they have
different goals. There is no sense in
having it all be one.
I suppose Nadella could still do this but it seems that moment has
Ben: It’s funny because I’m sympathetic to
both arguments on that. Back when the
justice department thing was, they’re having their legal troubles. Even then it was still a very cohesive
positive feedback cycle for the company. Windows supporting
Office, supporting servers, supporting Office. Today, what is Windows really doing for Microsoft’s
cloud services?
Leo: It feels like Windows is legacy and
Nadella recognizes this. He’s saying we’re
going to be cross platform
Ben: The problem is you can say that, the CEO
can say that, and it gets into the corporate memo stuff and changing culture
stuff, but to actually have that trickle down through the bureaucracy and to
actually have people act differently.
Leo: Right, that’s my question. Is he
prepared to reinvent this toxic culture that has held Microsoft back?
You know the saying that’s pretty true is that culture eats strategy for
Ben: Totally, the thing about a toxic corporate
culture it’s not usually toxic per say, it’s usually more like rancid. It’s like food that was very good.
Leo: I think that is much more apt. Microsoft is not toxic it’s rancid. It’s gone
Ben: It’s gone bad. It’s not appropriate for the current
environment and to me that’s the worry. Everything
is to support Windows, everything must support our platform
and our phone. That’s the Microsoft,
that’s worked for them for 25 years and now that’s exactly what they need to not
do. I’m not sure that they can be done.
Leo: Talking about toxic corporate culture we’re
going to talk about toxic customer service.
The customer service call heard round the world. Coming up in just a moment. We got a call from Ryan Block’s mother
apparently yesterday saying Ryan does not want to be known for this. Sorry Ryan. Too late. Just as Kevin Rose is known as a raccoon thrower,
Ryan Block now is known as he who slays Comcast customer service. We’ll talk about
that in just a minute.
Ben: Put a link to the raccoon throwing
video on. I forgot about that
Leo: We got Kevin on the next day. We tried…
Dan: You really sure you want to go to a
commercial, what makes you believe you need to go to a commercial right now? Why
do you do that? Give us reason
Leo: I want to go to a commercial, please I
beg you.
Dan: We need a better reason than that.
Chad Johnson: You’ve interrupted the #1 technology
nut cast online. Why would you want to
interrupt this?
Dan: We can’t allow this,
you have to give us a better explanation.
Leo: I’m sorry, I’m still suffering from
post-traumatic stress syndrome from listening to that call and you do this
now. Dan Gillmor is also here, great
journalist and writer at the Guardian and now professor for some lucky students
at Arizona State who are getting him in the Walter Cronkite School of
Journalism. But first a word from our
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free. GoTo meeting. One of the things and we’ve played
this, it all started Monday or Tuesday, I saw Veronica Belmont post on Google+,
she said, were moving, and we wanted to replace Comcast with Astound. They’re lucky they live in San Francisco,
there are other choices. Most of the
country, about 80% only has a choice between the cable company and the phone
company. We called Comcast and tried to
cancel. Veronica is on the phone for 10
minutes, Ryan her husband is listening. Of course, Ryan we all know, both of
them have been on the show many times.
Ryan is listening and hears Veronica becoming increasingly frustrated. Fortunately
he starts a recorder and the whole world heard the customer service call from
hell. I’m not going to repeat because you probably all heard it by now.
Ryan Block:
You have to fill out the form that’s fine.
Please proceed to the next question and we’ll attempt to answer that if
Leo: Maintains his cool
Rep: Being that we are the #1 provider of internet and TV service in the entire
country. Why is that you’re not wanting
to have the #1 rated internet service and #1 in TV service available?
Leo: You just want to punch the guy
now. That’s only minute 12. Its goes on
and on. Ryan says on the sound cloud
post of the audio that he had already given the guy the reasons. It wasn’t that
he was withholding the reason, they guy didn’t want to hear the reasons. What we’ve learned since, I’ve received, Jeff
Jarvis has received, others have received messages, emails, posts from former Comcast
representatives, current Comcast customer service folks, 3rd party Comcast
customer reps and all of them pretty much agree that the issue is the corporate
culture that Comcast in effect pays these guys a certain amount and every time
someone cancels on their watch, they lose money. At some point they can get down to minimum
wage if enough people cancel on their watch. In fact, you’ll hear the rep very
early on say, can’t you just go to the Comcast store
and cancel there? That’s not because
he’s trying to keep Ryan from canceling, he’s trying to keep Ryan from canceling
on this phone call. This is another
issue that I didn’t know about, this is from Pastebin
post that went to Jeff Jarvis. The big
issue with Comcast, this is a guy that is a Comcast rep, the big issue Comcast
reps face is systems we use are broken.
As Comcast has essentially bought its way to the top the computer
programs haven’t been upgraded. I always
thought this, you’re on the line and there’s long pauses. He says frequently I have to restart my
computer with a customer on the phone but I’m not allowed to tell them
that. Comcast doesn’t want the customer
to know that their systems aren’t perfect.
Time is money if Comcast can push the blame onto the customer as fast as
possible that’s the best result. He says
the whole system, this is a toxic culture. Comcast apologized to Ryan and said
were going to look into this, this is never going to happen again. Ryan Block
very rightly so said on Twitter, I don’t want you to fire the guy I want you to
reinvent yourself so that you’re not the
company that promotes this kind of behavior.
Who hasn’t had this happen to them?
In fact, Ryan works at AOL, which was notorious for this kind of
customer retention. Have any of you had
calls, customer service calls like this?
Dan: Who hasn’t’?
Leo: Who hasn’t?
Dan: Getting a new customer is a lot harder than
keeping an old one. Or it should be. These guys as it’s quite clear their incentive financial and
otherwise is to not let anyone go, if at all possible. We just, speaking of San Francisco, we were
getting the San Francisco chronicle Sunday edition and finally decided after
they killed a section we particularly liked reading, there wasn’t enough to get
it anymore and I’ve spent 15 minutes trying to be polite to a guy who kept
lowering the amount that I’d have to pay if we would just keep it. We’re not, when you make a decision, you’ve
made the decision. It’s really odd and companies need to know how to take no
for an answer. To just move on, they
probably would be better off not having people annoyed with them all the time.
Leo: I think there’s ample evidence now that
treating the customer better is in the long run better. Look at Amazon. Here’s a company that’s customer first, you
call to send something back, they’re happily exchange it. Zappos is another example. Now an Amazon company. I think the evidence is strongly in favor of
having a better customer relationship and not worrying so much about customer retention.
Do you agree Ben?
Ben: Well, I love that we’re discussing this
story right after Microsoft actually. For two reasons. One
is, it really emphasizes or really shows off how powerful incentives are. Right? I’m happy to give this customer representative the
benefit of the doubt that has a nice guy, he’s a great guy, he goes out with
his friends and he doesn’t insist that he buy them a beer for 30 minutes.
Leo: Why won’t you buy me a beer I’m the #1
friend you will ever know. You’re never
going to get a better friend, you should buy me a
Ben: The whole point is this isn’t natural
human behavior but he is being heavily incentivized to act in a certain way and
that is not his responsibility that is Comcast’s responsibility. Incentives are incredibly powerful things
that act mostly on a subconscious level.
That’s why I worry for Microsoft if they have misaligned incentives, not
because there are bad people there that are dumb. Because people respond to incentives whether
they realize they are doing it or not.
This is just an extreme example of that.
Point two is, if I think the Comcast services
suck, what am I going to do?
Leo: That’s why this exists, it’s a
Ben: Exactly.
Dan: A cynic might look at this particular
situation and say Comcast in the throes of basically trying to gobble up what’s
left of the broadband industry apart from them.
One might think that if one was really cynical, that this is all a setup
so they can say to the world. See we
have competition, people want to leave us.
Leo: Ryan Block has a choice.
Dan: That’s unlikely, but it is odd there so
panicked about one guy leaving.
Leo: We invited Ryan to come on the show and
talk about this. He is declining to do
all media interviews because he wants it all to go away. You know what Ryan you did everybody a service,
this is the shot heard round the world.
David Letterman played it, the networks played it, and it was on the
news everywhere. It got a lot of play
because it resonated with everybody listening to it, we’ve
all been on that call. I have to think
this is going to have some serious impact on Comcast, perhaps on the
Comcast-Time Warner merger. This is a
company, maybe they’re not alone. Maybe
a lot of companies act like this. It is
pretty clear this is a company that is mistreating its employees and its
customers. Really should they be allowed
to grow any bigger?
Ben: I presume…
Leo: 5 million views, 5 million listens on
sound cloud
Ben: I don’t think it will impact though,
like I said, what are you going to do? I’ve
already disgusted with Comcast. How much
more disgusting can I be and I’m still going to be a subscriber because I value
high speed internet more than I value my integrity. I don’t want to give my money to you.
Leo: It’s so true. Stockholm syndrome. We are held hostage, I’m a Comcast internet
customer. I have a tale very similar, on
Friday I was late for dinner because I was on the line with Comcast. I actually pay Comcast twice for
internet. I upgraded to Comcast business
but I cannot for the life of me get them to turn off the consumer internet. I’m afraid if I do that they’ll turn off everything
and I can’t afford to be without internet, they have me.
Dan: At home we have 2 services,
we use Comcast as well as for DSL.
Leo: Sonic is awesome there is an example of
a beautifully run company.
Dan: If we had actual competition for very
high speed broadband, by the way Comcast, fastest service is not really all
that high speed compared to what people in other countries are getting,
Leo: Compared to what we’re getting in this
country it is
Dan: Absolutely, but it’s still laughable
when you think about what’s possible.
That’s the real issue here. We don’t have serious competition for actual
broadband and the way congress is going it doesn’t look like we ever will. That
is going to be tragic for the future of this country and innovation and
Ben: We’ve been having a few connection
issues with me here, I’m actually in the U.S. this
time, last time I was in Taiwan.
Leo: Welcome home by the way
Ben: Just for the summer, every time I come
back to the States its jarring,
Leo: It’s better in Taiwan?
Ben: How poor, infinitely better, I have
like 100 down and 40 up and I pay like $30 a month
Leo: Is it government run? Or is it a
private industry?
Ben: The whole net neutrality thing and
competition thing is very complicated in the U.S. but in Taiwan it is like it
is in Europe and other countries.
There’s a separation between owning the wires and providing the
service. There’s a lot of ISP that offer
service over the same wires. The other thing too, because it’s densely populated. DSL is actually more of a viable solution. If
you’re within a mile or two of a switch it can be very high speed. There’s more competition on the cable wire
and there’s more types of connections, which make it easier
Leo: Who owns the wire? Does the government
own the wire?
Ben: That’s a good question,
Leo: I bet it does
Ben: I think it’s the national, I’m not sure, I shouldn’t say anything because I’ll probably be
Leo: I’m really torn on the net neutraility
issue and this comes down to that. A lot
of people, including Alexis Ohanian and many people and at EEF and others think
that the solution is for the FCC to declare telecommunications, broadband
providers, covered by Title II of the Telecommunications Act that they are common
carriers, or utilities, hence should be regulated by the FCC. On the other hand
I’ve heard from other people that is the last thing
you want. Even at the EEF, I’ve talked to John Perry Barlow, it’s said among
the board at the EFF, While yes we want a free and open internet, many of us
think the worst thing is for the government to start intervene on how the
internet is run. Title II could be in
fact the worst thing to happen to the internet and it’s hard for us to know
ahead of time. I think that everyone
agrees on, the real key to this is having true competition. One way to do it is to have the government own
the infrastructure and then open up the internet providing on top of it to a
total competition. The reason we have
monopolies or a duopoly is because it so expensive to put the cable in the
ground that the FCC said to the cable companies you can have a regional
monopoly to pay for the cost of trenching.
Maybe the time is to give that up.
I do feel like completion is a solution.
Is that even viable in the U.S.? We have such a mess going on right now.
It just seems like it’s better than Title II which has
huge inherit risks.
Ben: I’m very mixed as well for many of
those reasons. There is a lot of stuff
going on here. First off the government did give, remember this started with community
access television which was basically a shared antenna, which is how cable got
started. In this case, because
government didn’t want to pay for the installation they made a deal. Yes the government provided lots of value,
particularly in imminent domain, but the actual cost of putting the cable in
the ground was born by shareholders.
Leo: I noticed that as soon as we start
talking about this stuff, the internet goes to hell. We’ve lost both Dan and Ben. You know who our provider here in the brick
house studios? Comcast. I think they pulled the switch.
Ben: I know,
they’re mad at us. I’m back now.
Leo: I don’t think it’s you guys because it’s
happening here. The worst company in the
Ben: I’m here, can you hear me?
Leo: Say it again, I hear you Ben. We’re going to take a break,
we’ll continue this conversation while we attempt to get our internet back in
Ben: It’s a good thing,
neutrality is a very big private hole we may never come out.
Leo: Every show we’ve had in the last six
months has ended up in this net neutraility discussion. I’m just more and more
coming into the opinion, competition is the solution. Whatever we can do to do to foster competition
is going to be better than having heavy handed government regulation of the
internet because all of a sudden I don’t want to adhere to FCC rules at TWIT. That would be the worst possible thing to
Ben: I think it’s a little overdone. You’re right on it’s another incentive
issue. We need to have the right incentives
in place. The incentive should also be
to keep building infrastructure. Marc
Andreessan had the best statements in this whole thing, the problem with
comparing the internet to the sewage system is we don’t crap 10 times more in
10 years.
Leo: Yeah, Comcast, there is some legitimate
concern from the internet service providers that we’re using a lot more
bandwidth all the time. There’s a back
and forth over Netflix right now. Verizon released a very deceptive diagram
that clearly shows using colors, the problem is all Netflix’s. Because Netflix is red and everything else is
green. A lot of people looked at the diagram,
and said it’s obvious. Level 3 chimed in
and said that’s a little misleading. The
real issue is not how much bandwidth is inside of Netflix’s network, how much
is inside our network, how much bandwidth is inside Comcast. In all 3 cases there is plenty, it’s the interconnects, what level 3, which is one of Comcast’s
backbone providers, has said again and again.
We are willing to give money to Comcast to upgrade their
interconnect, their interconnect is not fast enough. We are providing them with bandwidths in a
giant pipe and they have a little bitty pipe and they consistently refuse
Verizon, Comcast, the five big ISPs in the U.S. refuse to upgrade that
pipe. We’ll even pay for it. The reason is, they
want to put the screws to Netflix. You
see, it’s all Netflix’s fault but it’s really that little pipe, in this case, Verizon
has attached. It’s a mess, it’s one of the subjects to
have to have expertise in technology, politics, inside information on how the
backbone is working. No one really, no senator,
no congress member could possible fathom this.
No member of the court system, no technology journalist, it’s something
so hideously complex.
Dan: It’s not actually Leo.
Leo: Good, cut through this.
Dan: The technology and the back is complex,
but you had it right the first time. You
separate the provision of the access, which is the service, from the content
inside the service. That’s not easy to
do at this point because we’ve let these people create these mega companies
that combine it and we’ve given them permission to decide what goods get
delivered. That doesn’t have to be. They can make plenty of money by being the
providers of the pipe and selling access to the people who then in turn provide
it to the rest of us. It’s really, Title
II is a problematic thing to do, but it can be done with a very light touch
that could encourage competition. I
think we’re trying to think about the horribles that might happen when we can
see right in our face things that are going on and going to get much worse in
the near future if we don’t do something.
Leo: I agree
Ben: Very well put
Leo: Bob Frankston, one of the creators of VisiCalc. He’s a big promoter of community internet. He says local comminutes should use imminent
domain to take over these infrastructures that the phone and cable companies
have put in. Thank you very much, nice
job, you’ve amortized your investment, glad about that, now we’re going to take
over and we will lease them back to providers.
As many providers as we possibly can to provide competition. This is public infrastructure. This is the gas, the sewer, the water and
we’ll run it and we’ll let many companies float over it. For sure, if you do that there we’ll be one
company that were not going to in anyway restrict what you do. We’re not going to packet sniff, one
company. Sonic that is a good example of
an independent service provider, who for a long time said, we’re not metering,
we’re not shaping, we’re not doing anything, you get all the bits you want.
Dan: The costs of providing the bits is
dropping like a stone
Leo: Right
Dan: The arguments from the telecoms, all
this stuff that is being used, well the cost of providing is dropping and their
ability to get more and more in the same lines is expanding at a pretty rapid
rate too. I’d hope we get this right.
Leo: I despair. There is no way
Ben: Now were getting into the lobbying, the
money and government
Leo: It’s just crazy,
none of this is ever going to happen. We
get the internet we deserve.
Ben: You are going into the next topic with
a very depressing tone.
Leo: Let me lift you up. Surely there is a great tap dancing kid who
can do great yo-yo tricks that we can just show that video for a few seconds
and everyone will forget their troubles.
Chad you must have something like that.
Ben: That will work perfectly
Chad: Let me look into my bag of tricks.
Ben: We need Kevin Rose throwing of the
raccoon. That will work perfectly.
Leo: Kevin Rose throwing a raccoon. Anything like that that we can?
Dan: Well you could play that call again.
Leo: No that’s depressing too. We need
really to have a little bump or something that can drop in. That’s what YouTube is for. YouTube is to
distract us from the grim reality of our lives.
I believe that’s in their charter.
Dan: Until, Comcast throttles.
Leo: Yeah, until Comcast throttles.
Chad: Here you go, I
have the next best thing.
Leo: Okay, ladies and gentleman, pause for
this word from
Chad: From a child with spoons on his
Leo: Thank you very much child
Child with
spoons: oh hello, I didn’t see you there. I was too busy blocking out the
Leo: Thank you YouTube, our show today
brought to you by…
Dan: That was awful.
Leo: It doesn’t matter. It cheered you up. If you are managing a giant project, a giant
software project and you are daunted by the challenges posed. Surely, you have
heard of Atlassian and their great product Jira. If you haven’t, try it right now! Jira is one
of the most powerful, customizable issue and project management systems. We were talking about how important software
systems are in a company like Comcast. Where the systems don’t work then the
reps can’t do their job and the customer service suffers. Having great systems can transform what
you’re doing and Jira is an example of that.
It can capture you’re workflow, and organize and prioritize what you’re
doing, take action on what’s important, stay up to date with the activity going
on around you. You can capture,
organize, and prioritize. All the issues
of the tasks, the features, the bugs in your giant project, give your team a
very easy to use interface and lets them collaborate
in real time. Actually, play a video on
that Atlassian Jira site because it really is if you’re in this situation, you
know you need this. You can integrate
all the documents from all the different places, your back logs, your issues,
in fact that allows the team to follow the code all the way from development to
Chad: I didn’t realize this, but I’ve
actually been using Jira for years.
Leo: What?
Chad: Let me see if I can find it.
Leo: You’re not a programmer
Chad: No but I’ve been using it because
Minecraft’s bug tracker has been a Jira product they are using. It’s wonderful because I have intimate
knowledge of everything because I’ve issued a few bugs. They do these amazing
things with it.
Leo: You can see the activity stream on the right,
Chad: You can see the activity stream on the
right. This is kind of amazing. These
are the bugs that are created and the bugs that are resolved.
Leo: That is looking good.
It shows off the known issues.
Leo: Is this something Mojang uses?
Chad: Yes, Mojang
uses this, the creators of Minecraft.
There are a lot of really nice features like you can merge if one topic
is posted and posted a second time by another user that didn’t realize it was
posted, so you can merge topics. You can
easily add screen shots and crash reports and there’s comment history and you
can close and open tickets. It’s just
It’s funny you’ve been using it.
I’ve been using it for years! And I kept thinking this is such a great
system. Whoever built the system is so
good. It was Jira Atlassian this whole
What’s nice is I’m sure Mojang is added to it. They make it very easy to add for your
specific situation, it’s flexible and easy enough for a five person start up
but reliable enough for a 100,000 people that’s why NASA uses. 70% of the fortune 100 use
it and 25,000 companies including MOJANG.
If you haven’t tried Jira you can go to and try it
now. Monthly plans are very affordable
as little as ten dollars a month for ten users but we’ve got it free for thirty
days and I think you will be pleased.
Systems make such a difference in large projects. If it’s just you, you don’t need it, but if
you’ve got a team, and try it for free for thirty days and we
thank you for your support. Big
thinkers are watching this show and that’s good news. Okay, we are not going to
talk about net neutrality. We’re screwed
and it’s over. No, I don’t know what’s
going to happen but we will find out.
You mentioned that we expected to see the Microsoft Word change to a
little to reflect Satya Nadella’s goals for the company. Google is doing a little of that. I see that Alan Mulally who just left as CEO
as one of the most respected CEO’s in the U.S. Truly a genius who not only
turned Ford around but made sure it was protected and they never took government
loans when all the other big three did and they don’t have the problems that GM
is going through right now. Mulally
retired as CEO he was briefly mentioned to be considered to be CEO of Microsoft
but that was never in the cards. He wanted to have some time with his family
but he has taken a job as a Google director and will be on the board of Google. I was looking at the board of Google
directors and here is an example of a company that has created a board of
directors that very much signify the direction the company is interested in and
of course Larry and Sergey the founders are on it, and Erick Schmidt is the
chairman. John Doerr investor and I
think is part of the investment that got the seat. Diane Greene,
founded VMware, so there’s your cloud and your software folks. John Hennessey who is
president at Stanford, so there’s actually two academics on the board. President of Princeton as well is on the
board. Then Pau Otellini, formerly CEO
of Intel is on the board. This is all
Google. Ann Mather is on the board. She worked at Shutterfly and Netflix. You’ve got a board that really reflects, and Mulally going to the board of course is automotive, all of
the interests that Google has, former Amazon guy Ram Shriram, right now
Microsoft’s board is really a hodge podge.
You’ve got John Thompson who is very active, former IBM guy. You’ve got Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Satya Nadella,
and the rest of them seem like place holders.
I can imagine a reinvigorated Microsoft board, would not only help the
stock market understand what Microsoft is up to but help Satya Nadella forge
his vision.
Ben: It’s not the most attractive job in the
world though.
Leo: You get a lot of money don’t you?
Ben: You do, most people who are considered
for these positions don’t need the money.
Leo: It’s a prestigious, hey I’ll volunteer,
I can help
Ben: The interesting piece on the Microsoft
board is they have the value act
Leo: The activist investors got a seat.
Ben: Right, that will be interesting to see
how that plays out. I think the Bill
Gates question is still out there.
Obviously, it’s going to be more involved under Nadella.
Leo: You don’t see any evidence that Bill is
advising Satya Nadella at all. Where is Bill’s
hand in any of this?
Ben: I’ve heard he’s been on campus more
frequently. I did hear that a few months
ago, I don’t know if that has continued to be the case. In general, Microsoft’s board will always be
weak as long as he is on it
Leo: Sure, because if Bill stands up and
says no, we’re going to do this. People are
going to listen.
Ben: Yeah, the thing with Google, their
board is way weaker. They can’t do
anything because the way Google’s shares, corporate government is set up. Sergey and Larry Page and Eric Schmidt have complete
Leo: Oh really
Ben: The board is really just there, but
they can’t actually do anything.
Facebook is the same way. It’s
interesting for lots of reasons. A lot
of people, obviously on Wall Street and finance are concerned about it. There’s obviously
plusses and minuses
Leo: I would think at least you use the
board even if they have no literal power in an advisement capability. They have very smart people.
Ben: Absolutely, if anything else the Google
board is spot on and I think that’s what they’re doing
Leo: Very impressive, all of them man, these
are good people and they can be very helpful in guiding you even if you, Larry
Paige, are making all the decisions
Ben: That’s also a much more attractive
job. You’re on a company that’s going in
the right direction, so there’s not much pressure.
Leo: Right. Apple has teamed up with
IBM. I’ve got to find the picture of Steve
Jobs flipping off the IBM sign. Back in
the early days, here’s the image. He
very famously, they were just starting out. They were young,
they were full of vim and vigor. He went
to the IBM building in New York and very famously flipped it off. For many years IBM was the hated, evil
empire. In the 1984 commercial it was
pretty obvious who the woman holding the hammer was throwing it at. It was IBM.
Things have changed a little bit in the modern era. IBM and Apple are
teaming up for a huge Enterprise push.
Ben, I figured you’d understand.
Is this a big deal or is this PR material?
Ben: No this is huge deal and it’s a really
brilliant deal. It really came out of
left field. I haven’t heard anyone
talking about this previously. The
reason it’s a big deal, Apple is succeeding in the Enterprise in a way they
never have almost by accident right now.
They have done work on the product side for IOS to make it work well in
the Enterprise especially is IOS 8 it has quite a bit, for the first time, the WWDC
Keynote had and devoted to the enterprise.
They have a slide
Leo: A slide
Ben: They spend a little bit of time talking
about it. Obviously, it’s a very big market, Blackberry has traditionally
dominated it but IOS is becoming the default device there. From that perspective, they’re well shaped
from a product perspective. Microsoft
knows what lots of Enterprise companies know is and it’s hard to build an
Enterprise company is that Enterprise the product is one very small piece of
the whole puzzle. It’s the support, the
working with IT, developing needs, developing application that are specific to
Enterprise, its working with their system, with their backing systems, with
their cloud whatever that might be. All
of that is messy, it’s dirty, you go in and listen to the customer and tell them
what they want to hear and you respond to their needs. It’s very counter to Apple’s philosophy and
way of developing products and this is why Apple is always disdained in Enterprise,
not because there is not money there, there’s a ton of money there. Because it would poison the culture that they
have around building the best possible products
Leo: Well in some ways it was Enterprise
that always disdained Apple right?
Ben: Absolutely, for good reason. There was
mutual hatred on both sides. Both well
deserved to be perfectly frank. Now what
Apple is basically getting is IBM is going to do all of that. They don’t need to develop all that messiness
and worry about it. I would imagine from
IBM’s perspective, IBM is probably getting a very good deal out of this. Apple is going to go get the device money
which is all they want in the end anyway.
They might get a little extra for support, but IBM even Enterprise deal
the product is only a small part of the total cost. The service on top of that
is where most of the money is made. I
imagine, for both companies it’s a massive win-win. Apple can sell much more effectively, way
more devices. And IBM has a marquee product to base their Enterprise strategy
around. It’s a brilliant deal. It’s very hard to see any downside to it to
be perfectly honest.
Dan: it’s not the first time IBM and Apple
have worked together though. They go
back to the Power PC, the Telligent project
Leo: Right
Dan: Thinks like that but Apple was a lot
smaller, in those periods
Leo: That’s a good point. Pink, the whole IBM, by the
way, which never emerged.
Dan: No, it was classic vapor work. There
was a joke in the 90s when people were talking seriously about Apple and IBM
and at one point there was a rumor that IBM was going to buy Apple.
Leo: I remember that
Dan: There was a riddle that came out of
that, what do you get when you combine Apple and IBM? The answer was IBM.
Leo: That would change today wouldn’t it?
Dan: It sure would.
Ben: The difference is those, both Power PC
and Telligent were products. They were
working jointly on a product. In this
case the lines of division are very clear.
Apple provides the product and IBM provides the service. Because IBM doesn’t build products anymore,
to me that gives the partnership a much greater chance of success. Going back to incentives, the incentives are
very well aligned for this and that’s the key to making any partnership work
Dan: I’m pretty sure IBM will end up getting
some small cut of the hardware price too.
It’s a very smart deal for both companies
Ben: Pretty likely
Leo: Is it targeted against Microsoft or
Google or both?
Dan: Yes.
Leo: Microsoft has a very compelling
enterprise strategy, right? If you’re in the enterprise, already you love
Microsoft, and it seems with Windows Phone there’s a pretty nice unified
platform there.
Ben: They don’t actually.
Leo: They don’t?
Ben: This is the one thing about using
Windows Phone is Windows Phone is, the most recent version has kind of added
some basics like some must haves when it comes to enterprise, but they’ve been
way behind iOS when it comes to enterprising.
Leo: Interesting. I would just assume they
would pay attention to enterprise; it plays such a big part of Microsoft’s
Ben: Well Windows Mobile was for sure, but
Windows Phone they reset, and it was very split to consumer product and in my
mind, that was really the nail in the coffin for the whole thing. Had they kind
of granted Apple and Android the consumer space and said okay when the ships
sails in 2010, we are going to be the enterprise phone, take over for Blackberry.
Leo: That would have been a smart move.
Ben: Yeah. I think they would be in a much
stronger position.
Leo: Clearly the iOS has taken over for
Blackberry, not because it’s got such a great enterprise store, but because
that’s what the users wanted. B-Y-O-D they brought their own devices and it’s
always an iPhone.
Ben: It has the best enterprise support of
all the major platforms.
Leo: It does.
Dan: Android has been pretty messy, the
Samsung and others are actually doing some pretty heavy lifting to try and make
Android more enterprise friendly.
Leo: Samsung has Knox, which is a secure
Dan: Right.
Leo: Although at Google IO they did announce
they were going to allow you to have the mullet of phones; your Android Phone
will have a party in the front, business in the back, or was it the other way
around? You have your business stuff, and it would be separated from your
personal stuff.
Dan: Which is easy to do now for all kinds
of reasons, including the fact you can pack so much storage into a tiny device.
Leo: Interesting: A story coming out of
HOPE, the Hackers On Planet Earth conference in New York City this week, a
slide deck from Jonathan Zdziarski, I hope I’m saying
your name right, Jonathan, identifying back doors, attack points, and
surveillance mechanisms in iOS; we had talked quite a bit on our security show,
Steve Gibson had looked into the White Papers Apple had put out about security
first, on IPhones, particularly on the newest iPhones, and came away quite
impressed. I don’t know, I forwarded this document to Steve and we will talk
about this on Security Now on Wednesday but holy cow if you read these
PowerPoints, I guess the big take away from this is that Apple has all sorts of
services; well this is it: Apple has worked hard to make iOS devices reasonably
secure against typical hackers, but they have put all sorts of stuff in to
allow law enforcement access to this data, and in fact, all iOS devices are
currently running a packet sniffer that allows these devices, with the appropriate
software, to look at everything that’s going on over the network entirely. In
fact, the iPhone is terrifying. There are undocumented services that bypass
encryption. You may assume if you have an iPhone, when you shut it off and you
have the lock screen on, that your data is encrypted; not in fact the case. If
they device hasn’t been rebooted, all the data that has been encrypted can be
accessed, easily, with….all of Apple’s software gives up its information
immediately, completely easily, it’s really quite a surprise, now we haven’t
heard Apples’ response to this yet, but I would most particularly like to hear
about this lock down D and packet sniffer that is apparently running, I mean a
PCAP D, Zdziarski asked why we need a packet sniffer
on six hundred million personal iOS devices?
Dan: Because it’s there.
Leo: It’s there!
Dan: Look, all of mobile is a horror story
now when it comes to privacy and security , it’s all a
gorror story now.
Leo: Well I get that’s the message; that
those of us who thought foolishly, “oh, Apple is protecting us,” we now know
that’s not the case. Is that right?
Dan: I don’t know why anyone trusts any of
the major technology companies, when it comes to things like this because the
laws are basically against us ever finding out. They get served with these
national security letter or other secret government orders and they can’t tell
us about it. I think they need to do a better job of fighting for us but this
is going to take a while to fix, for sure.
Leo: This is what Jonathan says: he says,
“com dot apple dot pcapd immediately starts libpcap on the device, dumps network traffic and response
data travelling into and out of the device, it does not require developer mode,
it is active on every iOS device, it can be targeted via wifi
for remote monitoring, so you can use wifi to get
into somebody’s phone and monitor the network with it, there is no visual
indicator to the user that the packet sniffer is running, and it’s on every
single iOS device. Now again, this is Jonathan’s presentation. He is a very
credible security researcher, he does offer an example from iOS seven one point
two the current version of iOS, of a hex dump that he got from a phone, it’s pretty terrifying. You tie that with Edward Snowden’s
conversations, most recently with Daniel Ellsburg at
HOPEX, HOPE was a good conference to go to, I’m sorry I missed it.
Dan: I was actually there yesterday and
Leo: Where you?
Dan: And just got back; it’s a really
fabulous conference. Think of it as Defcon for people
with social responsibility. It’s pretty wonderful.
Leo: It was started by Emmanuel Goldstein of
Twenty Six Hundred, was it not?
Dan: I believe so.
Leo: Is it still run by them or?
Dan: They are still involved. It’s a
wonderful gathering.
Leo: Did you go to the Snowden event?
Dan: I actually missed that, but it was so
crowded nobody could find you in the room.
Leo: Pretty popular.
Dan: Well actually it was so crowded, most people couldn’t get into the room. Actually, a
lot of people got in, but most people didn’t. Or a number of people didn’t,
Leo: Snowden’s been saying some interesting
things, I have to say. For instance, he says if you want privacy, don’t use
Dropbox. Dropbox is the most anti-privacy of all the services. He points to the
fact that Condoleeza Rice, the former Bush official
security Advisor who he says was very instrumental in privacy reversals during
the Bush administration, is on the board of directors. He recommended an
alternative, which we have recommended as well before…
Dan: SpiderOak
Leo: SpiderOak,
yeah I’ve used SpiderOak for some time, your data is
encrypted prior to its transfer up to the servers. Dropbox, as we know,
encrypts your data, but everybody at Dropbox has access to it.
Ben: I missed this paper, like I said, I’ve
been on vacation.
Leo: You’ve got some reading to do, Ben.
Ben: I do. Were all these, I’m a little
confused by the packet sniffer on a phone thing. The phone is running its own
OS, isn’t that by definition of packet sniffer? Is all of this about having
local access to the phone or…
Leo: No. Because he points out you can get wifi access to the phone and then sniff it, and law
enforcement can turn it on. You know what, I am not an expert on security, you might want to go to Jonathan’s website: Z-D-Z-I-A-R-S-K-I dot com. He says he
published this in a paper months ago, but it wasn’t until he put it in a
PowerPoint slides at HOPE that anybody talked about it, which doesn’t really
surprise me. But we’re talking about it now, and I think it is worth probably
paying more attention to it.
Dan: You know mobile privacy in general is
such a joke because of permissions that the applications all demand and I’ve
just moved my two phones to Cyanogenmod which is a
third party Android variant that has much better privacy built in, but I don’t
take for granted that even that is going to be sufficient. This is a problem
that I’m not sure the market itself is going to be able to solve because in
part of the concentration among a few carriers that are practically married to
the government when it comes to push to shove so we really have a big, big
difficult problem to solve here.
Leo: At least Cyanogenmod
is open source, so it presumably could be monitored. What we learned with True
Crypt is that you could have access to your source code, it doesn’t mean it’s
secure, it means you have access to your source code and we’re all, those of us
who are unable to look at the source code and really, truly vet it, just hoping
somebody is doing that.
Dan: Well the Windows version is still
binary, so that was always one of the issues, was that Windows version of True
Crypt no one really knew what was going on but even they said, basically don’t
trust any of them.
Leo: Yeah
Dan: That was the implication.
Leo: Yeah. They’ve given up.
Dan: Well there is a project that may come
together, if they can find a way to do it, to get the True Crypt Lennox code
and work with that for a new project. But there are ownership issues.
Leo: Of course the Johns Hopkins researcher
who raised money was on Indie Go-go to do a True Crypt audit is continuing on
with his audit, I guess he has access.
Dan: Matthew Green.
Leo: Matthew Green, that’s right.
Ben: There is, I think, a silver lining
here, which is law enforcement now, according to the Supreme Court, does need a
warrant to access your phone. So at least from that perspective, in all
likelihood, that’s going to be a legal protection.
Leo: Well it helps you on the ground; it
helps you if you get pulled over in a traffic stop and the cop takes your phone
and plugs it into a device and takes a data dump. You can’t do that anymore,
without a warrant, but it doesn’t help you against the NSA in the least.
Dan: No.
Ben: That’s another thing.
Dan: And then there are these systems police
have working in lots of places around the country, to basically scarf up
everything, and fake out the tower and pretend that they’re one of the cell
phone towers…
Leo: Yup
Dan: And that’s where the traffic goes. And
they’re making deals with the manufacturers to keep it secret and the
government is ordering, the federal government has ordered several cases that
the locals not tell anyone what they are doing. This is, again, if we had a
Congress that actually did its job, I would hope that
some of this stuff would change.
Leo: Can we get that kid with the spoons on
his eyes again? I’m getting pissed. Now I have to read a commercial.
Dan: Yeah, we need something.
Leo: This is the most depressing TWiT ever. So I want to know more about HOPEX, I love the
name: Hackers On Planet Earth equals HOPE, and it sound like it was a great
conference, so maybe you can tell us a little more about it when we come back,
Dan, how about that? Our show today brought to you by Audible dot com; we’re
going to talk a little later on about Amazon’s new Kindle. That’s nice but I
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making, involves fermentation.
Ben: Just be careful it doesn’t become
Leo: That’s right. We’re stewing, but we
don’t want it rancid. And kid’s books, you bet. Now one of the things that…
Ben: I’m going to get you in trouble with
your advertisers.
Leo: You already are. No, no, no, no
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Audible dot com slash twit two, actually, Lisa and I, it was kind of fun,
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We listened, it was so much fun. So it’s something you can do with a friend,
too. Audible dot com slash twit two, we thank them for their support of This
Week in Tech. Dan Gillmor is here, writes for The Guardian, professor at the
Cronkite School at Arizona State University, where he teaches kids
entrepreneurship, and how to think for themselves, damn it! Dan Gillmor dot
com, G-I-L-L-M-O-R dot com, and you’re at Dan Gillmor on the Twitter, right?
Dan: That’s right.
Leo: Also from Stretechery,
Ben Thompson, great analyst, and you worked, I didn’t realize you worked at
Automatic, I guess you mentioned that the last time you were here, and what did
you do with Automatic?
Ben: I was working on growth stuff, growth
and marking type stuff. So I know enough programming to work there, which is a
prerequisite, but mostly working on Word Press dot com, specifically, helping
us get more users, retaining the users we have, so…
Leo: I love Matt Mulligan, the creator of
Word Press. What he’s done with automatic is smart, because they have the
nonprofit, open source Word Press, but they also have the commercial side,
which supports development. And that’s a great way to keep something like that
alive, and vital and fluent.
Ban: Well
Word Press is a huge community and works the dot org a lot as well so, I have
to say that because I know Matt always hates when it comes across as the dot
com does everything, but no, it was a real honor working there and obviously,
my business is built on Word Press, and lots of people’s are, so it’s really an
amazing product.
Leo: I still use Word Press for my personal
Dan: I use it for () and I admire Matt and
those people a great deal.
Leo: yeah, yeah.
Dan: They have walked the walk in ways that
almost no one else have ever done.
Ben: Well especially being in journalism, I
mean, the impact of blogging generally, and the fact that there are no more
gatekeepers when it comes to publishing content. More than anything, I mean,
along with the infrastructural issues with journalism, and being digital and
all that sort of stuff, but along with that has had such a huge impact, and
really changed what it means to be published, to be out there, it’s now easy to
be published and that changed it for me, that’s for sure.
Leo: On that note, maybe I’ll mention that
the blogger conference, that’s coming up in San Jose, we have some people here
in the studio audience who are here for Blogher,
B-L-O-G-H-E-R fourteen, Blogher was always about
women bloggers, right? But bloggers in general, and it really a great
organization, so, is the conference this week? How exciting.
Dan: It’s their tenth anniversary, and
they’re amazing people. Lisa and her team, they’ve really done a great job.
Leo: Yeah. Lisa Campbell-Hart, Paige and
their team have really helped foster not only bloggers, but you know as we
always say, we pay a lot lip service to getting women into technology, they’ve
really done it. Without being demeaning in any way, I hope it’s not demeaning
to say that. But we don’t want it to be a boy’s club, that’s a bad thing.
Amazon has decided it’s going to do a Netflix for books, ten dollars a month,
it’s called Kindle Unlimited, and it is lunching, I’ve seen it on the front
page of Amazon, I briefly considered it, and then I saw that none of the books
I wanted to read were part of it. I like the idea, but it’s not the entire
Amazon bookstore, and I’m sure as long as publishers have anything to do with
it, it won’t be. What do you think, The Verge says, “Amazon’s Netflix for books
might be doomed before it’s started.” Is this a good idea, bad idea? This isn’t
the first Netflix for books; Oyster Books has been doing this for about six
months or so, maybe a year.
Dan: You know, first I have to do a
disclosure: I own a small amount of Amazon stock, but I have to agree with you,
I’m not going to pay for this. It’s too expensive for not enough. I suspect,
and I have absolutely no knowledge or further insight into what they’re doing
internally, but I’ve got to believe they are going to end up with tiers of
service like other companies and that maybe it will be three dollars or
something for a part in the catalog and onwards so if you want to read all
self-published books it will be a lot cheaper than (Unintelligible)…
Leo: Well that’s how Netflix
Dan: But they don’t want to be part of it
yet, and it’s very unclear, by the way, as an author, I have to tell you, it’s
very unclear to me whether this is a good deal for me as an author, I’m not
Ben: There’s a few, several problems why:
One, this is interesting, and two, why I don’t think this particular one is
going to work. First off, for Amazon, specifically, it doesn’t seem, it’s
probably not the best idea to be raking over the publishers and trying to
extract every last penny from their pocket even while you need their support to
launch a new kind of service. Perhaps as part of these notorious negotiations
that Amazon has been undergoing with publishers to get the support, but
regardless, you need publisher support to do this. And right now they don’t
have it and I don’t think it’s complying for that reason. Two, though, I think
this is a very interesting way where they’re actually, the publishers ought to
figure out someone, or among themselves, a way to do this, because I think it
is very compelling to have a Kindle alternative, like a big problem is because
they insist on (Unintelligible) around the publishers do, that locks everyone
into Kindle, and there is no real alternative and that’s why they are kind of
behind the eight ball in these negotiations, and it would be very interesting
to see if they could, if there could be a real alternative to Amazon that would
kind of break the Kindle’s power over e-books, by using this model as an
alternative to the Kindle model. The problem though, from publisher perspective
is that there are a few whales, when I was at Microsoft, I worked under the
publishing category for the (Unintelligible) store and one thing you learn
about the book industry is that it is a whale sort of industry. There are a few
people that buy a ton of books…
Leo: Oh, is that true? I always thought when
you said whale I thought oh, you’re talking about Danielle Steele, you’re
talking about either big publishers or big authors, but you’re talking about
big readers.
Ben: Yeah, for sure. I worked on the Kindle
app for (Unintelligible), a big thing was you had to constantly test for people
that had over ten thousand titles in their library. Like, it was insane. And
again, it wasn’t very many people, but there are a few people who by multiple
books a week and these people…
Leo: Really? Do they read them or what?
Ben: Yeah, no, there are voracious readers
that are just reading constantly and they support a lot of the industry and so
in particularly in reading where it is a smaller market than for music, for
example, where everyone listens to music, a lot fewer people read books, and
that makes this much more fraught because if those people move the description
model, you’ve just given up a whole lot of revenue, and it’s not clear you’re
going to make it up on the other side.
Dan: I have a really good Netflix for books:
it’s called my Public Library.
Leo: Good point.
Dan: I’m very happy with it.
Leo: Fortunately, most of the whales don’t
go to the public library.
Ben: No, because they want what they want
right away.
Leo: They want to own it. You know, I look
at this and Oyster Books and it’s very much the same list; Amazon is claiming
six hundred thousand books, Oyster Books five hundred thousand, but if you look
at the titles on one, it’s very similar to the titles on another. Both of them
have the old, but still probably valuable Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People, the big best sellers, I was looking; you know the thing that I use as a
litmus test is a book I’m reading right now by Donna Tartt,
Pulitzer Prize winning book called The Goldfinch, neither store has that, and
that would be frustrating, if you wanted to read the current best sellers, you
wouldn’t find it on either store. So in that case, in that respect it’s very
much like Netflix Streaming or Amazon Prime Movies, it’s got movies, it’s got
books, just not the ones you want to watch, or read. I do think it could all
end into tiers, as Scott (Unintelligible) said, in that maybe if you pay five
bucks more you get more. But I wonder, I do worry
about authors. Do you really think Amazon wants to basically be the publisher?
They did offer, for instance, and I don’t think any of the publishers took them
up on it, they said, “Look, if we can’t get a book from you, can we just print
it? And send it to our customer?” A print-on-demand service for publishers, I
don’t know how they are taking to that. Doesn’t Amazon just want to get the
publishers out of the business entirely?
Ben: No, I think Amazon sees, they’ve
actually been very vocal about this, they see the publishers as being dinosaurs
in kind of a, what’s the word, something of a past era, that doesn’t need to
exist anymore, a relic, of a past era, and there’s reasons to be, you know,
sympathetic to that. I think I mentioned briefly the upheaval in publishing
that blogs have done, well, you could argue there’s no reason
e-books shouldn’t have a similar effect. I think that’s where you’re
going to get a (Unintelligible) questions on DRM, all the sort of issues that
go into digital and you can see Amazon’s point, in a way. Then again, Dan might
have a different view; I’m not a published author.
Leo: Yeah, how do authors feel about that,
Dan: It depends what author you talk to .The
ones who are the big selling ones, they’re going to stick with what works for
them very well, which is the traditional model.
Leo: Right.
Dan: But the economics of it have stopped
making sense for all kinds of reasons, and the whole idea that we should all as
authors be forced through this orifice of five big publishing companies that
increasingly are indifferent to the finding of excellence as opposed to things
that will sell. I’m just ready for some big changes and the fact that Amazon
took such a giant market share has a lot more to do with the publishing
industry letting it happen without having any counter response at all, and
certainly fighting it every step of the way, on one hand and then working with
it on another.
Leo: They had the same kind of schizophrenic
response to the music industry.
Dan: Yeah, and the production cost, you know
there are costs in publishing and in music but there’s some similarities and
again, I’m not a typical author partly because I put my work out under creative
commerce licenses, so people can download them anyway. And by the way, that
does not hurt sales, which people think it’s counterintuitive, but it’s not.
There’s a whole new ecosystem emerging that we’re still just getting
glimmerings of. I think, my hope is, that Amazon will not dominate it as much
as they have dominated it so far, because that’s just not healthy.
Leo: Yeah. Jerry Pornell
loves Amazon and loves e-books, but he’s an author who has a fast back catalog.
And for him, he’s a long tail author, I guess. For him, something like Amazon
is a boon. No bookstore is going to carry all of Jerry’s books. Actually, they
Ben: Well it’s a gatekeeper thing, too, if
you’re already a published author you’re already in the club so of course you
love to see the club continue. It’s the same thing, like once upon a time, I wanted to be like a columnist for the New York
Times, right? But I didn’t want to put in my, no offense to the journalists in
the room, but I didn’t want to put in my years of covering city hall and
covering meetings and things like that…
Dan: Sorry, kid, but you gotta.
Ben: Right, but what’s so marvelous about
the web and about blogs and all this other stuff is I don’t need to ask permission,
I can start something up and nothing is granted to me, I need to earn an
audience and I need to earn people trusting me and not just to read but I don’t
need to ask anyone’s permission to do it and that’s what is potentially
exciting about e-books as well, is that if we can get to an area where an
author can sell himself; and yes, some authors who are happy with the current
system, of course they don’t want to do that because they don’t want to they
don’t want to do the work, just like how a lot of journalists don’t want to do
the social media stuff, because they just want to do the work, but that’s not
the world anymore.
Dan: But you don’t need permission to write
something, increasingly, though, you need access to the new form of
distribution which is not manufacturing and putting in trucks, but rather
having people know it’s there.
Leo: Which is hard.
Dan: Which is getting
harder and harder to do. And that’s one issue, and I worry a lot about
that in the net neutrality ballpark. But the thing that really is poisonous
right now, I think, in publishing, when it comes to e-books, is the
incompatibility of the design of all the formats and the fact that these guys
all want to, or at least they give the appearance of wanting to, own the
ecosystem for themselves. And there are residents there with some of this
control stuff in other parts of the tech and communications ecosystem. We
really need to fix this.
Ben: That has to do with the publishers,
right? The publishers have given Amazon the hammer with which they are being
hit by insisting on DRM. Like if there were no DRM for e-books, Amazon would
have a whole lot, they would still have the actual hard cover book power,
because they are such a huge distributor, but they would have one of their arms
tied behind their back, as it were. I’m mixing metaphors like a madman.
Dan: It’s not just DRM, it’s the, part of
it’s the file format that sometimes are, well you know from Microsoft, that are
difficult to translate, but there’s a lot of books you can buy on Amazon’s
Kindle now that are not DRM, but you can’t read that file in anything else.
Leo: It’s MOBY.
Dan: If we had some standard formats, and we
do have a few standard formats, the problem is that they are not great yet at
working on a variety of devices and if the big publishers were smart, they
would be doing, you know, they would get together to do their own things, but
also continue to work with Amazon.
Leo: Another day, when we have more time,
Ben, I’ll ask you about the MOBY format because obviously you know the insides
and out pretty well, having written the Kindle reader.
Ben: A bit. But I think Dan’s point is well
taken and…
Leo: There’s no standard.
Ben: Right. And you can totally see Amazon
following the (Unintelligible) where Office documents are now in Open Standard,
they are certified as such. But no one can actually implement them the way
Leo: Is e-pub the way it should be? Is that
the standard we should all be adhering to? Is that good enough?
Dan: The new one is pretty, it’s getting better.
From my-
Leo: That’s the open Me Book standard right?
Dan: There are some better and better tools
for creating electronic documents. I’m optimistic about this; I think it’s
really going to come together.
Leo: I have in my hands a box that could have
contained a Fire Phone, but doesn’t. At the end of the week, Amazon’s phone
will come out, something that Amazon has been working on for years, was rumored
to be working on for years, in fact that rumor is
true. The Fire Phone, I presume neither of you have seen one, neither have I,
well, I did get a box, it’s empty.
Dan: Adventures in packaging.
Leo: Weird, isn’t it? I wonder, is this just
a Me Too, is this, I mean, like the Fire TV, something Amazon, it’s a
placeholder, keeps Amazon in the game, or is this a game changer?
Ben: Well, I don’t think anyone is going to
say it’s a game changer.
Leo: No, it’s another phone, right?
Ben: I think the charitable description of
it is it’s a way to get more out of Prime buyers, it’s for Amazon’s fans, and
the other thing is that it’s an experiment, and they’re figuring it out, until
they can innovate in more interesting ways, particularly when it comes to
pricing and things like that. The problem that I have that’s very similar to
the Microsoft one in that I think it’s problematic for Amazon from an incentive
perspective, the last thing they need to do is worry about supporting a device
ecosystem that has a fraction of the market when they need, when their bread
and butter needs to be killer on all the platforms. Like, is it Firebug or
Leo: Firefly.
Ben: That-
Leo: That’s kind of cool. You have a button
on the side of the phone, you push it, it will scan,
take a picture of whatever you’re looking at and give you information about it,
whether it’s a Wikipedia article, or how to buy it cheaper on Amazon.
Ben: It is cool, and they’re not bringing in
a button on an iPhone.
Leo: No.
Ben: But they do have similar capabilities
on the handset now, but that needs to be there on day one. More
important, for the company, in my opinion, but…
Leo: We call it the showrooming button. So
you can go into Best Buy, get the low down on a product, take a picture of it,
and go get it on Amazon.
Dan: I might add that if they provide that
service for my current phone, I might add it, but would I buy the Fire Phone? I
couldn’t imagine buying that at this point.
Leo: I think it’s a shame, in a way, I mean
they are entering such a mature market; I do think Firefly is cool I think
Mayday is cool; they are going to add the button where you get instant help.
The one that they have on their Fire tablets, within fifteen seconds some nice
person comes on and you can ask her to marry you and it’s great. That’s
Ben: Except for like, the one time you get
the Comcast rep who…
Leo: That would be bad, “I can see you and
you’re not using the number one e-book service in America.” We’re going to take
a break; a couple of final stories. Ben Thompson is here from Stretechery, Stretechery dot com;
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Speaking of Netflix, hey, good news! Netflix now has a private surfing button,
so I can watch My Little Pony videos and not get busted! You know it’s been a
problem, you watch one My Little Pony movie, and that’s all they recommend now.
It’s kind of embarrassing. Actually, it was only a matter of time; I think this
is a good idea. They won’t necessarily be on your Netflix account right now;
they’re rolling it out, testing it; but a Private Viewing mode on Netflix.
Everybody wants a little privacy. Yes, I’m a Bronie.
Ben: I think there’s lots of ways you could
take this news. The thing is, anything that depends on recommendation
algorithm, I think this is particularly welcome, although there’s some funny
thing about recommendation algorithms, how they tend to know you, what you say
you’re interested in, can be very different from what you’re actually
interested in. But I wonder…
Leo: It goes way back to TiVo, remember the
thumbs up, thumbs down and that article “My TiVo Thinks I’m Gay?” I have the
modern TiVo, Romeo Pro, whatever it is, and it records, it has such a big hard
drive, it records like daily, every day, twenty new
shows, based on what it thinks you want. I actually had to take the Spanish
Language channels off the channel guide because it kept recording shows in
Spanish for me, for some reason. I don’t know, I don’t understand. So you’re
right. Recommendation engines… yes the dancing. I shouldn’t dance in front of
my Xbox One, it’s sending that information back.
Dan: I have to ask, who is this private
Leo: Ah!
Dan: Clearly, Netflix knows what you’re
watching anyway, right, and is this like, private from your spouse and kids, or
what? I wasn’t clear on what that gets you.
Leo: That’s a very good point. I guess it’s
private from the recommendation engine and that’s that.
Dan: Well that has value.
Leo: It doesn’t go in your log. So you’re
right, it’s mostly, you know what? You’re right; it’s not private from Netflix.
It’s not private from the NSA. It's only
private from your wife. That’s who it’s private from.
Ben: It makes you think about the cheapening
of the word private. Like, what does private mean?
Leo: Right. Right.
Ben: Because there’s lots
of things, I believe Chrome has a private browsing mode, and we
certainly know that nothing Google related will ever be private.
Leo: Right.
Ben: (Unintelligible)
Leo: You really think that if I go into
incognito mode, that it’s sending information back to Google anyway?
Dan: of course it is.
Leo: Oh.
Dan: They say it is. They don’t promise
anything except that it won’t show up in the history.
Leo: so really, private means private form
your spouse. In every case.
Dan: I think it won’t record any history, it
won’t record any, I don’t know if it will save cookies, you know it’s sort of basic privacy in the
instance in the browser from someone with access to your computer, but I don’t
think anything worth it.
Leo: Right. Rupert Murdoch put Time Warner
in play; I think he just does it for fun. Bid eighty billion dollars on
Wednesday to buy Time Warner, the content side of Time Warner, he wasn’t
bidding for the cable company. Time Warner seems to have rebuffed that, but now
that has put them in play with a lot of other companies, including ESPN, Warner
Ben: Well I think Time Warner went off Time,
with all the print (Unintelligible), which Murdoch just also (Unintelligible)
as well…
Leo: No one wants to (Unintelligible), if
you’re smart, you’re not buying magazines these days.
Ben: Right, but I think you mentioned ESPN,
and what’s interesting about this is Time Warner has a decent sports portfolio,
and that’s something that Rupert Murdoch was very interested in developing, he
started Fox Sports One, it’s not doing very well, and (Unintelligible) ESPN
drives half of Disney’s profits, it’s incredibly lucrative and very resistant
to the disruptive things that come with television, because it’s live, it
commands a big premium. That whole arena is certainly interesting for that
Leo: I should say that Warner Brothers did
not put in a bid for Time Warner, that would be weird,
since they are owned by Time Warner. That was a, I misstated. Dell is accepting
Bitcoin for online purchases. This is just publicity, right? Because
they immediately cash it in for American dollars. Or is there something
here, is there something going on? You can buy your Alien Ware Gaming Machine
with Bitcoin.
Ben: I’m aiming to support Bitcoin as soon
as I can on my blog
Leo: Really?
Ben: Why not?
Leo: We take Bitcoin donations. I have seven
point six Bitcoins right now, thanks to our listening audience.
Ben: I would do the same thing, where it
converts into (Unintelligible) cash. I mean, if people want to pay in it, by
all means. I think probably the (Unintelligible) Bitcoin news is that, getting
into things like fifty one percent tax, or more potential, and things along
those natures, but as far as companies supporting it, I think you’re right, it’s
good P.R. when they get an article written about them and (Unintelligible)
Leo: They immediately turn them into
dollars, right?
Dan: But I don’t think it’s just P.R. I
think that’s probably a large part of it, but it’s really worth it for these
companies to be learning what they can about the new forms of currency that are
coming along and more than that, the Bitcoin story, I’m increasingly convinced,
is not about currency, but about the protocols, and what they’re doing is
pretty stunning, when you look deeper into what Bitcoin means. I’m saying this
without sufficient depth on it, I’m studying this hard now, and I’ve become
convinced that Bitcoin is a huge thing, not so much because of the currency,
but because of the architecture. I think this is profound and important.
Ben: I agree, I completely agree. And it’s
worth noting that by the way, from Dells’ perspective, the (Unintelligible)
fees make a huge difference, I mean I’ve (Unintelligible) enough in credit card
fees to appreciate that there’s is a financial benefit to this as well.
Leo: What is Coin Base take? Because
basically what happens is I think the transaction goes through Coin Base they
turn it into US dollars immediately. But you’re saying they take less than a
credit card company would.
Ben: Oh, yes, significantly less. Obviously,
theoretically, Bitcoins could be free, usually to get it processed in the time,
you could pay a very small fee, through a credit card, which is two percent.
Leo: Who’s your carrier, Ben? Because you’re slowly fading into the sunset.
Ben: I’m in Madison, so it’s Charter Cable.
Leo: Oh yeah. Charter, oh yeah. I think this
would be a good time to wrap it up; I’m just looking to see if there are any
other real huge stories. I guess there was one question I had for you, Dan
Gillmor: did Newsweek ever recant its cover story about discovering the creator
of Bitcoin, hiding in plain sight in Los Angeles? I think everybody pretty much
agrees that was not Satoshi Nakamoto they found.
Dan: Great question, I have no idea.
Leo: They just hope nobody bring it up
Dan: You should ask every week.
Leo: Hey, Newsweek, is that Satoshi? Is that
still Satoshi? Is it?
Ben: Well I think it is Satoshi Nakamoto…
Leo: Just not THE Satoshi Nakamoto. Hey, we never said it was THE Satoshi Nakamoto, just some guy named Satoshi Nakamoto.
This was in Newsweek in March, went back to the newsstands, had stopped
publishing paper issues, it was the first paper edition in a long time, they
had a cover story: The Face behind Bitcoin. Leah McGrath Goodman wrote the
story, said she has sources, Newsweek said, “We stand by this story,” and at
this point it’s obvious they have the wrong Satoshi Nakamoto.
But nobody is going to mention it. That’s it. We don’t care. March is so off
the news cycle now, we don’t care anymore.
Ben: Well it’s that Newsweek isn’t
particularly important.
Leo: I think it means that you can say
anything you want, and if you survive a few months, you go unscathed.
Dan: Let’s see where it is on Google.
Leo: Search for Newsweek and Satoshi Nakamoto. Dan Gillmor, there are some lucky students at the
Arizona State University, he’s a Professor at the Walter Cronkite School of
Journalism there and entrepreneurship, and modern creative thinking and all
jazz, basket weaving, I don’t know what you teach there. They’re lucky to have
you; it’s nice to have you. Are you still living in the Bay area, or have you
moved down there?
Dan: No, we still live in the Bay area, I’m
part time on the faculty there, and I go down there physically one week a
Leo: Awesome. Like I said, it’s nice to have
professors who actually come from the real world, so they are very fortunate to
have you. It’s also great to have you, Ben Thompson, one of the best analyzers
out there, whose blog is free to read, Stretechery;
but he also has a paid newsletter, you can learn more at the website: Stretechery. And how’s the podcast going? Last time we had
you on here you had just launched it, is it going well?
Ben: It’s going very well, with James
Allworth, a fellow from, he was at Harvard before, he used to work with Clay
Christiansen, and now works for a start-up end of …
Leo: Oh I love Clay Christiansen, we’ve had
him on Triangulation, Clay’s really fascinating.
Ben: Yeah, we spend a lot of time talking
about more the impact of tech on society, most of the of the theoretical stuff,
we spent quite a bit of time the past few episodes actually, you know, there’s
all that debate about disruption and I agree in part, because I’m more of a
skeptic, James is probably more of a defender, so if you’re interested in more
of that business theory stuff, or tech in society, definitely check it out. Its
Exponent dot FM.
Leo: Exponent dot FM, or you can get to it
form the Stretechery site. Thank you so much Ben,
thank you, Dan, thank you all for watching. We do TwiT
every Sunday afternoon, three PM Pacific, six PM Eastern Time, twenty two
hundred UTC. Love it if you watch live, we’ll see you in the chat room, it’s
great to get your feedback and your input as we got through the show. You can
also visit us in the studio, big studio audience today, it’s great to have you
all, just email, you don’t have to, but it’s nice if you email tickets at TwiT dot TV and we’ll make sure to have a chair out for
you, and you know, free food…no. Alcohol? No. Nothing like that. Maybe a balloon on your
way out. I think we have, the new TwiT pens
are here, you’ll each and every one of you get a pen.
Hey, don’t forget, we’re having a little bit of a party. This is our third year
in the brick house, we moved in on July twenty forth, twenty eleven,; we’re
going to have a little open house this coming Wednesday the twenty third, if
you would like to come by, there will be cake. You stick around, we can put out
a little cot in the basement for you, you can stay, and you’ll get cake. So
please come by anytime on Wednesday. Thanks to Chad Johnston who does such
a-oh! I have more to talk about! Yes, thanks to Chad Johnston, I was going to
give you a plug, Chad.
Chad: Thanks, sorry, I’m taking over.
Leo: Chad Johnston who produces the show,
books the guests, he is running the board right now, he
does everything to make the show happen I really appreciate it. I thought last,
just the other day I was just thinking, “thank goodness I have Chad on this
Chad: Aw, thanks, man.
Leo: He also pays attention to the fact that
we are doing a vote right now on our next TwiT shirt.
We like, Lisa says we’re going to open a regular store, but we like to do a one
off thing every month where you can get the shirt, but only for thirty days. We
have four designs we purchased from Ninety Nine Designs, and we would like you
to do is visit those designs, pick the one you like the best, and then vote for
it, and we’ll have the vote go on for about a week. What is the address for the
straw poll? Just got to Inside dot TwiT
dot TV, that’s our blog, that’s where you’ll see the designs, and then there’s
a link there. We want you to see the designs before you vote, obviously. Don’t
show the results!
Chad: Don’t show the results?
Leo: Wait, I’m getting conflicted
information, Lisa is the boss, show the results. So far, you can change, oh
see, it’s very close, right now it’s the brick wall that’s winning, but the
Spotlight is really close; Steampunk kind of taking up the end there.
Chad: Over one thousand four hundred votes
are in.
Leo: But that’s not the end of the game,
vote all week long, so keep your votes coming in. Inside dot Twit dot TV that’s
a Squarespace site, so go ahead, everybody go there
all at the same time. Don’t all vote all at the same time, that is not a Squarespace site.
Dan: Straw Poll is very good.
Leo: Because we used to be able to bring in
data, has Dan got it on the hot.
Dan: Oh yeah, they’re up to; let’s look at
how many Straw Polls:
Leo: There’s quite a few.
Dan: Yeah. Over two
million now.
Leo: And (Unintelligible) who designed that
originally for NSW.
Dan: For NSW.
Leo: for NSW. Yeah.
Dan: Now over two million Straw Polls
Leo: Over two million served. Is there any,
let’s see, oh this is going to be a big week for TwiT,
there’s a lot of results coming in, the Microsoft Quarterly, the results, let’s
see, I think Mike Elgan has a run down.
Mike Elgan: Coming up
this week, another big week for earnings, Netflix reports their financial
results on Monday, July twenty first, Apple, Microsoft and Verizon on Tuesday,
Facebook and CallCom get their turn Wednesday, and on
Friday, July twenty fifth, Amazon’s Fire Phone ships at last from AT&T,
that’s all coming up this week, back to you, Leo.
Leo: Thank you, Mike Elgan.
TNT, Monday through Friday, your daily dose of tech news in the morning at ten
AM Pacific, that’s one PM Eastern, seventeen hundred UTC. If you want to find
out what’s happening, that’s the show to watch. Or Tech New Tonight, which is
at four PM pacific, seven PM Eastern. I don’t know, I
can’t even do the math on UTC. Its twenty three hundred UTC.
Thanks for joining us. Hey, we’ll see you next time, if you can’t be here live
you can always get the show on our website TwiT dot
TV wherever podcasts are aggregated: the Stitcher,
iTunes, Xbox Music, and of course our
great TwiT apps, thanks to our third party
developers. Another TwiT is in the can, take care!