
This Week in Google Episode 640 Transcript

Leo Laporte (00:00:00):
It's time for TWiG This Week in Google with Stacy Higginbotham, Jeff Jarvis, and Ant Pruit. We're all here! We'll talk about Jack Dorsey leaving Twitter, and who his replacement will be. Some ideas for Twitter's business model going forward, Black Friday shopping, and why it's dropping. And then all the new features coming to Google. There's quite a few for the holiday season. I think we've got a jampacked show ahead. This in Google is next. Wanna see my shoe podcasts you love from people you trust. This is,

Leo Laporte (00:00:42):
This is TWiG This Week in Google episode 640 recorded Wednesday, December 1st, 2021. Oh that Brett Taylor, This Week in Google is brought to you by OurCrowd. OurCrowd helps accredited investors invest early in pre IPO companies alongside professional venture capitalists. Join the fastest growing venture capital investment community at And by Udacity. Udacity offers online education. That's geared toward people looking to take their technology to the next level. Get the in demand tech skills you need to it's your career. Visit to learn more. And by CacheFly. Give your users the seamless online experience. They want power your site or app with CacheFly CDN and be 30% faster than the competition. Learn more at It's time for TWiG This Week in Google, the show we cover the latest news from Google and the Google verse, including the metaverse. I can say that now the metaverse the Twitterverse, that kind of thing. Stacy Higginbotham is here. Nicest person, longest name Stacy on I Great to see you, Stacy. Hello? Hello. At @gigastacy on the Twitters, and of course she does the Stacy on IOT podcast with Kevin Tovo. It's just the IOT cast. Ant Pruitt is also here. My friend in studio. Yes. Yes. Hands-on Photography HOP, hoppity, Hoppin, And of course, get the, get the chorus ready? Get the barbershop quarte. Ready? Clear your throats. It's time for the Leonard Town professor for journalistic innovation at the Stacey Higginbotham

Speaker 2 (00:02:37):
Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig.

Leo Laporte (00:02:48):
This show is in the front to the musical spirit. The Craig Newmark graduate school of journalism at the City of University of New York, between our theme enough. And that we really, the theme was worse. Yeah. Is the theme worse? Is it okay? No, the theme I, the,

Stacey Higginbotham (00:03:04):
You want just makes me think of Monty Python. <Laugh> you want

Jeff Jarvis (00:03:07):
A great TikTok acount and a Lapwood organ.

Leo Laporte (00:03:12):
Maybe I should get Anna Lapwood and her organ to play our theme. Oh boy. He's on. I don't think

Jeff Jarvis (00:03:19):
I should do. And the Lapwood organ. I think it's one word.

Leo Laporte (00:03:23):
Okay. Well I just I'll search for three and see what I find <laugh>.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:03:29):
So Leo, I will tell you, I found we were talking about coffee makers before the show. Yes. I found a quiz in art. Ooh, that grinded brew single serve system. Perfect. That will support cake cups, but also will grind the beans if you want. Ah that's and put them in a recyclable cake cup. That's perfect

Leo Laporte (00:03:50):
Use. Oh, so let's do this by the way, she's an organized conductor and broadcaster. All right. Yeah. She's she's quite amazing. And let's let's a lot of fun on

Jeff Jarvis (00:03:59):
Tiktok. Here's a little, You gotta start it over again with sound. You, you check your sound. It's not working. We check the sound

Leo Laporte (00:04:07):
And it did. She's like in a big concert hall. That's like

Jeff Jarvis (00:04:13):
An opera Albert Hall, Albert.

Leo Laporte (00:04:17):
Yeah. Cause I can, I can feel that

Jeff Jarvis (00:04:21):
Now that is music! Should we have that as your intro? <Laugh> oh,

Jeff Jarvis (00:04:26):
<Laugh> play another one. She, she does the foot one. That's great. She's amazing.

Leo Laporte (00:04:31):
Festive feet.

Jeff Jarvis (00:04:32):
There we Go. Yeah.

Ant Pruitt (00:04:41):

Leo Laporte (00:04:41):
That's quite a, quite a feat, F-E-A-T.

New Speaker (00:04:42):
So Mr. Jarvis, this is the TikTok. You should recommend, sir. This is oh, so you're okay with this. You like this?

Jeff Jarvis (00:04:53):
Huh? All right. Do one more, one more find TikTok. Not that music.

Leo Laporte (00:04:55):
This is great. Okay. 

Jeff Jarvis (00:04:58):
Well don't get me going. I'm gonna start crying about SANDAG.

Leo Laporte (00:05:01):
Oh yeah. Love me too, Mr. Sonim of course. Here's the one that at least I see a lot of motion.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:05:15):
So I learned the organ when I was a kid that instead of the piano, I remember

Jeff Jarvis (00:05:20):
You saying that once. Really?

Leo Laporte (00:05:20):
Yeah. Did you have one of those hand organs at every living room in the fifties set in the house that

Stacey Higginbotham (00:05:26):
Cat, maybe it was, it was from my grandparents. So

Leo Laporte (00:05:29):
Possibly they bought that in the encyclopedia. Botanica bot a whirl boat. Yeah.

Jeff Jarvis (00:05:34):
Yeah. So between 1880 and 1900, the number of pianos in America went front and homes went from 800,000 to four, one in every 15 homes to one in every five homes. Wow.

Leo Laporte (00:05:46):
Wow. Figure that out. And then the radio came out and they got rid of exactly.

Jeff Jarvis (00:05:50):
Nah, never wanted get rid of it. But I tweeted that and everybody said, I got a piano. I'm trying to get rid of me. You can't get rid of you. You gotta pay to get a ticket away.

Leo Laporte (00:05:57):
Now I miss every once in a while, you'll go somewhere where there's no TV, there's no internet and people have to entertain themselves. And it's wonderful because people will do that. They'll sing. They burst a song. They'll do little skits. They'll play, you know, charades. It's so much, it's nice. What, what you do on your cruises? No cruises. They get all that stuff. You don't have to. They get people to do that for you. You know, that's the whole point of a cruise. All right. Big story. Big story broke a couple of days ago. Jack Dorsey very suddenly leaves Twitter. He, this is his tweet. Not sure anyone has heard, but I from Twitter is from after 16 years of having rolled our company from co-founder to see, we should say by the way, I think a lot of people think Jack Dorsey invented Twitter, right?

Leo Laporte (00:06:49):
That is not the case Jack Case. He, he was at the, he was at the company, Jack BI, Jack biz, E EV, and then the know invented is, is a fourth person who thought had this, the fifth Beatle. Yeah. He's, I've forgotten his name now as everybody else has. But they were swinging on the swing sets at south park in San Francisco. And he, and they were trying to figure out what to do cuz OIO, which was here was a good idea of William Williams had why don't we do a company, a podcast company I'm make podcast. We'll just have a directory and tell people how to download them called Odo O D E O. And that was such a floppy. He ended up paying the investors back. He gave the investors back. Wow. Which is

Stacey Higginbotham (00:07:28):
Pretty amazing. Noah Glass.

Leo Laporte (00:07:30):
Was that his name? Noah Glass. Noah Glass. Yeah. There's the man. Yeah. You, you know what? You could probably get that from oh, the best book about Twitter is Nick Milton book about Twitter talks. Twitter about that. Yeah. Is that the name of it? Hatch. Hatching. Twitter. Yeah. Very good boy. You gonna moon memory <laugh> sometimes. And Noah Glass was the guy who thought it up, but these guys were all there anyway. 16 years having a role company from co-founder to CEO, to chair, to executive chair, to interim CEO to CEO, Jack says it's time for me to leave. Why? What? Well, no one knows. No one knows. Well

Stacey Higginbotham (00:08:01):
Actually Dan prac had a really good story talking about what's the theory. So his theory is that Elliot management, miss Elliot was unhappy with it.

Leo Laporte (00:08:10):
That happened last summer,

Stacey Higginbotham (00:08:13):
Last March in Twitter. Yeah. They gave Elliot a board seat. They accepted some things, but yeah, behind the scenes, Elliot had wanted new management and more product innovation. And I think they just kind of influenced the ask until they got it is kind of his theory. They

Leo Laporte (00:08:33):
Pushed it and pushed it and pushed it or Jack just,

Stacey Higginbotham (00:08:35):
And finally made sense to him. I'm

Leo Laporte (00:08:37):
I'm well, one of the things Elliot, which, who these folks, Elliot management are AC what they call activist investors. They take, they buy a stake in a company, big enough stakes that they've got listened to. And then they go in and they really do try to shake things up clean house. And one of the things they didn't like was the fact that Jack was splitting his time between Twitter and square. Yep. His other company controversial. So he's gonna stay at square. I think also <laugh>, there's something to be said. I, I, let me see if I bookmarked this. Did you see how

Speaker 6 (00:09:06):
He says the whole founder led is, is pretty much a, a problem nowadays or it becomes

Jeff Jarvis (00:09:13):
One at some point kind of right. It wasn't he kind of saying that, that it's okay for a while.

Leo Laporte (00:09:17):
Who said that? Jack Jack said it.

Speaker 6 (00:09:19):
Not in his message in that statement.

Leo Laporte (00:09:20):
Yeah. I'm like, that's, there's also, there's also, I, I can't remember where I read it, but it was an article saying, well, it's interesting that all of these people are leaving just as soon as it becomes hard. Exactly.

Speaker 6 (00:09:32):
Exactly. Stuff is hitting the fame. And there's all kinds of content here around your platform and people are calling you out because everybody has a megaphone to do so now, so yeah, taking that money and running that's all

Leo Laporte (00:09:45):
The new CEO it's funny. The stock market, when they saw the rumor that Dorsey was leaving, Twitter stock went up and then as soon as they heard who was replaced and PIAG ARA wall, they went, oh, and the stock tumbled. Yeah. He's a CTO. And the reason, the thinking is that stock market didn't like it because he's an insider and they wanted fresh blood. They wanted somebody who come and figure out what is really the challenge for Twitter, which is given it's it success it's position in the mind share of America. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> not necessarily the number of users, cuz that's not really growing, but it should be doing better. It should be making more money. And why isn't it? That's what the stock market's asking. And they figure, well, agro is wall is just gonna do the same thing. Agar wall agro. Is that how you say a wall? I'm sorry. Auger wall. Yeah. It's a G R a w a L. So I'm saying it phonetically auger wall, wall AWA wall, but I don't know. Wait,

Stacey Higginbotham (00:10:45):
Jack founded square.

Leo Laporte (00:10:47):
Oh, along with F Williams. No,

Jeff Jarvis (00:10:49):
No you no, no, but

Leo Laporte (00:10:51):
Not F oh square. Square. Yeah. Yeah. Jack Square's Jack's baby. Yeah.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:10:55):
So he's,

Leo Laporte (00:10:58):
There's a famous story of him going to a maker space and actually 3d printing the first cuz the whole thing about square was you got the, when, when it first started for free, they send you the card reader that would go on your iPhone. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> into the headphones, Jack. Remember those and headphones Jack and, and there's the stories he would go to the maker space, I think in the east bay here and, and 3d print him until he came up with one. I mean he was very involved in other words.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:11:23):
Yeah. But I I'm just saying that because he's he was complaining about founder-led companies.

Leo Laporte (00:11:29):
Right? Well he's still, how was square

Jeff Jarvis (00:11:31):
Versus Twitter is much younger. Square was founded

Stacey Higginbotham (00:11:34):
In 2009.

Jeff Jarvis (00:11:37):

Leo Laporte (00:11:37):
That much. He's gonna, he's going stay on the board for a little bit, but he really wants to leave. And he says, I'm gonna leave because I don't want to be over overseeing, you know, I want Parro to have his, you know, and by the way, this is a weird transition cuz usually there's months of preparing mm-hmm <affirmative> I'm gonna leave in Jan June 1st, nothing Parro started that day.

Jeff Jarvis (00:11:59):
This comes cause they a long search going on. He said, so it's been going on for some time. Okay.

Leo Laporte (00:12:05):
Brett Taylor will be the board chair,

Jeff Jarvis (00:12:08):
Which I think is really Brett got two jobs this week. Yeah. He Brett did how the co CEO of Salesforce and the board chair of Twitter and Brett is a really good guy in the valley. I'm and co CEOs

Leo Laporte (00:12:20):
Are always a terrible idea. Yeah. That's all I'm gonna say. I want you to know this is my decision says Jack, I own it. I was a tough one for me. I love this service and company and all of you so much. I'm really sad yet. Really happy. There aren't many companies that get to this level and there aren't many founders that chose their company over their own ego. I know will prove this was the right move. But then you

Jeff Jarvis (00:12:43):
Also has crypto currency aspirations

Leo Laporte (00:12:45):
Too. Oh yeah. Well interestingly par Agra wall was also in charge of Twitter's crypto stuff. I presume still will be

Jeff Jarvis (00:12:56):
CTO. Well, the belief is he'll carry on blue sky. Yeah. In trying to come up with a distributed architecture, which is where I have the biggest hope we've talked about this show a few weeks ago. I, I think there's a lot of hope for the next level of the internet in that kind of distribution, that kind of value

Leo Laporte (00:13:09):
Add layering from the point of view of a for profit company, it's kind of, of hard to see how that helps Twitter be a successful company. Mm-Hmm <affirmative>

Jeff Jarvis (00:13:18):
I think there's a lot of, of value added services they can put on top, which you'd pay for, which would get premium advertising, which could have commerce. I think there's ways to have basically scores of Twitters is what I see with, with, with, with blue sky.

Leo Laporte (00:13:34):
What about Ben? Thompson's take,

Jeff Jarvis (00:13:37):
I, I didn't have a day to read it. You,

Leo Laporte (00:13:39):
He writes long notes for him. Bottom line. He's brilliant. But oh, he says, well, it's, it's actually quite interesting. He talks about Twitter's advertising problem. And I think he characterizes Twitter in a way that those of you who really love Twitter and I'm talking about Stacy and Jeff, I like Twitter as well. Okay. So you two might agree with he says Twitter is intense and combative. It's a lean forward experience and far more likely to be tied to something happening in the physical world, whether that be watching sports or politics or doing work. In other words, you're, you're, you're leaning into Twitter. He says this matters for advertising, particularly advertising. That depends on a direct response, which Twitter has been forced to to resort to when you're leaning back and relaxed. As in say Instagram mm-hmm, <affirmative> why not click through to that Shopify site to buy that Nick knack, you didn't even know you needed. How many times have I done that when you're leaning forward though? And I think this is true of Twitter users. You don't have the time or the inclination. If you're doing Twitter, you're really not clicking ad links. You're seeking

Jeff Jarvis (00:14:46):
Information. Not entertaining. Yeah. But I've got another theory.

Leo Laporte (00:14:49):
Well, wait a minute. I'm not, let me give you all Ben's theory. Ben.

Jeff Jarvis (00:14:52):
I'm sorry. It takes a while. Yes. I'm sorry. Yes <laugh>

Leo Laporte (00:14:55):
Hey, I'm saving you hours of reading, dude. Thank you. Yeah. This ties into Twitter's third big problem. I forgot what the first one was. This was a hundred thousand sentences ago. It ties into Twitter's third big problem. The number of people actually wanna experience the internet net this way. And this lean forward active way is relatively small. There's a reason that Twitter's user base is only a fraction of Instagrams. It's not a lack of awareness for sure. Everybody knows about Twitter. The reality is most people are visual. Twitter is textual. Yep. Which of course is exactly why Twitter's most fervent users can't really imagine going anywhere else. You three are the exact prototype like that. Yep. So he says you're gonna have a problem making money on Twitter in the old fashioned way with advertising, he says, you know what? Twitter should bite the bullet and become a subscription service.

Leo Laporte (00:15:44):
The let's it did well fully subscription pay walls. Oh, oh there's so let's review. There's both little evidence to can monetize via direct response marketing. A reason to believe the problem is not simply mismanagement. I agree. I think it's in it's structural at the same time. Twitter's absolutely essential to a core group of users who are simply not UNC or not simply unconcerned with the problems inherent to Twitter's model, public broadcast model, the abuse and mob behave here. They don't care about that, but actually find the platform indispensable for precisely these, those reasons. Twitter is where news is made, shaped and battled over. And there's very little chance of another platform displacing it in large part because no one's economically motivated to do so. They look at Twitter and go, well, yeah, I'm not doing that. So given this, why not charge for X?

Jeff Jarvis (00:16:34):
This two things later. One is I think you can. But if you have these, these value added layers talk, the, the, the, the, and this is what Jack said. When I, when I said this on Twitter, he came back and said, exactly. I said that that blue sky thinks that the speech layer is gonna be the commodified layer. And then you add value layers on the, or I wanna find the authoritative people. I wanna find the entertaining people. I wanna find the relevant things. I wanna find stuff. And others can come along and create those value added leaders and charge for those charging for a place to go talk and blather. No, we got plenty of that. Yeah. But to go to the effort to find something on top of this is more always what happens. We're right. It happened with, with, I'm sorry. I wanna say this Gutenberg. It happened when we hit the late the turn of the last century, when magazines exploded there's efforts to say there's a wealth of things going on. How do we find stuff? That's point. Here's the difference? Point two. Oh, can I get, yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:17:32):
I didn't know. You had two points. Go ahead. I

Jeff Jarvis (00:17:34):
Told you I did. And didn't you think, let me look at before about the

Leo Laporte (00:17:37):
Advertising. I, I can, I lost track of the points. Go ahead. Point two. Okay.

Jeff Jarvis (00:17:41):
Simply put the advertising on Twitter sucks because you feel like you've been fooled every time you click on it, which is not good. And I think that what Twitter should do is what Buzzfeed did. And what vice did in their days is they need to open their own agency where we say, we know how to make advertising. That works on Twitter. You idiots don't and they haven't done that. And they've gotta invest in advertising. That would be relevant or would be worthwhile to do something. The advertising is there. I always think, oh, I almost like no, that oh, was promoted. No, I'm glad I didn't. So goes by two points. Thank you very much

Leo Laporte (00:18:12):
For that. I would submit that the reason, your first point doesn't work is because Twitter is unique. So your first point, you're talking about a, a, an area where there's many, like many different publications, but Twitter, I don't think there's anything like Twitter. Twitter's a unique experience. So I think it, anything that says, let a thousand flowers bloom, that's not the point. Everybody goes to Twitter because that's where it happens. But,

Jeff Jarvis (00:18:35):
But there's a, there's a billion Twitters though. You and I don't see the same Twitter. No, IAnd cause

Leo Laporte (00:18:39):
You hate it. And I like it, but there's still one Twitter. Even if there's, even if it's customizable, you go to Twitter, you don't go somewhere else. If some, if in fact I was just on Twitter and I saw somebody's name and I thought, is he dead? Yep. And, and, and the reason, you know, in the trending and in the, this

Jeff Jarvis (00:18:58):
Is I never look at trending. I hate never,

Leo Laporte (00:19:00):
Never, never get right. Well, on the Twitter front page, it's there. I hate to say it. I don't look at it.

Jeff Jarvis (00:19:04):
I understand. I

Leo Laporte (00:19:05):
Never see it. You're using it wrong. So anyway, no,

Jeff Jarvis (00:19:09):
I'm the one who like said, you're the one who's using it wrong.

Leo Laporte (00:19:11):
No, I think most people about it and Twitter certainly would prefer this, go to the front, to go to the website, the front page, that's use it. I actually use tweet deck. And I don't see any of that stuff, but, but really if you go to the front page, that's what you see. But that's the point is this is where it's happening. This is it. This is ground zero. No that's old mass

Jeff Jarvis (00:19:27):
Media thinking that's no, you see, that's what, that's what they have to get rid of. I would get rid of tread entirely. And the idea that there is one Twitter and Twitter says Twitter left Twitter to this is BS. There is no Twitter. There's a whole bunch of fascinating, amazing, wonderful, informative voices along with some jerks and a holes. And, and, and the point is to find the ones that you like and the ones that, that I like are gonna be D and that's okay. And there's value to be found in there.

Leo Laporte (00:19:54):
Wait a minute. So but this isn't exactly like the old way of like oh, there's a, you know, New York times, this is Twitter. Isn't monolithic in that sense. It's only monolithic in that it's all So I think it's the best of both worlds. It is absolute, whatever feed you wanna make of it, but it all happens at, you can do that. You can conform it. And I tell you, this comes from my experience with Mastodon, which is a federated mm-hmm <affirmative> system. And there is no there, there. And so you have to actually actively figure out if you wanna follow somebody interesting to know about them. It's a completely different experience on Twitter. It's all there. And it's, it's re it's trivial to add that person to your experience or take that person away from your experience. So I do think there's a lot to be said for the fact that it's a centralized one place when

Jeff Jarvis (00:20:47):
Harper's new, monthly started in 1850s, sorry. They promised that quote, it would be a place within reach it's it's job would be to place within reach the great mass of American people, the unbounded treasures of the periodical literature of the present day. That's what we need for Twitter. And I think

Leo Laporte (00:21:04):
That there that's what Twitter is. Isn't that? What is no, the literature part there's nothing longer than

Jeff Jarvis (00:21:09):
My COVID list. Does that to an extent, yes. But I, you know, could I charge for my COVID list if you really wanted to know COVID stuff? That's,

Leo Laporte (00:21:14):
I'm saying you can't Twitter could

Jeff Jarvis (00:21:16):
You can. Well, no, but under blue sky,

Leo Laporte (00:21:19):
I cook. I know. And that's, what's not

Jeff Jarvis (00:21:21):
Gonna work and I'll do more development. It's like an API for content recommendation.

Leo Laporte (00:21:27):
Well, we'll see. I, I think, I think Ben's actually got it exactly right now. There's a challenge. Cuz if you start charging for something that's previously free, that's people know not go I'm I'm that, but I think enough people like you guys are so addicted to Twitter that you would ESP. I mean, can't be like a lot. It can, it's gonna be like Twitter blue two or three bucks a month. Yeah. I think they made a mistake by making Twitter blue, too little in terms of features too few features and, and they didn't require it. But I think you could maybe you'd lose a third to a half of your users, but you'd, if you could somehow charge three bucks a month and keep Twitter being the place where it happens, that's a great business. Well, to their credit, Twitter, blue is still new. They're probably working on some more features for that $3. They just didn't get a, they didn't go far enough. Yeah. They, and

Stacey Higginbotham (00:22:16):
If you lose users, you lose some of the value of the platform. Because I mean,

Leo Laporte (00:22:21):
I think you, I don't think you lose the users that matter. The people are most, that's not true.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:22:25):
The, the best, the people who I follow that I find and most interesting are not journalists and people like that. It's the people who are like small people who research FCC filings and you know, experts in antenna design

Jeff Jarvis (00:22:41):
Book history, wonks on my side.

Leo Laporte (00:22:43):
Yeah. And they may not be willing to pay three bucks a month. Yeah.

Jeff Jarvis (00:22:46):
That's that's that's what advantage of your plan is that Donald Trump wouldn't bother there with Twitter if it were just people paying for it seriously?

Leo Laporte (00:22:55):
No, it that's just that's wrong. The reason he loves Twitter is not because the base media read it. The base sees him on Twitter. It's because the media sees it and then amplifies it. That's it. That's all it is. Narciss I don't think the base is reading him on Twitter. I think the media is, and that's, that's one of the reasons you use Twitter, cuz that's where the media is. Yep.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:23:13):
You can stick it in our eye. Did you see, how do we feel about Twitter's policy on

Jeff Jarvis (00:23:18):
Hosting to say on this?

Leo Laporte (00:23:21):
This is really interesting. So another thing that happened. Oh yeah. And it happened after Dorsey leaving. I wonder if this is a move. No, no I didn't. They ban sharing private images and videos without consent. That's a

Jeff Jarvis (00:23:37):
Lot of interviews about

Leo Laporte (00:23:37):
This. Yeah. What does that mean?

Jeff Jarvis (00:23:40):
What they're trying to do? I think it's just a badly written policy with a good intent and it, and a lot of us came on quickly and said, whoa, what a tinted consequences watch out. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> the policy is trying to say, we're trying to fight Harris. One of the ways people harass each other is by putting up addresses and they already say, you can't do that. And phone numbers, no

Leo Laporte (00:23:59):
Doxing, no

Jeff Jarvis (00:24:00):
Doxing. Right? Another way they say is that we put up photos, people don't want. And so what they're saying is somebody comes to us and says Jarvis put up a photo of Leo LaPorte picking his nose. And Leo says, I'm fed up with this guy, Jarvis. He Harrises me all the time. He knows I have a nose job. He knows how sensitive I am about this. And it's it's you can't understand how bad it is, but it's bad. And I didn't give my permission. So under this rule, cuz you didn't get permission for the photo to be up. We can say, we'll take it down. Oh, I got a nose. I got a S we'll compare her here. No, but

Leo Laporte (00:24:32):
I'm fortunately in this, in this analogy, I'm a public figure. Think that let's say I weren't a public figure. Yeah. Right.

Jeff Jarvis (00:24:40):
Exactly. Well, you're not fully exempt either. And, and, and so the problem is there's this broad statement which Twitter can use in the future. If you come to them to say that photos without permission aren't allowed. But that statement alone is really, really troubling. Cause do I have to go and get, you know, the, the permission of everybody I take a picture of in central park. Yes. yes.

Leo Laporte (00:25:01):
What's wrong with that? That's

Jeff Jarvis (00:25:02):
Well, no, they have

Stacey Higginbotham (00:25:03):
To complain first. So they,

Jeff Jarvis (00:25:05):
They to complain,

Stacey Higginbotham (00:25:06):
Let's say you took a, so let's say you took a picture of people in central park and let's say I was skipping work that day and I see myself in your picture. I'm like, oh mother plucker. So I come after you and I say, Hey Jeff, you skip

Jeff Jarvis (00:25:17):
Take that down, Stacy, you skip, oh, you skipped going to work. I thought you were skipping as an hop hop and skipping. No. Oh, I do also skip. That would be embarrasing. That would be, that would be more embarrassing. Stacy, if you were skipping.

Leo Laporte (00:25:27):
So you could, as a private individual, we'll skip on this program. Jeff, not a <laugh> can we let's stay on track here. As a private individual, you would say, I don't want you to have, then I would,

Stacey Higginbotham (00:25:39):
I would email Jeff slash Twitter and I would say, Hey, this photo of me is take it out online and I don't want it. And Jeff would have to take it down. I think it's

Leo Laporte (00:25:46):
Saw it. It's primarily about harassment. Say revenge porn, things like that. Mm-Hmm

Jeff Jarvis (00:25:51):
<Affirmative> right. But it has implications, apparent journalism. And, and what if, what if here's here's the argument people will make? So if one of the cops who murdered George Floyd said, I'm a private individual right now, as he was doing it, he was, and I didn't give permission to that photo and take it down. That's what people were refu, the, the head of, of Reuters, of, of the New York of, of the white house press photographers association complained about just that on Twitter saying, whoa, this is gonna have an impact on journalism, on newspapers, doing things. And it's gonna be used by cops to say, I'm a private individual. Take that down. Well, but

Leo Laporte (00:26:24):
Our cops, private individual, if a cops doing something in, in public as not in their public capacity, right. He's not a private individual at this. So I think that that

Jeff Jarvis (00:26:33):
No, no public public in the case of Twitter doesn't mean government public means, well, we don't

Leo Laporte (00:26:36):
Know what it means.

Jeff Jarvis (00:26:37):
We don't know what it means. Well, that's, it's a badly written policy. Yeah. So I don't think the policy is ill intended. I don't think it's a, it's a problem in itself, but it can be misinterpreted. It gonna be cause confusion. It needs a lot of clarification and a lot of people. But if

Stacey Higginbotham (00:26:50):
I go to a protest, so let's say I sitting, oh, let's say I went to the Q Andon, wait for JFK thing in Dallas. And I took pictures of people there and I posted it and I was like, Hey, this is nuts. You know? Well, I, I might, I, the only reason I would post a picture of someone in that situation, I'd be like, Hey, it's the cute SHA it guy. He's hanging out here. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> I thought he was in jail. <Laugh> mm-hmm <affirmative> and then what

Leo Laporte (00:27:17):
Would happen is so bad, honestly. Well I think the problem is it it's turning into a judgment call for Twitter is not as black wise, any moderation, it's the wrong judgment. Yes. It moderation. And

Jeff Jarvis (00:27:30):
You're quite right. But the judgment is now is not what the judgment should be. The judgment should be is this harassment or not? Instead the judgment is, is this public or private or not? And, and that's, what's gonna get into trouble with things like newsmaking that is Stacy's point your point, Stacy. There is, I'll give you an example where that's the case. What if, if, if you go to a demonstration that has a lot of undocumented immigrants who are, this happens, this happened at Northwestern university where the paper took photos on campus of people in a demonstration. Well, and some of them said, whoa, that's

Leo Laporte (00:28:00):
Gonna, let me, let me read. Maybe you haven't read the actual policy. This policy's not applicable to media featuring public figures or individuals when media and accompanying tweet text are shared in the public interest or add value to the public discourse. Right.

Jeff Jarvis (00:28:18):
So they've gotta make a judgment about that. And I think I'd rather have them make

Leo Laporte (00:28:21):
That the George Floyd video that exempts a lot of stuff.

Jeff Jarvis (00:28:26):
Well, when does it become, when does it become in the public interest? That's the issue? Well, I

Leo Laporte (00:28:31):
Think journalism of pictures, no. I think all journalism well would be shared add value to the public discourse or in the public interest would qualify the

Jeff Jarvis (00:28:39):
17 year old young woman who took the video of George Floyd was not a journalist. She's not a journal was not media. That's the, that's the point. So at that moment, some moderator says, well, look at this, look at the rules. Hmm. Yeah. Not a public figure. Not give permission. Yeah. It's all. I think,

Leo Laporte (00:28:55):
I think this is clear enough that a moderator understands that if it's harassment, it should go down. It should go down. I mean, that's what they're trying. That's what they're saying. That the

Jeff Jarvis (00:29:04):
Policy should be written as, that's my

Leo Laporte (00:29:06):
Point. If the purpose of dissemination private images of public figures or individuals who are part of a public conversation is to harass, intimidate or use fear to silence them. We may remove the content in our line, in line with our policy against abusive behavior. Right. But

Jeff Jarvis (00:29:22):
Above it just says outright that that photos without permission are not to be on Twitter. That's the problem. That statement then we'll get misinterpret in all kinds of ways because that's, that's, that's a, that's the line of it's on the bullets of this is not allowed photos without permission, not allowed period. And other things will fall out from that. There should have the caveats should be there. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:29:42):
That's I think this is, I think this is it's fixable. What's that fixable. What's that button. You have the moral panic button. I think this is moral panic. Dang. It is not don't is not here to studio. Look, you chase Stacy away. <Laugh> I don't think this I don't. I think you're presuming there's problems ahead of time. Well,

Jeff Jarvis (00:30:01):
Hello. What does everybody complaining about the internet? Do all the time? What happen? I think this is, this is the time to have that discussion. I

Leo Laporte (00:30:06):
Think this is, I think this is well designed actually and is pretty clear in its intent. And obviously it's not a legal document. It's not a contract, right? It's just an expression of what their intent is in terms of moderation. And I think that it will be, be done properly if it's not, then people can bring it up. But I think this is exactly right. That if, if it's shared in the public interest or adds value to public discourse, we'll allow it. If it's done to harass people, we will not here. Let's bring up as an example, Marjorie Taylor green or no, no, no. Lauren bobber calling Yolan Omar, a terrorist mm-hmm <affirmative> now they're both public figures. It is probably not shared in the public interest or adding value to the public discourse. It's probably intended to be harassment. I think Twitter there's enough room in here that Twitter's can, can make a judgment call. They're gonna have to is if you want something that's written so tightly that there's no judgment of all. I think you're outta luck. I don't,

Jeff Jarvis (00:31:03):
No, I want judgment. I want judgment. I just want that's relevant to the point, which is Harris rather than having

Leo Laporte (00:31:09):
About that. Well, I understand the bullet points there, but the bullet point is not the legal, like a legal contract that it has

Jeff Jarvis (00:31:16):
Used that way. I guarantee you cops are gonna use it that way. Well, in

Leo Laporte (00:31:19):
Twitter has the right to say no it's because look is shared in the public rights and it's not to harass you it's because you murdered somebody. Here's

Jeff Jarvis (00:31:28):
A, here's another example. So let's take a picture. Let's take a screenshot of the three of us. Okay. Or Stacy, if she's back the four of us <laugh> I'm back. I, I had to open the door for Mike

Leo Laporte (00:31:37):
Do <laugh> I'm I'm gonna read on wait a minute. Were you recognize there are instances where account holders may share images or video of private individuals in an effort to help someone involved in a crisis situation such as in the, after this is specifically written for George Floyd, mm-hmm, <affirmative> such as in the aftermath of Avol violent event or part of a newsworthy event due to public interest value. And this might outweigh the safety risks to a person that's a judgment. We will always try to assess the context in which the content is shared. And in such cases, we may allow the images or videos to remain on the service. I think this is actually quite well written and I think it's that's appropriate. I

Jeff Jarvis (00:32:13):
Don't think there's a reason to, right. I don't think, I just think we just disagree about the execution. I

Leo Laporte (00:32:17):
Don't think there's a re I don't think there's a reason to fear this. I think this is, look, we keep saying, we want Twitter do something about this stuff. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> they do something. And now we equivocate and quibble

Jeff Jarvis (00:32:28):
Cause we want clarity. And so Kathy Gill, I think was great about this by the way, we should have her on the show. She's great. I'm trying to find her. I can't find her thread cause she's about section two 30 today, Denise, Denise, I'm not alone in this. There were a lot of people who raised the same issues, which means that it wasn't clear enough and it just needs to be clear. That's all, it's not a big deal. Denise. I, I had a New York post reporter call me today wanting to find, oh, this came a after Jack left. This means today. I said, no, no it doesn't. And they wanted to find, it was a whole big thing. I said, no, it doesn't relax. Yeah. It's just that some of us are saying there could be unintended consequences. I think

Leo Laporte (00:33:05):
It's, I can look up for, I disagree. For instance, we would take into consideration whether the image is publicly available and, or is being covered by mainstream traditional media, or if a particular image in the accompanying tweet, text adds value to the public discourse is being shared in the public interest or is relevant to the community. I think this is fairly clear about their intent. And I think their intent is a hundred percent right on now. Let's wait and see what happens. But I, I think it's much more likely that they're just not gonna enforce it than that. They're gonna enforce it poorly. I think that much more likely that this is lip service because right. And so

Jeff Jarvis (00:33:37):
Then you're gonna have people on the right coming after them and saying, I asked for to take out my, that photo of making fun of me and they wouldn't do it. And, and they're gonna find

Leo Laporte (00:33:44):
Themselves, I think there's enough places in this copy where they could say no, no read line 50. It says in the public interest, I don't, I don't see this being a problem now. No. So we disagree there. We'll wait and see, but we're, it's not a big disagreement here. Yeah. I'm it's policy,

Jeff Jarvis (00:33:59):
I think badly.

Leo Laporte (00:34:00):
I I'm really glad they did this. We've been wanting Twitter to, to take a stand on this. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> cuz that to now they don't and you know, they take pictures I'm a public figure. So I accept that, but they take pictures of my family and post them and I can't get them down. So now I have of foothold to get them down. I think that's com that's a good thing.

Speaker 6 (00:34:24):
Nice. Denise Howell summarized it on Twitter in general, under us law. And individual's reasonable expectation of privacy went out and about in the public place is low. Well, that factor into Twitter's analysis of what constitutes consent this remains to be seen, but it like Twitter has something more explicit in mind.

Leo Laporte (00:34:43):
I think. So I would submit that Twitter doesn't want be the place where you post pictures of kids, fight school, fighting in school. Yeah. They don't wanna be admittedly that stuff's legal. You're in a public place. Yeah. That, that doesn't violate law, but doesn't wanna be a higher standard. They don't wanna be says. Yeah. If I were Tom Brady, I would definitely want this taken down. So I mean <laugh> no, see, he can't cause he's a public figure. Right. And this is newsworthy or, or not. I don't know. 

Speaker 6 (00:35:14):
Did you see the other news online, 23 that happened within the last hour or so? No.

Leo Laporte (00:35:22):
It's squares changing its name. Thank you for putting that in that's new. It's gonna be okay. What's like square, but not <laugh> block block. We're gonna call it block.

Jeff Jarvis (00:35:34):
It's like OID, blockchain as in blockchain chain.

Leo Laporte (00:35:37):
Yeah. How payments giant square will change his corporate named a block effects of December 10th. That's a big deal because you build brand recognition for years. Yep. As square. Now you're corporate

Jeff Jarvis (00:35:50):
Name. Is that the brand of the, of the, are they changing? Are they changing the brand of the service? Well, you built square brand for here's all our business, which is where it belongs. Said Dorsey block is a new name, but for our purpose of economic empowerment remains

Leo Laporte (00:36:03):
The same. Here's what Kate Rooney's writing at CNBC. I think she's right. The move comes as square expands beyond its original credit card reader business with a focus on new technologies like blockchain. I think that's fair. Yep. Yep. Block. It'll still be a ticker sq

Jeff Jarvis (00:36:20):
Blockhead jokes to come.

Leo Laporte (00:36:23):
<Laugh> block's a good name. I'm surprised it's available.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:36:26):
Oh, I'm sure they paid a pretty penny for it.

Leo Laporte (00:36:29):
By the way. I forgot this. But they bought Jay-Z's music service title, title. Yep. They also bought they own title. Yeah. I forgot that. Also bought the buy now, by the way, apparently we were talking about this on winter weekly buy now pay later is all the rage. Apparently they bought a after pay, which is a buy now pay later thing they own after

Stacey Higginbotham (00:36:49):

Jeff Jarvis (00:36:51):
Yep. <Laugh>

Leo Laporte (00:36:52):
Thanks for joining us. I see. Let see what else? I can tell

Jeff Jarvis (00:36:55):
Hope they bought Hershey chocolate too. Stacy.

Leo Laporte (00:36:57):
No, they did. No, no.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:36:59):
I'm like, what else do they own? I am so

Leo Laporte (00:37:02):
Flux. Okay. Yeah. That's interesting. Yeah. So I'm just here to echo you. We were talking about buy now pay later on windows. Weekly is unaccountably. Microsoft has bundled this in and you can't turn it off a little buy now pay later thing into its browser edge to encourage people to buy now pay later. Guess what browser I don't use. Yeah. That's a really good reason not to use the price I tried. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 6 (00:37:28):
But then they started putting a bunch of coupon things up on the

Leo Laporte (00:37:30):
Screen. I feel like buy now pay later is the equivalent of payday loans. Right? It's like 

Speaker 6 (00:37:37):
Could be a predatory.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:37:38):
It's let predatory. But I mean,

Leo Laporte (00:37:42):
Yeah. There's no interest, right? If you buy now, is it like layaway? What is it? I don't, it's more

Stacey Higginbotham (00:37:47):
Like layaway. Most of them don't have interest, but they can, well, no, there's some, they just have

Jeff Jarvis (00:37:54):
The evil part here. So to get you to buy things you can't afford. Yes.

Speaker 6 (00:37:56):
Yeah. A lot of 'em just have those long stretched out turn.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:38:01):
Yeah, I'm trying to remember. There was a whole, I read like several articles. I was fascinated by it. Cuz I was curious who was doing

Leo Laporte (00:38:06):
It? Well, let me look up. What after pay terms are, since they're owned by square after pay your gift list, apparently it was one of the things that fueled black Friday and cyber Monday sales. Wow. Lot of a and by the way, the kids call it B N P. Lot of thank you.

Speaker 6 (00:38:25):
Lot of <laugh>

Leo Laporte (00:38:26):
OMG, OMG buy bun, pull purchases for black Friday after pay how it works. Here we go. Shop now pay over six weeks, never pay interest. Does this who pays for this? The merchant there's gotta be, how does after pay, make

Stacey Higginbotham (00:38:45):
Money? They fees. So you get, you get late fees. And merchants do pay and it says, let's see credit karma did a survey. This is a consumer reports article on it. 34% of consumers who use B NPL services fell behind on one or mores. Younger

Leo Laporte (00:39:01):
People are my after pay says late fees are capped at 25% of the purchase price. So clearly they're hoping to get mm-hmm <affirmative> a little bit of that.

Jeff Jarvis (00:39:11):
Is this for the unbanked and the under credit carded? Or do you, how do you pay in? You pay with your credit card.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:39:16):
It's an option to get away from credit

Leo Laporte (00:39:18):
Cards. No external credit checks, no interest, no fees. When you pay on that's

Jeff Jarvis (00:39:22):
That's a lot of this. That's a lot of this. So it's, it's a risk thing. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative> calculating the risk of, of a bad pay.

Leo Laporte (00:39:30):
And I'm, I'm thinking the merchant pay a few points on the sale too. Right? You must, that must be where the bulk of their revenue comes from the merchants. Cuz it's like a credit card. Right.

Jeff Jarvis (00:39:42):
But it's not. And so that's, it's, it's

Stacey Higginbotham (00:39:44):
Not, cause they're not. Yeah. Cuz they're not, well I guess they are giving you credit

Leo Laporte (00:39:51):
After pay charges because some of them I've got the info after pay charges 4.1, one 7% to the merchant on all season. Ooh that's

Jeff Jarvis (00:39:59):
Higher than a credit card. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:40:02):
So late payment, sometimes merchant fees.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:40:05):
Yeah. And sometimes your late payment fees, if you miss them, they will get reported to a credit bureau. But sometimes they won't. Oh and it kind of depends. And the rules vary via

Leo Laporte (00:40:15):
Provider. So the online shop charges a flat fee of 30%, I mean, sorry, 30 cents and a commission that varies with the value and volume of the transactions process using after pay, the more you sell the lower, the percentage, the fee can be as high as 6% per transaction and as low as 4%. So it is more than a credit card. Hire their credit card in order to get you to the merchant. So I'm I'm Joe's BlueJean shop in order to get you to buy blue jeans. Got ya. Young people in here. They don't have credit cards. I say, look, buy now pay later. It's easy. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> I, I give up four to 6% of the sale, but I make the sale. 

Jeff Jarvis (00:40:57):
I wonder if you can get insurance for bad debt, bad payment

Leo Laporte (00:41:02):
After pay pays within 48 hours. So the, the risk is not on the merchant cash flow is good. The risk is on after pay. Yeah.

Jeff Jarvis (00:41:10):
After pay pays the whole amount. Yep. 48 hours mm-hmm <affirmative> oh, oh wow. So it's it's a risk mitigation business. It's entirely risk mitigation business. Yep. The merchant is totally fine. I wonder if you get turned down, can you, can you kill off your after pay account because you've

Leo Laporte (00:41:27):
Oh, I'm sure that you can be blacklisted from after pay I'm sure. Yeah. on the other hand, maybe they don't wanna blacklist you cuz they get that the sweet 25% and late fees. Yeah. Like

Jeff Jarvis (00:41:38):
Credit card companies want you to pay late. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:41:41):
Well now we've learned everything there is to know about B NPL. And by the way, when asked Microsoft said, oh when you use edge and buy now pay later we don't take a fee from the merchant, but then when asked, well, does anybody pay you? They said, no comment. So they <laugh>. So which is yeah, the answer would be, yeah, we make money on it. I just feels a little ski V to me, for Microsoft to encourage this. I guess it's no different than a credit card, you know, but we'd certainly been doing that for you years. I tell my kids don't baby don't, you know, if use a credit card, but pay it off every month. Cuz I remember when I was their age, you know, running up $30,000 credit card mans. Right? The stupid credit cards that was up on the college campus for freshman and the interest is so high. Can't pay it off. Vultures is running, screwed me up. Yeah. Screwed me up. I, I, I had to dig real my thirties real deep to get that payment and you know, to finally pay off all the credit cards, what a great feeling that is. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> and I just made a point from now on a credit card is not a charge card. Right. I'm not gonna run up a bill cuz I mean what? 19 year olds or 18. Yeah. That takes stuff. Know that takes it to some discipline. Exactly. Yeah. Oh.

Jeff Jarvis (00:42:58):
My wife took over our bills real fast after I married

Leo Laporte (00:43:02):
<Laugh> yeah. Yeah. I'm not saying this's why I married Lisa <laugh> <laugh>

Stacey Higginbotham (00:43:09):
But it didn't hurt.

Leo Laporte (00:43:11):
It's nice to have a CFO. Yeah. Didn't wait. It's nice to have a CFO in the family. She is. So she's almost like scary, good at this stuff. I, I mean it's like, it's like, oh wow. We've paid off the house. Oh yeah. It shows. Oh, oh my God. It shows. I mean she's scary. I don't I'm and me I'm like we, how many times have the, the lights turned off on the house cuz oh, I forgot to pay the electric bill. <Laugh> we actually got, and this is hard to do. Got the water turned off. Oh that is hard to do. Wow. It wasn't. I didn't have the money. Yeah. That's it was just, I forgot. Yeah. And then I, I saw the notice. My wife

Jeff Jarvis (00:43:48):
Makes fun of me cuz I used to insist on paying the bills once a month because that's how I should do it is do it a month. I said, well, that doesn't matter. I

Leo Laporte (00:43:53):
Don't care. I 31st of them, I, you sit, sit down at your little desk, your little, your little arm, you pull down the desk, get out your fountain pen. That's right. Get your checkbook. And you go through all those. Get some stamps. Yep. You lick. 'em All you mail. 'em All out. Yep. I used to do that.

Jeff Jarvis (00:44:09):
Right. So, so aunt who pays the bills in your house? Me Stacy who pays the bills in your house? Andrew

Leo Laporte (00:44:15):

Stacey Higginbotham (00:44:16):
Andrew does. But I can also do I'm listening to y'all and I'm like, how did y'all make it through money? <Laugh>

Leo Laporte (00:44:22):

Stacey Higginbotham (00:44:24):
I mean the only reason Andrew does it is yeah. Cuz he's doing the business stuff anyway. But

Leo Laporte (00:44:29):
Yeah. So you have two people in the family who could do that. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (00:44:32):
Queen Pruit, she, you know, she contributes to whatever, but most of it falls on me and that's an agreement we've had from day

Leo Laporte (00:44:39):
One. Here's a number you gotta agree. I'm gonna take over the numbers of the week. Here's a number the, and this is, this is from our CHAM. Thank you. Is gonna be good. The average American has a credit card balance of $5,525. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> probably running that month to month. Wow. And what's the interest rate. It goes up to 18,000. Yeah. Its like 18 or 19. Yep. Geez. Anyway, so Twitter, what do you think Twitter are they? So what do you like?

Speaker 6 (00:45:09):
I'm still enjoying Twitter blue.

Leo Laporte (00:45:11):
I'm I'm you know, I don't get much out of it, but it's good. I get the top articles. It's nice.

Speaker 6 (00:45:15):
Top articles has been great for me so far. They

Leo Laporte (00:45:17):
Were so smart to buy nozzle mm-hmm <affirmative> and incorporate that in. Cuz there were a lot of people I wish I

Speaker 6 (00:45:23):
Will say. I be wasn't happy that they bought nozzle. No hungry bought nozzle directly. Or did, did Tony

Leo Laporte (00:45:30):
Buy oh no, no. The, they bought it. They bought the company that bought now. You're right. Totally. But I bet you that the ven diagram of Twitter users and nuzzle users was like 50, 60, 70%, right? Oh yeah, yeah. 

Speaker 6 (00:45:47):
Yeah, I'm still happy with Twitter blue at the moment. It's $3 worth,

Leo Laporte (00:45:51):
You know, I'm not happy with who act blue act blue. This is the and I'm sure there's an act red. This is the donation system. Oh this is the democratic donations system. Yeah. Uhoh I, I feel like this is a scam for instance, <laugh> they some dark patterns, a little bit on the site where you don't know that signing up for a monthly contribution. I didn't notice for months that I was giving a thousand dollars. No to Mark Kelly who already won. Oh Jesus. I muck predatory muck predatory much. Dark pattern baby. And at both sides do it. I know the that's very common in in Republican fundraising as well. So I'm just not gonna use act blue anymore. Go right to the donate right to the campaign. Although all the, the only reason it's coming up is cuz I see Stacy Abrams is using act blue. Oh, okay. Yeah. That's why I can't. They all shoes in. They all do it. Well you just, yeah. You just gotta pay attention, but yeah. Yeah. You do leave also though. Don't take a chunk. I didn't do that. Don't they take a chunk don't they take it. They take, but also do take a processing, but it's and then they want you to also tip them. No, no, no, no.

Leo Laporte (00:47:07):
Pretty predatory. Just gonna give direct <laugh>. Okay. Okay. Wow. I'm gonna take a break now after this. Fascinating. But he, he didn't

Speaker 6 (00:47:20):
Show the, can you show

Leo Laporte (00:47:21):
It? The thing that the, before he went on the air, the on I'll show it, but there's a bad word in it. I had somebody sent me get on the, join the forums saying you shouldn't say the word crap. I'm never gonna listen to your shows again. Cuz you said the word crap. Yeah.

Jeff Jarvis (00:47:35):
I got kicked off the BBC for using the word crap. Cause I was trying not to use the S word. I thought this is safe. I'll say crap. Boom. Make kick me off. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:47:43):
Well I'm not of that religion. <Laugh> <laugh> but I don't like the other a-hole word self important. A-Hole making big show about leaving Twitter, Jack Dorsey. <Laugh> of course that's you know, a play on the fact that everybody including me, by the way, leaves Twitter has to rest oblig Terry blog post about why I'm leaving Twitter. <Laugh> Jack blog. Yeah. I think that's good. Our show today brought to you by our crowd. I love talking about this because you know, for, for years I don't invest in the tech companies and I've sat on the sidelines and watched people like Kevin Rose get rich with the same, you know, because they're covering these stories and they're investing and, and I'm like, well, I'm sitting on the sidelines maybe though, if you're and you have, have to be in a certain position in your life where you've, you know, you've done all the right things.

Leo Laporte (00:48:33):
You've got the, the rainy day fund and you're saving and the right way for retirement, all that stuff. But there comes a time when you're saying I would like to invest in some of these exciting new companies, these startups, because every once in a while, one comes long. I knew I should have, I should. Boy, if I could have only invested in Twitter before it went public, which is what Kevin Rose did, I would be doing well right now sitting pretty. You should know about our crowd, our crowd, a bunch of very smart venture capitalists. They're always analyzing companies in the private market. Then this is what's different. This is not your you're not buying stocks. Then the global PRI and Global's important too, by the way, they look all over the world. They select those with the greatest growth potential. And then they present them to you and say, would you like a chance to invest from personalized medicine to cybersecurity, to robotics, quantum computing and more in state-of-the-art labs, startup garages everywhere in between our crowd is identifying innovators.

Leo Laporte (00:49:31):
So you can get in when the investment potential is the best, which is early before the exit before the IPO. But you can't, it's not something you can do easily, right? You, you don't, you don't read about these companies in the paper, you and I should mention in order to do this, you need to be an accredited investor, which every country has different rules about this. You can can find out you can you, but just going to the, our crowd website and entering your country. And they'll tell you what the rules are. But our crowds accredited investors have already invested over a billion dollars in growing tech companies. Our crowd has had now 46 exits 46 IPOs or sale exits of their investments. And those members really benefit when you get a big exit, you can, this is a great way to truly diversify your portfolio investing.

Leo Laporte (00:50:18):
And it doesn't have to be a massive investment. I'll explain investing early in innovative private market companies of our crowd. Actually, our crowd has two ways to do it. Accredited investors can participate in single company deals for as little as $10,000. You know, a a very, if you're in this ballpark, a very reasonable amount of money, it's pretty reasonable. They also do funds. They're a little more expensive, but you can get one of their outros funds for as little as $50,000. But a of 10,000 is required to invest in. As I said, investment terms may vary depending on what country you're in, where you're investing. So you can find out what those terms are when you go to the site and input the country you're investing from you must be an accredited investor. Our crowd is not taken advantage of anybody because you can join.

Leo Laporte (00:51:04):
You don't have to spend any money to go to Join this fast growing venture capital investment community. It's free. You won't pay a penny unless you say, oh, they'll present to you. And you say, I like this one. I'd like to buy in. So it's at no cost. It's a great way to find out what's going on. I think this is really clever. And I just wanted to present this to you as an opportunity. Our, I think is a really interesting and a really good idea. If you join, you can read about, I can't talk about the current opportunities. There's all sorts of rules. If you join, you'll find out our, but you can, if you look on the website, see some of those previous exits in the, some of them very, very successful our Thank you, our crowd for supporting twig. Thank you, twig listener. And you, you support us by using that address. So they know our Hey, speaking of TWiG listeners Club TWiT, our Club TWiT community manager is here. Yes, I am. Mr. Aunt Pruit. <Laugh> you're honored. You got a big event coming up on Friday. I'm excited. I want everybody to know about

Ant Pruitt (00:52:14):
It. Yep, yep, yep. Yep. We will be having a fireside chat with the wonderfulness. Miss Mary Jo Foley. 10:00 AM Pacific. I just wanna pick our brain a little bit. So I'm ask her a couple questions about her, you know, her and past and so forth, but it's gonna be fun

Leo Laporte (00:52:32):
And you'll get to ask questions too, and yeah.

Ant Pruitt (00:52:34):
And we'll take some questions if I don't take up all the time. No, don't

Leo Laporte (00:52:38):
<Laugh> but cuz this is the incentive to be a member of club. Join the club. You cannot be watch this on Friday. You can't listen to the feed later cuz it's on it. Plus feed, unless you're a member. That's right. This is what we're trying to do is give you a bunch of reasons to join club to it. A lot of people we figured would join because you get a free versions of all shows. That's

Ant Pruitt (00:52:58):
Nice. No, most of them are there for the Discord.

Leo Laporte (00:53:00):
I think the discord is a very surprising and wonderful thing. Stacy had her book club there is gonna do another one. There's a poll right now for the next and we're that

Ant Pruitt (00:53:10):
Is it's what did you pick closed? It, it is autonomous by miss Anna. Oh Anna Nuz I could never say.

Leo Laporte (00:53:17):
Yeah. And in fact I interviewed Annalee on triangulation. I remember I've read the book. It's a great, it's a, a fun book. It's a, it's a super fun book. So yeah. And brings up some interesting robot human questions.

Ant Pruitt (00:53:33):
Interesting. Well see now next up is we'll have to schedule the time for the next book club and miss Stacy. I will be reaching out to you to figure that out. It's gonna be January

Leo Laporte (00:53:43):
Cause oh the book crazy. When's the book club January. When, when are you gonna do autonomous? That's what we got

Ant Pruitt (00:53:49):
In January. Don't know. I don't know if it's gonna be January after I've looked at my calendar, but we'll

Leo Laporte (00:53:54):
See. We have a lot of stuff coming up too. Amira. Mike, ELGAN gonna do fire. I'm gonna, I'm gonna do that one. We also have you said Jeff Jarvis? Yeah.

Ant Pruitt (00:54:03):
Jarvis is well he's coming up a little bit it later in the spring. Yeah. I think he scheduled me for like 2024. Believe. Yeah. That's when you got book chess,

Leo Laporte (00:54:12):
Man, as long as he can

Ant Pruitt (00:54:13):
Seven bucks a month, NACO gonna sit with him. Oh good, good.

Leo Laporte (00:54:18):
See all the stuff you get. And I mean, this is huge. We have the Ted Linux show in there. The book club, there's all sorts of stuff going on in the discord. All, all of the shows make it to the TWiT+ feed, including Dick DeBartolo the Giz Wiz. <Laugh> so if you are interested, I think it's a very fair seven bucks a month cup of one frappuccino, fancy cup of coffee, coffee a month. And all the details and everything at And by the way, it's month to month. One of the reasons we made it month to month is if you join and you go, I'm not getting my money's worth. That's fine. I understand completely. We will always continue to do what we do. You know, the shows for free the chat room, for free the TWI forums, twit community

Ant Pruitt (00:54:59):
For free. What's funny is the main complaint is it should be $10 a month. Not seven, really?

Leo Laporte (00:55:07):

Ant Pruitt (00:55:07):
I think seven's right. Thanks for writing in about that. Folks remember full

Leo Laporte (00:55:11):
Gets y'all can pay more. Could you, you could have a seven or a $10 option and see what people choose. Remember full gets a cut Stripe gets a cut, but I think we end up being about $5 per person per month. We're very happy with you. Yeah. That's that? We're so grateful to all of you. And if you do that, you don't have to listen to the ads. Which I think some people really like that idea. So yeah. That's

Ant Pruitt (00:55:32):
Yeah. Comments about that too. Yeah. Hey, I'm gonna pay the $7 a month and I still want hear the ads. So,

Leo Laporte (00:55:37):
And, and people say, I don't want another subscription. I completely understand. That's fine. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> we're not no pressure, but we won't show up at your house demanding money. Yeah. Appreciate

Ant Pruitt (00:55:46):
This today. The support

Leo Laporte (00:55:47):
Appreciate this support. All right, aunt may show a paper <laugh> oh God terrifying, terrifying run black Friday. Not great. It's not a thing anymore. Not a

Ant Pruitt (00:56:01):
Thing. No. And a novelty is worn off the whole long lines and stuff. I can remember Thanksgiving Lee, even my mother's house on, you know, Thursday evening and whatnot and getting on I 85 north to head back to Charlotte. And there was, there's always this traffic heading out to the different exits near malls, cuz people were going shopping after Lisa and sister eating

Leo Laporte (00:56:23):
Their meal or used to get up at four P 4:00 AM on oh Thursday night, Friday morning to go to target, you know, for the doorbuster specials. Yeah. I don't think people do remember. You'd see all those. Yeah. You don't do that. No more news stories about people crushed. Yep. You don't see that anymore. I think there's a few things going on black Friday shopping to dropped 28% from pre pandemic levels. Now this is according to Adobe and this is to big brick and mortar stores. Okay. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> online was about even with last year. So some of it is, it went to online, but I have a new theory that nobody's mentioned. I think there's also a move to buy local and those aren't getting cat by Adobe cuz they're small mom and pop stores. And I wonder cuz I've noticed weird, Lisa and I are are doing that for our Christmas presents. We're shopping. Rich people buy local. I'm gonna say what rich people. Yeah.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:57:16):
I'm serious buying locals expensive. So rich people and there's small business Saturday, but really what here's here's what it is. I sad this year you got the pandemic. You also got the worries about supply chain. So people started doing their sales early.

Leo Laporte (00:57:30):
They've been selling a lot longer. You're right. It's spread out.

Stacey Higginbotham (00:57:33):
Yeah. Yeah. And then you've got the online shopping. Most people would rather do online shopping. Many retailers decided not even to open on Thanksgiving. And so I think

Leo Laporte (00:57:44):
Visits to brick and mortar stores on Thanksgiving day crater, 90% from a year ago. That's according to sense of two years ago. That

Ant Pruitt (00:57:52):
May also be the workforce issues. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:57:56):
A lot of people on target target decided to close on on Thanksgiving. Walmart best buy all my local

Jeff Jarvis (00:58:03):
Starbucks is closing every day at 1:00 PM. Now 1:00 PM.

Leo Laporte (00:58:08):
You need more teenagers. Have you noticed this? That's what it

Jeff Jarvis (00:58:12):
Sounds like. I'll try to make some, <laugh>

Stacey Higginbotham (00:58:15):

Leo Laporte (00:58:15):
On that. I, I noticed this downtown at Starbucks downtown, give me 15 years. It's filled with high school kids. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> this is instead of going to the mall, they go to Starbucks, they do their homework. They sit at the tables, drink coffee, they chat. It's a social thing. It sure is. Is that me? Or

Stacey Higginbotham (00:58:28):
Yeah, they've been doing that for like 10 years at. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (00:58:30):
I know. I'm just noticing at yeah. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> oh, but I, I think that's interesting, but I think the reason that your Starbucks Jeff closes early is cuz everybody in your neighborhood's in bed by

Jeff Jarvis (00:58:41):
No, I think it's a labor. I, I think they're trying to, they can't and hire people tough out. You unionize them. No, if you get more staff, they pay more. They don't wanna pay more. They're fighting. They're fighting the unionization. So they'd rather close the stores and make less money. I'm Sur I'm shocked. I haven't seen a business story about this. Just shocked, you know? Oh yeah, you said this,

Stacey Higginbotham (00:58:58):
But this is only yours. I know that my all around me, my S are

Speaker 6 (00:59:04):
Material closed.

Leo Laporte (00:59:08):
Do maybe people don't buy coffee afternoon in your neighborhood. <Laugh> <laugh>

Jeff Jarvis (00:59:14):
They all wanna sleep. Cause they're old.

Leo Laporte (00:59:17):
It's nap time. You

Speaker 6 (00:59:18):
Know? I, I, I, I will say I agree with Ms. Stacy regarding the, the big box stores versus the shop local. Cause I can make that sacrifice and buy my groceries at the more expensive, you know, family own grocery store or whatever. But electronics. I, I don't know if I can, you know, can afford to do that. Cuz well there's

Jeff Jarvis (00:59:39):
No real mom and pop El store there.

Speaker 6 (00:59:42):
Well, I mean some camera shops and things like that. They're all dying though,

Leo Laporte (00:59:47):
Because of that. Right? Mm-hmm <affirmative>, they're all dying. But I mean,

Speaker 6 (00:59:49):
I still try to support the, the one inside OSA,

Leo Laporte (00:59:52):
Mostly it's clothing. I think mm-hmm <affirmative> so only, only rich people go to a clothing store is that way. What you're saying counterintuitive to me. But they go to the big, they go get Costco to get their pants.

Speaker 6 (01:00:07):
I go to Walmart,

Jeff Jarvis (01:00:08):
Go target

Speaker 6 (01:00:09):
Walmart. I go to Walmart for my bridge. H

Jeff Jarvis (01:00:11):
And M Zara.

Speaker 6 (01:00:13):
It's a lot

Jeff Jarvis (01:00:14):
Cheaper. Where do you shop? Leo?

Leo Laporte (01:00:17):
I shop at Neman walk is Brooks brothers and Tiffany you beautiful? No, this is LL bean actually.

Speaker 6 (01:00:24):
Oh no. We're not gonna mention them. We gave them, did you get that?

Jeff Jarvis (01:00:27):
No, we've already given them way too

Leo Laporte (01:00:28):
Much. LL bean goes with the wicked good slippers. I only buy clothing from Maine. <Laugh> actually that's true. These shoes. They're also from Maine. So

Speaker 6 (01:00:42):
How did you get your shoe off that quickly, man? <Laugh>

Leo Laporte (01:00:47):
Main shoes. That's impressive. Are easy to put on and easy to take off. That's one of the reasons you buy shoes.

Speaker 6 (01:00:53):
I forget this table is high can for you considering is it high? I can't really move like ma table

Leo Laporte (01:01:00):
Can't is it made in

Speaker 6 (01:01:03):
Maine made in Maine? It says

Leo Laporte (01:01:05):
That doesn't it. <Laugh> Maine. Maine.

Jeff Jarvis (01:01:08):
Now your finger smells too. Does

Leo Laporte (01:01:10):
Not smell. I

Speaker 6 (01:01:12):

Jeff Jarvis (01:01:14):
Be honest. Does it smell?

Speaker 6 (01:01:15):
I'm not smelling his finger.

Leo Laporte (01:01:20):
Oh no. We've hit a new know. Is it a new low <laugh> okay.

Jeff Jarvis (01:01:26):
Let's talk about what other stories? My God. Well, Stacy's trying to bring to anything else. Thank you. Miss Stacy.

Speaker 6 (01:01:32):
Anything back on the tracks. There's

Jeff Jarvis (01:01:35):
A chip story. Stacy. There's two chip stories. That'll save

Leo Laporte (01:01:38):
Us. What's the chip story. I don't

Jeff Jarvis (01:01:41):
Know. I chip boring, but she'll make, make it interesting. No, no, no, no. Oh, let's talk about the there's there's a Tesla story. There's a really good Tesla model wise story. That's a good one.

Speaker 6 (01:01:52):
Oh, the dog says the dog degrees. The Tesla story

Leo Laporte (01:01:57):
Paypal says spending via its buy. Now pay later service sort 400 per sent on black Friday. Mm you're. Just behind the times though. Is, is it that people, is that how poor people buy this? <Laugh> <laugh>

Speaker 6 (01:02:12):
You got, it's an honest question and an honest answer. Yes. And you know,

Leo Laporte (01:02:17):
That's why you are poor. Exactly. You don't spend the money. You have, you spend the money. You don't, you don't have have exactly. It's it's all predatory. Big story. Here's one. Am I got one that Stacy's gonna go? Ooh. Ooh.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:02:34):
<Laugh> ready.

Leo Laporte (01:02:35):
Ooh. No, actually you're not. MEA has chosen am Amazon web services as its long term strategic cloud provider. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> according to protocol, a big win for AWS. I think if meta, which is, I thought this was so

Stacey Higginbotham (01:02:49):
Weird because meta like Facebook was one of the pioneers behind open compute things like all the way back in 2008, I was quizzing mark sucker Berg on how many servers they had, because it was a really interesting number. So yeah. And I, for the longest time thought,

Leo Laporte (01:03:06):
Think she'd really like this

Stacey Higginbotham (01:03:07):
Story. Push out Uhhuh. Oh,

Leo Laporte (01:03:09):
I'm sorry. You're right. You didn't get an O but you got another interest. It worked really well. It did back off and I won't talk about it. No, no, no. It's good. No, you're you love it. Facebook's famous for open hip you, which was a network operation center. Yeah. And I thought ran their own

Stacey Higginbotham (01:03:27):
Stuff as a PA. Yeah, they did run. They do run their own. So I thought they were gonna offer everything as a PAs. I always thought that would be a really interesting business model to go up against Amazon cloud. But one layer

Leo Laporte (01:03:37):
Up. Part of the reason they say is this is for pie torch. What's that?

Stacey Higginbotham (01:03:42):
Oh machine learning <laugh> Y'all are just making fun of me. Machine learning,

Leo Laporte (01:03:54):
Machine learning. Y'all

Stacey Higginbotham (01:03:56):
Are very mean and I am nicest person.

Leo Laporte (01:04:00):
What is pie torch? Tell us, I think Py means Python, right?

Stacey Higginbotham (01:04:07):
It is. It's a, it's a framework for machine learning.

Leo Laporte (01:04:10):
Oh, okay. So and so why can't Facebook run their own freaking pie torch servers,

Stacey Higginbotham (01:04:16):
I guess it's because it's Facebook. If you, if you think about cloud computing and Facebook's monolithic jobs, like the big jobs that they would need, like their specialized data center infrastructure for is probably things like storing photos newsfeed, their social craft stuff. So maybe the machine learning was just one bridge too far for them. I don't know. I'm just guessing. So having that kind of work, Amazon's built their graviton. They've built the, what is it called? Like infra. They've got the worst names. <Laugh> they've got a bunch of machine learning options available for you. So maybe Facebook was like, eh, we don't need to build it. Amazon's got

Leo Laporte (01:04:56):
It. It's cheaper. This by the way was announced at Amazon's reinvent conference today or it will anyway. Are you paying attention to AWS reinvent? What is that?

Stacey Higginbotham (01:05:07):
That's their big, giant cloud computing conference. And I always preface it as like, so where Amazon tells you which businesses and startups it's going to kill this year. Because every time it sees like a startup doing really well or a feature that's gaining ground, it's like, let's launch that. And then it does. And then who,

Leo Laporte (01:05:26):
Who go now? It's in Vegas. I don't know if it's a live event or it must be it's a live. Probably you do it in Vegas. It must be hybrid. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> yeah. Who goes to this?

Stacey Higginbotham (01:05:36):
Every, everyone, everyone who's anyone in an enterprise computing, but Stacy, you're not there.

Leo Laporte (01:05:41):

Stacey Higginbotham (01:05:41):
You, are you sad?

Leo Laporte (01:05:42):
I'm watching it virtually. You are. Okay. Okay. That's sensible. And, and so, so people were interested in enterprise computing go and Amazon then presents to them what AWS is up to

Stacey Higginbotham (01:05:56):
It. They release so much news. They there's like, I don't even know how many service there's over 200 AWS services, cloud services. Right. It's

Leo Laporte (01:06:04):
Crazy. Is it like Dreamforce

Stacey Higginbotham (01:06:05):
For AWS? Is it, is it all vendors come it's only for yeah. Only for Amazon's cloud computing or yeah. That's exactly what it's like. And they'll do key. I like tell you advanced from kind of to exactly. That was nice. <Laugh> well, yeah. I was like, it's like the Google

Leo Laporte (01:06:25):
Cloud, but actually in this case, it's not like Google IO.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:06:28):
It it's like their Google cloud event.

Leo Laporte (01:06:30):
Okay. It's for partners though. Right? Mostly like people who are already. Yeah.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:06:35):
It's people who build on Amazon, but it's also their customers go it's everybody in enterprise. So the investors are gonna be there. You've got all the startups there. You've got anybody. Who's gotta build any sort of application. I mean, it's a, it's a huge to like this year. We're like the 20 19 1 had I think 60,000 attendees.

Leo Laporte (01:06:55):
Ooh. Yeah. I have to say, I know it's legit. If Bezos is famous for, for years, I think they still do it. Not buying desks for people who work at Amazon, but giving you a pair of saw horses and a door for your desk. <Laugh> and I'm looking at the TV, the video feed of what's going on at Amazon reinvent. And this is the equivalent of a two saw horses in a door. This is thet TV set. It doesn't even go all the way behind the person. It's like, oh, we couldn't afford to have, is that a bad hotel? That's a, there, there is the full view. It's just the strip, but it's a picture. The strip that's too short to actually go behind the host. Those chain look horrible. <Laugh> we just bought chairs like that on Amazon. In fact, Ashley, our marketing person saw, bought a chair there and she were laughing. Right. Cause she said it was really small. <Laugh> it's like they're small. It's a little tiny chair. I, you know, oh no, come on Jeff. You can. I guess he's not the CEO anymore. Come on, Andy. He's not, was it Jesse? What's his name? Jesse. Andy jazzy. Jesse. Anyway, I'm sorry. I shouldn't mark. Who used to be there's another AWS guy re event

Stacey Higginbotham (01:08:11):
Every year. I think there's another big AWS

Jeff Jarvis (01:08:15):
Story on line 52. I

Leo Laporte (01:08:16):
Think that's big line 52.

Speaker 6 (01:08:19):
Hold on. Can I ask Stacy more about the chips?

Leo Laporte (01:08:22):
There's a big story that that aunt wants to talk about.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:08:25):
Oh, that's not that super big, Jeff, but sure.

Speaker 6 (01:08:28):
No fine. <Laugh> the okay. I wonder

Leo Laporte (01:08:30):
NASDA is moving markets to Amazon's cloud. That's the story he wanted to talk about? That's not

Stacey Higginbotham (01:08:35):
A big deal. Yeah. I mean big client, everybody

Leo Laporte (01:08:39):
On Amazon, everybody uses AWS. Everybody

Speaker 6 (01:08:41):
Does. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:08:43):
But NASDAQ, I don't even think NASDAQ is a big operation, to be honest with you. Yeah. The

Stacey Higginbotham (01:08:47):
NASDAQ used to come to when I was at gig home, they used to come to all of our cloud computing conferences because they were always like, all the markets are very advanced all by the banks too on the financial and the cloud front.

Leo Laporte (01:08:59):
So, well, that was the, to me, the fascinating thing about all this was Michael Lewis' flash boys, which was all about flash trading. And it starts off with somebody building a fiber cha as straight as possible because even the slightest spend is slow millisecond between Chicago and the New York, the Chicago exchange, the New York has changed. So they could be milliseconds ahead of the other traders whose fiber line Zed and sagged. So they had to build it very, very, very straight. And it just shows you, you know, you're right. And when it comes down to stuff like this cut through technology is every everything. So, yeah.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:09:38):
And Jeff, just so you know, AWS has hosted a bunch of NASDAQ stuff for years. Some of their Datalink stuff, events,

Leo Laporte (01:09:44):
Billions of transaction records in a data warehouse operated by AWS, including

Jeff Jarvis (01:09:50):
Right near my office is the, is the fake NASDAQ headquarters, which is ridiculous. It's it's oh yeah. Sometimes square. Yeah. There's nothing that actually happens there. They're just gonna have

Leo Laporte (01:09:58):
Flashy lights. Like that's the other thing I like flash boys. She says, you know, the stocky security, Steve, where you see the shots and going, bye, bye boys. It's fake. None of that. Nobody's done that. That's in New Jersey. Yeah. Nobody's done that in years. It's all fake. It's all for show it's. So Maria barter Romo has somewhere to stand and be the money, honey. How to be insane.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:10:17):
She, she still longer the money, honey, is she? No,

Leo Laporte (01:10:19):
No. She's no, she's a nut job now. Nevermind. Don't get, don't get 'em started Stacy.

Speaker 6 (01:10:26):
Don't get him started. Stacy chip.

Leo Laporte (01:10:27):
Qualcom do chip chip. No, we're we've got an AMD story. An AMD story. I wanted

Speaker 6 (01:10:32):
To ask breaking news. The AMD partnering up with meta <affirmative>. This was a couple weeks ago. Right after the, not it's not breaking, but it's still pretty big news. Cuz they're partnering up with meta with their cloud computing processing. Did you see anything about that? Is

Leo Laporte (01:10:50):
This Meta's gonna use? I don't MEA is the Meta's VR stuff. Their Oculus is gonna use AMD chips and they're gonna actually at they're gonna use some new chips which helped. I mean, somebody liked it cuz the stock price went

Speaker 6 (01:11:02):
On 10, 10. The stock went up 10%.

Leo Laporte (01:11:04):
Somebody liked it.

Speaker 6 (01:11:06):
AMD's been on a tear though for the last couple of years in the stock market though,

Leo Laporte (01:11:10):
Already Sony and Microsoft both use AMD chips in their game system. So it's actually not much of a surprise. Really nice. Yeah. These are good chips for that. And then you said Finland is gonna have its first quantum computer up and running. Oh

Stacey Higginbotham (01:11:31):

Leo Laporte (01:11:33):
It's pretty. Isn't it? It's only, it's only don't get excited. It's only five cubits. Well it does actually looks like a good cake cup machine. Maybe we should think camera be this for our coffee machine. We need a new cake cup machine. Oh it's it's a little big for the office. 

Stacey Higginbotham (01:11:55):
Stacy, how old does it have to be kept? Do they keep it outside? Good

Leo Laporte (01:11:57):
Question. I got a great question for you Stacy. Cuz I've been seeing a lot about lately fusion as a power source for the future. Now of course nuclear power plants currently use Fision which produces byproducts that are deadly and you gotta put 'em somewhere. Yep. But fusion is how talk about this? Like did we, or maybe I two weeks ago. Yeah. I'm just giving you something else to talk about. So the son, you didn't answer a job, Stacy, the

Stacey Higginbotham (01:12:28):
Son. No. We talked about the New York. The new Yorker did a big article. It was there like every 10 years they look at at fusion. Yeah. Give us. And there was a startup at MIT that has figured out. I swear to God talked

Leo Laporte (01:12:39):
About I do. I do. Maybe we did. I'm sorry. I do combine in my mind fusion with quantum computing because they both seem like way out there distant in the future. Maybe never that's all. So there that's how my mind, I don't, I

Stacey Higginbotham (01:12:56):
Don't know what to say. Here. There is a 238 I think is the most largest cubic computer running around right now. So Finland's computer is not

Leo Laporte (01:13:05):
Little teeny Wey. Yeah.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:13:08):
It's easy. It's a cubic computer. 256 cubic. Pick it up for Finland.

Leo Laporte (01:13:13):
Who has the 2 56. Is that a IBM? That is

Stacey Higginbotham (01:13:16):
No, it's actually Harvard, Harvard built from Harvard and MIT. Yeah. Huh?

Leo Laporte (01:13:22):

Stacey Higginbotham (01:13:23):
Cora, Q U E R a computing.

Leo Laporte (01:13:28):

Stacey Higginbotham (01:13:29):
But it's only for specific problems. Google has a 53 QBI machine <affirmative> and IBM has a 53 bit quantum

Leo Laporte (01:13:39):
Computer. How big would a quantum computer? How many cubits would you have to have to actually do real work?

Stacey Higginbotham (01:13:45):
The issue with quantum computers is you have to program to do a specific type of job. Oh like, so they're only good at certain types of jobs. So it's not like,

Leo Laporte (01:13:56):
So it's not now apples to oranges. Yeah. Or like it's got 256 transistors you would say. Yeah. Well good luck with that. <Laugh>

Stacey Higginbotham (01:14:06):
So you'd have to like run them as a benchmark. You'd have to do like I can in, in some things like Montecarlo simulations, the quantum computer's gonna be much better at than a traditional computer. Right. But I don't, you know, like it's good for

Leo Laporte (01:14:19):
Simulations particularly.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:14:21):
Yeah. So, and I'm trying to think, cuz you couldn't gauge it on performance. You could do it on speed of application, but you'd also wanna have one other thing. So you'd be like, would it be energy as your trade off? Would it be cost cause quantum computers on cost can't I mean, no again, I don't think you could do a benchmark here. You're gonna have to come up with a completely new job that

Leo Laporte (01:14:40):
Can only be done with new things. Quantum computer. Okay. Well, one of the things, of course it always comes up with quantum computing is the idea that it might make it easy to factor large primes, which is kind of critical to the public key cryptography system we use today. And if they got really good at that, we'd have to come up with another way. And actually scientists are already working on all use. Yeah.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:15:03):
I go to, I go to, there are so many webinars on that right now. Yeah. I've been to at least three <laugh> I'm not, they're really hard to understand. Yeah. There's

Leo Laporte (01:15:11):
Pretty sophisticated. I don't know if it's elliptic curve they're using or something, but something that would not be as easy to crack as the prime factoring, which is what's the, the backbone of public key crypto these days. But I, and again, so that would be the question like, well how many qubits do you need to, to break the RSA? You know, a 4,000. Oh

Stacey Higginbotham (01:15:31):
There's someone the, oh, I could answer that. I've read this answer before.

Leo Laporte (01:15:35):
Okay. Work on that while I read another ad. How about that? Okay. Okay. You wanna know about this kind of stuff. There's a great place to go. Udacity Udacity is an online education program, geared towards people, looking to take their Teo to the next level. And man, they have some great content that can really help you to go further in the career you want or get the career. You want the latest cutting edge Nanodegree programs you can't find anywhere else. Udacity is all about encouraging your yes, you, your career growth. They want to give you the information you need to decide what career you want, you know, help you choose that career. Then give you the skills for that career. And then they go all the way help you get the job in that career. Aaron, here's an example. There's lots of success stories on the website.

Leo Laporte (01:16:27):
Here's a guy named Aaron. He said Udacity Nanodegree programs and career resource center played in grow part in helping me land a job offer from Google. Google. Nice. That is, that is a hard thing to get. That is the golden ticket. Yeah. A job offer from Google. If you're looking to get into the most cutting edge technology careers, you can get Nanodegree programs and AI and flying cars. I would love that. In fact, they've got a nano Nanodegree program for a flying car, an autonomous flight engineer or intro to self-driving cars or machine learning engineer or robotic software engineer. A whole lot more Udacity courses are created with the companies. You will want to work for industry leaders like Microsoft and Google and IBM and AWS and more. They select team leads at the top companies to be your instructors. So you're learning for people who are in the field, working on this stuff.

Leo Laporte (01:17:22):
You're gonna get the right knowledge from experts who are working on these exact problems every single day in big businesses. This is so cool. When you sign up for an Nanodegree program with Udacity, you can expect courses to be project based. I think that's really important to get that active learning, to do it, to build it yourself. Not only does it test your knowledge, but having built those projects, you can now put them up on your GitHub, which they'll help you do put them a reference to it in your LinkedIn. It people think a lot more highly, if you could say, oh yeah, that's a project I've worked on. That makes a big difference. Your projects and homework will be reviewed by qualified professionals in the field. You get real human feedback reviews, just like real code reviews and you're never alone. You're gonna get access to mentors 27.

Leo Laporte (01:18:10):
It's actually a great community at Udacity flexible schedule. You can work whatever as hard as you want as little as you want. But to give you a sense, if you work maybe five to 10 hours a week, you can graduate in as little as three months. Here's a good example of a scholarship offer at UD. There are quite a few of them. If you go to the Udacity webpage and select scholarships under resources, there's one one 10 and blacks in technology is teamed up with Udacity to offer part-time online tech scholarships for black Americans who don't have a four year degree. That's awesome. The truth is the four year degree is not necessarily the golden ticket. You, you need to get the skills these companies want and, and having a Nanodegree program at Udacity. Having that, that, that, that certificate can make such a difference.

Leo Laporte (01:19:02):
Right now, one 10 blacks in technology and Udacity are offering 2000 full scholarships for qualified applicants. You can apply to today, and do you know, scroll to the bottom of the webpage and select scholarships under resources, cuz there are others as well. And if you're a business, you can use Udacity to upskill your entire workforce. Check out the enterprise section of Udacity website today to learn more. So bottom line, get the in demand tech skills. You need to advance your career a great way to learn Udacity. Head to to learn more, check out the scholarship programs and you know the fun thing to do just browse around. I guarantee you, you're gonna look at some of these Nanodegree programs and go, yeah, no, I wanna do that. This is how you get a hundred thousand dollars plus tech career in just three months. Udacity.Com/Twit. All right, Stacy, how many cubits would it take to crack a 4,096 bit RSA private key.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:20:12):
Oh 4,090.

Leo Laporte (01:20:13):
Oh no, you can do 10 24 if you want. That's okay.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:20:16):
I have a 2048 bit

Leo Laporte (01:20:18):
2048 cruise,

Stacey Higginbotham (01:20:20):
20, 48. Great. You can actually, so in 2019 Google and someone from Sweden's Royal Institute of technology figured out they could do it with just 20 million quantum bits.

Leo Laporte (01:20:33):
Oh 20 million. That's now how many do we have? 20 million? How many do we

Stacey Higginbotham (01:20:37):
Have so far? Well, 250 sticks. Okay,

Leo Laporte (01:20:40):
Good. I feel safe. <Laugh> but hold on,

Stacey Higginbotham (01:20:42):
Hold on. There is a, there is a two pronged answer to one is to get the exact number into complete Shore's algorithm. Yes. For encryption. Yes. But there's another way to do it where it's kind of like probabilistic computing where you get close, but maybe you, you go about it a slightly different way. Yeah. In the Chinese, in 2020, they found a way to use D waves quantum computer to factorized large in integers. Yeah. And bypass shores algorithm completely. Yeah. And they think they can do that with, hold

Leo Laporte (01:21:17):
On a MacBook pro back to me

Stacey Higginbotham (01:21:20):
<Laugh> a MacBook pro no 89 noisy cubits,

Leo Laporte (01:21:26):
Noisy qubits. That's a lot less than 20 million cubits.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:21:31):
Yeah. So, but that, but that was only factoring RSA 7 68. So there's

Leo Laporte (01:21:36):
A lot of, there's a lot of, so by the way I use, I used to use 40, 96. That's why I asked about that. And I now use a much stronger elliptic curve. So in other words, while people are talking about there's this potential with these quantum computers, we're kind of still far away from anything

Stacey Higginbotham (01:21:53):
To worry about, but the N now N has, this is why I go to those events. This is, those are the N is the national Institute. Yes. Standards and technology. They are, they have a quantum proof encryption working group that should come out with, oh yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:22:07):
They're working on this right now. Yeah. In 2024. Yeah. I'm using curve 22, 55 19 right now. And it's, I think it's not quantum proof of course, but I think it's a good, it's kind of the, what I should be using for now and as anybody and it's, you know, it's easy as you can do it fast. It's not a tough thing to do. I have a feeling in the long run it's gonna you know, at some point maybe not in my lifetime, there will be an 80 million cubit. <Laugh> maybe not

Speaker 6 (01:22:43):
Like we're kind in our chat. You cubits keep quiet or I'll go through their warm hole and

Leo Laporte (01:22:48):
Quiet you down myself. Curve 25, 5 19 is very good. Yeah. And by the way, yes, I was gonna do it and I decided not to Lord. What's a cubit. <Laugh> just a call back. Just a call back. Of course, just to call back one. More's all. We don't have to go any farther. Google's do not be evil. Motto goes to court. Ooh. What three fire software engineers claim. Oh, I did see this three fired software engineers claim. Google's don't be evil clause of its code of conduct amount to a contractual obligation. They filed a lawsuit in Santa Clara county where Google is in superior court, claiming the search giant fired them in 2019 because of their activism around Google's involvement with customs and border patrol and immigration and customs enforce during the Trump administration, they had organized fellow employees to speak out against immigration policies, released a petition signed by 1,495 Googlers as well as 94 other supporters calling for an end to Google's involvement with a practice they viewed as unethical, Google argued, Google, they argued was doing something evil. And as a result, they violated the code of conduct, which amounts, according to this suit to a contractual obligation,

Jeff Jarvis (01:24:18):
It's hard to imagine how this gets very

Leo Laporte (01:24:21):
Long. If it's true, the engineer's activism was consistent with Google's own rules. <Affirmative> meaning the company may have fired them unjustly. In other words, because the code of conduct said, don't be evil. They had the right to raise concerns over what they viewed as an evil practice. That seems right. Did they did, did Google change this little mantra from maybe that's why cuz this was in 2019, right? Hmm. But you're right, Jeff. I don't know what a judge is gonna say.

Jeff Jarvis (01:24:52):
Just show me the statute that defines evil. No, in our, in our new Sharia law in America, maybe it works. You know, I don't know,

Leo Laporte (01:25:01):
Sorry. I gotta hunch. They're gonna get paid. The code of conduct also says, and this is in the lawsuit. And if you have a question or ever think that one of your fellow Googlers or the company as a whole may be falling short of our commitment, don't be evil here. It comes, don't be silent. So they say, look, we, this is in the code of conduct. We were told to raise a ruckus, which was, which

Jeff Jarvis (01:25:26):
Is always the point about it. That it was an opportunity to question anything the company did. Yeah. To keep the company honest. What was Stacy doing

Leo Laporte (01:25:33):
Now? The co the company said they had fired them. Not because of that. And this is by the way, it's strange how this keeps coming up. But because they violated the company's data security policies that's that why they fired guru. Yeah. That's why they fired her colleague. I can't remember her name as well. Margaret Mitchell. Mitchell. No. Yeah. What was it? See, I think she wrote, gone with a win, but I think she also worked at Google. Yeah. <Laugh>

Jeff Jarvis (01:26:03):
I was like, I was like, no. And she was married to an attorney general, but yeah. Also

Leo Laporte (01:26:08):
Worked at Google. Wow. There's a lot of Margaret Mitchells in the world. <Laugh> yeah. So the N Norb is investigating this as well to see if they were unlawfully discharged. I think this is interesting. Mm-Hmm <affirmative>, you know, don't put, don't be evil in your code of conduct. If you don't, you don't wanna stand by it. And they, by the way, did I think Google did remove that from the code of conduct in 2018, although alphabet has it in their code of conduct as do the right thing.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:26:39):
<Laugh>, that's

Leo Laporte (01:26:40):
Different than no being, if I, if I were spikey, I'd be upset. Both are very subjective. Yeah. But sure. Yeah. As of September 20, it's my daughter.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:26:52):
Oh. Sending her out the door and saying, make good

Leo Laporte (01:26:54):
Choices, make good choices, whatever that might be. <Laugh> I'm choosing to get high as of September 20, 20 Google's code of conduct did in fact say, quote, remember don't be evil. And if you see something that you think isn't right, speak up, I think that's a good code of conduct, but maybe you shouldn't, <laugh> put it in writing. That's the thing. I, I think they're going get paid here. You think? So? I think they're going to get paid and, and you don't think so, Jeff we'll find out no.

Jeff Jarvis (01:27:23):
On, I think the judge is gonna say,

Leo Laporte (01:27:28):
And it's an interesting point, you

Jeff Jarvis (01:27:31):
Know, if, if, if the company had done in any there's documents that say don't be evil, for example, mm-hmm <affirmative> and this violated that, then there, then there'd be something to go on. But I think this don't be evils very general open, not to such how could you whole interpretation the standard of evil that isn't statutory. It just doesn't. I think

Leo Laporte (01:27:50):
The speak up thing is more to Jermaine because it's like, right. Yes. I thought it was evil. So I spoke up and

Jeff Jarvis (01:27:56):
If we were harmed whistle wasn't harmed, but then you Sue under whistleblower.

Leo Laporte (01:28:00):
Well, I'm sure that's the NLRBS investigation probably, right? Yeah. Here is a weird one. Remember Facebook bought Jiffy G or is it Giffy? Giffy?

Jeff Jarvis (01:28:09):
God Giffy.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:28:10):
I was like the peanut butter company. You almost had me again. <Laugh>

Leo Laporte (01:28:16):
Is it Giffy or Jiffy? It's it's Giffy.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:28:20):
I say. And the peanut butter's actually Giff but

Leo Laporte (01:28:23):
FA yeah. Facebook agreed to buy. I can't say it. Giffy Giffy in may of last year for 400 million regulators in the UK yesterday said they have told Facebook that would be no to sell Giffy. They didn't know. They, no, they already bought it. They closed, they closed after finding the takeover could reduce competition between social media platforms and increase Facebook's.

Jeff Jarvis (01:28:51):
What's interesting how one country can decide this on behalf of the whole world

Leo Laporte (01:28:55):
To, well, can they, I don't know a company that's not

Jeff Jarvis (01:28:58):
Based there.

Speaker 6 (01:29:00):
Oh, I didn't

Stacey Higginbotham (01:29:01):
Think, well, Facebook can always decide to not put things there a country. I mean, do they have sovereign energy over their citizens and what their citizens can access and do? Sure. Yeah. I don't

Jeff Jarvis (01:29:11):
Know what the law is on this. It's it's what happens in a global market is gonna have a competing national

Leo Laporte (01:29:16):
Here. This is interesting. So

Stacey Higginbotham (01:29:18):
Yeah, we've been saying this though for like decades and we're still not there yet. It's we're on

Jeff Jarvis (01:29:21):
The show for decades. It's

Leo Laporte (01:29:22):
Been that long. Yeah. Not only is the problem that Facebook's market power increases by denying or limiting other platforms, access to Giffy gifts. GS

Speaker 6 (01:29:34):
<Laugh> get it right. Gifts, gifts, gifts,

Leo Laporte (01:29:39):
Or changing the terms, access to its gifts for competitive sites. They also said the deals anti-competitive because Giffy had an advertising business, which Facebook shut down and they said, you know what? That advertise you bought Giffy. Also because that advertising business competed with yours as a result, regulator said, Facebook will also required to reinstate the innovative advertising service Giffy offered before the merger. I've gotta go to discord to see how they feel about Giffy <laugh> and animated gifts. It's not a G it's a gift. All right, wait, wait. Really? So the consensus, so we've all reached consensus that is GIF

Speaker 6 (01:30:27):
Hard G gift. I I'm a soft myself. I'm a soft G person when it comes to that. Oh my God.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:30:33):
Why are we still debating this? But I don't

Speaker 6 (01:30:35):
Debate it. I just say it. Cause I'm a grown man. So the question is

Leo Laporte (01:30:40):
True. Be wrong. I, I will go with the, what the company said is, is his name, right? Because

Jeff Jarvis (01:30:47):
No, they don't have a right to determine root.

Leo Laporte (01:30:51):
Really? They don't really, unless they're right. No, no, because it's a company name. There is no word Giffy. Let's see what it says on the YouTube.

Speaker 7 (01:31:00):
We are looking at how to pronounce of this American online database and search engine. Well, that's off

Stacey Higginbotham (01:31:09):

Speaker 7 (01:31:13):
Small, interesting take words as well. So make sure to, this is the creepiest voice

Jeff Jarvis (01:31:16):
I've ever heard.

Speaker 6 (01:31:18):
It's English

Speaker 7 (01:31:19):
Happening. Giffy, Giffy. Pretty straightforward wood.

Leo Laporte (01:31:25):
Okay. Okay.

Speaker 6 (01:31:25):
Okay. All right. So that's the company Julian that came with the actual foul. I thought they, they pronounce it as a

Stacey Higginbotham (01:31:33):
Soft, they pronounce it Jiff, but it's short for graphics, interchange format and graphics is a hard

Leo Laporte (01:31:39):
G graphic. How do you pronounce giraffe G graph?

Speaker 6 (01:31:44):
Well, okay. I went to win gate university, but apparently it's supposed to be winge university

Stacey Higginbotham (01:31:51):
Winge. Yeah. We can talk about Carnegie and Carnegie

Leo Laporte (01:31:54):
Winge. All right. Giffy. I'm gonna say Giffy, cuz I don't like the guy who developed the G <laugh> so fair enough is Giff I'm gonna say GIF and, and actually it is relevant for the pronunciation of Giffy regardless of how you pronounce GIF for Giff. Yeah, because that that's a company company name and the guy who found it, it says Giffy. Yes. Fair enough.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:32:14):
That's fair. You ready? You know what he says? What quote at we know there's only one Giff and it's peanut butter. Alex Chung, founder and CEO of Giffy said a press release. If you're a soft G please visit If you're a hard G thank you. We know you're right.

Leo Laporte (01:32:31):
Oh wow. Giffy, Giffy, Giffy, Giffy, Giffy, SMU,

Speaker 6 (01:32:35):
Much Giffy

Leo Laporte (01:32:36):
Giffy. In any case, it became better for a short one. Yeah. Well, I don't know. Does this mean gonna my best? You must invest. Do they have to? I guess, I mean, if they want to be in the UK, I don't, this is fascinating. I don't know.

Speaker 6 (01:32:51):
So that's enough for them in where we not be in the

Leo Laporte (01:32:53):
UK. I think it just thumb their nose and say, make us, yeah. Right.

Speaker 6 (01:32:57):
It's like we're us company. Make

Leo Laporte (01:32:59):
Us, what are you gonna do?

Speaker 6 (01:33:02):
And then they're gonna say, well, you can't be in

Stacey Higginbotham (01:33:04):
The UK. Hey, you know what the UK did do this week. That was so exciting. What? They passed their cybersecurity law. It resembles a lot of California's SB 3 27. It's a cybersecurity device. Law says no hard coded passwords. No default passwords. Oh yeah. Yeah. It provides an expiration date for security updates on connected devices at the point of

Leo Laporte (01:33:26):
Sale. This is fantastic. All right.

Speaker 6 (01:33:28):

Stacey Higginbotham (01:33:29):
All right. The California law does not do that last bit. That's where the UK law kind of boosts out and I've been calling for this for years. So when you buy something that's connected, you should be able to say, look on the box to be like, I have five years of security updates. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:33:44):
That's really great. Yeah. That's nice. That's really great. The national labor relations board, speaking of the NLRB has reordered a new election at Amazon's Beamer, Alabama site. They said you can guys really messed with this and you're gonna have to have a second union election. Did you see John? Oliver's thing on union busting. It was quite good. A few months ago. I

Speaker 6 (01:34:11):
Haven't seen him in a long time. Youtube is just getting better and better with the recommendations for me. I love it. Okay. We know everybody will is to watch John Oliver except for aunt Pruit. So we will not push that

Leo Laporte (01:34:25):
To <laugh>. The union said Amazon's intimidation and interference prevented workers from having a fair saying whether they wanted a union in their workplace. Amazon says it's disappointing. The NLRB has now decided that those votes should not count. Our employees have always had the choice of whether or not to join a union. They overwhelmingly, he chose not to earlier mm-hmm <affirmative> this year. In fact, that was true. 1007 98 to 7 38 against wow. That was, what did they say that Amazon did? It seems like that was just among other things. Installing their own mailbox to collect ballots. Amazon security guards had access to the mailbox, giving some workers the impression Amazon controlled the results. One of the things companies do is they have mandatory onsite meetings with anti-union representatives who explain union's a terrible idea and you gotta go mandatory, mandatory. Oh, that's a lot of companies do that. Really? Yeah. Again, John Oliver had a good a good piece on it. Yeah, I'll check it out. They don't violate the law. You know, you kind of try to stay within the letter of the law. Maybe not the spirit quite, but that was a big deal. Remember when Alabama voted, no, Amazon was like, see, everybody's happy at Amazon film the centers. We don't need unions. They hate unions. They do just like Starbucks. They hate 'em.

Jeff Jarvis (01:35:51):
I worked for a co, I worked for advanced publics, which is Connie Nat and Newhouse newspapers. And the, there was one union newsroom in the Cleveland, plain dealer. And the others were given in newsrooms. If you weren't union, you were given a lifetime job guarantee. Well, come the troubles of the internet. They had to redefine life.

Leo Laporte (01:36:14):

Jeff Jarvis (01:36:14):
And had to say, well, no, it's the life of the company, not your life. And we're gonna close the company and then reopen it into something new. And oh, so yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:36:25):
It's that? Brett Taylor? Yes. <Laugh>. I'm sorry. I'm squirrel much the delayed

Stacey Higginbotham (01:36:32):
Reaction. We talked about that like two hours ago.

Jeff Jarvis (01:36:35):
That's Brett. That's what I tried to say.

Leo Laporte (01:36:36):
That's why. So he is now the chair at Twitter and the co CEO of Salesforce. Yes. I know him from back in the day, he created friend feed, which I loved. He worked on Gmail and Google maps. This guy was a, yeah. Brett's great. Great guy. CTO of Facebook. Yeah. Oh, that Brett Taylor you're getting good. Which I called? Yes.

Jeff Jarvis (01:36:55):
Oh, I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen to me. You just

Leo Laporte (01:36:59):
Steam rolled over. I knew the name and I thought, oh, it can't be that Brett Taylor. He's a computer programmer, but I guess he's also a good business person. Yeah, he is. He, he he was a founder at Quip. But he's, you know, that's how he got Salesforce. They bought Quip. No, he's a great, great guy. Great coder. I pretty sure we've interviewed him on our shows. I feel like I know him. It's too big for us now. Not now. No, no, it's too big. No, no, no. What's, what's this theory about co CEOs being a bad idea.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:37:28):
Someone said, oh, it's just never, it just never works out. That was me. Oh, okay. I'm just thinking about, can we name any co CEOs that have been a good idea? Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:37:37):
Mm-Hmm <affirmative> Blackberry, the most famous is right. I mean, they don't the, I remember, well, rim worked cuz those two guys were founders. No, those

Stacey Higginbotham (01:37:47):
They did not work.

Leo Laporte (01:37:49):
Yeah. Look how well rim's doing. Yeah. Look how well, if you have a Blackberry in your future. No, actually it's interesting. Cause they renamed themselves Blackberry, but now they own QNX mm-hmm <affirmative> they actually have found us, but BA Bazi or whatever his name is, they've left Deon,

Stacey Higginbotham (01:38:07):
Whatever. They they're they're back to single CEOs. They're gone. Yeah. At

Jeff Jarvis (01:38:10):
Salesforce Benoff is clearly the boss Benny off takes over any room he's in. But I think this is a way problem, but maybe this

Stacey Higginbotham (01:38:16):
Is how to get him. This is my right hand. Yeah. He's trying to get out. So maybe he has to do this double thing for a while to keep the

Leo Laporte (01:38:23):
Investors happy. It's it's really interesting. Cause I mean, Brett's a great coder and a great product guy to see him as a business guy is an interesting thing. He's

Jeff Jarvis (01:38:32):
Been in this, this role. He's been at a high level for

Leo Laporte (01:38:34):
Quite a while. Yeah. He, he Google in 2007 to become a VC. So all the normal people are screaming. The nerds are taking over. Right. I guess that's what it is in a way. And that's what, that's where my surprise lies. It's not somebody from BAE capital mm-hmm <affirmative>, you know,

Stacey Higginbotham (01:38:49):
Who's I think it's interesting because I think we're entering to this like service slash API economy. And so I think there's a lot of issues that are need to be technically solved when doing these business deals. And I think having an understanding of that will give companies an advantage.

Leo Laporte (01:39:06):
Well, look at Sam, less we interview we had on the show last week you missed. Oh, that was so good. He's great. There's a, there's a perfect example of guy. Who's both a coder and a business guy and obviously a very successful VC

Jeff Jarvis (01:39:17):
By the way. We, we, well, we, we glanced around too is the number of, I think Indian born CEOs and technology keeps growing.

Leo Laporte (01:39:26):
Yeah. Cha Adela

Jeff Jarvis (01:39:29):
And now AAL,

Leo Laporte (01:39:33):
Agrawal, Agrawal CTO. There's

Stacey Higginbotham (01:39:35):
I mean, yeah. Go look up at the, is Thai still a thing because if it is, I guarantee you there's Indian CEOs everywhere.

Leo Laporte (01:39:43):
Yeah. What's Thai

Stacey Higginbotham (01:39:46):
The indu American something. It's an organization. It's a oh, okay. Networking organization. Oh

Leo Laporte (01:39:52):
For all right. South Asians. Oh that Brett Taylor. I like him. Jesus. I'm sorry. It came outta nowhere. Well, there was another story about him being named CEO Salesforce. And I thought, wait a minute, I know who that is.

Jeff Jarvis (01:40:11):
I should that up in rundown.

Leo Laporte (01:40:13):
I'm getting that's all it is. It really is. How about we do a one of them, you know what I'm talking about? Press a button. <Laugh> he doesn't know about

Jeff Jarvis (01:40:22):
<Laugh> but Google change law. I'll press a button. <Laugh>

Leo Laporte (01:40:29):
It's time for the change law. Google announces a grab bag of new features for Android for the end of 2021. This is actually you know, Google's policy these days lately is to hold features back, then ship them over gradual period of time. New widgets, new Android auto features.

Jeff Jarvis (01:40:47):
Could they fix Android auto first for the six? Maybe

Leo Laporte (01:40:50):
That's the fix fix Bluetooth and Android updates for Google assistant, Google photos, big blog posts from Google. So this is like all in one change log, get festive. This holiday season with new Android features, this just came out. I haven't had a chance to read it. Keep your family on track this season with family bell. What's that? It's it's an alarm for the whole family. <Laugh> lots of obnoxious. Yeah. <Laugh> family members will be able to set bells on their own devices so they can stay on top of their individual goals too. But with family bell and your point home speaker smart display bells and notifications will go off throughout the house. When it's time for important moments throughout the day, I may, I may need to implement this. We struggle with this. No, you know? Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> time for dinner or time to get ready for school. That kind of they're all doing their own things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I may need to implement this cuz I usually have. Right. <laugh> literally when I was a kid, my mom got so tired of yelling, come down for dinner. Yeah. That she got a bell that she would ring. So this is just the modern equivalent. You have a PLO response to the story. My mouth's still water. Every

Stacey Higginbotham (01:42:06):
Time we clicked the lights on and, and downstairs for our daughter's room, just

Leo Laporte (01:42:10):
Do boo. So, and that shes that's a good idea. It's a lot better. It's my much more civilized than going. That was the IOT moment. That was an I OT humble brag. <Laugh> no, no other parent can do that, but I can cuz my house, how do you do that? Do you, do you give it a voice command or

Stacey Higginbotham (01:42:26):
There, there are multiple ways. We use Lutron, a Lutron Pico upstairs and then the Google display for,

Leo Laporte (01:42:33):
So there's a button on the display. She's an

Stacey Higginbotham (01:42:34):
<Affirmative> or can you well, theres a, yeah, we have a physical Pico remote for her bedroom. And then if she's in the family room, we just use the Google display. There's no toggle on the voice. And it's a big complaint. I have

Leo Laporte (01:42:49):
One of our, for that reason, one of our listeners, I don't know how I figured this out. Roberto online in bed, on my birthday in the morning. And, and my echo suddenly says you have a message from Roberto <laugh> and he, and he comes on in my house and says happy birthday. And I thought, thank God. No one else I know has figured out how to do this, Roberto. You're smart. Oh, happy Beate it. Well, I don't care. I, first of all, I don't, but I was like, what? How do, how do he <laugh> that's that's great. And creepy at the same time. Yeah, exactly. He's like, how did he figure that out? So maybe he knows about this family bill. He knows know a lot more about that encryption than you do. I don't understand how he did it. Get more outta your favorite Google app and by the way, and then the Amazon, you know how it has a light that pulses, if you've got a notification pulsed until I said, all right, what's the notification Roberto says happy proof.

Leo Laporte (01:43:44):
<Laugh> all right, here's another one. Get more outta your favorite Google apps with widgets home screen displaying a photo of mother and child from the Google photos, people and pets widget. Oh, it's ed. Cuz I always have had a Google photos widget mm-hmm <affirmative> but now you can have a people in pets, widget. Okay. You can have a Google play books widget. You might like that. Stacy, cuz I know you like books, you'll have a YouTube music widget. You can have holiday tunes in it. And and then the Google people and pets widget, you can relive festive memories with Google photos. I'm a big fan of memories in general, but now these will also among other things as be it birthday memories, you know, special event memories, new year's Eve, Halloween graduations when you're driving home for the holidays are simply going to the store for some last minute groceries, a suite of updates enhances just how helpful Android could be on the road, unless it doesn't work at all. Reply to messages in the car with a tap, you can set Android out much automatically when you connect your Android phone to your compatible car compatible car included to stay connected on every drive once you're on the road. So you should try though, maybe with this update, maybe they'll that's one of the things they'll fix. That would be nice. That's what I'm hoping.

Jeff Jarvis (01:45:04):
I also I'm wasting 20 bucks to buy an actual Google USB cable. So I can't, I'm trying to eliminate everything. Yeah. Yeah. Nice people. Nice listeners sent me a lost links to a Kickstarter thing that allows you to use wireless. Even if your, if your car requires wired thinking that might fix it, but I'm not. I, I don't think so. I think it's, I think it's something on the sixth.

Leo Laporte (01:45:29):
Once you're on the road and Android auto helps you get things done so you can stay on the road. Smart reply options are coming soon to messaging. I love it. And I actually, I get this with apples CarPlay, but I, I presume it's available in Android auto where it'll say you have a message from Abby, shall I read it? And it reads it. Would you like to reply? And I could D dictate a reply. Oh yeah. Would you like to send it? I love that feature. I used

Jeff Jarvis (01:45:51):
To get that. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (01:45:53):
That's really great. Yeah. You can listen to your favorite music with a single tap of the new, always on play button right next to the home button coming, coming soon. You'll be able to use your voice to search for music faster in your media apps on Android auto so a bunch of new features app permissions are getting a private boost. Privacy boost get notified when app permissions are removed. When, so apparently after a while, you'll have the permissions will reset and you'll have to go through that process again to give them permissions again, your device will automatically turn a off run time permissions, which allow apps to access data or take actions on your behalf for downloaded apps you haven't used in a while. You can always turn 'em back on. Ah, but they'll expire if you don't use them. That's good. Right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> that's good. I forgot. I'd left that on. Share the love with new emoji kitchen combinations. Have you played with emoji kitchen? No. Let's you take an emoji and fix it up, add to it? No. Yeah. Wouldn't

Jeff Jarvis (01:47:05):
People not see it then because it's thought

Leo Laporte (01:47:07):
Standard school becomes a sticker. So, so it's not an emoji. It's a sticker. It's no longer. Yeah, basically you're making a sticker with an emoji, I guess. All right. So those are some of the new features. Boy, that was one item in the change log that turned out to be a great to go on for a long, long time hours. Google's rolling. Torturing me. I,

Jeff Jarvis (01:47:32):
I hear Stacy's stomach growling. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:47:35):
<Laugh> did you know? My shoes are made Maine where they in his mouth and you got it off quickly again. It's just, that just blows my mind. I'm serious. Well, you take you to take your shoes off, off. I have to suck my, my belly in <laugh>. Oh yeah. He's wedged in there. I do special limbing exercises so I can whip my shoes off. Yeah. Leo does Pilates in. Oh, that's right. That's right. Very good. Part of my problem. Google's rolling out Android digital car key support to pixel six gala. He has 21 on select BMWs. That's the problem. Jeff. You need a BMW? Ah, yeah, exactly. Android TV. 12 driver on the road. Yeah. <Laugh> Android. Hey, I have a BMW. Do you love BMW? A Tesla and a BMW. Wow. Oh, you're you're.

Jeff Jarvis (01:48:25):
Yeah. You're obnoxious.

Leo Laporte (01:48:29):
Which, which, I mean, I, them obnoxious, but not for that. Which BMW do you have? What kind of BMW do you have? It's blue. No, it's five. I like the blues. The five series five. Very nice. Good choice. An's giving you a thumb on five series. Android TV 12 is now available. Not sure if it's gonna get to the Chromecast with Google TV and Chrome OS 96 is out for your Chromebook with camera tweaks nearby share in Android apps and more. So go fiddle with your Chromebook. There's a new scan tab where a QR code option is now located. Oh, it does automatically detects edges. So it's really better for scanning. Interesting. Wow. I'm at 94. Oh yeah. Well get going. There's a new notice. I mine up to date. It's that? See? Chrome? No, it's ChromeOS oh, you're looking at Chrome. Yeah. Look at Chrome. I'm looking at Chromebook. 96 is rolling out. Maybe it hasn't gotten here yet. Rolling out.

Jeff Jarvis (01:49:33):
Well, skipping one. 'em At 94.0 4, 6 0 6 1 2 4.

Leo Laporte (01:49:39):
And that believe it. Maybe they just didn't want you to complain. That's probably it. Not for Jeff. Nope. Don't give it to Jeff. That

Jeff Jarvis (01:49:48):

Leo Laporte (01:49:49):
That's the Google change law.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:49:53):
Sorry, Leo. I stepped on your we'll do a

Leo Laporte (01:49:55):
No, no, I don't care. I couldn't care less. We'll do a whole bunch of quick ones. Cause there's a lot of them. The Tesla story, you don't like the Tesla story. What's the Tesla story up to

Jeff Jarvis (01:50:04):
Line quick takes

Leo Laporte (01:50:06):
Model Y brakes constantly. And by brakes, I don't mean it's broken. I mean the brakes stops the vehicle. Stop the vehicles. Yeah, people are starting to complain about various bits. Even Elon said, can you guys don't rush? We got plenty of time. Don't rush when you're making our vehicles. So maybe the, the factory there's a, you know, well,

Jeff Jarvis (01:50:28):
It seems like a software problem in this case. It, it, it thinks that it's got barriers that it doesn't

Leo Laporte (01:50:33):
Have. I had that problem with that model X all the time, least could play about that all the time. It would think, cuz it has as many cars. Do you know the auto stop? If you're about to run into something and she'd be driving down the road and all of a sudden, because its think something's in the road, but there's nothing. It seems that's scary as much as I that's good. You can turn that off. Softing scares. Yeah. Yeah. That's not good. Yeah. Geez. Little controversy over 23 in me, they did a spec. As you remember, we talked about that some months ago, their earmarking cash from that spec for drug development, they want to use what they know about your genome to help drug companies develop. I see this is an interesting question. Maybe Jeff, you don't think this is such a bad thing. Yeah. I don't think it's a bad thing at all. Yeah. By querying its database 23 and me can find causal links between genetic variations and disease. Remember they collect not only the genetic information, but they also collect your phenotype. These questions, you answer all the time in questionnaires. And they're using that information to develop new treatments among its findings. So far evidence of genetic variants that bolster the immune system and decrease the risk of cancer. They actually have two immunooncology drugs under development through a GlaxoSmith Cline. One's in the clinical trial stage.

Jeff Jarvis (01:51:51):
Does anybody think

Leo Laporte (01:51:52):
That's bad? I think that's good. But privacy people say, well, wait a minute. That's my gen. But this is

Stacey Higginbotham (01:51:58):
For everybody's. There are people. I mean, it's the same people who got mad because Amazon didn't pay them to use their devices for sidewalk. That's how I think of it. It's the same people who are mad, cuz they're like, well, I got, you know, I paid them my money to get my gene tested. You know, they should well, and they do

Leo Laporte (01:52:14):
Keep spit. I mean they keep your oh yeah. Your stuff. So it's not, I mean, I don't know. There must be a process. Thanks to GDPR in the California privacy law. There must be a process to say, Hey destroy my genetic info.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:52:27):
Right? Yeah. If you're a citizen of the EU or California. Yes.

Jeff Jarvis (01:52:30):
Same difference.

Leo Laporte (01:52:32):
<Laugh> I dunno what that means. Wait a minute. But it's funny. I don't, I don't know what that means about.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:52:38):
That's funny. Are you from Texas now? Good Lord. Jeff.

Jeff Jarvis (01:52:42):
<Laugh> wait a minute. You Europeans that Brett Taylor <laugh>

Leo Laporte (01:52:51):
Okay, good. This is a good one. Here's a good one. You could get, if you trick people into visiting a malicious webpage, there are 150 models of HP printed that can be compromised to once they're in the printer. As you know Stacy on IOT, they can use that printer to attack your network, steal information and infiltrate problem is printers. We don't think of 'em as IOT devices, but they in fact are cuz they're on the internet. Yep.

Stacey Higginbotham (01:53:24):
Lexmark actually just launched their own IOT platform based on everything it learned about printers over the last, like two or three decades, Lex like a good platform. The printer company.

Leo Laporte (01:53:35):
Yeah. They're still around. Wow. Oh yeah. Didn't know that. Yeah. Yeah. An Indonesian court has given the government permission to pull the plug on the internet. If it should feel <affirmative> threatened. Wait,

Stacey Higginbotham (01:53:50):
Who? Who's pulling

Leo Laporte (01:53:50):
The plug on the internet, the Indonesian government. Indonesia. Oh, okay. Indonesia's been cracking down on tech platforms for some time. Yeah.

Jeff Jarvis (01:53:59):
Cracking down is one way to put it. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:54:02):
They restricted internet access during independence protests and in Papo. And now really the government has all the power. They need to simply shut down the internet or any individual service whenever they feel threatened. So that's not good. New rule will allow debt collectors to track you down on social media. <Affirmative> federal regulators in the us. They're surely doing anyway. Well now it's now it's official. The this is a change to the fair debt collection practices act. It's cause

Jeff Jarvis (01:54:39):
Everyone's ignoring the phone calls. Know what it

Stacey Higginbotham (01:54:43):
Has a phone call. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:54:45):
This is actually a Trump era.

Jeff Jarvis (01:54:48):
I however do have one <laugh> I have to explain to the kids what this is. What

Leo Laporte (01:54:56):
Is that dude, if you can,

Stacey Higginbotham (01:54:57):
It seems like you would shame you even that's the, because we, we stop them from calling like at certain times that we're problematic.

Leo Laporte (01:55:04):
Now creditors can slide into your DMS.

Jeff Jarvis (01:55:09):
Well with every other spamer there is

Leo Laporte (01:55:11):
You can't, they are not allowed to post something that can be seen by the general public. So that's good. Oh, okay. Or by your friends and followers, but they can send you private messages asking that you add them as a friend or contact. That's hilarious. But they do have to say we're are collecting a debt. Yeah. And you can and opt out. So I, this is all right, this doesn't seem too bad. There is a bill which probably will be die in the, in Congress, but has, and Senate Democrats have reintroduced the stopping Grinch box, stopping Grinch bots act, which cracks down on scalper run bots, which buy up things like video, like graphics cards. Oh man. Or PlayStation, concert tickets or concert tickets. Yeah. Paul Toco from New York, Santa Blumenthal Schumer and Lou Jan will crack down on cyber grins using bots technologies to quickly buy up whole inventories of popular holiday toys and sell them to parents at higher prices. But how do you

Jeff Jarvis (01:56:17):
Crack down on transactions bot transactions?

Leo Laporte (01:56:21):
Well, I think probably if you have a law that punishes it, it helps, right?

Jeff Jarvis (01:56:26):
You don't, you write a, a press release saying you wrote this bill and you hope you get two votes for it.

Leo Laporte (01:56:30):
Right. The stop. And it's got a good name stopping Grinch bots act, which is hard to say, you gotta tell you,

Jeff Jarvis (01:56:38):
Is it Grinch or rich? I don't get the vote. Grinch.

Leo Laporte (01:56:40):
Newt G gr Hey, you should learn statistics. I'm just saying it's a useful skill. Apparently there's a person going around. His name is Alex Barringson. Do you know who that is? He he's a Subec guy wrote a post former

Jeff Jarvis (01:57:01):
New York. Times' been living off the fact that he's former New York times as he's far out on the edge of Blackwood, bill

Leo Laporte (01:57:06):
Posted a posted a sub stack saying this, this sounds scary. Vaccinated English, adults under 60 are dying at twice. The rate of unvaccinated people the same age. You know, if you don't know statistics, you might go. Okay. But then thank goodness is for data scientists, because a guy named Jeffrey Morris has published a rebuttal, which says, in fact, English, adults under 60, who have watched the 1984 Ghostbusters movie are dying at twice. The rate of people who've watched the 20, 21 Ghostbusters movie the same age. Oh boy. And they have his six months,

Jeff Jarvis (01:57:48):
The pandemic's wrong, man. <Laugh>.

Leo Laporte (01:57:52):
So if you believe that watching the old Ghostbusters movie is more likely to kill you than watching the new one. <Laugh> I've got a SubT stack new song. I thought this was imperative to at fir when I read it, I thought, well, that's silly. Then I realized somebody making fun of statistical stupid at the very end. He says, this is exactly the same statistical error that beson's making

Jeff Jarvis (01:58:14):
Nicely done. Yes.

Leo Laporte (01:58:17):
I don't understand it myself. But you know, statistics Satya NA has sold half of his shares in Microsoft's. That's a lot of money. That's a lot to sell, but we figured it out on windows weekly. Thanks to Mary Joe Foley, 300 million worth of stock because the state of Washington, your state Stacy's about to change its capital. I know it's capital gains rules Ru row. I guess they didn't tax capital gains before now. They're gonna, and the 7% tax for long term capital gain starts beginning of next year for anything exceeding $250,000 a year, 7% of 300 million is 21 bajillion dollars. So I can understand now why he is cashing in. Plus he might have a little yacht, like he doesn't wanna help the homeless or pay for Roche or it's a perfectly reasonable tax

Jeff Jarvis (01:59:20):
Off the tax, the state taxes on your federal taxes,

Leo Laporte (01:59:23):
Right? That's right. That's right. Don't like that. We're in a high tax state. Don't like that. Congratulations to our friend Neil dash, he saved the floppy dis that he got from the prince folks.

Jeff Jarvis (01:59:38):
His wife must be ready to kill him for saving all this stuff. Oh

Leo Laporte (01:59:43):
I guess when prince changed his name from prince to the artist, formally known as prince with that weird symbol, they sent floppy discs out to journalists with a font on the floppy disc that had one character that that's the beautiful

Jeff Jarvis (02:00:00):

Leo Laporte (02:00:03):
So that they could use prince symbol in their stories. Of course, it didn't take long before somebody, a British journalist I think said, oh, we'll just call 'em the artist formally known as prince. And that'll solve that. And Neil dash had one of these F floppies and he brought it over to the folks at ADA fruit, cuz he didn't have a floppy drive and he got, they happened to have a power book, 180, the high end, 1992 model. Ooh, it is missing its ball. However, which makes it somewhat less than somebody played with it. Somebody less than desirable, kinda like that. But they were able to not only recover it, but then to post it on org. So it is never again to be lost. His purpleness will be very happy. This is the kind of thing that should go on the Oh, I just thought this was the kind of thing the Internet's for. Yeah. They actually have the image of the three and a half inch sloppy that was given to the press when he changed his name. Thank you, ane dash.

Jeff Jarvis (02:01:09):
I think I gotta think Brett Taylor might do

Leo Laporte (02:01:12):
That. Brett Taylor <laugh> and I gotta say, and I like to, I love to end the show with obituaries because people are dying. One of the greats and a guy I had huge respect for named Jim Warren passed away. He launched the west coast computer fair in the 1970s. There's a picture which the times did not have. I wish they had found it of him by roller skating through the floor at the, I used to go to these fairs. He was legendary roller skating around on the floor of it. It was the, I think the first computer trade show, the west coast, computer fair in the seventies he was the editor of Dr. Dobbs, you know, Dr. Dobbs, Dr. Dobbs journal of computer Callins and orthodontia okay. One of the, yeah, well I used to subscribe one of the great computer magazines of all time and founded the west coast, computer Faire Steve jobs and Steve WAAC showed the early apple there in 1976 here. Here's Steve at his booth at the first west coast computer for her debuting the apple two.

Speaker 6 (02:02:21):
When I see, I saw this in the rundown yesterday or whenever it was when I looked at it, I felt bad because I'm like, I have no idea who this person is. And I know I'm not the only person. Oh,

Leo Laporte (02:02:34):
Nobody does. You know, nobody does, but it,

Speaker 6 (02:02:36):
But what happens that, why don't these folks get there for I hours while they're on earth? You know what I'm saying? Yeah.

Leo Laporte (02:02:43):
Well, Jim did, Jim was a great guy and everybody loved Jim. He's passed away at the age of 85. But you know, I'm gonna be dead soon too. So you'll tell the world, right? I got you covered. Let them know. So

Jeff Jarvis (02:02:55):
I used to think the only real fringe benefit of working for a newspaper is that your old bit would run in it, but they're all dying faster than I am. I

Leo Laporte (02:03:04):
Know, shoot, shoot. I got you covered. He is. If you, if you're interested in the early history of the internet, John, Markoff the great John Markoff wrote a book called what the door mouse said, how the sixties counterculture shaped the personal computer industry. And he, he did quote mm-hmm <affirmative> Warren and talked about Warren's story in there and that, so if you read these old books about the history of Silicon valley and so forth, but 

Speaker 6 (02:03:31):
But I mean, even in school, Oh, they don't teach names, don't come up in school. They always say, you know, Steve jobs, they never even said Steve Wasniack quite honestly <affirmative>. Yeah. You know, why, why is that something's wrong there? Well,

Leo Laporte (02:03:45):
I think also you you've only got a limited amount of time. Yeah. And I don't think Jim Warren invented anything that mm-hmm, <affirmative>, there's lots of people like Adam Osborne and Jim Morrow that you probably never heard of either who did infect invent early personal computers. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> yeah. That's kind of, my job is to remind people. That's certainly one of the things I, in fact, really one of the reasons I started TWiT was I wanted to get some of these people on camera. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> sit 'em down. Talk to 'em before mm-hmm <affirmative> we never did get Jim Mor on camera. I'm sad say, but that was always kind of, one of the agendas was to kind of was the famous PR

Jeff Jarvis (02:04:17):
Guy to Silicon valley.

Leo Laporte (02:04:21):
You know who, I mean you, yes. I do know you mean I just, the name escapes me, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. That guy who doesn't like the word crap is now left the building. <Laugh> no more, no more. Let's take a break picks of the week. We're gonna wrap this up in just a moment, but first a word from cash. This show is quite literally brought to you by cash flies, CDN content delivery network we've been using it practically since TWiT started in the early days of TWiT, that was the big conundrum. How do I get the shows to people in a timely fashion without breaking the bank? Matt Levine of cash, like came to me and said, I can help him. We've been using cashflow ever since. In fact, I love 'em so much cuz when we, we went to them, we were so nervous when we decided to do video of all of our shows, we thought that's gonna triple, quadruple the amount of storage, the amount of bandwidth we're gonna use.

Leo Laporte (02:05:15):
How soon into making the, what did you, did you add video? Probably just a couple. Oh, add video. I thought you were gonna ask about cash cuz yeah, they did audio for a little, well that, that was my next question. Yeah. Adding video. When did we do that? 2009. John says John is our archivist. So about four years in. And so that's when the real crunch came certainly from a B. Yeah. And I was terrified at, we went to, we went to cash. I said we have something we wanna tell you <laugh> we're gonna quadruple the amount of bandwidth we're using. And they said, Hey cool. They are. So they're such a great partner. Awesome. Now they do streaming, ultra low latency streaming and I'm not talking web RTC. I'm talking about real low one second delay or less. And it's just great.

Leo Laporte (02:06:02):
They offer an a HTML five player. There's an SDK. So you could put it on mobile, on websites, on applications whatever platform you want to be on. Of course cash is completely global. See those dots. That's their points of presence. 50 points of presence all over the world. Their low latency network means your video streams will stream quickly, no buffering anywhere you have viewers regardless of where they are. And man, you can, it scales beautifully. You could deliver to more than a million users concurrently as well as in just thousands of synchronous streams. I remember when the first hundred thousand viewer of video stream happen and we were just like a Gog, a hundred thousand people simultaneous. You could do a million, a million plus their platforms designed for trans mucking, thousands of streams simultaneously with live, fail over. They can adjust RTMP RTPs S RT all form to deliver ultra low latency S LDP in HLS streams.

Leo Laporte (02:07:02):
And they could do it all simultaneously. And of course the thing I love about cash light, they will build a solution based on you. You're unique and cash has, can make you a solution. That's just right for your traffic patterns for your budget. And it's all built on their rely robust global network with ingest delivery, wherever you need it, and the best support in the world. And I can vouch for that. They're fantastic. They're always there when we need 'em cash. It's the world's fastest, most reliable CDN backed by a 100% SLA up to five times faster than other CDNs, a hundred percent SLA. I love cash. They're also great citizens. They've partnered with world central kitchen to serve 300,000 warm meals. Good for you. Cash fly. They pioneered the first, any cast CDN infrastructure way back in 2002, their best top technology automatically finds the fastest route to and from customer origin across their global network of pops for maximum performance and reliability cash fly come right now. We we've got a, you can get a complimentary detail analysis of your usage, your billing. See if you can save. I bet you could save as much as 20% with cash. Go to No hard sell. Just good information help you make the right business decision. Twit.Cash.Com, great company, great people. And we thank of so much for making all of our shows possible. Twit.Cash.Com. Stacy Higg B what's your pick of the week.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:08:41):
This is thei collar.

Leo Laporte (02:08:45):
Okay. I don't know if a dog collar is the best thing for a pick of the week, but okay. <Laugh> is that a dog collar? Don't let her finish. What is it? It

Stacey Higginbotham (02:08:54):
Is a connected dog collar.

Leo Laporte (02:08:56):

Stacey Higginbotham (02:08:57):
<Laugh> this is a, it's connected to Bluetooth on my phone. And then it has a GPS

Leo Laporte (02:09:03):
Ability. Oh, see, I want this. Yes, but always these GPS tracking collars have been too big for the doggie.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:09:12):
So my dog is 24 pounds. Is she here? Let's see if she's here. Let's see if you're gonna see her. We heard her earlier. Is she over there? Oh yeah. She's on her little blanket here she is. I see her.

Leo Laporte (02:09:24):
Aww. She a little puppy.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:09:26):
So she's about 28 pounds and she's mostly fur and she can wear this. It is much bigger. I've got her other color here.

Leo Laporte (02:09:35):
It's not too heavy. Yeah. It's a little, little bigger, but it's still, she can wear it. That's the point,

Stacey Higginbotham (02:09:39):
Right? She can wear it. It's not too heavy. 

Leo Laporte (02:09:42):
Cause don't you always wanna know where she is and what she's up to and what do they do when you're not around?

Stacey Higginbotham (02:09:47):
I know where she is. She's usually

Leo Laporte (02:09:49):
Wherever I am. She doesn't go outside my bed. Does she not go outside?

Stacey Higginbotham (02:09:52):
She has a dog door, but she doesn't like going outside without me. She's old too. She used to escape a lot though. Oh, it would've been good then. But what I can show you is she doesn't like going on walks in the morning, but I on the app.

Leo Laporte (02:10:05):
Oh see, that's what I wanna see. Like I wanna see how they walk around where they go. I think that's so cool. That's so cool.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:10:13):
Okay. So that's

Leo Laporte (02:10:15):
GPS, but how does it get the information back to you?

Stacey Higginbotham (02:10:19):
There's a bridge that plugs in to my wifi. So it'll either talk to my phone or to that bridge and share data from the call to,

Leo Laporte (02:10:28):
So it saves it back to my phone. And then when they get nearby, it saves it. Okay. So you can't see where she is in real time or can you?

Stacey Higginbotham (02:10:35):
I can actually, I can turn on the GPS and see where she is in real time. And I get notifications.

Leo Laporte (02:10:41):
Don't I'm getting shorter. <Laugh> it's not nice to laugh at short people that tight shot. And I'm like, what is he doing? <Laugh> towards the end of the show. I just like to, to see is slippery. He just, you can't help just slip him down. I didn't notice until I saw it on the camera. So I went, you wanna see me? Take my shoe off? No, that just like that instantly. How do you think he reaches down together? <Laugh> sorry, Stacy, go ahead. You, you use it to track your talk. Miss Stacy. I I'm so sorry.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:11:21):
I feel like the child who brings the crappy stuff to show with

Leo Laporte (02:11:24):
Talent. No, no. It's the other way around. You're the adult. We are the children, right?

Stacey Higginbotham (02:11:32):
So it also your dog sleep. And I like this cuz my dog sleeps with her eyes open, which is

Leo Laporte (02:11:38):
Super creepy.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:11:38):
That's creepy. Yeah. But 

Leo Laporte (02:11:41):
Sleep tracking for dogs.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:11:43):
Yeah. So my dog last night slept for 11.2 hours and she's got 6.2 hours of naps during the day. That is

Leo Laporte (02:11:50):
Total <laugh> so 17 hours a day. That's good.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:11:54):
17. So, and you get little rankings for your dog. I will say note that there are two downsides to this one. There's a subscription because of the cellular component.

Leo Laporte (02:12:04):
Okay. Or that's that? Oh, there is a cellular connection. Oh

Stacey Higginbotham (02:12:07):
Yeah. There? Yes. Oh, sorry. That's when it's that's the real time. Sorry. Oh, theres

Leo Laporte (02:12:12):

Stacey Higginbotham (02:12:14):
It's yeah, it it's a cell. Sorry. There is cellular service there. I just realized I'm like, oh yeah. So there's a subscription, a monthly subscription. Is it

Leo Laporte (02:12:23):
How much? $10 a month. Okay. It's worth it. You know? And if you love your pup, that's not a big deal. That's fine. Okay. Oh, and then what is LT? It says it's on LTE. M what is it? It LTE cat.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:12:35):
So it's thought it was for dog. It's not as, it's not the fat LTE. It's the

Leo Laporte (02:12:40):
Low, low power. Long distance. Okay. Yeah.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:12:43):
Okay. Most LTE is long distance, but yes, it says

Leo Laporte (02:12:47):
It reach 30% farther than normal LTE networks. So that's cool. Okay. I mean, I'm just reading the website, but <affirmative>,

Stacey Higginbotham (02:12:56):
And then the other downside to note is that the, you know, how I talked about Mozilla's privacy, not included thing, thei tracks all your data and then some, it just wants to know where you are so it can tell you things like your pet is not your, you, so

Leo Laporte (02:13:12):
You, it has escape detection. That's so cool. Yeah.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:13:16):
Oh yeah. When you get it, you set a little boundary around your home and it's pretty narrow boundary it. Doesn't geo cover my whole property. Yeah. That geo have thank you. And whenever the dog leaves the geo fence, I get an alert. Which is nice. Usually I'm with the dog. It's actually whenever.

Leo Laporte (02:13:32):
No, I, I want get a dog now because this is great. I got to, yeah, I can get how much, so battery life, do you have to charge it every night?

Stacey Higginbotham (02:13:42):
Well, so I take my dog's color off at night. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> usually, so I charge it. I've had it for about a week and a half and I charged it like once a week. Oh,

Leo Laporte (02:13:53):
That's not bad. That's not why, why do you take it off?

Stacey Higginbotham (02:13:58):
She's got these G this should be comfortable collar her tags. And I know you have the things she's. Yeah. And she likes to get under the bed and she gets, it's kind of a process used

Leo Laporte (02:14:08):
To do that. We take the dogs collar off. Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. I never think about that. I've been wanting this forever and we, you know, we've tried putting Bluetooth tags, little tags somewhere. I I've always thought this would be a great product. This is cool. 150 bucks, which is not bad. It's waterproof.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:14:25):
Yeah. And you can let's see the one I just showed you is $112 at chewy right now. Oh 

Leo Laporte (02:14:32):
Man, I gotta get a dog.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:14:33):
Oh. And it attracts your dog's steps. If you care for that and it ranks them.

Jeff Jarvis (02:14:38):
<Laugh> hold on. Does it count the four legs and divides by four? Or how does it count steps?

Stacey Higginbotham (02:14:43):
No, I think it counts all the feet. Cuz she walks more than I do. Her feet are weight. Like, I mean, but she's smaller than I am too. She takes she's way more steps than I do. Right. But yeah.

Leo Laporte (02:14:54):
I don't know. Of course this isn't gonna prevent her from getting stolen for instance, but it's just for, for getting lost. Yeah.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:15:01):
This is, I don't think anyone wants to steal my dog.

Leo Laporte (02:15:05):
No, but if they, if I got a, like, I always wanted a, you got

Stacey Higginbotham (02:15:08):
A cute little pub

Leo Laporte (02:15:10):
Or a French bulldog bull dogs. They, they get stolen. Yeah. I'll get a mut. I'm gonna go to rescue and get a mut. That's the way to do it. Yeah. That's the right way to absolutely.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:15:21):
Yeah. And it's a very sturdy collar and they come in different. What's nice. Like you can buy fancier collars if you want

Leo Laporte (02:15:27):
And clip it in. Okay. Yeah. It looks pretty good. Five. I it's T R Y F

Stacey Higginbotham (02:15:38):
Yeah. Tryy try five. So there you go. And good pick. I mean,

Leo Laporte (02:15:43):
Yeah. I guess that's an IOT device.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:15:47):
It's connected to my phone. It's got a freaking cellular modem in it. Yeah. Yeah. Are you gonna fight

Leo Laporte (02:15:52):
Me on this Leo? No, no. I'm agreeing, I'm saying it is. Look at that. Look on our face. I'm scared of her. Okay. I'm totally scared of her. Mr. Amp pro. Oh no, I guess I do. I'll do Jeff first for the number and then we'll do Ann. Jeff, your number. I don't, I don't

Jeff Jarvis (02:16:09):
Much like my number. Let's see. Have you been to the mobile phone museum before?

Leo Laporte (02:16:12):
No. No, right. Let's try that one. So all the kinds of mobile phones you'd ever want, let's have a, let's

Jeff Jarvis (02:16:20):
Have a little who runs this

Leo Laporte (02:16:21):
Memory lane is this. Wow. I have a, I've had a lot of these.

Jeff Jarvis (02:16:26):
Oh yeah. You probably have them all

Leo Laporte (02:16:28):
Back knowing you <laugh>. Yeah. There's a phone I, I had, that was

Jeff Jarvis (02:16:33):
The skint thinnest little phone. I've been trying to remember who made that? The J phone there? No, it'll be,

Leo Laporte (02:16:40):
Yeah. It was really cute. Yeah. It was a company that doesn't currently make phones. It was some Japanese company. I think like San, I think it was Sano. I think it was Sano. Wow. This is cool. Look at this. Is this, do they claim every phone ever?

Jeff Jarvis (02:16:55):
No, I don't think so.

Leo Laporte (02:16:58):
And their, and their order seems somewhat random. It is.

Jeff Jarvis (02:17:03):
So you just official website of the mobile phone museum, a charity with over 2100 individual models.

Leo Laporte (02:17:08):
Oh, so you could go, you could search by brand. Let's see if

Jeff Jarvis (02:17:11):
They have any, we have over 2000 unique models in the collection, but some are they were still searching for some iconic phones. Mm

Leo Laporte (02:17:18):
Yeah. This is not it. Yeah. They have

Jeff Jarvis (02:17:20):
Collections one

Leo Laporte (02:17:21):
Mine. They missed it. And you can go by year, which is fun. That's cool. Nice. It's a online museum. History is calling the official website of the mobile phone museum of charity with over 2100 individual models. Is there a location? I don't

Jeff Jarvis (02:17:40):

Leo Laporte (02:17:42):
You can donate your phones too, which is fun. I bet you I probably, I probably could find something. They, yeah, you could. They were really want this one. I remember this one. Remember that spun around. This is their most wanted. Oh, that was the spin around. Yeah. Yeah. With 2000 models, but there's still many iconic phones visit the most wanted page. That's what I want. So

Jeff Jarvis (02:18:04):
They're unable to stay. They stage exhibitions. Yeah. Which they're not doing right now, but that'll be the

Leo Laporte (02:18:11):
Tag thet who Meridius the Motorola aura, the Nokia N nine 50. These are the most wanted. Some of those were expansive. Yeah's wanted the virtue. Ridiculous. Yeah. The ver they, of course they want a virtue. I want the mob Senator. This is four senators HTC sooner. Look at that. 9 57. That's a classic Blackberry. Wow. <laugh> they want, Wawe made a Kentucky fried chicken phone. They don't have that one either. <Laugh> it's pretty good. Pretty good set. They've got, this is all they're missing. I like how they have a collection called the ugliest. <Laugh> I don't see that. Let's see the ugliest phones. Is it all blackberries? Cuz

Jeff Jarvis (02:18:55):
Those things were hideous

Leo Laporte (02:18:57):
First best selling James Bond phones. Ugliest. Oh, I had that Nokia. I definitely had that one. Ugly phones. Wow. Motorola personal phone. 1992. I had wow. I had this, the Nokia 36 50. See the dial. That's ridiculous. Yeah. September, 2002. Yikes. Yeah, I remember that very well. Oh goodness.

Speaker 6 (02:19:27):
For evolution in foams.

Leo Laporte (02:19:29):
How about the Toshiba T S two. That's not that, not that ugly. Oh, I remember this, the eye kids. In fact, I think I gave Henry this. He promptly left in his pocket to get it washed. Cuz he did not want to have a kid's at a boy as ears on it. Ooh. What's that? I don't remember that. The 7,600 Nokia. 7,600 or the Nokia 7,700. This was, this was they. This was danger. This was oh look Ashton. Kucher using one. This is the this is a danger envy. No it's some guy who looks like Ashton. Kucher in a European town. Where they're watching like the sidekick. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The dangerous side gig. Okay. The pal, the pal. Oh that's ugly. Anyway. Fun. Good pick. See? No, that's a great pick. Right. Wait, why is that ugly? You like that? You like the bling? The Samsung song diva. Yeah. I mean it's I probably wouldn't. Oh, fashion ugly.

Speaker 6 (02:20:28):
Ooh, no

Leo Laporte (02:20:30):
Pass part of their fashion collection. <Laugh> it's just, I don't know. Yeah. I mean, I don't think it's that ugly. It's you know it's interesting.

Jeff Jarvis (02:20:36):
Meanwhile, one other number one. We're at little bonus here. Jack Dorsey is worth 12.3 billion.

Leo Laporte (02:20:43):
What? How is that possible?

Speaker 6 (02:20:45):
He and block.

Leo Laporte (02:20:48):

Jeff Jarvis (02:20:48):
He is the hundred 74th richest person. According

Leo Laporte (02:20:52):
To well good on you. Berg's billionaire. Oh, that makes me the hundred and 75th richest person. <Laugh> I'm right behind him. Aunt Pruitts sad news. 

Speaker 6 (02:21:04):
Yeah, I've been talking about the hard HEADSS and the football squad. Great run. But they lost in the playoffs, took a massive L against Foothill, but Foothill

Leo Laporte (02:21:15):
Falcons, but they

Speaker 6 (02:21:16):
Played hard. They just yeah. Took a, took it right in the nose. And I just wanted to give them a shout out for that, but they went pretty far. Yep. Made it to the semifinals. That's nice. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (02:21:27):
Semi I like

Speaker 6 (02:21:28):
Its and then next up I wanted to plug this week's floss weekly. As we're featuring miss Lisa lava, I believe that's how you say her name. I TD on that show and she was really dagum. Good and touched on a lot of good points. And if you're a member of club TWI, you're really going to enjoy the on discussions. Oh, okay. Is we went a little long and got a little bit nervous about pushing windows weekly out <laugh>

Leo Laporte (02:21:57):
Hey, never worry about that. Just

Speaker 6 (02:21:59):
Keep on going. Oh man. It was such, such good conversation. PO

Leo Laporte (02:22:03):
Me to be's knees

Speaker 6 (02:22:05):
Me to be Alliance is focusing on you, me to business the B nice. You know, instead of the B to B stuff. Nice. It, it was really good. And lastly, I wanna plug the five. Oh yeah. I had a, someone sent me a Christmas card. Thank you here. Thank you. Do you know who you are? Cuz this was a fan that I bumped into at a store here locally that recognized me and oh, that's awesome. So kind, but thank you. You know who you are, but I wanted to plug this book five, love languages. The secret to love that last it's classic. I believe it's scary. Thompson. Yeah. That's a

Leo Laporte (02:22:43):
Classic that's

Speaker 6 (02:22:45):
Chat is a great book. Check that book out. It, it can't hurt to read it and understand it. Because generally

Leo Laporte (02:22:54):
You have a different love language than your spouse. Totally different. And you gotta know that. So you know how to make your spouse happy. Totally

Speaker 6 (02:23:01):
Different. You know, I love queen Pruit and I know she loves me, but boy, she talks

Leo Laporte (02:23:07):
A different language. Yep. Two different

Speaker 6 (02:23:09):
Languages. <Laugh> two different languages and I wanna make sure I get it right. I

Leo Laporte (02:23:14):
Think it should. That's a classic and that's a nice edition. You got there. That's pretty. I like that. You got high quality paper with deckled edges. Yes.

Speaker 6 (02:23:22):
Yes. Very fancy for someone like me. Huh? But what I like about it is I, I don't particularly do a lot of self-help books and things cuz a lot, in my opinion, a lot of 'em come off to woo woo. And just

Leo Laporte (02:23:36):
This one's very concrete. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (02:23:38):
When I picked it up highly and read the first chapter, I was like, okay, this is something that I can totally understand and not a bunch of platitude stuff, you know? So yeah.

Leo Laporte (02:23:48):
Check it out. Yeah. And if, and if you know your spouse likes back rubs and you like a fine meal prepared, <laugh> in the French style. You just gotta know that that's

Speaker 6 (02:24:01):
Or, or be like me. I just like time.

Leo Laporte (02:24:03):
Yeah. Time. I don't wanna talk. That's my problem. I don't wanna talk to is time. I have talk all week. I don't like to talk. <Laugh> five love languages. Highly. If we asked Lisa whether you like to talk or not, what would she say? She thinks I like to talk, but I don't <laugh>

Speaker 6 (02:24:22):
With you Leo. Cuz

Stacey Higginbotham (02:24:22):
I don't, I, I come off this show in. You're done. No one in my family talks to me. Yeah. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (02:24:27):
They're like, oh no, but you have to understand that. There're well Leo put her in a bad mood this week.

Speaker 6 (02:24:32):

Stacey Higginbotham (02:24:34):
No, they don't think I'm mad. They know I'm not mad. They just know

Leo Laporte (02:24:37):
That I'm just, you need a WAFF man.

Stacey Higginbotham (02:24:39):
I don't blame me. I need a waffle in a book.

Leo Laporte (02:24:41):
Oh no. On that way too. I think we're introverts. Yeah. There's only so much human interaction we can handle before we just really run outta steam. We just mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah. Lose our energy and no, I agree. You know don't bug me man. I gotta, I love that. That's why we do the show for three and a half hours. <Laugh> well, that's the weirdest thing. The show about presentational people. Yeah. Performers is a lot of them are introverts that it's not at all unusual that we have this yeah. Extrovert persona persona. But really as soon as that's done mm-hmm <affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative> I think that's true.

Speaker 6 (02:25:17):
I live it. I know it's true. Yeah. <laugh> yeah.

Leo Laporte (02:25:19):
Yeah. Hey, it's been really fun hanging with you introverts. Thank you Stacy. You're the best Stacy on subscribe to her newsletters, check out her events, read her articles and then listen to the podcast. The IOT cast that she does with the Kevin TOFL and it's already dark. So we gotta get you outta here. It's dark out. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> is it a where y'all are? Yeah. Yes. Yeah. We're in the same place. Oh, okay. We're in the same coach. <Laugh> I know, but I don't. But see, we don't know. We don't have any we're like in it's like a Vegas,

Speaker 6 (02:25:51):
This feels like

Leo Laporte (02:25:51):
I'm in Vegas. It could be time every day or night. All at all times the, the window you're pointing a window. Like I could see out that window. No, there's not. It's nothing out there. <Laugh> it's dark. Not a real wind. Oh you turn the lights off. Turn 'em back on. So you have, he goes, oh, there is daylight out there. No, that's not day. That's a blue light. So good. We can have at night or day anytime that's good. And

Speaker 6 (02:26:16):
Pruit power of the

Leo Laporte (02:26:17):
DMX check 'em out. Hop hands on photography. Mm. First, if you're hanging in the TWI club, his cord, you've gotta say hi to your community manager. Cause he does a great job.

Speaker 6 (02:26:27):
Hop's gonna be

Leo Laporte (02:26:27):
Fun this week. What's it gonna be? We, we,

Speaker 6 (02:26:31):
I got some questions as usual and I'm gonna address it. We're gonna talk about some moon photography and Ooh. You know, for those of us that have the nice fancy pixel six pro or the pro iPhone, I'm gonna show you how to take some nice moon shots with those phones. Cuz everybody doesn't have a DSLR.

Leo Laporte (02:26:49):
It's never dark. If you've got a pixel six,

Speaker 6 (02:26:52):
I like that phone. I just don't like, do

Leo Laporte (02:26:54):
You so glad? I just don't like Android 12. Oh, that's right.

Speaker 6 (02:26:57):
<Laugh> that's the problem.

Leo Laporte (02:26:59):
Jeff Jarvis is the director of the town night center for entrepreneurial journalism at the Craig Newmark.

Speaker 2 (02:27:07):
Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig, Craig,

Leo Laporte (02:27:13):
Craig, new mark graduate school of journalism at the city. University of New York. Yes. I decided to merge that all together. I worked better. Didn't did. And we don't have to wait quite so long. Frank Sinatra called him a bum Ray crock called him a nickel millionaire.

Speaker 6 (02:27:33):
Chicken did 21 in the IRCs right on time. I love it. <Laugh>

Leo Laporte (02:27:38):
He's once asked to appear on the Oprah Winfrey show. Google does not pay him former TV guy critic and our good friend. Jeff jar. Thank you. <Laugh> it's it nice to see you all three. Yes. Thank you all for joining us. We do this week in Google, every Wednesday, right after whatever I do earlier. <Laugh> windows weekly. Yeah. And then the gas stations sushi and then about two o'clock we get together. Two be am Pacific 5:00 PM. Eastern that's 2200 UTC. You can watch us make this show live. <Laugh> at I dunno why you would, but you can. If you're one of them flash boys and you'd like to have it earlier than anybody else at, or chat with us live at or in our Club TWiT Discord. After the fact on demand versions of the show are available at the website There's also This Week in Google YouTube channel, you can watch the video there or subscribe to audio or video versions of the show and get it every week automatically in your favorite podcast client, if they port reviews, please do us a favor. Leave a five-star review for everybody. I got two minutes till sunset. So let's get outta here. Thanks for joining us. We'll see you next time on This Week in Google. Bye. Bye. You wanna see my shoe?

Ant Pruitt (02:28:55):

Leo Laporte (02:28:58):
Give it a snort. No, give it a snort.

Ant Pruitt (02:29:01):
What is happening?

Speaker 8 (02:29:05):
Android is constantly evolving. And if you are part of the Android faithful, then you'll be just as excited about it. As I am. I'm Jason Howell host of all about Android, along with my co-hosts Florence ion and Ron Richards, where every week we cover the news, we cover the hardware and we over the apps that are driving the Android ecosystem. Plus we invite people who are writing about Android, talking about Android and making Android onto the show. Every Tuesday at Look for All About Android.

Ant Pruitt (02:29:42):

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