
This Week in Google 667, Transcript

Please be advised this transcript is AI-generated and may not be word for word. Time codes refer to the approximate times in the ad-supported version of the show.
Leo Laporte (00:00:00):
This week on This Week in Google, Stacy has the week off. We'll explain why. Jeff Jarvis and Ant Pruitt are here. We'll talk about Elon Musk. He's really dragging his heels with Twitter. Now they're giving him the fire hose. Will that be enough? New York state passes the first ever right to repair law for electronics and rewriting wall Street's rule book SEC is trying to fix the meme stock problem. You'll be interested in hear how they've, how they propose doing it. It's all coming up next on TWIG!
Speaker 2 (00:00:37):
Podcasts you love. From people you trust. This is TWIT.
Leo Laporte (00:00:46):
This is TWIG. This Week in Google episode, 667 recorded Wednesday, June 8th, 2022. Scuds Off the Bow of Sullivan.
Leo Laporte (00:00:58):
This Week in Google is brought to you by Hacker Rank. It's time to reboot your technical interviews with Hacker Rank. Easy to use tools with a pre-made question, library, code playback, and built-in whiteboard. You'll be conducting better technical interviews and instantly identifying the right talent. Go to to start a better tech interview free today. And by Melissa, make sure your customer contact data is up to date. Try Melissa's APIs in the developer portal. It's easy to log on, sign up and start playing in the API sandbox. 24/7. Get started today with 1000 records, clean for free at And by Hover, whether you're a developer photographer or small business, Hover has something for you to expand your project and get the visibility you want. Go to to get 10% off your first purchase of any domain extension for the entire first year. It's time for TWIG This Week in Google, the show, we cover everything, but pretty much everything but Google, but we'll get a little Google in here. I bet. Joining us right now. Hands-On Photography, host the master of ceremonies in Club Twit and a general all around Good guy, Clemson fan Ant Pruitt. Hello Ant.
Ant Pruitt (00:02:19):
Hello, Mr. Laporte.
Leo Laporte (00:02:20):
Is that a Clemson cockroach over your left shoulder? What is that?
Ant Pruitt (00:02:24):
That is actually a Clemson Ant
Leo Laporte (00:02:27):
Ant Pruitt (00:02:27):
Clemson Tigers, Clemson Ant.
Leo Laporte (00:02:28):
Oh, I get it. Oh, is that Ant cuz of you or is that actually their mascot?
Ant Pruitt (00:02:35):
Look here, sir. <Laugh>
Leo Laporte (00:02:36):
How dare you? Wouldn't the tiger. Eat the ant. I'm just saying how dare you eat or step on it. Okay. Very cute. A Clemson ant. I love it. I get it. A visual pun, ladies and gentlemen also here.
Ant Pruitt (00:02:49):
That was a care package.
Leo Laporte (00:02:50):
That's very sweet. So some listeners sent that to you or family. Yes, listener. Very nice. Thank you listeners. You guys are great. We have a great audience. I just love them. Indeed. Also here, the Leonard tow professor for journalistic innovation at the Craig Newmark graduate school of journalism at the City university of New York. Hello, Mr. J. Good to see you. How are you? I am well, I am very well. You know, who's not well, Stacey Higginbotham she couldn't be with us. Bless her heart today. Bless your heart. Cuz she's in Puerto Rico rescuing her daughter.
Jeff Jarvis (00:03:29):
Well, Stacey having just gotten over her 11 day bout of Covid, then tweeted. Guess where I have to go. She, she tweeted that she was going to Puerto Rico cuz her daughter was there on a field trip, I guess
Leo Laporte (00:03:40):
A school trip. Wow.
Jeff Jarvis (00:03:42):
Came down with it and so Stacy has to go and isolate with her. I don't know if they're back yet. I have no idea what the latest is. I just saw that tweet and thought. Oh geez.
Leo Laporte (00:03:49):
Ah. Yeah. Yay. Carruba so so I'm sorry that Stacy's not with us, but and I she's of course doing the most important job she does. Yeah.
Jeff Jarvis (00:04:01):
Well I think she was gonna be gone anyway at a conference or something. Wasn't
Leo Laporte (00:04:03):
She? Oh, okay. Yeah. That's
Ant Pruitt (00:04:05):
Right. She was supposed to be
Leo Laporte (00:04:06):
A conference. Okay. Yeah. okay.
Jeff Jarvis (00:04:09):
So everybody lose lost Stacy. This week,
Leo Laporte (00:04:11):
Child is still positive after day five, she tweets this variant ain't messing around y'all but she's still blogging. She's still writing about stuff she wrote about Apple's home kit announcements and matter. She was very excited about that. I was really looking forward to having her on to talk about that, but she'll do it next week. If we can get her back mm-hmm <affirmative> for daughter and her daughter's fine. Right. She just, you know, you can't travel if you've tested positive. I like Puerto Rico. I wouldn't mind a week in Puerto Rico. I should have volunteered also. <Laugh> thanks to is this, was this did an Anthony do this Anthony Nielsen. This is the thumbnail from last week's show.
Ant Pruitt (00:04:57):
Best thumbnail
Jeff Jarvis (00:04:58):
Ever. I, well, no, I wanna complain
Leo Laporte (00:05:01):
Ant Pruitt (00:05:01):
These things just keep getting better and better.
Jeff Jarvis (00:05:02):
Ant got off easy. He got a hat and straw, the
Jeff Jarvis (00:05:05):
Rest of us got googly eyed.
Leo Laporte (00:05:05):
So hysterical. It's the thumbnail. So I can't, I, I can't,ushow it, but uyeah. Wow. Yeah. You didn't get googly eyes or anything Ant. You just got,ua cowboy already
Ant Pruitt (00:05:17):
To have googly eyes, apparently
Leo Laporte (00:05:19):
<Laugh> and Jeff, when you just, you look like a crazy, well, I
Jeff Jarvis (00:05:22):
Was, I was having enough for it. Yeah. I was, I was see, I was getting into it Ant. I was for the good of the show. I was sacrificing every bit of dignity I ever had.
Ant Pruitt (00:05:32):
You are correct. Cuz I was just sitting back judging all three of you
Jeff Jarvis (00:05:36):
You always do
Leo Laporte (00:05:36):
A suitable thumbnail. Episode 6, 6, 6. That will give you a nightmare.
Jeff Jarvis (00:05:42):
Evil show.
Leo Laporte (00:05:42):
Holy cow, cow. Holy cow. So much fun. Alright. Let's see. We talked about actually Cheryl Sandberg quitting came in during the show. Didn't it last week. Yes it did. We have talked about that right at the top. We don't have any more information about that.
Jeff Jarvis (00:06:03):
No, the Wall Street Journal just speculated. There was nothing to note in their story about it.
Leo Laporte (00:06:08):
Why Cheryl Sanders quit. Facebook's meta that dovetailed with a, well, wait a minute. A company investigation into her activities is this about her and her relationship with Bobby Kotick, who was the CEO of Activision. She but lobbied a UK tabloid not to print an article about Kotick. So they are, this
Jeff Jarvis (00:06:34):
Was a clip job. They were trying to pull out everything they could do. I read the whole thing. There was
Leo Laporte (00:06:37):
Nothing. There, there was nothing there. Okay. No, nothing there. Okay. I think it's completely reasonable that Sheryl is stepping down to spend more time with her money. Yeah. She's getting married next month. She's got a family and I do think she has political ambitions in 2024. I really do. I think you're right. This is beginning of that. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That's fine. She's earned this now. Here's the pile on latest news from Elon <laugh> oh boy. Here. Latest on fire. Don't I don't want it. I don't want it. He's trying to get out of it. Twitter says no. They Elon's big demand is tell me about the bots. Like you didn't know ahead of time. He, when he signed the deal said I'm not doing any due diligence. I'm just brilliant. I re this reminds me of a former boss of mine, Halsey minor. Do you know the name? Halsey minor. Oh
Jeff Jarvis (00:07:26):
God. Yeah. I knew Halsey minor.
Leo Laporte (00:07:28):
He founded CNET and I worked for him briefly in the early days of CNET. He finally let me go and said go to ZD or something. Don't don't bug us here. But I had no ranker. He was a smart guy. He was a hedge fund guy started CNET did very well made a lot of money, but, but, but Halsey famously he's I think he's bankrupt now he's in tax trouble for sure. But famously bought a race horse by looking in its eyes and saying, I can tell it's a winner by the,
Jeff Jarvis (00:08:01):
Yeah, that's right. The
Leo Laporte (00:08:03):
Racehorse was not a winner, but <laugh>, that's neither here nor there. He came from good Virginia stock and he could look at a horse and say, that is a winner. Apparently not. Anyway, I feel like Elon Musk said I've looked into the eyes of Twitter. I can tell it's worth $44 billion. Now he says, wait a minute. There's an awful lot of bots. Twitter said, no, no, no. We're, you know, a, you already said no due diligence B. We say there's 5% and that's that. Now they say we are gonna comply
Jeff Jarvis (00:08:34):
Well, but comply. What they're doing is calling his bluff. They're saying, okay, okay. Elon. Here's the fire hose.
Leo Laporte (00:08:40):
Oh, that's
Jeff Jarvis (00:08:41):
Analyze away.
Leo Laporte (00:08:42):
Yeah. Have fun. 500 million tweets, half a billion tweets daily. The fire hose is famously something you know, people wanted, but very few could get, I think the library of Congress still has access to it. Oh,
Jeff Jarvis (00:08:56):
Very few. Very few. Have the analytical power to deal with it.
Leo Laporte (00:08:59):
Right? Well, Elon it's, it's, it's the equivalent of when you're doing a discovery, <laugh> in a, a legal case, delivering a truckload of boxes saying, oh, you wanted that data. Here you go. 
Ant Pruitt (00:09:13):
In it, it, I don't have a problem with him saying, you know what? I want this product, but you gotta fix it up a little bit. We do the same thing when it comes to just buying regular day to day stuff, whether it be cars or houses and whatnot. I don't have a problem with that. The problem I have is him just sort of being, I don't know how to say it, but he knows there's bots out there. He's got a gazillion followers and he knows everything that responds to him is pretty much a bunch of bots. How does this,
Leo Laporte (00:09:41):
He probably runs a few bots himself. I it's certainly been a asserted. It's a little different Ant it's as if you went to a car dealership you sign on the dotted line. You, you said I I'll take it. And then you, you know, decided, oh, well, wait a minute. Maybe look, I better look under the hood first. He agreed not, he agreed.
Ant Pruitt (00:10:00):
No, no, no. Not it was done. Right. He didn't, I'm not saying that like he's already bought the car. I'm saying he did. When you go to look for a home.
Leo Laporte (00:10:08):
No, no, but
Ant Pruitt (00:10:09):
Twitter's tend to do some sort of D
Leo Laporte (00:10:10):
Yeah. You do D diligence. He waved that Twitter's pointed.
Jeff Jarvis (00:10:13):
Yeah. So, and, and that, that's the good example. And if you buy a home with no conditions, you bought it, you don't have an out saying, oh, the home inspection. Nope. You didn't, you didn't specify that. Oh, only if I get financing. Nope. You didn't specify
Leo Laporte (00:10:27):
Is yeah. As he as is yeah. By
Jeff Jarvis (00:10:28):
The house. Right. Or, or the only out here is a billion bucks.
Leo Laporte (00:10:32):
Right. And it may not even be the out, he may not even be able to pay the breakup fee and get out of it. Twitter could hold his feet to the fire and say, no, you agreed. Contractually you're bound.
Jeff Jarvis (00:10:42):
I hope that he doesn't end up buying it. But I hope also hope they take him
Leo Laporte (00:10:46):
Well, in the meantime,
Ant Pruitt (00:10:47):
The whole penalty could be just, just nothing. He could still end up having to pay the full bill and
Jeff Jarvis (00:10:53):
Get, oh, the penalty is that it's paying the full bill. <Laugh>
Ant Pruitt (00:10:56):
Right. Okay.
Leo Laporte (00:10:58):
So it's possible. And probably likely that he's just trying to get a lower price, but again, it's just like the house analogy's much better than the car analogy. Thank you,
Ant Pruitt (00:11:06):
Jeff. Yeah. House. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (00:11:07):
He bought the house. He said, yeah, I'll pay you the money. No, I'm gonna buy it as he is wave inspections, you don't then get to change it. And Twitter has a contractual. You know he has a contractual obligation. Twitter could enforce that. They could say no. You know, however Musk says, I'm not until I get this information about bots. I'm not gonna do the deal. So they said, well here now, by the way, this is not, has not been announced. Mm-Hmm <affirmative>. This is according to a person familiar with the company's thinking the board is gonna give him the fire hose, which means he could then pipe that half billion tweets into some computer. And, oh,
Jeff Jarvis (00:11:47):
He'll come up with some absolute BS analysis. I found 40 billion bots, but, but, and he'll probably get the headlines outta that. Cuz tech press is really stupid. But legally it ain't gonna give him an
Leo Laporte (00:11:59):
Out the Washington post says when Musk signed the initial deal by the company in April, he wad a right to look deeply at Twitter's finances and inner workings. The purchase agreement requires that must go through with the deal, unless he could show the company, misled him or a major event has changed its value.
Jeff Jarvis (00:12:17):
And the company didn't make any claims that I know of about bots. So it's hard to, okay, so listen,
Ant Pruitt (00:12:25):
Let's say this is October 20, 22, because isn't it about the time all of this should be finalized roughly. Yeah. Around that time. Right? Something
Jeff Jarvis (00:12:33):
Like that.
Ant Pruitt (00:12:35):
So he says, you know what? Nah, I don't want it.
Leo Laporte (00:12:39):
They go to court. They
Ant Pruitt (00:12:40):
Sue Twitter has the legal right to take them to court. Yep. And the court sides with Twitter. What happens? Is it jail time? Is
Leo Laporte (00:12:49):
It no, no. He owes it's
Ant Pruitt (00:12:50):
Garn in his wages.
Leo Laporte (00:12:52):
They garnish his wages. <Laugh>
Jeff Jarvis (00:12:54):
That's it? Yeah.
Leo Laporte (00:12:54):
The sheriff comes over and says, give me your money.
Jeff Jarvis (00:12:59):
They, they toll wage realist.
Ant Pruitt (00:13:02):
What's gonna happen. Cause I don't understand
Leo Laporte (00:13:03):
Law actually, aunt you, you're making an excellent point. And I think that's the other thing Elon, like other famous hucksters of the 21st century knows that he's above the law and probably doesn't have to worry about
Jeff Jarvis (00:13:16):
It. Just that, just that, mm
Leo Laporte (00:13:20):
He's. Too big to fail. The lawyers from Skadden ARP slate, meager and flam. <Laugh>
Jeff Jarvis (00:13:31):
That's a great,
Ant Pruitt (00:13:32):
That's a great firm said that name right there.
Leo Laporte (00:13:35):
That's the Elon's lawyers, Skadden ARP slate, MEAG and Flo say, must have, must have, must, must have a complete and accurate understanding of the very core of twits business model its active user base. Twitter's latest offer to simply provide additional details regarding the company's own testing methodologies, whether through written materials or verbal explanations is tantamount to refusing Mr. Musk's data request. I just see what a just it's I, the only thing I blame Elon for at this point is just making a mess and a muddle of all this people are leaving Twitter, Twitter employees are very anxious over everything. It's
Jeff Jarvis (00:14:17):
It's important. People have been fired in, in this
Leo Laporte (00:14:20):
It's trolling. It's pure trolls, destructive it's destructive
Jeff Jarvis (00:14:24):
Trolling. And, and a lot of shareholders I think will end up suing him, not just for his late disclosure, but for all the game places.
Leo Laporte (00:14:33):
Well he's already being sued.
Jeff Jarvis (00:14:33):
It's really affected the price he is being sued for that. Yeah. But that, that alone, I, I think that was the, you violated the rules suit. I think there's another suit here to say that you manipulated the stock in the end. And you, and you har you harmed the company. Yep.
Leo Laporte (00:14:50):
So annoying
Jeff Jarvis (00:14:52):
He is. But all the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
Leo Laporte (00:14:56):
The stands, the boys, the stands we call 'em the Twitter, the Musk stands they're
Jeff Jarvis (00:15:00):
They're tiring. Cause anything he does is just brilliant and you don't give him credit. And what's your problem, man?
Leo Laporte (00:15:06):
Well, the pile on now that Texas attorney general, who has problems of his own, oh, has launched, oh boy, an investigation against Twitter for allegedly misreporting, fake bot accounts, attorney general, Paxton says Twitter has until June 27th to respond Ken Paxton. This is, it's what, it's just a publicity stunt.
Ant Pruitt (00:15:31):
Is it coincidental since he's always texting?
Leo Laporte (00:15:34):
It's not coincidental. No, it,
Jeff Jarvis (00:15:36):
No, not in the least bring
Ant Pruitt (00:15:37):
Some, some revenues, some tax revenues to that
Leo Laporte (00:15:39):
State. This subtext of all of this is Twitter band president Trump, Elon has said multiple times now they should not have done it. It was stupid. And he would reins restore president Trump, by the way, we should point out what Twitter, they didn't ban Trump for a long time. There were a lot of people saying they should have banned him sooner. They'd only banned him for an encouraging sedition against the United States to overturn election results. They that's, you know, that's treasonous behavior. They ban him appropriately and they Bann him permanently this however, offends his fellow sedation, including ag Paxton. So they're all just piling on.
Jeff Jarvis (00:16:24):
And then the New York times, I, I didn't put this in the rundown, but I, I got pissed off, put it on Twitter. Which is what I do with everything that pisses me off these days for, well, Paxton, Paxton kind of has some political benefit here. I mean, that, that angling of he did a cynical act and we're gonna give him the credit for that and then say, Hey, he could get credit for doing this with the right
Leo Laporte (00:16:47):
Wing. His job is to represent the people of the great state of Texas drive me nuts and their interests period, not to gain political points. Yep. 
Jeff Jarvis (00:17:00):
The media
Leo Laporte (00:17:00):
Points, we got a mess. We got a mess on our hands. Folks.
Jeff Jarvis (00:17:03):
We have a mess.
Leo Laporte (00:17:05):
Twitter is reassuring its staff. They say the shareholders revolt by will vote by August. The staff you know, understandably, a little anxious. The lawyer told them today that the deal to sell the company is still progressing that the shareholder vote will occur late next month or early August. The company's waiting for the sec to approve the proxy after which it will be sent to shareholders. This is coming from Viji, Gotti, Twitter's head of legal and policy. This was at an all hands Twitter has and will continue to cooperatively share information with Mr. Must to consummate the transaction in accordance with the terms of the merger agreement. I say, I say, we believe this agreement is in, I dunno, why many SW corn and Langor is in the best interest of all shareholders. The company said where I say we intend to close the transaction and enforce the merger agreement, get that one at enforce the merger agreement at the agreed price and terms enforce is the operative word there,
Ant Pruitt (00:18:12):
Again, that word in, what does it mean to someone who doesn't care?
Leo Laporte (00:18:17):
<Laugh> what does it
Ant Pruitt (00:18:17):
Mean to someone that feels they're above the
Leo Laporte (00:18:19):
Law? Well, he, maybe he should,
Jeff Jarvis (00:18:21):
A court could say you owe N billions of dollars. Yeah. And when the court says it you gotta pay, however, given our courts these days, you're right. Ant this guy,
Ant Pruitt (00:18:36):
Like I said, it's not like they're gonna garnish his wages. That's
Leo Laporte (00:18:39):
Yeah, no, but they could take his Tesla stock. I mean, they, there are things they could do. Okay. Employees were very concerned about work from home. Twitter has, as you, as you may remember, said, you can work from home forever.
Ant Pruitt (00:18:53):
All right. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (00:18:54):
Elon in a memo to his, to his, to his Tesla, employees said you better get the held back in here. And we want at least 40 hours a week from you. And it better be in the place where your major business is done. Not some remote office. You gotta, now you gotta come in. Gaddy did say remote told the employees remote work is not protected by the merger agreement. So there's no guarantee. Oof. Elon gets to decide. So oof, that caught. See again. Now, if you're a Twitter employee, people
Jeff Jarvis (00:19:29):
Made decisions for their lives. They move because the company told them, you're not, you don't ever have to come back. You can do what you wanna do.
Leo Laporte (00:19:34):
So true now I mean, Elon is reducing the value of this company, nibbling away at the value of this company bit by bit, whether he buys it or not, which is too bad. I mean, I'm not a, you know, I don't think the word would world would be worse off if there were no Twitter, but I, what I don't is a hobbled Twitter.
Jeff Jarvis (00:19:51):
I mean, this is, well, no, I'm, I'm gonna disagree once again. And I was just at a conference, great conference at university of Virginia, where our friend Steven buddy Ahan put on. And there was a lot of discussion there about
Leo Laporte (00:20:02):
SVA hates Facebook. What's his opinion on Twitter.
Jeff Jarvis (00:20:06):
He hates social media. He hates the idea of connecting all mankind. Okay. This is where he, I, I love him. I respect him. He, you know, I disagree with oh,
Leo Laporte (00:20:12):
Really? Yeah. He's great on that. <Laugh>
Jeff Jarvis (00:20:14):
Yeah. He's, he's brilliant on that. Yeah. but a lot of the discussion was around the creation of counter publics as it's called online, you know, as possible because of the Twitter, what's a
Leo Laporte (00:20:30):
Jeff Jarvis (00:20:30):
And to dismiss it a smaller public, that's not represented like, like black Twitter, ah, like LGBTQ Twitter like any group
Leo Laporte (00:20:38):
Jeff Jarvis (00:20:39):
Groups doesn't have the chance. Well, more, more than affinity any group that doesn't have the power under the, the, the, the view of what is normally considered the public. It
Leo Laporte (00:20:49):
Gives a voice to out
Ant Pruitt (00:20:50):
Non mainstream. 
Jeff Jarvis (00:20:52):
Yes, exactly. Exactly. It's John, John Warner is the academic who, who came up with counter publics.
Leo Laporte (00:20:56):
That's a good way to put it. Okay. I like that.
Jeff Jarvis (00:20:59):
Yeah. And, and so, and so yeah, when you say, oh, we're better off without Twitter. Well, no, a lot has been built there that you and I don't see.
Leo Laporte (00:21:05):
No, that's right. Yeah.
Jeff Jarvis (00:21:06):
That is critical.
Leo Laporte (00:21:08):
And you could say the same thing for Facebook. 
Jeff Jarvis (00:21:11):
You can in a lot of ways. Yes.
Ant Pruitt (00:21:12):
Yeah. Amy online community, right?
Jeff Jarvis (00:21:14):
Yeah. And that's not to say they're perfect. It's not to say there aren't a lot of flaws. It's not to say couldn't be done far better, or there won't be done far better. But as of today, people built something there. And to get that just thrown away is, is a problem.
Leo Laporte (00:21:29):
Yeah. I I'll.
Ant Pruitt (00:21:32):
Were you being facetious with him? Not really caring about the connection for, of people.
Jeff Jarvis (00:21:38):
No, no, no, no. He, it's not that he doesn't care. He says I don'tm gonna misquote him here. And, and, and we should have models we've been trying to
Leo Laporte (00:21:45):
Get we've we've been trying. We really
Jeff Jarvis (00:21:46):
Have. Yeah. but he wrote his latest book about Facebook which I have somewhere over there basically says that to connect all of mankind without the guardrails in was irresponsible and, and ill faded from the start.
Ant Pruitt (00:22:10):
Okay. So
Jeff Jarvis (00:22:11):
I'll agree that it was fine.
Ant Pruitt (00:22:12):
The guardrail of a, of a 28 cent stamp was, was fine.
Jeff Jarvis (00:22:17):
Well, but that's not, that's a one to one, I think you're right to me. And you're right. The, what fascinates me is that, is that the postal service was the original internet. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> right. Except except your, your mail ended up on the bulletin board of the town square for all the C, which is the difference. <Laugh> right. Yeah. Or if you wanted to put a 28, if you wanted to reach a hundred people, you had to get buy 128 cents stamps.
Leo Laporte (00:22:43):
His position is it undermines democracy. The book is antisocial media, how Facebook disconnects us and undermines democracy. And he's been on the show before. I love CILA. He's a smart guy. He's just very, very busy guy. He's traveling a lot. He's doing a lot of conferences, but we'll, we will get him on it's this is a tough one. You know, there are both arguments are valid.
Jeff Jarvis (00:23:08):
Oh, absolutely. That's that's why there's a discussion. That's what Steve brought together with about 25 academics
Leo Laporte (00:23:13):
Knows good for him. Good for him. Cause you know, and
Jeff Jarvis (00:23:16):
It was, it was a discussion about deliberation. Yeah. And it was fascinating because some of the academics said, deliber, you know, this idea that we want to have deliberation as a, as an ideal one of them said brilliantly, one view is that you can't deliberate at this scale. And a scale, another view is, well, you can deliberate at a smaller scale. Is that what we want? Well, as somebody said there, well, your, your, your town council or your faculty meeting are a deliberative scale. That works, but they're hell right. We hate them. But, but vibration
Leo Laporte (00:23:48):
Is hard. They get the job done. It's not, Easy's painful, but it's, it's that's it makes a difference. You gotta do it. Yeah, I, yeah. I mean, you're right. It's a flipping thing for me to say, we'd be better off without Twitter that's and that's not certainly what I want.
Jeff Jarvis (00:24:02):
So here's, here's a quote that I put in my book, manuscript from CIVA Facebook is just too big to govern. He said, we are all victims of his success. It's a story of the hubris of good intentions, a missionary spirit, and an ideology that sees computer code is a universal solvent for all human problems. And I don't disagree with him about that. I think that
Leo Laporte (00:24:23):
No. And that's why
Jeff Jarvis (00:24:24):
Always hubris about it.
Leo Laporte (00:24:25):
I love their, their project. What is it? Green Twitter, Twitter green. What is the thing that Jack blue sky blue sky that Jack blue Dorsey funded, I love Mato on. And then we run a Masto on And I, I really think that a decentralized federated, Twitter, like place would be a much better
Jeff Jarvis (00:24:47):
Place. Except I agree. I absolutely, because
Leo Laporte (00:24:50):
Then you really could create your you're out. You know, you could have a, a black ma on, you could have a whole place. Yes.
Jeff Jarvis (00:24:58):
And you could also there's bad speech out there. Yep. Leave it. It's there always is. Yep. But let me ask you this, Leo. Yeah. I agree with you. But, but the, but the, the yes, but that I, I, I grapple with is that if, if, if we agree that we should, we should moderate out of the world, obviously child porn and harassment, let's say, if it's distributed, you, you kind of can't it's it's
Leo Laporte (00:25:26):
Well, you can, and
Jeff Jarvis (00:25:27):
You can't million places. So yeah. Tell me
Leo Laporte (00:25:29):
About that right now, child, porn's gonna happen. It happens and it's gonna happen and you can't, there's always gonna be place. People are gonna go, and they're gonna exchange stuff with a Mato on like solution. You might have somebody set up a Mato on that's full of child porn. Now they have legal restrictions, you know, they they're, they're running up against the fell of the law, but let's, let's pretend that's not the case. Here's the beauty, any other Masto on instance could choose to ignore. It could, could choose to block it if they want or not. Right.
Jeff Jarvis (00:26:03):
So it's an emergent norm of, of the entirety of Mastodon communities together by their individual decisions. Decide what, what makes itvestment. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (00:26:12):
You're not gonna put the clubhouse out of business just as you can't stop. Currently in the real world, you can't stop. 'em From gathering at somebody's house. You can't, you know, that's up to the law to stop. You can stop it that way, but you can isolate them. You can, you can keep them out of the mainstream by just not following them. I do that with gab on my on my MAs nine instance. That's the only other Mato nine. I don't follow. I don't allow Federation with, but I do allow Federation with others, which means anybody can on my who's a member of twit. Social can follow anybody else. In fact, I think recently I took gab off that list. Presuming if somebody wants to follow gab, that's fine. It doesn't solve the problem of somebody from gab adding me. And then I you know, I might see that.
Jeff Jarvis (00:27:01):
So let's imagine you're a regulator. And another life I could imagine you would've been. And you get a law passed saying that vaccine disinformation is illegal. Yeah. Forget, let's say you're in, you're in UK and we don't have a first amendment right. In the architecture of discord,
Leo Laporte (00:27:22):
Not discord. I'm talking about Mato on, but
Jeff Jarvis (00:27:26):
Mato on, sorry. Mato on ma on, yeah. In the architecture of
Leo Laporte (00:27:28):
Ma on discord has some,
Jeff Jarvis (00:27:29):
A regulator. Yeah. Could you do anything?
Leo Laporte (00:27:32):
Not, no, because nobody runs ma there's no centralized Mato on. You
Jeff Jarvis (00:27:35):
Would have to go after every single Mato on server and say, if you
Leo Laporte (00:27:40):
Just like a blog, just like forums, it's much more like a, for like forums, forums that interoperate think of it that way. But
Jeff Jarvis (00:27:49):
Interoperability is new. It's not all the old forums you had. It's more like Usenet, I guess
Leo Laporte (00:27:54):
It's kind of like Usenet. Yeah. But it's a much better, more elegant system, but it's that, it's that idea. So you have discreet spaces, which would be forums, but, but you could follow anybody on any other forum. You could follow anybody on any of the other MAED on. And that becomes part of your MAED on feed. Not everybody else's by the way, just yours. Right. Right,
Jeff Jarvis (00:28:12):
Leo Laporte (00:28:13):
So it gives you kind of the best of both worlds, I think. Yeah,
Jeff Jarvis (00:28:15):
Exactly. So, so with Usenet, I'm just trying to play this out, and this is really helpful for me. Was that the same case then that you couldn't have erased something across all of Usenet because it was distributed and there was that's right. Served from,
Leo Laporte (00:28:26):
There was no central, there's no central authority. And I presume in Twitter green or whatever it is, what is it? Green piece,
Jeff Jarvis (00:28:34):
Blue sky, blue
Leo Laporte (00:28:35):
Sky. I mean, not blue blue sky blue sky. I assume that has a similar, you know, honestly I think blue sky, by the way, has the creator of Masin on, is on their advisory board. Well,
Jeff Jarvis (00:28:45):
I'm also planning to sorry, what are
Leo Laporte (00:28:48):
You doing to not mess with your setting,
Jeff Jarvis (00:28:51):
Hit the wrong button? I hit the wrong button. This
Leo Laporte (00:28:55):
Camera went from very, very bright to very, very dark
Jeff Jarvis (00:28:58):
<Laugh>. So I, I actually plan to interview somebody high up at blue sky pretty soon. Good. So I can
Leo Laporte (00:29:05):
Learn more. I'd be curious how much like ma and I ma on has stayed the test of time. I mean, there have been other attempts like ICA and status net canoe, social. This is really lasted and I think works quite well. The only thing that hurts ma on is it's not as fast and exciting and sexy is Twitter is because it's, well, here's the difference, big blob of everything.
Jeff Jarvis (00:29:28):
Right. And I think that's, that's the, that's the interesting issue to me is that the, the beauty of Twitter is that you can do something and anybody who's on Twitter can see it on Mato on or discord.
Leo Laporte (00:29:42):
Well, there's a discovery
Jeff Jarvis (00:29:43):
Issue, blue sky.
Leo Laporte (00:29:44):
Everybody can see it, but there is a discovery issue.
Jeff Jarvis (00:29:46):
Exactly. And so breaking out and breaking through if we think
Leo Laporte (00:29:50):
So, let me show you
Jeff Jarvis (00:29:51):
Community basis. This works a media basis is a problem.
Leo Laporte (00:29:54):
This is, which has I've set it up kind of to look a little bit like tweet deck. So in this second, the first column is just, you know I can get rid of that. Oops. I don't wanna log out. That's the wrong button. First column is just for tweeting and stuff like that. This second column is my home. That's who I follow. That's your Twitter feed. It's it's not algorithm. There is no algorithm. It's, it's completely chronological. And I control that by just following somebody, I can follow somebody locally and I on my, or, and most of these are not on This person That's a completely different master dot instance. So you follow them and then you'll see it just like in your Twitter feed. There's a central column here, which is notifications. That's just so I know somebody mentions me.
Leo Laporte (00:30:43):
I don't have to do that. And then here in this third column, you can have a federated timeline, which is just everything. That's the fire hose of every other mass on incidence I'm federated with yes, everybody. Okay. That's for, that's a useful thing for discovery. There's a local timeline, which is even people I don't follow. Hey, Golia saying, she's saying boo that's everybody on, whether I'm following them or not. Right. So you could see what's going on in that particular server. There is some discovery stuff too. There's explore. It's not, you know, there's hash, you know, this is trending there's it's, as you can see, it's not very active but there's some stuff going on and that could be more depending on how people, how people use it. So I think this is, I think thi you know, this has been going on for a while and I
Jeff Jarvis (00:31:36):
Think his creator was named Ogan Rako
Leo Laporte (00:31:39):
Yeah. Well, he's yeah. You Eugene or
Jeff Jarvis (00:31:43):
Eugene. Okay. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (00:31:44):
Jeff Jarvis (00:31:45):
E N pronunciation. Yeah. What if we're German to be O 
Leo Laporte (00:31:49):
He's German, so it's probably what it is then think's German. Yeah.
Jeff Jarvis (00:31:54):
What, what, where did he come from? Do
Leo Laporte (00:31:56):
You know? You know, I don't know much about him actually. That's a really good 
Jeff Jarvis (00:32:01):
It's interesting.
Leo Laporte (00:32:02):
Jeff Jarvis (00:32:02):
So he's chief executive officer of he, of Masteron. So there is an entity of Masteron
Leo Laporte (00:32:07):
As a, that's just the, the code that's the code base. And by the way, it's open source. So it's been forked multiple times. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> truth. Social Trump's is a fork yeah. Of ma on, so yeah. Did
Ant Pruitt (00:32:20):
They, did they get outta trouble with was it the GP
Jeff Jarvis (00:32:26):
Ant Pruitt (00:32:27):
Of social?
Leo Laporte (00:32:29):
Yeah, I don't know because they violated his his GPL for sure. But whether he's gonna pursue it, I don't know. So he's German born. Let me see if I can find out more about him. I bet he has by now, he has a ma a Wikipedia entry chief executive officer, but that just means he's responsible for the, you know, he does not have a Wikipedia
Jeff Jarvis (00:32:54):
<Laugh> huh?
Leo Laporte (00:32:55):
That's that's that's kind of too bad. Well,
Jeff Jarvis (00:32:57):
Well, you mentioned it by tomorrow. Somebody might have,
Leo Laporte (00:32:58):
He's a great, I, I, my, all my experience interacting with him has been great. He really cares he does this, you know, out of the, I don't, he doesn't make a lot of money right. I don't pay him anything for MAED on, you don't have to it's open source it's I think this is exactly, so let's say Twitter poofed, you know, Elon mm-hmm <affirmative> Elon killed it. It's interesting. When Elon first put in the bid for Twitter, we had hundreds of people flock to Twitter, that social, I had five or 600 new members, but nothing happened. It, it never got, it's still a backwater kind of. Yeah. You know, they used it for a while and I went back to Twitter, but if Twitter went away 
Jeff Jarvis (00:33:43):
Or went behind a paywall
Leo Laporte (00:33:45):
Or something, I think that Macedon is a very credible alternative. That solves a lot of these problems.
Jeff Jarvis (00:33:52):
Yeah. It'd be interesting. If Twitter today said we are gonna allow someone to export all the identities out of Twitter so that you could reimport them somewhere else.
Leo Laporte (00:34:04):
Well, that might be an interesting poison pill. I don't think at this point I don't think the board they can't
Jeff Jarvis (00:34:11):
Do it right now, but yeah.
Leo Laporte (00:34:12):
Yeah. But they, they did a poison pill for about four seconds and then took it back cuz they wanted the 54 20 share. But I think that would be really interesting I'm they may not be able to do it at this point. You probably, if you're in a sale of contract, you can't say, oh, here's all this stuff I'm gonna give it away. So I bet they can't, but that would be really interesting. You know what, Elon, if you really wanna do a good thing with Twitter, that would be a good thing to do. Make ex, make it possible to export everything, make the fire hose available to anybody who wanted it. You know, there are things you could do with Twitter. That would be great to make it more of a public entity and a public value open source, the code there's lots of things you could do. I think blue sky was a very good idea by the way. And I've mentioned this before blue sky is funded and there's nothing Elon could do about it.
Jeff Jarvis (00:35:01):
Yeah. And, and I got a question for you, Anne, since you are Dr. Social there at, at, oh, I am. I promise you I'm not <laugh> well, no, but you're you're you are bringing people in your you're carry
Leo Laporte (00:35:12):
Jeff Jarvis (00:35:12):
Manager, community, community manager. Yeah. Right. So I'm curious what, you've, what you've learned in that experience as community manager at twit. And let me just say, I ID be curious at various answers, what you've learned about functionality, what you've learned about people, what you've learned about what people like. I mean, yes, it's just TWI and TWI. It's a friendly place, but what have you found in your experience?
Ant Pruitt (00:35:38):
Well, I think with it being Twitters is a lot easier for me because it's, it's such a big community and I put that in quotes. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> everybody just, just loves on everybody here. So there's really not much to worry about just making sure everyone's happy and have somewhere to converse, whether they want to talk about code and Linux or whether they want to talk about sports. And it, it just, it's just been really, really easy now trying to manage something like a photographer's community, which I did a long time ago, that was a pain in the butt because people just had egos, you know,
Leo Laporte (00:36:19):
There's one thing that makes the discords really easy to moderate and really successful, which is you have to pay seven bucks a month to be in the club and having a bar of any kind. Yeah. Yeah. We have no, the game there's zero trolling because nobody's no, the troll is not gonna spend seven bucks just to get kicked out. <Laugh> so right. No refunds. So that eliminates, you know, there are, there are problems occasionally, but they're minor because there's skin in the cuz a lot of skin in the game. So that's number one. And by the way, mm-hmm, <affirmative> even though in order to pay seven bucks a month, I guess we have to have your credit card. And a lot of people in the discord use handles, we don't know who they are. That's fine. There's and I don't have any problem with that same thing in our chat. I also run a free community,,
Ant Pruitt (00:37:12):
Twi.Community. And I love that
Leo Laporte (00:37:13):
And that one is free and yeah, it has more problems there's there was, there is trolling occasionally and stuff, but it is also a very good place for conversations. So yeah, part of that is there's this kind of self-selecting nature of it, right? Yeah. And there's there this one because it's not seven bucks, there's more issues. Absolutely.
Ant Pruitt (00:37:37):
When I ran, so I just saw photographer, smartphone photographer's community. I battled every Danum week with, with just egos because everybody, they wanted to be judged on their photography yet. They didn't want to be judged on their photography. You know? They say, Hey, critique my photograph and you tell 'em, Hey, well I think this could be better or this should, should, could look like this and yada yada yada, and they get defensive and then they start throwing stones and then they'd tell you, no, Cannon's better than Nikon and Nikon is better than Sony and so on. It was just a bunch of that, just ego stuff. And it was never any real community of people trying to help other photographers out with the craft and help them get better instead of just, you know,
Leo Laporte (00:38:22):
Yeah. We have that picture nicer than artists.
Ant Pruitt (00:38:24):
Leo Laporte (00:38:24):
I think what you're saying here, well, okay, I'm gonna show you a thread that's going on right now in the TWI community in the, in the discourse, not discord discourse forms easily, the open forum, that community, we have a really nice guy P holder who has just taken on himself to become a moderator. So thank you. He does a great job. Yeah. So a guy came in this last right after twit saying the assumption seems to be that all the listeners shared the politics and views of the people in the show. And then P holder says, the assumption seems to be your views are not so fragile. They can survive your exposure to someone else's point of view, to which RJ replies. Yeah. It seems to me a show wants to maximize its audience, but seek to acknowledge that not everyone listening, shares their exact point of view and black and forth, back and forth stop whining, blah, blah, blah.
Leo Laporte (00:39:10):
And then, and then sorry to interrupt. You know, I have a question. I mean, <laugh> it, and it, I have to say itself corrects a little bit. Occasionally we'll boot people you know, beholder has had to boot some people. Yeah. So have I, so something completely opens, always gonna have a little bit of that. This is life. One thing I will tell you, I know for a fact like a garden, if you don't tend to yes. If you've gotta moderate, you've gotta have a presence. Ideally in all the TWI stuff, all the hosts would be active and present because our presence lifts the conversation.
Jeff Jarvis (00:39:52):
Yes, sir. I agree. Yes, sir. I'm sorry. I'll do it more
Leo Laporte (00:39:55):
Often. Well, you don't have to, I'm not saying that to you particularly.
Jeff Jarvis (00:39:58):
This is why aunt had his farmer's hat last
Leo Laporte (00:40:00):
All night time. Yeah. And that's why I'm in there all the time. And I mean, it's at least my responsibility. The other, the other thing is if there is a bad apple, you have to get rid of them quickly. You have to aggressively moderate. This is something Twitter does not do because of free speech. But I believe in any public form, you have to moderate quickly cuz what will happen in like in a garden, the weeds will push out the good people and it's a vicious circle and pretty soon nobody everything's it's for Chan. So nobody cuz nobody wants to be in a place where their kind of stuff is going on.
Jeff Jarvis (00:40:32):
No, we, we learned that. I mean I learned that in 19 94, 19 95, when we started our first forums on the, the first, the first sign of trouble we, we, we started the forums. People, you know, we had one, all the sports and my boss said he really wanted us to emphasize high school wrestling and he was right. Cuz high school wrestling doesn't get the attention that football, basketball and baseball get. Right. So, oh please for us, this is great. Right. And huge traffic was wonderful. And then someday, and we didn't, we didn't know anything about moderation. This is 95. Someday somebody comes in and starts a thread about coach nut grabber
Leo Laporte (00:41:07):
Jeff Jarvis (00:41:07):
He said, oh boy, oh we better watch this. And, and so we hired moderators. We didn't, you know, this is all the stuff we learned. And originally we thought that the moderator would be the, the host and also the person who killed stuff. And then we got somebody who had experience with this at early bulletin boards. And he said, no, no, no, no. The mayor is not the cop who also kisses the baby.
Leo Laporte (00:41:29):
Yeah. That's right. Right.
Jeff Jarvis (00:41:31):
And you gotta have, by the way, since we're talking about Twitter and interactivity Tony Hale just tweeted, they've added new feature to Twitter blue.
Leo Laporte (00:41:39):
Jeff Jarvis (00:41:40):
Which is top articles, which I think we all like you can now get the top articles from the people you follow and also from the people they follow. So it's a way to expand out to the next
Leo Laporte (00:41:49):
One. Oh, and this is what they bought when they bought nozzle, nozzle had friends, the friends they had. Exactly. And then it was friends of friends. So there's, they're adding a nozzle feature. So here it is. I just opened up my, my Twitter and I'm a Twitter blue, as we all are the three of us Twitter, blue subscriber, get more news people. They follow expands your results. Showing the most shared articles from the people you follow plus the people they follow and you, you have to turn, turn that on. So I'll turn that on. I will.
Jeff Jarvis (00:42:15):
It's Hyster.
Leo Laporte (00:42:16):
Yeah. Oh this is just like nuzzle now that's hysterical. Yeah. So nuzzle will have one more. If they're gonna add all the nuzzle features, there'll be one more column. That's basically stuff that nobody else mentioned that is worth. Yeah. A little editorial, you know,
Jeff Jarvis (00:42:31):
By the way, do you think this is one of the stories in my feed, how San Francisco became a failed city? Do you think it's a failed city?
Leo Laporte (00:42:37):
Well, this is a result to the election we had yesterday, the California primary their attorney general, who was very progressive chase of Bowden got thrown out by a landslide, which, which is the pulse did not predict by the way they thought it was gonna be a very close race. It was not. I don't have enough to know about it. I do understand why the residents of San Francisco threw him out because he got the blame rightly or wrongly for a very big rise in minor crimes, smashing grabs, smashing grabs you know, burglaries. And of course the rise in homelessness, downtown fentanyl abuse, fentanyl deaths, and he got blamed for all of that. So whether that, that, what I don't know is if that's accurate or not, he was very progressive. His parents, he was a deputy public defender defender and his parents were radicals.
Leo Laporte (00:43:38):
So he, he came in fact, there were some concern because his parents, Kathy bine and, and Dave Gilbert were weather out at underground members. And, and when he was 14 months old, they were arrested and convicted of murder in a Brinks robbery. She got 20 years to life. He got 75 years to life. He was raised by adoptive parents guess who? Bernadine Dorn and a Dean Dorn <laugh>. So he was very radical in his upbringing, be Dorn another one, well known weather, underground member. So his, his so he, he came in saying, we're gonna ch you know, we're gonna deal with this in a different way. And whether, but
Jeff Jarvis (00:44:21):
Most of the complaints are smash and grab and public urination. Yeah. Right. About San Francisco, you know?
Leo Laporte (00:44:26):
Yeah. It's pretty bad, but I tell you what, it's bad. It's pretty bad. Lisa. And I went to a Michelin two or three star restaurant downtown, very excited, beautiful restaurant. Lovely. But in order to get there, we had to walk through a homeless en camp and one block away from the front door. There was a guy defecating on the street, which really kind of put us off our dinner 5:00 PM. And this is endemic downtown San Francisco. And it's a problem. I don't know if I don't, I know it's not Boudin's fault. Although prosecutions under him went down by about 50%. So he said they, he wasn't gonna seek charges for a lot of things. Like you know, minor drug offenses, gang memberships. He was, he was, you know, trying to change things anyway. Well,
Jeff Jarvis (00:45:17):
But it's, it's the problem is if, if you go too far, I know this is way off the topic of the show, but
Leo Laporte (00:45:22):
Over correct
Jeff Jarvis (00:45:22):
Blue, but you, you end up in, in Ru Giuliani territory, the, the, the broken glass. Yeah. So that, yeah, the squeegees guys on the street corner were a, a lifestyle problem for us, privileged people who had jobs and cars. But you go too far, you arrest a lot of people. They end up in jail for a long time for what are minor offenses.
Leo Laporte (00:45:46):
Although I gotta point out you know, that broken glass theory was Malcolm Gladwell popularized, popularized that. And of course, Rudy GE Giani ran on that, forced it, if we fixed the little things, you know, stop graffiti, stop broken windows, stop the squeegy men everything gets better. Northeastern did a study on it. And they said, we've debunked it <laugh>, it's not true. Yeah. Yes. It's not true. So I don't know, maybe there's debate in social science circles about it. It's Cory, Dr. Rowe calls those just so stories where they're so neat and pat, and they make so much sense. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> and you read, you know, Malcolm Gladwell and you go, oh, that makes so much sense. That's obviously true. But life is much more complicated.
Jeff Jarvis (00:46:36):
It's like filter bubbles. Yeah. That, that, that, that now we're seeing that, that no filter bubbles don't really exist. Another, another favorite now people are going nuts with is that the admission that studies that said that that time spent on screens was a cause of teen depression and stuff. And now the data is saying,
Leo Laporte (00:46:58):
It's a result of perhaps
Jeff Jarvis (00:47:00):
Well, and or it, it, it may be more about what you're actually doing, right? And, and so this is early days. We need the research, we need the data, we need the interpretation, but it's early days to think I found it. I know the cause. And the root of all problems, that's that leads to get ready, ant moral panic.
Leo Laporte (00:47:16):
We have problems in this society, and they may be bigger than anything that a district attorney can do, or even a mayor can solve. I mean, London breed, mayors, San Francisco is very good. But the homeless problem in San Francisco is virtually intractable,
Jeff Jarvis (00:47:30):
But it's always been Leo. When I lived there, San Francisco was the place dreamers came at the end of the rainbow. And you always had more of that there than any other city I've lived in. New York has plenty of problems. Chicago had blame problems. I've lived in these other cities, but San Francisco, which just drew a huge population of people who 
Leo Laporte (00:47:52):
Ended up on the streets were
Jeff Jarvis (00:47:53):
Succeeding in society otherwise. Right. Yeah. And so it require, it put an obligation of social infrastructure on the city decision,
Leo Laporte (00:48:00):
Even never Ronald Reagan, when he was governor closed, the metal institutions probably rightly so his idea of creating many small halfway houses was probably the right thing to do, but they never created the halfway houses. Well,
Jeff Jarvis (00:48:13):
But it also led to police dealing with mental health problems.
Leo Laporte (00:48:16):
Well, and there is some evidence incarcerating. I think that the problem in San Francisco also comes from the fact that the police hate booting and have decided just not to do anything. <Laugh> like, they're just turning. And by the way, this, what happened in Aldi is a crisis across the country. Apparently yeah. Police turning their eye you know, their head away from crime because they don't like the administration or they don't like this, or they don't like that. Or they don't like people calling to defund the police or for whatever reason. Yeah. Budin said, you know, one of his last prosecutions, he shut down a, a big ring of people reselling stolen goods. He, he uncovered it. The DA's office uncovered it. They couldn't get the police to help them in the arrest. They had to rent U-Haul to go in and arrest Jesus.
Leo Laporte (00:49:15):
Yeah. The police said, yeah, no, we're not gonna help you here because this you're just trying to score political capital before this recall. And so he had to rent you alls to do it. So there's a, you know what? Life is complicated, it's it? These just so stories are very appealing. It's wonderful to think, oh, I know what's wrong. We can fix it. But it's, it's it's a chaotic system and it's not easy to know what the causes of things are. I mean, income inequality is getting pretty bad in this country. Look at, look at that. Oh, you know, oh yeah, look at that.
Leo Laporte (00:49:50):
Alright boy, we got philosophical fast on this. Stacy. Wasn't here to stop us. Let's take a little break. We've got lots more to talk about. I might even do a change log. I'm feeling frisky, Google stuff, some Google stuff. Our show today brought to you by hack or rank between deadlines and frustrating interview tools that aren't doing the job for technical interviews, conducting a technical interview might be the last thing you have time for. But you know, what's the most important thing you do, but what was it like the last time, especially now that you know, you're doing 'em over zoom, you spend the first 10 minutes of your interviews, just, you know, trying to get the environment, right. To share code from a bunch of different documents, wasting your time. Maybe even your candidates, time hacker, rank's got a solution hacker. Rank's a place.
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Leo Laporte (00:52:30):
Thank you, hacker rank for supporting twig and for those great problems. I love him. And now back to Skadden, ARP slate, meager flam <laugh> usually you just say Skadden Arps. I see that all the time, Caden Arps, but I love the full name. I just have to give them the full name. New York state has passed the first to ever right to repair law for electronics. There are other right to repair laws when I, you know, cause I remember hearing there's dozens of these states that have been planning to do this the first well, yeah, in a way, the first for consumer electronics Colorado passed and a much needed right to repair law for electric wheelchairs. This was a big issue for people in chairs. They couldn't fix their own chair. Sometimes you'd wait weeks or months for repairs from an off, from a, you know, the official repairs.
Leo Laporte (00:53:24):
So Colorado fixed that New York state has just passed their right fair repair act. Now it is a little limited. It requires all manufacturers who sell digital electronic products in the state to make tools, parts, and instructions for repair available to consumers and independent shops. This is the kind of thing apple hated, lobbied against like crazy. It's a waiting signature by the governor. It'll take effect one year after it's signed, I fix it called it a giant leap for repair kind. But it's interesting because it does have exceptions for home appliances, medical devices. You can actually almost see the money moving from lobbyists hands mm-hmm <affirmative> into the pockets of the state assembly, home appliances, medical devices, medical devices, and like wheelchairs and all the premium tech and agricultural equipment. Of course, part of the right to repair his business fight with John Deere. Yeah. Mm-hmm
Jeff Jarvis (00:54:27):
<Affirmative> yep. Yep.
Leo Laporte (00:54:29):
So apple, I guess just lost the lobbying battle. They didn't pay enough to get the, get exempted out of this. Massachusetts has a law this time on automobile data, Colorado, the bill on wheelchairs and now in New York state for consumer electronic devices, that's a big deal.
Jeff Jarvis (00:54:47):
That's so Leo, I should know this cause I do try to watch various switch shows, but there's so many of them. I don't, I miss it. Have you had, have you tried to repair an
Leo Laporte (00:54:54):
Iphone? We did gotten the whole, so Micah. So this was, I use the term malicious compliance. Yeah. That's like when you pay, you know, you have to pay a hundred thousand dollars tax bill and you give them a million pennies. <Laugh> malicious compliance. So Apple's got a, you know, self repair thing. First of all, it's limited only to the very newest stuff. So it's an iPhone 12 or 13 with a brand new iPhone se that's it. But Micah happened to have an iPhone 12. I, I try to give him an se. He said, no, it's too old. I can't. So he doesn't need a new battery in his iPhone. 12 it's only a year old, but he said, all right, I'm gonna order a battery. You you give, you know, they charge you more than a thousand dollars for two big cases worth 76 pounds of equipment. Yeah. Theyre gigantic. It's like crazy Micah. Got it all. Now you're like think
Jeff Jarvis (00:55:47):
Through a roadie taking a, a truck worth of, of sound equipment with
Leo Laporte (00:55:52):
Deer and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and this is the same stuff that apple uses in the stores. It's not necessarily stuff you need. I fix it. Doesn't they, they've got kind of low end ways of getting all of this done. But if you went to the apple store, let me see if I can find this Micah video, cuz you wait till you see it. Was it under a tech break? Probably was right? Yes sir. Yeah.
Jeff Jarvis (00:56:17):
Tech break.
Jeff Jarvis (00:56:20):
I have somebody else's video on YouTube, but you want my,
Leo Laporte (00:56:22):
Yeah. What pocket operator for pixel? We do a lot of tech breaks. <Laugh> here we go. God, I didn't realize we had that many. Holy cow, here we go. So here's the here's the equipment that Micah there's the cases. Okay. The big cases are as big as he are. He is now you have seven days. You've gotta return. 'em Otherwise they're gonna charge you more than a thousand bucks for this gear. So you'll and stuff
Jeff Jarvis (00:56:49):
You'd never use
Leo Laporte (00:56:49):
Otherwise. Oh yeah. I mean you, you don't need this. This is a big press. One of them's a heater and one of them's a press to, to put the foam back together. Again, that's the press looks like an espresso machine with a big lever cuz the phones glue together, the heater loosens the glue. So it's a little oven to loosen the glue, but here's the problem that, and the battery were set sent separately. The battery didn't arrive one day goes by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 on the seventh day. Micah calls apple. Apple says no, no this is handled by spot a company called spot. He calls spot spot says, he says, well the battery hasn't come yet. They said, well that's not our problem. You have seven days if you don't return or we're gonna charge you. So I asked the book, so we have all this stuff, but we don't have the one thing, the two ounce part that you need to fix it. And I think apple doesn't really care. I mean, I, you can make a lot of excuses like, well the batteries lithium ion. So it has to be shipped separately, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, here it is two hours left. <Laugh> it arrived. But too late, Mike is in the car cuz he doesn't want to have to pay $1,049 for this stuff.
Jeff Jarvis (00:58:10):
Now do, do they chart even for forgetting the deposit for not returning it, is there a fee for
Leo Laporte (00:58:18):
Yeah. Are you there's 49 or paying for this whole thing? $49 rental and 49 for the bank. It ends up. So when you had it together, it's almost exactly what you would pay if you gave it to apple to fix <laugh>
Jeff Jarvis (00:58:28):
Leo Laporte (00:58:28):
Coincidence, I think, but
Jeff Jarvis (00:58:30):
You have a right to
Leo Laporte (00:58:31):
Repair. Yeah. You wanted to repair it yourself. It's just Apple's you know, middle finger compliance. Yeah,
Jeff Jarvis (00:58:39):
It sure is.
Leo Laporte (00:58:41):
So you know, obviously our advice is don't, you know, get apple to do it. I guess if you were a third party repair shop, you would buy those tools.
Jeff Jarvis (00:58:51):
You probably already have
Leo Laporte (00:58:52):
Them, but I think you have to have a separate set for each model by the way, cuz it's all just exactly.
Jeff Jarvis (00:58:58):
Oh geez. <Laugh>
Leo Laporte (00:59:00):
So no you don't have 'em see, this is part of it is the only apple had these tools for longest time until now. But
Jeff Jarvis (00:59:06):
You break high fix has means has the means to heat it up
Leo Laporte (00:59:10):
And pull it apart. Yeah. I mean, if you go to, I fix it to replace an iPhone 12 battery, they will sell you a battery and they will, but you know, it may not be from apple. Right. And they will sell you a little thing you put in the microwave oven and a little bolster that you put on it to heat up the phone, to loosen the glue. They have all little spuds, little picks that you pry the thing apart with and all that. So yeah, you can, you can get the same stuff and, and it's cheaper. Let me see. Here's the iPhone 12 let's see. Battery replacement difficulty moderate. I think that's generous. You, you need a lop screwdriver, an eyeopener, a set of opening picks a suction handle, a TriPoint screwdriver, a S SPDR tweezers tweezers. But they, you know, to their credit, there's the eyeopener that you put in the microwave to heat it up. Here's the suction cups to open it up. Would you wanna do this yourself?
Jeff Jarvis (01:00:09):
Leo Laporte (01:00:09):
God, this is what all of that apple stuff does.
Jeff Jarvis (01:00:11):
I don't wanna put a screen protector on it. Yeah. So I bubbles and
Leo Laporte (01:00:14):
Screw it up, but you know, you can do it yourself. There's some screws and oh yeah. I, you know, let apple do it, but that's the whole point. Isn't it. I'd ask Mr. Burke to do it. I trust him. Yeah, let Burke do it. That's my motto.
Jeff Jarvis (01:00:29):
So I put, I put up a video from, from Mac rumors under that story on the rundown. And so they got the battery and they're doing it and it looks like, hell looks like
Leo Laporte (01:00:39):
Utter. Hell yeah. I mean, Micah could have done it. He would've done it. It's so small. Yeah. He's got little fingers. So this is by the way, I'm at step 32 and I haven't even removed the battery kid. So God, so you know, yeah. Look at, I love, I fix it. God bless him. They they've been making this available forever. And you know, apple now makes an official way to do it, which seems to me to be kind of dragging your feet compliance. Yeah. The ver I think the verge did it. Everybody's done it now. This is this is other world computing. Yeah. Yeah. Oh no. This is Mac rumors. That was their advertiser.
Jeff Jarvis (01:01:22):
That's what I put up.
Leo Laporte (01:01:23):
Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, there you have it. So
Jeff Jarvis (01:01:28):
You have a law now that says you have a right to repair, but it's it ain't gonna matter.
Leo Laporte (01:01:33):
Well, I wonder, you know, I mean with companies acting like this, <laugh> malicious compliance. You know, here's a law I think should be passed globally. Ontario, Canada, the province in Canada has passed a law to force companies to allow you to disconnect when you're off work. As of June 2nd employers in Ontario with 25 or more employees must have a written policy with regard to disconnecting, disconnecting from work means not engaging in work related communications, emails, telephone calls, video calls, the sending or reviewing of other messages. So as to be free from the performance of work.
Jeff Jarvis (01:02:14):
Yeah. Just tell that
Leo Laporte (01:02:15):
Kudos, kudos. <Laugh> there are a lot of businesses we don't, we don't expect, you know, but there are businesses where if the boss sends an email out in the middle of the night, you're expected to respond within an hour
Ant Pruitt (01:02:29):
Or the it guy, they,
Leo Laporte (01:02:32):
Or they should have to respond. That's different. Yeah.
Ant Pruitt (01:02:34):
It is different for those folks.
Leo Laporte (01:02:36):
But you know, God bless him.
Ant Pruitt (01:02:38):
I've seen
Leo Laporte (01:02:39):
Jammer B came in the middle of the night Sunday morning because our power went out and he had to reboot everything. Right. So go
Ant Pruitt (01:02:49):
Ahead, star. He's a star though. He's different. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (01:02:52):
I didn't make him do it. He just did it. Although yeah,
Ant Pruitt (01:02:55):
He just did it. It's
Leo Laporte (01:02:56):
A good thing. He did. <Laugh>
Ant Pruitt (01:02:58):
Leo Laporte (01:02:59):
It's good job. It's his job. He says and here's another one apple. I not gonna be happy about, but the EU is now mandating us C for all phones show sold in the EU by autumn of next year, 2024.
Jeff Jarvis (01:03:16):
Say which USBC.
Leo Laporte (01:03:17):
Well what do you no, no. Cause
Jeff Jarvis (01:03:22):
There's all these different USBC.
Leo Laporte (01:03:24):
Are they also gonna
Jeff Jarvis (01:03:24):
Leo Laporte (01:03:25):
That? No, <laugh> no. I mean there's Thunderbolt three. There's Thunderbolt four. There's us. But that's all about data. They've mandate the, the whole <laugh> and you have to have a charging. It has to be chargeable through
Ant Pruitt (01:03:38):
That whole it hole has to be able to charge.
Leo Laporte (01:03:40):
They're not saying it has to be Thunderball for USB three or anything like that. It's but you gotta at least be able to charge it by USB three. See, so that's good. So that's good.
Ant Pruitt (01:03:50):
But I like how Raygun has in the, in the IRC. So USBC is already five years old, seven years old. Once this goes into effect are we expecting another standard
Leo Laporte (01:04:03):
Better? Not next
Ant Pruitt (01:04:04):
Couple years.
Leo Laporte (01:04:05):
Well, never say never in technology, right?
Ant Pruitt (01:04:09):
Jeff Jarvis (01:04:10):
RS 2 30, 2 C. I miss it.
Leo Laporte (01:04:12):
<Laugh> I bought a 29 pin port. I think it's safe to say USBC will be around for a few more years. The thing is we all have USBC chargers and cables now, right? This laptop. Yep. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> this Dell laptop doesn't come laptops for years had proprietary chargers. Even Dell. Yeah. Now it just it's USB G I can run it on any USBC charger. Yep.
Ant Pruitt (01:04:39):
My mouse.
Leo Laporte (01:04:41):
Yep. That's how it should be. You're right. They'll be another standard. But,
Jeff Jarvis (01:04:46):
But now they're gonna have to go, but now it's hard enough to go through a standards process. Now you're gonna have to go and get legislation written to permit a different plug when there's some functionality that you want.
Leo Laporte (01:04:57):
I think this makes sense. Everybody has a USBC or will from now on have USBC chargers and cables. They should be
Jeff Jarvis (01:05:07):
The industry. The industry should have done this without legislation. They bought their own trouble by apple, particularly did this. Oh yeah. If the industry had said, you know, and they've loved plenty of trade, the
Leo Laporte (01:05:18):
Industry did for the most part, remember it was micro USB and they, it really was crappy. Almost everybody butt apples, been USBC for years. It's this is aimed at apple.
Jeff Jarvis (01:05:30):
This is apple. And, and so now if, if, if something better comes along, there's a, the degree of difficulty of getting to it is now higher. This is one of those cases where it shouldn't have been legislation. Legislation should been threatened. That apple should have been conceded.
Leo Laporte (01:05:43):
That's a good point. Stop that. It is. Let's say there is this new super port. The good thing about USBC is it has transitioned. The other an what's inside is changed considerably as you point out. Cause
Jeff Jarvis (01:05:56):
Be the confusion.
Leo Laporte (01:05:56):
Yeah. Yeah. But not, not overcharging. The charging's been consistent. So I mean, there's PD. So it has changed a little bit. There's quick charging and so forth. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> but the fundamental ability to charge that's been the same as long as that port's been around. So the data changes and this doesn't preclude that. So if you want Thunderbolt five on USBC, presuming you can do it. But, but USBC has gone from, I mean the type C has gone from USB 2.1 to USB 3.1, 3.2 Thunderbolt three Thunderbolt four, which is USB four. So it's handled four major data transitions without a problem. I think that's likely that that'll be for a while. I see your point though. If somebody said, well, I think the next big thing is, is fire wire. They couldn't, they couldn't put it on a phone.
Jeff Jarvis (01:06:46):
I think a parallel port
Leo Laporte (01:06:48):
<Laugh> it's scuzzy. Everything should be a scuzzy
Jeff Jarvis (01:06:51):
Score, everything iScuzzy from now on. I used to have to rewire when I had my Osborne one and I had a neck impact printer. I was rewire in cables and I'm not you
Leo Laporte (01:07:01):
Were you soldering them stuff?
Jeff Jarvis (01:07:02):
Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Back in the day. Oh, no. Switch that one in that one.
Leo Laporte (01:07:06):
You're such a geek. Yeah. You get the pin outs and you hope that you have different color wires for each one and you have to sided
Jeff Jarvis (01:07:14):
The, I curse a lot.
Leo Laporte (01:07:15):
I'm sure.
Jeff Jarvis (01:07:16):
Finally got
Leo Laporte (01:07:16):
Working a bit of that. Yeah. Mm-Hmm I stayed away from that. Never made cables do it. Nope. Mm-Hmm but you did get up in the middle of the night when when Judy called. I did. Yeah. Had to do that a lot. I know you did, unfortunately. Yeah, yeah. Unfortunately is right. Yeah. let's see. Speaking of new rules, the S E C is investigating. This is a good article from a New York times deal book, new rules a a year after the meme, stock frenzy. Now they're not going to say you can't buy game, stop stock. They're not gonna say what you can buy or not. But what they are concerned about is what happened with Robin hood. Yeah. A number of retail brokers, including Robin hood during the rally. When, when games stop was going up, halted trading, right? Or limited how many shares you could buy.
Leo Laporte (01:08:17):
And at some point I think some of them said, you can't sell your shares. And as the shares started to crash that pissed, some people off a number of hedge funds also lost a lot of money. So, but they're not gonna outlaw meme stocks. You can't right. That's, that's insane. But what they can push for is a change to the rules on something called payment for order flow. And we talked about, this is a complicated story. I'm gonna explain it to me, boss. Forgive me for launching this. I wish Stacy we're here could blame her Stacy what's payment for order flow. Cuz she's so good at that. She is. So I will pull Stacy and try to explain it. We've talked about this before with Robin hood. Why is Robin hood free? You might ask, right? How can you have a stock? I mean, in, you know, traditionally when you buy stocks, you'd pay a commission, you'd pay a commission, right? Mm-Hmm <affirmative> all of a sudden along comes Robin hood
Ant Pruitt (01:09:14):
On the, on the process. Yeah. And it's not like instant, either
Leo Laporte (01:09:18):
Along comes Robinhood, which people have celebrated because it democratizes stocks. It's free. I just like, I wanna, I share that stock. You pay for the stock, but you don't have to bear commission, which makes it it's one of the reasons there's volatility, cuz it doesn't cost. If there's, if it doesn't cost you to do a transaction, you might buy and sell, buy and sell, buy and sell, buy and sell. So how does Robin hood make money? And we talked about this a while ago on the show they make money because they don't execute the orders. They sell the right <affirmative>. They sell the right to execute those trades to bigger firms, to wholesalers like Citadel securities, they sell. So they charge a commission in effect, not to you, but to Citadel. Well, why would Citadel pay? Because <laugh> now does now Citadel gets, this happens all instantly, right?
Leo Laporte (01:10:10):
Gets fast signals about stock movement and can buy or sell on trade on their own accounts and make money because they have advanced warning that a lot of people are buying AMC mm-hmm so Citadel is in effect, you know? So the, you may, you have an advantage in the stock market. If there's an information gap, if you know more than the other guy, you can make money. That's what they're paying for. And that's what Robin hood is using to fund their business. It is problematic because the information inequality is not between Citadel and you know, Merrill Lynch it's between Citadel and you <laugh>
Ant Pruitt (01:10:55):
Leo Laporte (01:10:56):
Holders. So you're, and, and in fact, even Robin hood users might be paying more for a share of that stock than they should be because of this process. Citadel might in fact end up saying, well, the price for that stock is a buck 30 when it's really a buck 25, if you went some other way. So there's all sorts of problems. It does disadvantage less well informed players. So, well I,
Ant Pruitt (01:11:25):
How is this supposed to remedy that? It
Leo Laporte (01:11:28):
Makes it illegal <laugh> okay. But it would also probably put Robin hood out of business, right. Or they would have to start charging for commissions for transactions. Brokers would need to develop new business models. Some major wholesalers told the times that the S C had refused their input, but the big trading firms argue the reported fix would only hurt the little guys, former S E C chief economist SP Qari told deal book. The view is that payment for order flow, somehow compromises market integrity. But the evidence shows retail investors are getting a good deal. Not sure about that. <Laugh> I'm not sure about that. There's
Jeff Jarvis (01:12:15):
Let me question. Yeah. Going way back, you needed a street next to the wall where people traded stuff and you had to have somebody there to do it. Hence
Leo Laporte (01:12:26):
Hence the name wall street,
Jeff Jarvis (01:12:27):
Hence wall street. But there's no reason you need a broker technologically today.
Leo Laporte (01:12:33):
Well, yeah,
Jeff Jarvis (01:12:34):
You do. What, what does a broker do? Yeah.
Leo Laporte (01:12:35):
You do. You do. Cuz you have to have somebody who is licensed to buy and sell stuff. No,
Jeff Jarvis (01:12:39):
That that's what I'm saying technologically.
Leo Laporte (01:12:41):
Oh no, but there's no reason, but that's how it
Jeff Jarvis (01:12:42):
Works. Put up a marketplace.
Leo Laporte (01:12:44):
Well, oh, I see. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. Just like you buy anything else. Wait me when I, you don't need a middleman. What do you
Ant Pruitt (01:12:50):
Jeff Jarvis (01:12:50):
Leo Laporte (01:12:50):
Don't need middleman. You don't need a middleman right now. You do legally. You have to, you, you pay a lot of money to have a seat on the New York stock exchange. So you can buy and sell stocks, but that's just an artificial construct. It'd be everything. And it'd
Jeff Jarvis (01:13:02):
Be like, if, if you, if you needed an agent to sell your thing on eBay, no, you just go to eBay and, and, and you sell it directly. Okay. It's
Ant Pruitt (01:13:10):
A marketplace, right? Okay. Yeah.
Jeff Jarvis (01:13:12):
I mean, NF God helped me NFTs.
Leo Laporte (01:13:16):
So there is a good point, which I guess Qatari is making, which is people who couldn't, or wouldn't buy stocks in the past because of commissions and commissions used to be a lot higher than they are. This, all of this has pushed the, you know, the commissions down anyway, and a lot of big brokers like Schwab now offer commission free trading as a result, just to compete.
Ant Pruitt (01:13:35):
I was just gonna just mention that. I don't know if, if commissions Wass the actual problem. I think it's easier now because you get to buy portions of shares. Well,
Leo Laporte (01:13:44):
That's, that's another that's, that's something that yeah, they, they do. That's an interesting one too. Right? Right. Especially if it shares a thousand dollars and you have,
Ant Pruitt (01:13:53):
There's a thousand dollars. Yeah. Piece of, I don't know if say Nike or whatever. Right. Whatever. And you average average, Joe probably can't afford it, but they want a piece of that pie and say, you know what, let me, let me send $20 here. And $20 there.
Leo Laporte (01:14:09):
I'm honestly not. I mean, this is very elitist, but I'm not a big fan of people buying individual stocks. And, and it really comes down to that information. Disparity, you just, I agree with you, you, as an individual, I, they don't know you and we don't have the information that institutional investors have and that's who competing with. And I, and so I think you're always regular
Ant Pruitt (01:14:30):
Folks should look more into, well, I'm not gonna say cuz that would sound like I'm giving advice. Never mind.
Leo Laporte (01:14:35):
You can give advice, just say, but I'm an idiot. So don't pay attention or something. That's what I say. Yeah. I, I,
Ant Pruitt (01:14:41):
Yeah, I think is more along the lines of looking at different funds.
Leo Laporte (01:14:44):
Yeah. People looking at index funds, phrase, absolutely diversity. Yeah. You know? Yeah. You know, I, for, in, for investing in your retirement, I love the target date, funds, those, those, those do a pretty good job. They rebalance your portfolios, you get older to lower risk and, and all of that. But in any event, you know, that's always information is the whole thing. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> remember what a great book by Michael Lewis flash. Was it flash
Jeff Jarvis (01:15:12):
Boys, flash boys, flash boys. It, it just so brilliant.
Leo Laporte (01:15:15):
Yeah. And he talks about the, the, the, the rush, the race to create a fiber optic line from the Chicago exchange, the New York exchange, but right. But fiber optics and speed of light. Right. But they were trying to create a, a PA with a completely straight line because a turn makes it a little bit longer and a millisecond, a millionth of a second difference with computerized training can be the difference between winning and losing. So if you could get a comp a, a completely straight shortest point, shortest is between two points from the Chicago board of exchange to the New York stock exchange. Or actually it's not the New York stock exchange anymore. As Michael Lewis pointed out some, some place in some windowless building in New Jersey. But if you can get a straight shot, you might have a millionth of a second advantage over somebody else, which is enough for you to win, to make money. So the
Jeff Jarvis (01:16:14):
Char the characters at the beginning of the book are just great. They're literally going to people who own property to say, can I dig a hole here and is what it's worth yeah. To get the Stranges line. Yeah. Which is to say that that Bloomberg and Reuters and those companies do not sell content. They sell speed.
Leo Laporte (01:16:29):
Jeff Jarvis (01:16:30):
And once, once it's the former head of Reuters used to say that after the first three milliseconds all of Reuters content is an
Leo Laporte (01:16:39):
Aftermarket. And this also points out with something that I always have this debate that it isn't really about the quarterly report <laugh> or no, no. You know, R and D or any of the, any of the numbers that we are always talking about, the value of the stock really is what somebody will pay for it. So having knowledge about what people, what price people are paying a little early, it's like knowing who's gonna win the race a little bit early. You can lay a bet on that horse, a millisecond before it crosses the line. No, no, no. Cuz it already crossed the line a millisecond before anybody else knows it crossed the line. That was the whole, that was the whole premise of that. Paul Newman, Robert Redford movie. Oh, what was it? It was a great con it was wire wire.
Jeff Jarvis (01:17:26):
Oh, right, right, right. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (01:17:27):
Is that they knew ahead of time who was gonna win the race. So they'd lay a bet and then the waist results would come in a second later and I won the it's. The, it was the same scam. So you, you win in the stock market now, not sting the sting, the sting, you win in the stock market now. Not because you've been reading the financials very carefully. I mean you can, I mean, obviously that's what the wizard of Omaha does, but you know, Warren buffet but most, but really what's really happening is these hyper fast stock training and it's, and it's come done very, very quickly and it's done on information and the informa, the only information that really matters is what people are gonna pay for this stock a second from now. Yeah. It's it's speculative. Yeah. It's fascinating. But it's also why I think individuals, I tell, I mean, I don't know, I'm not giving you advice either. I'm an idiot, but but it's, but I tell my kids cuz they have to listen to me is you can't win that one. <Laugh> cuz you're you're not an institutional investor. You don't have a fiber optic line to the Chicago board of trade <laugh>
Leo Laporte (01:18:41):
That's right. Somebody doesn't like me, it doesn't like this stop spreading false info says web 43 38. I don't know what, which particular false, false info false. Yeah. Tell me what's false. And I'll tell everybody what you say. All transactions, including computer trades have to go through a dealer. Didn't I say that? I think
Jeff Jarvis (01:19:00):
I said that. Yeah. You said that
Leo Laporte (01:19:02):
He did.
Jeff Jarvis (01:19:02):
I was asking why that's the
Leo Laporte (01:19:05):
Jeff Jarvis (01:19:05):
Theoretically, why that needs to be the case. Right? What value do they actually have? Yeah,
Leo Laporte (01:19:09):
Jeff Jarvis (01:19:09):
He, they extract value. The part of the point of this story is
Leo Laporte (01:19:12):
The middleman.
Jeff Jarvis (01:19:13):
The deal, the middleman are as always are extracting value more than they're adding it.
Leo Laporte (01:19:17):
He says you are misinformed. It's explicit in series nine and 63 broker exams. Okay. <laugh> I think you're making it up now. <Laugh> now I think you're making it up. <Laugh> anyway, the SCC takes it seriously. They're about to who SEC's Gary Ginsler is expected to preview new market rules about a year after shares of game stop. And others shot up in the meme. Stock training frenzy is not to make those illegal it's to. And I knew when I launched this, that it was gonna take a lot of explaining, but it's to stop this payment on for order flow. And, and it is controversial because it does allow more people to get in the stock market, which I would submit is, is something on <laugh> that maybe should be phrased as allow more suckers to get in the stock market.
Leo Laporte (01:20:14):
It's something only, only the guys who the institutional guys want. Yeah. Yeah. We want more suckers, more people and it pushes their Wallace bigger. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's see. Where, where are we? Time wise? Let's take a little break. Should we do a change log? Did you, did you, this has been little. We haven't gone anywhere. I know we have, we are, we are stuck in the mud. We're still top of the red section of the Runda. We will do a change log when we come back, get some breath. And of course I have some nice TikTok things and fun. Oh boy, I know you. I know you all look forward to that. Aren't you generous, bless your heart. This episode brought to you by Melissa information, right? The quality of your data. That's the difference between winning and losing, not just in the stock market, but in business.
Leo Laporte (01:21:04):
Melissa says poor data. Quality can cost organizations an average of 15 million a year. And the longer poor quality data stays in your system, the more losses you can accumulate, why does poor data cost? You will let's say you're sending bills to the wrong address or five catalogs to the same address to ensure your business is successful. Your customer information has got to be accurate. Melissa is a leading provider of global data quality and address management solutions. And by the way, there's another side to getting good customer data. That's customer service. I mean, imagine you've got a phone call you're dealing with a frustrated customer and then you address them with the wrong name or say, oh, you live in Florida. Right? And they live in Washington and oh man, that can get awkward having the right information's pretty important. And for that you need Melissa's identity solutions.
Leo Laporte (01:21:59):
Melissa's real time. Identity verification, service includes ID identity and document verification, age authentication, and global watch list screening to establish the identity of a customer or satisfy your compliance requirements. Anti-Money laundering, things like that. KYC easily tailor the service to your specific signup process and risk management requirements to ensure fast onboarding or e-commerce checkout while protecting you against fraud with Melissa, you'll reduce risk. You'll ensure compliance and you keep customers happy. Now that sounds like a win all round, protect your data from decay rot corruption. With 2.1 billion billion with a be clean validated records, you'll be ensuring compliance in any money laundering, politically exposed persons. The bank's secrecy act you could score and target customers with detailed demographic and firmographic data pens. You can complete customer records, add missing names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and don't worry. Your data is safe with Melissa. They undergo continuous independent security audits to make sure their security's good.
Leo Laporte (01:23:13):
Their privacy's good. That's why they can tell you their SOC two HIPAA and GDPR compliant with Melissa. You can verify addresses emails, phone numbers, names, and you can do it in real time. In over 240 countries and territories, you could do it at the point of entry. They have on-prem solutions. They have SAS solutions. You could do batch address cleaning by just uploading a file to their secure FTP servers and downloading the processed cleaned up list. You could do identity verification, geocoding convert addresses into latitude and longitude. You can remove 95% of bad email addresses from your database. And of course you can deploy it any way that suits your needs, your business size, your budget, on-prem web service, secure FTP software as a service or Melissa's great API. They even have apps on iOS and Android. The lookups apps that will let you search addresses names and more at your fingertips. So bottom line is to make sure your customer contact data is up to date. Try Melissa's APIs in the developer portal. It's easy to log on, sign up and start playing in the API sandbox. 24 7 get started today with 1000 records cleaned for free at That's We think of so much for this support of this week in Google.
Leo Laporte (01:24:41):
Let's do the change logs. Throw everybody off. Let's just knock 'em early. Yeah, geez. Yeah. Knock 'em back on their heels. Yeah. It's time. Google change log. How exciting I'm gonna sell this one. You're gonna feel so good for like, like this is, this is a return. The changed log it's even bigger deal. This is so exciting. Everything you're about to hear is gonna change your life. <Laugh> Google fi is expanding coverage on the pixel with the wifi w plus network. Remember Google fi and I'm a fi customer. So actually this is meaningful to me. F always is promise was with the right hardware. Your phone can use T-Mobile sprint. Of course that's now merged wifi us cellular. Well now there is something, this comes from a Google's internal area, one 20 incubator called Aion wifi. If you are a venue with wifi, you know, a, a coffee shop, a concert venue, a hotel, you can sell your wifi capacity to cellular networks.
Leo Laporte (01:25:47):
Google's calling this a w plus network, and it is one more way that you can get bandwidths on your wi Google five phone. Google goes to businesses, operating public areas, telling 'em. You can get a new revenue stream from your existing network. There's no, you know, capture portal or anything. You just turn on Aion wifi monetization. They apparently you don't even need a new router, a new software. And then Google your Google phone will automatically connect to Orion as a wifi thing. So I could walk into a coffee shop, not even get a popup that says, would you like to use our coffee shop? You don't even know the password or anything, but the phone will know about it because they've signed up with Orion and your five phone will use it. I think that's a good idea. Kind of competes with Xfinity, you know wifi access points, all over town thing. Cox does that a few other cable companies do, right? Right. Yep.
Ant Pruitt (01:26:45):
Right. Right.
Leo Laporte (01:26:47):
Beta number three for Android 13. I'm not touching it. Not going anywhere near it. Very happy with my pixel six plus plus on 12 platform stability. That is a important landmark in the development of Android 13, which probably will come out this fall. You can hear all about it on all about
Ant Pruitt (01:27:07):
Android. It's good to hear that they, they said that keyword just, just S stabilization, stabilization, just gonna be great and solid. Don't have to gimme all of these bells and whistles. Just make it work.
Leo Laporte (01:27:19):
It's all that platform stability. It means it's really more meaningful to your developers. It means. Okay. We've we're not gonna add anything that you don't know about. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> this API is fixed. It's done. Yep. And so now you can start writing your apps with confidence. You don't have to make any big changes, but it does. It's also a big step forward for 13 tablet users can now join the public beta as well. You have to have us one of these selected manufacturers.
Ant Pruitt (01:27:49):
Have we talked about the tablet market before on the Android side of things? Cause it seems like iPad is just everywhere. When, when, when you hear a tablet it's that they never say an Android. Tablet's always iPad.
Ant Pruitt (01:28:05):
Like, is this something that should do, just let this go. Yeah. Cause I mean, yes, Samsung are nice, but when people say tablet, tablet is almost like the way Xerox was synonymous with making photocopies.
Leo Laporte (01:28:20):
Yeah. yes. I don't think yes, you should not. Well, I'm prejudice. I, I think iPad, I think iPad is a tablet that is heads and shoulders above anything. I guess if you get the Samsung, that's a, that's a pretty good tablet. The problem isn't the Samsung, the hardware is great. The problem is the software and Android is just not good.
Ant Pruitt (01:28:44):
Yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Should Google just let that go. Well,
Leo Laporte (01:28:47):
They, you know what, that's what they announced at IO that they're oh, we're gonna, we're not gonna make a tablet. No, don't, don't go crazy here. But we really think tablets are great on Android. And so Android 13 does have some things, task bars for tablets has some things that'll make apps that are designed for a smaller screen scale, better on a larger screen. That was one of the problems with tablets. A lot of Android apps would just be like a phone sized on that tablet. Yeah.
Ant Pruitt (01:29:14):
A little like a little tiny window on there.
Leo Laporte (01:29:16):
Yeah. Yeah. So I think Googles
Ant Pruitt (01:29:18):
Them two years,
Leo Laporte (01:29:19):
Well, they're making noises that they really want to make this work. So I don't know, put 13 on your tablet and see
Ant Pruitt (01:29:27):
<Laugh> I dare you again, my tablet that
Leo Laporte (01:29:29):
I have, what you break on
Ant Pruitt (01:29:30):
Is not an Android tablet.
Leo Laporte (01:29:32):
Yeah. Jason, how the host of all that Android is our producer. He, he probably has an opinion on this. He says he's running 13. Are you running on a tablet though? Jason? He says, it's fine. <Laugh>
Ant Pruitt (01:29:46):
Okay. Fine. Fine.
Leo Laporte (01:29:48):
It's fine. Look at Android 12 beta ends with QPR three. So that means I will be automatically unenrolled. I'll be, I'll be normal again, which is nice. Cuz you know, people were saying, oh the June, the June update is out for pixels. And I go and I realize, oh I'm on an Android. 12 beta mm-hmm <affirmative> so I don't, it doesn't that I are not in the same cadence. So QPR three and the June pixel feature drop launched today. You don't have to take any further actions. I won't. We are now like officially on just Android 12 and we don't have to do anything three after three months of testing, Android, 12 QPR three with the June security patches rolling out today for those of you in the beta program. That means I'll get it tonight when I go home. And and now we'll all be 12.1 for reels.
Leo Laporte (01:30:49):
Okay. Unless you went to 12 L right? Jason, that, that, I don't know. It's so confusing. This 12 and 12 L thing. Jason says what tablet? I can't put it on tablet. Jason, go out and buy a Samsung tablet on my, on my dime. Yeah. They're cheap. Yeah. Go out and get one Costco. I ordered one when they announced it with the note or not the note, the S 22 ultra, I bought an S 22 ultra and I thought I bought it Samsung galaxy note eight. Was it? Whatever it is, the eight, the new one mm-hmm <affirmative> but I nothing ever arrived. So I guess I didn't did you
Ant Pruitt (01:31:30):
Can't still account,
Leo Laporte (01:31:31):
Sir. I can't still be waiting. I wanted at best buy. I should probably log in shouldn't I, no. Now I just remembered that, you know, I do that. Sometimes I buy something and I forget, I just figure, well, they'll send it to me right. When the time comes, it'll be a surprise. And that has happened to me, especially with like Kickstarter I'll buy something. I, and then like a year later, I, I got, I got a piece of luggage like this aluminum bank and said, what is this? What <laugh>
Ant Pruitt (01:32:01):
Oh, you ordered
Leo Laporte (01:32:02):
This a long time ago.
Ant Pruitt (01:32:05):
Leo Laporte (01:32:06):
To keep you signed in. We need to confirm it's you. I just logged in. What do you want? All right. I'll log in. Send me a verification code.
Ant Pruitt (01:32:17):
He thought he ordered it best buy.
Leo Laporte (01:32:19):
I thought I did
Ant Pruitt (01:32:20):
Actually probably you probably probably ordered it directly from the Samsung site or something instead. Dear luck,
Leo Laporte (01:32:28):
Probably wouldn't
Ant Pruitt (01:32:29):
But that's the first thing comes in my head. Did, did I, did I really buy it? Did they charge me for
Leo Laporte (01:32:33):
It? My email's such a mess. Good. They did send me account. Miami was such a mess that, yeah, I can. I just, I bought a Mac studio from a company in April and I never heard, they charged me immediately. $4,000. Never heard anything from them. I finally sent a note just the other day. I said, Hey, you know, remember that Mac I bought where <laugh> where the hell is it?
Ant Pruitt (01:33:00):
Remember that Mac?
Leo Laporte (01:33:01):
Where the hell is it? And they said, oh yeah, we, you know thanks for the money. But we never really, we never got it. So I, they said, you want your money back? I said, yeah,
Ant Pruitt (01:33:13):
I want one of those things so
Leo Laporte (01:33:15):
Bad. I want my money back, cuz you're not gonna send me something. So I want my money back. So then they sent me a text message that said your money's back, but I haven't seen it. <Laugh>
Ant Pruitt (01:33:25):
Oh, geez.
Leo Laporte (01:33:27):
So how would I know? Oh, order status, right? Oh no. That's from February 20, 20, I guess. Maybe I didn't order it
Ant Pruitt (01:33:37):
Jeff Jarvis (01:33:38):
<Laugh> or not from there.
Ant Pruitt (01:33:40):
I dunno. You already history
Leo Laporte (01:33:42):
Order history. They ain't. No. What,
Jeff Jarvis (01:33:44):
What is it you supposedly ordered
Leo Laporte (01:33:45):
Again that when Samsung announced new S 22, they have, they announced what
Jeff Jarvis (01:33:49):
Can you search for S 22 in your email and see if you got an order confirmation
Leo Laporte (01:33:53):
You're too reasonable and rational. I, yes, I could do that. Meanwhile, June's pixel feature drop. Meanwhile, we
Jeff Jarvis (01:34:00):
Move on through the
Leo Laporte (01:34:02):
I'm sorry. I wasted your time. Going through my mail at a glance flashlight. What? And a doorbell alert and pocket operator music maker. You figure out what the hell that is. Cuz I don't have ain't nobody got time. So nest doorbell, video feed. Some of you have had this for a while. I do have a, a, a nest. Hello doorbell. So I should, so I'll see that on my attic glance settings when your torch is on written by a bridge. So bridge, when your torch is on attic glance, will prominently note that and let you quickly turn it off with a tap. If the blinding light doesn't give you a hint.
Jeff Jarvis (01:34:42):
That's always one of the, I, I, I enjoy telling somebody that they', that their torch is on, on their phone when they don't know it. I think it it's one of those little polite things you can do now they've taken this away from me.
Leo Laporte (01:34:53):
So, so this is a common thing. Like people are
Ant Pruitt (01:34:56):
Walking around. It is from me. People are around. I do it a lot. Yeah, exactly.
Leo Laporte (01:35:00):
The big, bright light in their pocket.
Ant Pruitt (01:35:02):
Leo Laporte (01:35:03):
Ant Pruitt (01:35:03):
And they don't notice. I do that a lot. I, I have to, when I take the dogs out in the evenings, I usually use that torch. Well, I kill your dog. I totally forget about it. Well, totally forget about it. Mm-Hmm
Leo Laporte (01:35:14):
<Affirmative> so what do you, you go up to them and you tap on the show. Excuse me. So your torches on and they're
Ant Pruitt (01:35:20):
Leo Laporte (01:35:20):
Grateful. Well, thank you so very much. Cause I say it nicely. Not like you're an idiot. Hey, you're gonna lose your
Ant Pruitt (01:35:26):
Battery. I don't do that.
Leo Laporte (01:35:26):
I don't do that. You know what? You're still gonna have to be off be because how are they gonna tell you your torches on with the, at a glance settings? If you're looking at your phone, you probably know your light is on it's
Ant Pruitt (01:35:38):
Things. Don't
Leo Laporte (01:35:38):
No, I've seen people know. I've seen people working
Ant Pruitt (01:35:40):
On it. You don't, and there it is really you're looking at your screen. You're not looking at the, the behind it. You can't see the glow behind it. Can't you're looking at your screen. Okay.
Leo Laporte (01:35:50):
All right. All right. So now you're gonna have a notification that says, Hey, dummy are the flashlights on and there will be
Ant Pruitt (01:35:58):
Dummy. I'm ant
Leo Laporte (01:35:59):
<Laugh>. There
Ant Pruitt (01:36:00):
Will be air
Leo Laporte (01:36:01):
Quality information D warnings for your area. Good. So it'll say, Hey, have you noticed it's hard to breathe while you're right. And then this pocket operator, this is actually very cool. I do know what this pocket operator is. I was just mocking. Do you know a company called teenage engineering? I actually bought one of these. They make little pocket synthesizers that are so cute and so much fun. I didn't. I give mine to you. Jason, do you have my pocket operator? He's a smooth operator. I didn't give it to you. Who did I give? I gave it to somebody. The, the cutest little thing.
Ant Pruitt (01:36:40):
This dude, you can't find his pocket operator.
Leo Laporte (01:36:42):
Well, the reason is I'm not
Ant Pruitt (01:36:44):
Leo Laporte (01:36:44):
I thought this was really cute, but I I'm not a musician. I shouldn't have one of these things anyway. They have now a software based pocket operator music maker you can do on your Android phone. I'm sure you did this on all about Android. Oh, Jason. I reviewed it. Nice. So pocket operators. Very cool. Here's what it looks like. So it's just really a little kind of fun little synthesizer. You don't have to be an instrument, a musician to do it or anything. Google wallet now will support vaccine cards, digital vaccine cards. There's a conversation mode in sound amplifier which is actually kind of nice. You could use it as kind of a hearing aid. Put the phone on the desk in between you have your headphones on and it's gonna know to amplify just the voice and remove the background noise. You wanna point your camera at the person you wanna talk to? And a new trio of curated culture wallpapers from Jan bod is pronounced Besta Jan bastard, celebrating pride months. All right. He's French. He was born in Zago Spain. He now is in Ren, France. He's pronounced ARD, Android auto for phone screens, officially dying for everyone.
Jeff Jarvis (01:38:13):
It was never made any sense.
Leo Laporte (01:38:14):
Yeah. I mean you Android. Auto's still around. When I get in the car, I have Android auto my car screen, but why did you have Android auto on your phone? Like, are you gonna hold your phone here while you're driving? But
Jeff Jarvis (01:38:23):
Well, if you didn't have, if you had a car that wasn't available for you put it on, but all it really did was, was take features away. Cause you're driving for right,
Leo Laporte (01:38:30):
Right. Which it should anyway. Nobody, apparently nobody used it. And now you'll get a little notice that says it's gonna stop working soon. So it is,
Jeff Jarvis (01:38:39):
Hey, it's Google. We kill
Leo Laporte (01:38:40):
Things. We killed things. We know how we know how to do it. Change log includes things going away too, a hundred dollars off on the pixel, six pro it's the first direct discount in the us Google store. If you've been wanting to buy one of those, I know you had, do you, is, is it settled down for you Anne? Or are you still having problems with it?
Ant Pruitt (01:39:00):
It's not as much, but it just it's way better than what it used to be. And the, you know, the Bluetooth toggle off here and there. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (01:39:07):
But that's B I hate Bluetooth. I really do
Ant Pruitt (01:39:09):
On every, but yeah, it's, it is way better than
Leo Laporte (01:39:11):
More than pictures are great.
Ant Pruitt (01:39:12):
Right. And that was within like the, I think that was the, the March.
Leo Laporte (01:39:18):
That was the, the big update that fixed a lot of stuff for you. Yeah. And, and do you ever take pictures with your pixel six? Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's
Ant Pruitt (01:39:26):
Really good. The camera's fine. Oh,
Leo Laporte (01:39:28):
It's very,
Ant Pruitt (01:39:28):
It's totally fine. Yeah. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (01:39:30):
Yeah. How do you like yours? Jeff, do you, your pictures?
Jeff Jarvis (01:39:33):
I like it. In fact, in fact, I we have a family of ground hogs leaving under our garden shed. I looked over and I I'm, I'm far away sitting on the deck working. Yes. I was working on the deck. And I get up to go take a picture and get closer and they skidder underneath. So I'm gonna be far, far away. And I use the zoom in and I get
Ant Pruitt (01:39:55):
Leo Laporte (01:39:57):
Nice. Yeah, it works well. Very nice. And that the Google change log, Google paying a hundred million dollars to Illinois resident Illinois is one of the few states in the nation to have an anti biometrics law, the Illinois biometric information, privacy act, Google photos, allegedly violated it with its face recognition and oh boy. Yeah. They've agreed to pay a hundred million dollars to settle a class action lawsuit. It was the face grouping.
Ant Pruitt (01:40:31):
Is that tools a person? Yeah,
Leo Laporte (01:40:33):
Probably you don't get, you know, the lawyers just
Ant Pruitt (01:40:35):
Get lawyer, lawyer fees.
Jeff Jarvis (01:40:36):
I think it's 300 bucks. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (01:40:38):
Oh, that's not bad. 300. It's pretty good. Oh really? Yeah. It alleges that the face grouping tool, which automatically identifies your face in photos and videos uploaded to photos violates BIPA. I can see why Google would do that though. Right? To let you know, there's a, there's a picture of you up there. If you are, or were an Illinois resident who appeared in a photo or video on Google photos between May 1st, 2015 and April 25th, 2022, you have until September 24th of this year to submit a claim on the settlement's website, you'll get somewhere, as Jeff said, between two and $400, depending on court related expenses and how many people file a claim. So there's a big pool. I probably shouldn't be mentioning this cuz you know, you're not gonna get as much. The pool has a lot of members
Jeff Jarvis (01:41:31):
With your wild reach. Yes. You're gonna get millions more to apply
Leo Laporte (01:41:34):
For it. Well, I don't live in Illinois. And I presume that Google isn't doing it anymore. So there you go. Why Jeff? Why should we care about this? The taco bell of the future.
Jeff Jarvis (01:41:49):
I didn't put this one in there. Oh. but it's kinda
Leo Laporte (01:41:52):
A brutalist, a brutalist taco bell. Right. And you don't even, it, you don't even see anybody. The food gets lowered,
Jeff Jarvis (01:42:01):
Man bank. I like that. It's a no bank.
Leo Laporte (01:42:04):
Oh, is it? Is it yeah. Dead's just like an oh yeah. Like the drive through, right? Yes. Yeah. You order, you have a QR code. You drive up for all we know there's robots upstairs making the food. You never see a human
Jeff Jarvis (01:42:19):
That's. What happens when you said, I said no ice.
Leo Laporte (01:42:22):
This is in Minnesota and Brooklyn park. It's all QR code focused.
Jeff Jarvis (01:42:28):
So I'm unhappy with taco bell right now.
Leo Laporte (01:42:30):
Jeff Jarvis (01:42:30):
Oh, because they got rid of lemonade and they have like strawberry lemonade and it's truly sweet and awful. So my normal order was two bean burritos. No on onions. No. What? And the lemonade
Leo Laporte (01:42:42):
Here is taco bell. Here's here's slice, stall alone, pulling up to a taco bell. <Laugh> in the future. <Laugh>
Speaker 5 (01:42:53):
Franchise war a minute. You do not realize that taco bell was the only restaurant to survive the franchise wars. So, so now all restaurants
Leo Laporte (01:43:04):
Are taco bell. It looks just like the one in Minnesota.
Jeff Jarvis (01:43:08):
Yeah, exactly.
Leo Laporte (01:43:12):
All restaurants are taco bell and all doors open sideways. And the piano guy sings the jolly green giant song. So is the, I never saw this movie is the premise that didn't specialist alone is traveling in time. Did he's entered the future? Yeah.
Jeff Jarvis (01:43:34):
Leo Laporte (01:43:35):
Well, there you go. That, by the way that groundbreaking new taco bell location will be opening tomorrow.
Jeff Jarvis (01:43:44):
See we're right on top of the news here. Nice. At the TWI network,
Leo Laporte (01:43:49):
Actually it opened yesterday. Nice.
Ant Pruitt (01:43:50):
<Laugh> no. Well,
Leo Laporte (01:43:51):
Okay. <Laugh>
Jeff Jarvis (01:43:53):
Counts. Close enough for us all. I got, I got one. I love because you had, you had two Dolly stories in here, but the one I really like is a thread of do of Kermit the frog in every movie.
Leo Laporte (01:44:04):
What is, explain Dolly? What is Dolly?
Jeff Jarvis (01:44:07):
Dolly is artificial intelligence where you tell it to draw a picture of something and it will do that. And it may be something sensible. Maybe something that'll give you nightmares tonight, but you can have more. It's getting smarter and smarter and smarter.
Leo Laporte (01:44:19):
So if you now, so if you said, I wanna see Kermit the frog in blade runner 2049, you might get something like this. Keep,
Jeff Jarvis (01:44:26):
Keep going through this thread. It's amazing.
Leo Laporte (01:44:27):
Wow. If you said Kermit, the frog in the matrix, you might get something like, it kinda looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Now does Kermit the frog and spirited away. 2001. He's got a big pot belly Kermit the frog and star wars, right? Yeah.
Jeff Jarvis (01:44:45):
Ish or,
Leo Laporte (01:44:46):
Or yeah. Yeah. Dolly. You're good. Avatar. The last Airbender talk,
Jeff Jarvis (01:44:52):
Just talk to
Leo Laporte (01:44:54):
Wally. Wally from Dolly. The princess KA talking
Ant Pruitt (01:44:59):
Few of in the community.
Leo Laporte (01:45:01):
Wow. Now usually you though you have to, you'll keep trying until you get one that you really like, right? Oh exactly. And the family guy there's Kermit, this is good. Ran Budapest hotel. So I'm sorry if you're listening and you can't see these, but what can I say? <Laugh> I don't know. Just look for Dolly Kermit the frog. You probably can find it. It's a Twitter thread. Yeah. Dolly's kind of cool.
Ant Pruitt (01:45:29):
Leo Laporte (01:45:30):
Dashy E yeah. It's kind of cool. Mad max. Yeah. These are really good. I don't understand how it, it knows the dark night. Wow. Cho, will he walk on the chocolate factory? I like what it's doing to the eyes. Pan's labyrinth.
Jeff Jarvis (01:45:50):
Yeah's like what you did to yourself and me last
Leo Laporte (01:45:53):
Week. Yeah, this is, this is better than a Snapchat filter. <Laugh> Kermit the frog in the office. Very cool. Yeah. So good news for teenagers in California, the state of California has made a law. It goes into effect July 1st that public high schools can start no earlier than eight 30 in the morning. And middle schools know earlier than 8:00 AM. It's long been observed that teenagers need to sleep more and their sleep cycles are shifted.
Jeff Jarvis (01:46:29):
That makes perfect
Leo Laporte (01:46:29):
Sense. When I was a teenager, I'd go to bed at one every night and wanna sleep till 11, nine or 10 11. And you have teenage boys. And I think there's a teenage girl living with you too.
Ant Pruitt (01:46:40):
Yes. Yes. But dude, they're, they're already like in school for an hour a day.
Leo Laporte (01:46:47):
It's awful now.
Jeff Jarvis (01:46:48):
Ant Pruitt (01:46:49):
It's just why, why even bothering?
Leo Laporte (01:46:52):
Well, the hours should start later. <Laugh>
Ant Pruitt (01:46:55):
I tell them, I tell them all the time they have it so good. They're never in class. Fortunately. They're doing well with their grades.
Leo Laporte (01:47:02):
Jeff Jarvis (01:47:02):
They, your father used to have to walk to school 40 miles in the snow uphill. Are they still on and uphill coming home?
Leo Laporte (01:47:11):
Are they still zooming
Ant Pruitt (01:47:12):
In? No sir. No, sir. They, they
Leo Laporte (01:47:14):
Were, they do go into class. Yeah.
Ant Pruitt (01:47:16):
Okay, good. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> but school is out now school. Yeah. This
Leo Laporte (01:47:19):
Doesn't count last week. If you were unlucky enough to take zero period in cuz your boys were athletes, I bet you, they did. You gotta go in like at 7:00 AM, right?
Ant Pruitt (01:47:30):
They, well, that's the thing. They, they get there. I believe it's eight o'clock and it starts at eight 15 or some, some crazy time like that. But then there's other days that it starts later. Oh, eight 30. Well and I'm like, good news. Wait a minute. Why are y'all starting so
Leo Laporte (01:47:46):
Late? It's gonna, you can't start any earlier than eight 30 starting July 1st.
Ant Pruitt (01:47:52):
And then they're done by 11 o'clock. I think's like done for today by 11 o'clock. Well,
Leo Laporte (01:47:57):
All they, they have a weird, that's not normal. They have some weird they're working. They're working the schedule or something time for a digital detox friends. According to Axios Jeff calls this moral panic.
Jeff Jarvis (01:48:11):
Of course how'd you know, I did that. How'd you know, I put that in there.
Leo Laporte (01:48:14):
<Laugh> deep down, you know the truth. You are hopelessly addicted to the phone or iPad or cut. Computer writes Erica Pandy in Axios. You're reading the computer, you're reading this on. It's like puffing three packs of cigarettes in the car, windows up, kids jammed and back, you know, it's not great for you or them time for a digital
Jeff Jarvis (01:48:34):
Detox, stop, stop. AIOS stop. You're an and by the way, you're an online service. So stop. Just stop. Not how it's click bait.
Leo Laporte (01:48:44):
There is a, there are a lot of people going around making money, going on TV shows saying, you know, this stuff's bad for you and
Jeff Jarvis (01:48:53):
Leo Laporte (01:48:54):
Kids. And
Jeff Jarvis (01:48:56):
Lot of, lot of moral panic entrepreneurs, they're called.
Leo Laporte (01:48:59):
Oh, that is their fault. Oh, that's a, you made that up just now.
Jeff Jarvis (01:49:01):
No I didn't. No, that's PEs. It's a
Leo Laporte (01:49:03):
Term. Yeah. Okay. is, but there is some evidence that too much screen. Time's not good for you.
Jeff Jarvis (01:49:10):
Well, again, I just what's her name? I'm blanking on her name.
Leo Laporte (01:49:16):
Dana Boyd.
Jeff Jarvis (01:49:17):
No, no, no.
Leo Laporte (01:49:19):
Joan Donovan.
Jeff Jarvis (01:49:20):
No, gimme a minute here. No, the she's a journalist. She wasn't the wall street journal
Leo Laporte (01:49:24):
Anne hash.
Jeff Jarvis (01:49:25):
The, no, she started the thing to do tech and Craig Newmark funded her and I should know her name, but anyway, she just did a piece last week, Patty,
Leo Laporte (01:49:35):
Hers <laugh> knew what
Ant Pruitt (01:49:40):
Well played. Jamer B
Jeff Jarvis (01:49:43):
She just did a piece last week saying, I thought I said this earlier or the show that well, oops. The research said that the problem was time spent on screens and that's not the problem. And it's really, the activities may be a problem. And all the research has to start all over again. Now you
Leo Laporte (01:50:02):
Would, you would, you would probably stipulate this one. A Baylor university study found that screen time is ruining relationships. As one partner feels phones snubbed by the other. We've all been in that situation. You're at the table. You're having a nice dinner. Maybe you went to a fancy restaurant. <Laugh> and you're I think I
Jeff Jarvis (01:50:23):
Put that in last but
Leo Laporte (01:50:25):
Wife first in the flame. No. And they
Jeff Jarvis (01:50:27):
Call it
Leo Laporte (01:50:28):
And your partner is, is fubbing
Jeff Jarvis (01:50:31):
Fubbing phone is called fubbing
Leo Laporte (01:50:33):
They, they they're looking at the phone the whole time, or maybe they're taking pictures for their Instagram feed. 
Jeff Jarvis (01:50:38):
Or maybe your wife is happens with me is said, Hey, look that up. Will you? That happens to me all the time.
Leo Laporte (01:50:45):
Actually I say to Lisa, will you look that up for me?
Jeff Jarvis (01:50:48):
Yeah. See
Leo Laporte (01:50:50):
There's a restaurant in the east village of Manhattan that has boxes for you to stash your phones during
Jeff Jarvis (01:50:55):
The meal. Oh, oh, just screw me. <Laugh> oh, geez. Just, just pay attention to your own lives and leave us alone. Nanny
Leo Laporte (01:51:05):
Sushi lounge in Hoboken, New Jersey. I can't imagine going to Hoboken for sushi, but okay. Tried reconnect Tuesdays, which gave customers 20% off. If they kept their phones locked away in a box for dinner, anything to get people to go.
Jeff Jarvis (01:51:20):
What difference is it to you? Sushi
Leo Laporte (01:51:22):
Place <laugh> yeah, really?
Jeff Jarvis (01:51:23):
Do I eat your fish or not? And by the way, it takes a long's my business. That's time at a good sushi place for the, for the sushi to arrive. So what are you gonna do?
Leo Laporte (01:51:32):
They gotta make it,
Ant Pruitt (01:51:34):
I get the premise, but yeah that that's, that's none of their business. That's
Jeff Jarvis (01:51:38):
Obnoxious. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (01:51:40):
This is a silly, silly story, but, and
Jeff Jarvis (01:51:43):
It really is. Yeah.
Ant Pruitt (01:51:44):
That's but it's all about balance. That's the thing that, that no one seems to print. It is just, just have some balance. Have yourself some screen time, have yourself away from the screen. Yeah. They all, they all just say, put the phone down, get away from the screens. And
Leo Laporte (01:51:59):
Do you remember that Twitter survey you had us do where it was tell you this world leaders, you know he's a world leader, but he's saying stuff that's not true. Should you ban him or would you do right? Remember that? Right. And my gut feeling about it was Twitter said, oh, we wanna get your advice on what, how to deal with this. So we can change our policy for world leaders. But my gut was, it was more Twitter saying, see, this is so hard. You can't really blame us.
Ant Pruitt (01:52:27):
We one would think,
Leo Laporte (01:52:29):
Well, it turns out they got 49,000 people taking that survey. They had said, you know we're gonna take this feedback under advisement more than a year since they announced the survey they have done nothing. <Laugh>
Jeff Jarvis (01:52:48):
Leo Laporte (01:52:48):
Jeff Jarvis (01:52:49):
Well, right now let's give 'em a little, a little,
Leo Laporte (01:52:51):
They're a little busy slack
Jeff Jarvis (01:52:52):
Because they're busy. Yeah. They're little busy. They said consideration. They said consideration. Yeah. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (01:52:57):
Twitter spokesperson. Trenton Kennedy would not comment on whether Elon Musk's pending acquisition has had an effect on efforts to revamp the world leader's policy. But he said the company, well, we
Jeff Jarvis (01:53:09):
Can't comment.
Leo Laporte (01:53:09):
Right? Well, they're working on it. He says, they're still distilling the results of the survey. You ain't getting tequila, buddy. No matter how much you distill it. And considering next steps during this process, we've also engaged experts, including NGOs, governments, academics, and civil society, to ensure we're hearing as many diverse and thoughtful perspectives as possible. Where do you go to get civil society? They have a phone number.
Jeff Jarvis (01:53:36):
<Laugh> what does he say? Lots of people will claim to be representing the civil society. Really? Tons of organizations. Tons of, yeah. Tons of organizations
Leo Laporte (01:53:44):
Will, but how, where do they get off? I represent where do they get off society? Yeah. Like how, how do you, I mean,
Jeff Jarvis (01:53:52):
Well, you go to, you go to old bunch of NGOs. Like if you wanna find out what's going on
Leo Laporte (01:53:56):
That I understand NGOs go,
Jeff Jarvis (01:53:57):
Go right.
Leo Laporte (01:53:57):
Watch academics, but civil. But who do you go to get civil society input? The civil society incorporated.
Jeff Jarvis (01:54:05):
Pretty much. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (01:54:06):
Okay. More,
Jeff Jarvis (01:54:07):
More civil society entrepreneurs.
Leo Laporte (01:54:08):
Yeah. Oh, okay. Civil
Jeff Jarvis (01:54:10):
Society incorporated. <Laugh>
Leo Laporte (01:54:12):
Anyway, I just that's they're they're not gonna do anything, but they did make us do the survey. So, and we did it and it was fun and it was difficult and it was educational. It showed you how hard it is, right? Yeah. Nothing's first phone will come out. July 12th. I'm sure. Jason and company talked about this yesterday on all about Android. So car Carl pay, who was the founder of OnePlus and kind of famous Mike marketing nutball but made some pretty darn good phones in his time he left OnePlus and he started OnePlus, went and merged with its parent company oppo. And he started a new company called nothing. Okay.
Jeff Jarvis (01:55:00):
Brand. Sure.
Leo Laporte (01:55:01):
We weren't really sure what nothing was up to, but it turns out nothing is gonna release a phone, the nothing phone it's our first smartphone and our most important product. Nothing said in its announcement, the real start of nothing's journey to <laugh> to make tech fun again, and an invitation to unlearn everything. The industry has taught us. Have we learned nothing? The phone, the phone it was actually, we were showing it off of mobile world Congress. So we kind of had a thought they might be doing this phone will be powered by Qualcom a Snapdragon. It will run nothing. OS very lightweight, a modified version of Android. The company says captures the best features of the OS and distills it to just the essentials essential. Wasn't that another phone company
Ant Pruitt (01:55:50):
That was another phone.
Leo Laporte (01:55:51):
Yeah. That went out business. Andy Rubin's essential. Oh yeah. The platforms. This sounds a lot like that, by the way, Andy Rubin leaves Google he's the guy invented Android kind of start a company. This is gonna be so exciting. I bought an essential phone. Yep. That's it? 
Ant Pruitt (01:56:09):
The platforms in parachute though.
Leo Laporte (01:56:11):
Yeah. Oh, he did. All right. Yeah. The platforms interface will feature bespoke fonts, colors, design elements, and sounds as well. Sounds like they got Johnny. I under the hood, there <laugh> live event in London, live stream on the website. You know what I jury's still out. Could be great. That just worries me. It reminds me a lot of the essential phone, which I did buy didn't I give it to you, Anne. Who did I give that to? No, somebody,
Ant Pruitt (01:56:37):
Not me, sir. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (01:56:43):
I should mention Pasky real quickly. This is something apple talked about Monday on its WWDC event, making it a complete hat trick because Microsoft's been talking about it and Google's been talking about it. This will kill the password. Halelujah have come with iOS 16 and Macko S Ventura. The idea is that you will log to your phone proving you are you. And then from then on, whenever you go to a website, it'll just say, oh, hi Leo. And let you write in no more passwords. It's more secure. It's fishing proof because
Jeff Jarvis (01:57:21):
Your phone is, is linked to your
Leo Laporte (01:57:23):
Computer. Yeah. Well, because also your phone has fingerprint or face ID. And so it really is using biometrics to a certain ascertain that you are you. And
Jeff Jarvis (01:57:32):
If somebody steals your
Leo Laporte (01:57:33):
Phone, they can't unlock it trying to right. Oh, okay. That's the theories that, well, they can't even unlock it. Okay. It's a new digital key tied to your biometrics to create a pass key use, touch ID or face ID to authenticate on a website and you're done. And from then on you, you, when you log into the site again, PA keys allow you to prove who you are by using your biometrics face ID fingerprint. You don't have to type in a passphrase. This is this
Ant Pruitt (01:58:05):
Basically huge. I guess if, if you try to use your, your fingerprint on the phone so many times, and it fails to read it, it usually forces you to put in your past phrase. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (01:58:18):
Right. So then you would have to
Ant Pruitt (01:58:20):
Use a past, if you have to do that, I guess there's some signal that says, okay, this phone was unlocked, but it wasn't unlocked by metrics. No
Leo Laporte (01:58:27):
I don't. No, no, no, no. If you can unlock it, I'm sure that that counts as long as I was curious, but what happens? You go to that site. It then says let's, let's see you. Oh yeah. Good. That's you. So you're still gonna, still gonna do the biometrics time. It sounds like still gotta do it. Okay. Steve Gibson raised the issue. Oh, that's all well and good. But what will happen if you decide, I don't want to use an iPhone. I wanna use an Android phone. Can you export that or do you have to start over? Oh, Apple's I'm told by one of our listeners that apple did address this at WWDC later yesterday and said, there will be a way to export your PA keys from your iCloud stored an iCloud. So if you can export it and import it somewhere else, and it is an industrywide standard, it's the fi Alliance. So that may be the most important thing apple announced on Monday. I mean, they was just in passing, but that's huge. Right. Was
Jeff Jarvis (01:59:19):
There anything to stop Google, Android from doing the same thing?
Leo Laporte (01:59:22):
No, Google's already said they're gonna do it. And Microsoft just said, they're gonna do it. So you got the big three. Oh, that's why it's a big deal. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. let's see. Good article in Tector today about the new mayor, your new mayor. Well, he's not your mayor, is he?
Jeff Jarvis (01:59:42):
Well, he kind of is you work in here? Oh yes he is. Cuz I'm in a city employee. So yes
Leo Laporte (01:59:47):
He is Eric Adams mayor in New York city has paused the city's affordable broadband plan. And they had planned, the city had done a lot of research. They had planned to spend 2.1 billion to make sure everybody in New York had access inexpensive access to high speed internet saving on average, a customer, a $40 a month would expand internet access to 1.2 million households in New York city. Carl BTI writing in Tector makes the probable accurate assumption that it was the phone companies like Verizon, who got to the city and said, oh, you know, you don't want to compete with us. Do you? That's why that's the argument against all municipal wifi.
Jeff Jarvis (02:00:35):
Yep. Philadelphia, whether that years
Leo Laporte (02:00:36):
Ago. Yep. You don't want to compete with us. Do you? Verizon of course has not, you know, been a very good incumbent in New York city
Jeff Jarvis (02:00:46):
Stories. Supposedly the last payphone was hauled out of
Leo Laporte (02:00:51):
Yeah, we did that last last week. Yeah.
Jeff Jarvis (02:00:52):
But then it turns out there's more payphone still around,
Leo Laporte (02:00:54):
So yeah. They're just not owned by the city. Yeah, it's kind of a shame. This was a, I think an historic plan, but yep. The phone companies don't like it when you compete with them. So never nevermind. You like those scooters bird is laying off almost a quarter of its staff. Meanwhile electric scooters are getting a second chance in some cities says
Jeff Jarvis (02:01:21):
The New York times
Leo Laporte (02:01:22):
And the New York times is on it. I remember when the first bird scooters showed up in San Francisco, they littered. Oh. And
Jeff Jarvis (02:01:32):
They were strew. They littered everywhere.
Leo Laporte (02:01:34):
They were strew everywhere. You would trip over them. Myself.
Jeff Jarvis (02:01:37):
I went to a, the Facebook F eight and San Jose and they were just there and they got run over three times. They were thick there.
Leo Laporte (02:01:45):
Yeah. so, you know, that's why I think companies are struggling a little bit, but apparently the New York times says I, we, we rented scooters in in LA in Santa Monica and they've had a no-go zone. So you go, you, you ride your scooter up to the, the beach area, the boardwalk and it just stopped. You can't go back. Wow.
Jeff Jarvis (02:02:11):
Yeah. They, they geofenced the, the
Leo Laporte (02:02:14):
Geo fence it off.
Jeff Jarvis (02:02:15):
Wow. They literally fenced it. Yeah. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (02:02:19):
Chicago among the places that have required people to lock scooters, to bike racks or other fixed objects, instead of just lying 'em on the ground. New York has pledged dedicated lanes and parking zones for scooters. I don't know. I think there are people who love scooters, people who, you know, we shouldn't have to have a car to get around a city. We do have mass transit, but a lot of cities don't have great mass transit, including LA.
Ant Pruitt (02:02:42):
Nope. So, but
Jeff Jarvis (02:02:45):
Like scooter LA
Ant Pruitt (02:02:46):
In the city. Yeah.
Jeff Jarvis (02:02:47):
LA distances don't work with a scooter.
Leo Laporte (02:02:49):
That's true. You can't. Yeah.
Jeff Jarvis (02:02:50):
We go from Pasadena to Santa Monica. It doesn't work on
Ant Pruitt (02:02:53):
Well, yeah, no, that's different. <Laugh> I only use it in downtown. 
Jeff Jarvis (02:02:58):
Or San Francisco
Ant Pruitt (02:02:59):
To Adobe max,
Leo Laporte (02:03:00):
Jeff Jarvis (02:03:01):
Oh yeah.
Leo Laporte (02:03:03):
No, I've ridden scooters around the city. Yeah. I mean, I feel dopey riding a scooter at my age.
Jeff Jarvis (02:03:08):
Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't work.
Leo Laporte (02:03:10):
<Laugh> it's not a good one.
Ant Pruitt (02:03:11):
I would totally do it now considering it's almost $7 a gallon here.
Leo Laporte (02:03:15):
That's true. That's true.
Ant Pruitt (02:03:17):
I've I've almost told the hard heads that old dad might be on that scooter, but they're lucky. I'm a little too heavy for him. Just
Leo Laporte (02:03:25):
A little. Can I do a number, Jeff?
Jeff Jarvis (02:03:28):
Sure. I think I know which one it is. You're gonna do number.
Leo Laporte (02:03:31):
Yes. You probably do know in this. I have
Jeff Jarvis (02:03:33):
Leo Laporte (02:03:33):
You have others. I don't wanna steal, you know, it's valuable number for you. A Google employee named Emma Haruka has calculated PI to the 100 trillions digit farther than any human before 100 trillions. And by the way, it's a little disappointing. She got the computer ran for months. Finally got to the 100th trillion digit. And you know what? It was zero please.
Ant Pruitt (02:04:07):
Well, that doesn't count,
Leo Laporte (02:04:08):
Right? No, it counts cuz there's something after it. If there were nothing after it, maybe not. Oh,
Ant Pruitt (02:04:13):
Okay. But there's well that
Jeff Jarvis (02:04:14):
Was, is it possible
Leo Laporte (02:04:15):
That you, is
Jeff Jarvis (02:04:16):
It, is it possible that you could get to the end of the 200? Twentie we actually solve pie? No. No. How do we know that you can't,
Leo Laporte (02:04:24):
It's an irrational number. How do we know? Okay. That's a good question. How do we know that pie is irrational? That's an infinitely repeating number. I think we do. I think somebody proved it, but I don't know did, okay. I'm not a mathematician. I'm not either. They did sort of suspect
Jeff Jarvis (02:04:43):
Someone in the chat will
Leo Laporte (02:04:44):
Tell us somebody in the chat said, did they check her work? Yes, they sort of did they spot checked it by checking some of the digits prior to the, obviously you can't check the final digit she had in 2019 calculated 31 trillion digits, which was a record at the time. Pie has
Jeff Jarvis (02:05:02):
Been 20% time.
Leo Laporte (02:05:03):
Yeah. My personal passion proof that pie is irrational. There it is. Thank you. It was proven in the 17 hundreds says jammer B. I didn't say that. Okay. Wikipedia says it. It was proven in the 17th hundreds, 17 hundreds of pies, irrational. This is interesting. Google will not say how much it cost. It is a demo obviously of Google's compute engine. That's what she used. Listen to how much computation though it took 157 days, 128,000. No, I'm sorry. 128 virtual processors, 864 gigabytes of memory. And here's my number of the week, 82,000 terabytes of data, which is the same amount of storage as 2,598 years worth of HD movies,
Jeff Jarvis (02:05:55):
HD. Oh geez.
Leo Laporte (02:05:58):
HD. Who does HD anymore? Let's get an up to date number Google.
Jeff Jarvis (02:06:02):
Right? So now if you put every number on top of each other in 12 point type, it
Leo Laporte (02:06:05):
Would reach, where would it reach? And wow. Did the calculation using a freely available program called why cruncher worked with its creator Alexander Y to verify that result is correct. Also used an algorithm that makes it possible to generate specific digits of pie without knowing the previous ones, letting her verify that some of the final digits are correct. So she did check her work. Wow. And Google said, go ahead and do it. It's a great ad for Google cloud compute. <Laugh> she's a developer advocate. She loves pie. What, what do you think about this? I don't know enough about it, Jeff, to have an opinion. There's a YouTuber Jordan shanks. He's a comedian in Australia. Who's been posting videos critical of the former deputy premier of new south Wales, John Barr, LA Lara bar. Laro bar. Yeah. John Barr. Laro who sued and 
Jeff Jarvis (02:07:09):
Didn't Sue the
Leo Laporte (02:07:10):
Comedian. He sued Google
Jeff Jarvis (02:07:11):
Sued, deep pocketed Google
Leo Laporte (02:07:13):
Because of comic, right? No money saying you should have taken this down. He won federal court justice. Steven rares in Australia ruled that bar Laro had been left traumatized by a campaign of relentless cyber bullying by Jordan shanks. He uses the on onscreen name of friendly Jordy's Google had failed to adhere to its own policies by doing nothing to prevent Mr. Hanks, Mr. Shanks, hate speech, cyber bullying and harassment ordered Google to pay $715,000 a figure which could rise if a cost order is made against the tech company. So that's, that's just punitive damages, I guess.
Jeff Jarvis (02:07:56):
So it worries me in the us right now, we'd be protected against that. To an extent we would believe with Sullivan case, which says you have, if you're a public figure, you have to show actual malice and so on. So forth. But look at the Johnny Demp Amber herd. Yeah. Case. Yeah. Where they determined actual malice to the, to the tune of 12 million or I guess the punitive was 10 million. Whatever it was, it was a lot of money. And now there's a guardian story saying that Google may not have to pay because us law would be ruled in some cases here. I don't understand how that works. I don't get that. But the fear is you have, you have in the us, you have justice. Thomas has been shooting scuds across the bow of Sullivan again and again and again, cuz the right way wants to punish big media and make them what's the right way doing now, whether it's abortion or anything else, they wanna let loose the dogs of lawyers on people as a way to chill criticism. And so I fear that this will be a preview of losing celibate in the us. And if politicians can Sue and even if they don't win, right, it's slap stuff. Even if they just take you to court and the lawyers cost you a fortune. If, if their cases are not thrown out because they Sue critics. Oh man, we're we're, we're even more doomed than we already
Leo Laporte (02:09:30):
Are. Yeah. This is a good case for us because as Australian, we don't know what the politics of it are, what the bar Laro politics are, what friendly Jordis was up to. He accused bar Laro of lying to anti-corruption committee conducting extra marital affair bar Laro did Sue the comedian who settled in November last
Jeff Jarvis (02:09:53):
That's right. That's right. I'm sorry. Thank
Leo Laporte (02:09:54):
You. Thank you. That's right. Provided an apology and edited the video. So he went after Google, after he went after the comedian and scathing judgment, the judge said shanks had run a relentless cyber bullying campaign against Barry Laro, which caused him to leave public office prematurely. Oh, now I don't know. Maybe the guy was a horrific troll.
Jeff Jarvis (02:10:14):
Maybe. I don't know.
Leo Laporte (02:10:16):
I don't know.
Jeff Jarvis (02:10:17):
But, but when you protect speech, you protect the worst of it. That's our,
Leo Laporte (02:10:22):
But that sound malicious in the us. I mean, it sounds like it could have been malicious.
Jeff Jarvis (02:10:27):
It might have been. Yeah. And, and, and, and, and he might well have lost in the us courts. I don't know. Yeah. But I'm still, I'm just I'm so I'm being more generic in my worry.
Leo Laporte (02:10:36):
Yeah. Interesting case. Yeah. Maybe some of our Australian listeners will explain. Maybe there's some, there's probably a lot more yeah. When they get up, there's a lot more to this that we, we don't know about. 
Jeff Jarvis (02:10:52):
You wanna look at the greatest, the trickiest tech glitch ever line
Leo Laporte (02:10:59):
1 59. We can wrap this up with the trickiest. Oh, wrap up already. Yeah. Already,
Jeff Jarvis (02:11:05):
I guess say
Leo Laporte (02:11:07):
Time, time for Karo paper. It's catch you at peppy time. So this is a what was this? A conference? Yeah. and there's something, something a TriCaster. Yeah. I can make this happen right now. Right here. Right, right. So there's really only four people on stage. But there's something went wrong with the screen and I hope you're not an epi epileptic cuz that's seizure material. That's terrible.
Jeff Jarvis (02:11:31):
So it's doing this video feedback basically. Yeah. For those who aren't on the
Leo Laporte (02:11:37):
Leo Laporte (02:11:38):
Should I, should we give a warning?
Jeff Jarvis (02:11:40):
Oh, I saw that maybe. Or maybe shut it out at this
Leo Laporte (02:11:43):
Point. Sorry. I hope it didn't. Yeah. whew. Let's take a break. Come back picks of the week items of the week. That kind of thing are show today brought to you by hover. Is that right? Hover? Yes. Yes. Oh, I love hover. Love them. Hover is my domain registrar. I should explain. This is where I get my domains and I love it. Anytime I get a good idea for a domain. Actually. I think anybody around here, Mike, I know ran off and registered a domain in the middle of one of our broadcasts. Once I remember, I remember during iOS today people everywhere around TWI are registering domains at hover. Why do we like hover? Cause they're great. They're simple. They're not fancy. They don't, they don't make you go through eight pages of other things you could buy from them.
Leo Laporte (02:12:34):
For instance, when you buy a domain name at hover, you get who is privacy built in. You don't have to pay extra for that because when you register domain name, your, your name, address, and phone number, public information. So you want to have, who is privacy. They know that. So they just provide it. If you're, if you are, this is a campaign I've been on lately in the radio show. If you live on email, if email's important to you, I get so many calls on the radio show for people say, I can't get on my email account. I, I had one woman who, who something went wrong with her Gmail account. She went down to the Gmail office in Irvine and banged on the door. And I said, did, did that help? She said, no, nobody's gonna fix it. Cuz it's free. I get people saying my AOL.
Leo Laporte (02:13:17):
Account's not working anymore. My Yahoo account. If email's important to you, you should pay for it. Now the good news is with hover. You don't have to pay a lot. Plus your email is not some, you know, Gmail, or It's your domain name. It could be your family, name, your business name your nickname, your handle, whatever you want it to be. So it's really personal. If you're a pizza parlor, you can get, you know, Genos pizza and have email Geno, Gina And I mean that, wouldn't that be great. Wouldn't that be great. Hover can tie your domain name to your email so that when it renews your, your domain renews your mailbox renews, it's a no brainer solution for business owners. You really need to have your business name and your email address. Easy to set up. You can add as many mailboxes to your domain as you need.
Leo Laporte (02:14:13):
And it's, you know, it works with web. If you want to use your web or any email app, it's IMAP real IMAP email and they have a web interface. I think hover email is a great solution for people who are struggling with their email, but there's so much more you could do with your own domain name. You got a blog. Well you gotta have your own hosting name, right? You got a portfolio or an artist, a photographer. Definitely. I have for my pictures building an online store. Yes, I got it at hover. Of course I did. Maybe you just wanna make a more memorable redirect your LinkedIn page, looking for work, you know, hire Something like that. The prices are great too. Very affordable. You get pro level tools. If you are an expert in DNS, I, I do all my own, but they also have hover connect, which works with many services.
Leo Laporte (02:15:03):
You just a couple of clicks and you're connected. So your website goes to your new domain. It's private, it's secure, it's fast, it's easy. And at hover you are a customer, not a source of data. So take back control of your data with reliable tracker free email from hover and a domain name from hover. I own dozens of domain names. Look at all the TLDs now finance, financial Phish, Leo dot Phish fishing. <Laugh> fun. I do have lot fun. L OTL dot F. I do have that. I love that. So just go on and on and on. I, when I was gonna do a podcast called Leo on the line L OTL, I immediately, you know, anytime I have an idea, I register the domain name and at hover it's affordable. It's easy. Autorenew makes it simple and it's completely secure and private. Plus you get email and hover.
Leo Laporte (02:15:58):
You're not a source of data. You are their customer, great support and great people. Hover.Com/Twi. Whether you're a developer photographer, small business, hover has something for you to expand your projects and get the visibility you want. Go to right now, make sure you do that. So they know you saw it here and you'll get 10% off your first purchase of any domain extension for the whole first year. Hover, ho V E 10% off your domain extension for a full year. Thank you. Hubber for your support. Gumby says, so Cacho, Pape is macaroni and cheese for rich people. <Laugh> grownups, grownups for grownups. I like Mac and cheese.
Ant Pruitt (02:16:45):
I that's really funny. Yeah.
Leo Laporte (02:16:48):
I and you know, there are lots of grown up Mac and cheeses. We have lobster Mac and cheese, all kinds of Mac and cheeses. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> yeah. Let's do your thing, aunt. You got something for us. We always end with you. We should start with you for a change. Sure,
Ant Pruitt (02:17:03):
Sure. Hold on. I gotta
Leo Laporte (02:17:06):
Track and field time
Ant Pruitt (02:17:07):
Go to my whacking. <Laugh> yeah, this is track and field national championships. That's on my brain because, well, of course I'm a Clemson fan, so there's a lot of Clemson kids that qualify for the nationals in it's in Eugene, Oregon, where hardhead is aspiring to go one day and be an Oregon duck and be an Olympian. And oh, for folks that are interested in track and field, check it out.
Leo Laporte (02:17:31):
Both your sons are really good runners, aren't they?
Ant Pruitt (02:17:34):
Yeah. They, they, they do
Leo Laporte (02:17:36):
All right, but, but they <laugh> he's A's a proud Papa. Don't don't don't let him fool you. <Laugh>. That's awesome. They do. All
Ant Pruitt (02:17:44):
Right. That's great. I gotta keep 'em humble, but yeah. Can you stream they will be streaming at four 30 Pacific as of, yeah, actually right now they should be, oh, nice streaming on ESPN U I believe. Oh, good. If you have that subscription. So nice. Yeah. Check that out. My next one this was sent to me from one of my friends. This is, she said she wanted to send it out to all of the people of color she knows. And I thought it was interesting and it's called turn signal. And actually I wanted to ask you all about this too. Just to get your perspective. It's basically an app. That's going to allow you to BA to connect with a lawyer when you get into a traffic stop. Oh God. So you pulled over, oh, that's brilliant. You've you've fired up and it, and it allows you to connect to a lawyer to be right there. Officer,
Leo Laporte (02:18:36):
I have my attorney here with me. Wow.
Ant Pruitt (02:18:39):
And it's, it's not free. It's like $60 a year, but they also offer a a a, I guess you can say a scholarship, if you will, for people that are under a certain income bracket to get it for free for a year. I wanna say the folks in Brooklyn are getting it for free. It started by the whole team is, is all black dudes. The CEO is a black dude and they put this thing together and I thought it was, I thought it was an interesting idea but really is. But the first thing that popped in my head is an experience that I had several years ago at CES, I was in a Lyft and the Lyft driver was being idiotic on the streets and we got pulled over. Okay. So when we got pulled over, my first instinct is I need to have my phone open and recording because this was, this could have been really, really bad cuz he was swerving and just being idiotic on the streets. So I had my phone out and had it recorded just to protect myself and just, just human nature. The police officers, they came up and they were quite belligerent about my phone. And I told 'em look, I'm just trying to make sure I, I don't get into any type of mess that, that I can't prove. You know? And they were, I'm thinking you were with
Jeff Jarvis (02:20:01):
Well rights
Ant Pruitt (02:20:02):
Like this. Right? So I'm thinking if I had an app like this, does this make the police officers more belligerent? And
Leo Laporte (02:20:09):
Oh, I guarantee you <laugh>. Oh yeah. Having a lawyer on the line. On the other hand if they're intelligent, right? They might have to moderate their belligerence a little bit because you got your lawyer on the line. Yeah. So I guess depends what your experience has been up to now, you know?
Ant Pruitt (02:20:27):
Right. I, I, I thought it was a good idea, but at the same time, that was the first thing that popped in my head. When it was shared with me was how those cops were
Leo Laporte (02:20:35):
Yelling me. That's how they get you
Ant Pruitt (02:20:36):
My phone out. That's
Leo Laporte (02:20:37):
How they get
Ant Pruitt (02:20:38):
You to see your hands. That's what they kept saying. I need to see your hands, sir. And both of them came over to my window. I'm in the back seat. You're
Jeff Jarvis (02:20:45):
Not driving.
Ant Pruitt (02:20:47):
I'm not even driving, but they came over to my window and said, I need to see your hands.
Leo Laporte (02:20:53):
So, but couldn't they see 'em when you were holding up the phone video, them sure. Officer Steve, these are my hands. No,
Ant Pruitt (02:21:02):
No, this is,
Leo Laporte (02:21:03):
This is intimidation. It is in almost every jurisdiction I that I know of. It's absolutely legal to record officers in the
Ant Pruitt (02:21:11):
Legal, they mention that inside of the app, they mention that on their website, the turn signal website right now they're only available in like five states at the moment, cuz it's fairly new and it's Minnesota plus
Jeff Jarvis (02:21:24):
Where you're allowed to practice law is an issue too.
Leo Laporte (02:21:26):
Yeah. That's probably why.
Jeff Jarvis (02:21:27):
Yeah. They probably need lawyers in various states to make it work.
Leo Laporte (02:21:30):
What a good
Ant Pruitt (02:21:30):
Idea they're working on the rule.
Jeff Jarvis (02:21:32):
Leo Laporte (02:21:32):
Is a great idea. Turn signal without an, a turn signal without an
Ant Pruitt (02:21:35):
Jeff Jarvis (02:21:35):
There's a guy on TikTok who a white guy cause a black guy would not get away with this. He constantly, it appears to be the whole account. I forget the account name, but he goes, and he is recording cops and they always get pissed or they always do. But every time he shows it, they're getting pissed off and asking for his identification, he says, and he just quotes the law of them and says, unless you have, cause for me saying that I've broken the law. No. And he hangs
Ant Pruitt (02:22:02):
Fourth on him. 50 men won't
Leo Laporte (02:22:03):
Give up. It's scary. Yeah. But it is scary. I was very proud of Henry. I've told this story before he, when he was in college there was a protest going on and he went out to take pictures of it. I think for the campus newspaper and Uhhuh, the police sat him down and said, give me the camera. I wanna erase that. And he said, no, I have the right to take these pictures. Right. This is, this is protected, protected activity. I'm a news gathering. And the police made him sit there and cool his heels for quite a while, but they did not take his camera. And he ended up going home with those pictures. They will intimidate the hell out of you. Oh yeah. And you know what, if I were black, I'd be very nervous that they might do more. To be honest.
Ant Pruitt (02:22:43):
Yeah. I, I, it, my pardon. It it's question. But my hands were tied. I was in the back of that car. My driver was a, I guess he was middle Eastern.
Leo Laporte (02:22:56):
Did they arrest
Ant Pruitt (02:22:57):
Him? No, they didn't ticket were there for quite a bit. And it was the two police officers were there in this, in camo,
Leo Laporte (02:23:05):
The Vegas, the Vegas police are scary, but they, I think they kind of have to be, they
Ant Pruitt (02:23:10):
Have to be, I get it to be honest to do. Yeah. But at the same time, and
Jeff Jarvis (02:23:14):
You're saying that the driver, the driver was, was not driving well. So if they had listened to you, you probably would've been agreeing with the cops.
Ant Pruitt (02:23:24):
I was <laugh> that's the whole thing.
Jeff Jarvis (02:23:26):
That's the weird part at all
Ant Pruitt (02:23:27):
Time. Yeah. Yeah. But at the same time it was like, no, we need to see your hands,
Leo Laporte (02:23:32):
Put the phone, which they, I can understand why
Ant Pruitt (02:23:35):
Leo Laporte (02:23:36):
They didn't want you,
Ant Pruitt (02:23:37):
My hands on the headdres there's
Leo Laporte (02:23:38):
Been of course, a lot of cases where police will play popular music, hoping that you can't post this video cuz there'll be a
Ant Pruitt (02:23:45):
Takedown. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's
Leo Laporte (02:23:48):
Actually, I think Congress is considering a law against that. <Laugh>
Ant Pruitt (02:23:51):
Mm-Hmm <affirmative>
Leo Laporte (02:23:53):
Look, there are plenty of good cops and I don't think the world would be very good without police, but at the same time if you're, if
Ant Pruitt (02:24:01):
You're I'm to sit here and say defund, totally, you'll never hear me say
Leo Laporte (02:24:04):
If you're a good cop cop, you shouldn't you know, this is, you're doing your duty and it is our rightest citizens to record that. And that's, that's the that's the law. Ugh. Wow.
Ant Pruitt (02:24:18):
Yeah. I wanted to run that by you guys just to get you.
Jeff Jarvis (02:24:20):
That's really interesting. Good
Leo Laporte (02:24:21):
To find. I showed bef we have a shortcut I've showed on the air that somebody wrote for, if you're getting pulled over that does a whole bunch of things says I'm being pulled over, sends messages to family and friends. I'm being pulled over, starts recording audio of the interaction, which is not as,
Ant Pruitt (02:24:36):
Leo Laporte (02:24:37):
Right. And sorry, plays laugh track during the entire interaction, which usually diffuse the situation. Finally, finally let's order a print from, oh, is that pretty?
Ant Pruitt (02:24:53):
Yeah. Lastly order a print ant, Fort com prints and that's gorgeous. Help me pay for these hard, oh, lovely school bills.
Leo Laporte (02:25:03):
<Laugh> I, I just, we do pay ant a salary. I'm not,
Ant Pruitt (02:25:06):
They do <laugh> they do
Leo Laporte (02:25:09):
Do. It's not working for free, but I agree. We wanna support you in every way possible. And he has such great photography and you know, what, what an opportunity to get some beautiful art on your walls. So I agree. Yep. Kip you
Ant Pruitt (02:25:20):
A hundred percent. Thank you.
Leo Laporte (02:25:21):
So, Ooh. I wanna get this peaceful sunset in the park. That's pretty. Ooh,
Jeff Jarvis (02:25:25):
Ant Pruitt (02:25:25):
Lovely. That's Ashley Sonoma county.
Leo Laporte (02:25:27):
Yeah. I believe it. I've seen it. Yep. It's a good place to take pictures. Isn't it? Ooh. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> the golden gate bridge. Yeah. Lots of good images. The most
Ant Pruitt (02:25:37):
Popular one is there's a plane. It's called sunset flight. Yeah. It's probably the most popular
Leo Laporte (02:25:43):
One. That's gorgeous too. Very nice. Fine art You could just search for aunt Pruitt. You will find a gallery.
Ant Pruitt (02:25:53):
Leo Laporte (02:25:54):
Oh yeah. Just go to his website. <Laugh> there you go. You went to hover obviously. Thank you, aunt.
Ant Pruitt (02:26:01):
<Laugh>. Thank
Leo Laporte (02:26:02):
You, sir. Number Mr. Jarvis.
Jeff Jarvis (02:26:06):
I've got a one that'll take longer and plus Stacy you'll probably wanna yell at me. So I'll hold the off com till next week. Have you seen the video of the, the, from the Jubilee of the OU you must have met the queen
Leo Laporte (02:26:16):
Video. Oh, there are so many good videos from the Jubilee. Is this, this isn't the one with Paddington? The bear. No. Oh, I wanna show that one too. Okay. We'll show this first time.
Jeff Jarvis (02:26:26):
Play, play, play this. This was this no music and it's, you're safe. It's lovely.
Speaker 6 (02:26:30):
And normally on these picnic sites, you, you meet nobody, but there was two hikers coming towards us.
Leo Laporte (02:26:35):
Oh, we should mention, by the way that this is queen Elizabeth's Jubilee year 75 years on the throne. Mm-Hmm
Jeff Jarvis (02:26:42):
Leo Laporte (02:26:43):
70 years on the throne, which is longer than any Monarch ever. Yes. I
Ant Pruitt (02:26:47):
Think platinums something. Is that what they called
Leo Laporte (02:26:50):
It? Platinum platinum Jubilee. So here's so this is one
Jeff Jarvis (02:26:53):
Of, one of our protection guys
Speaker 6 (02:26:54):
And normally picnic sites, you meet nobody, but there was two hikers coming towards us and the queen would always stop and say hello. And it was two Americans on a walking holiday. And it was clear from the moment that we first stopped. They hadn't recognized the queen, which is fine. And the American gentleman was telling the queen where he came from, where they were going to next and where they'd been to in Britain. And I could see it coming and sure enough, he said to majesty and where do you live?
Leo Laporte (02:27:21):
Speaker 6 (02:27:22):
<Laugh>. And she said, well, I live in London for, I've got a holiday home, just the other side of the Hills
Leo Laporte (02:27:26):
Speaker 6 (02:27:27):
And he said, well, how often have you been coming up here? Oh, she said, I've been coming up here ever since I was little girls. So over 80 years. And you could see the clogs thinking, you said, well, if you've been coming up for 80 years, you must have met the queen. <Laugh> I love it. The queen is a flash says, well, I haven't. The Dicker meets her regularly.
Leo Laporte (02:27:45):
Speaker 6 (02:27:46):
So the guy said to me, well, you've met the queen. What you like? And because I was with her a long time, when I knew I could pull her leg, I said, I wish she could be very cantankerous at times. <Laugh> but she's got a lovely sense of humor. Anyway, the next thing I knew, this guy comes around, put his arm around my shoulder and before I could see what was happening, he gets his camera, gives it to the queen and says, can you take a picture?
Leo Laporte (02:28:07):
Oh my God. Anyway, swap places.
Speaker 6 (02:28:10):
I took a picture of them with a queen and we never let on. And we waved goodbye. And I imagine he said to me, I'd love to be a fly in the wall when he shows us photographs to the friends in America. Oh,
Leo Laporte (02:28:20):
Can you imagine someone
Speaker 7 (02:28:21):
Leo Laporte (02:28:22):
<Laugh>? Can you imagine? All right, I've got it. Now that you, I thought that was lovely. Now that you've said this, I have to show you queen Elizabeth, taking Patton Elizabeth, taking tea with Paddington. Do you think there are people haven't seen it? I mean, is it worth playing? I haven't seen it. Okay. I haven't seen it. Good. And is our, every man this they, she recorded this at Buckingham palace. Kept it secret from her family for a month. Because it had to be obviously this, this is not easy to record too, cuz you're recording to a blank space. Yeah. She's not actually talking to anybody here. Let me play. It's on, it's on YouTube. If you wanna see it. I'll and there is music in this, but I think it's Royal music. So I think we're, we're probably we're probably okay. Her Butler's getting the tea with the Royal cozy, which looks like a crown and taking a very long walk through bucking and palace. Well, I mean it is a palace. It is. Yeah. It's quite a beautiful beautiful stroll he's taking, but he's gonna get cold by the time he comes now, you know why they need a <laugh> crown cozy.
Leo Laporte (02:29:27):
There's some MC Claires.
Speaker 7 (02:29:31):
Thank you for having me. I do hope you are having a lovely Jubilee.
Leo Laporte (02:29:36):
That's Paddington
Speaker 7 (02:29:38):
Tea. Oh yes, please.
Leo Laporte (02:29:43):
He's drinking it out of the pot.
Speaker 7 (02:29:46):
Oh boy. The Butler says
Leo Laporte (02:29:53):
No, put the pot down. So pan it does. But unfortunately, oh he first he pours the queen a drop that's all his left.
Speaker 7 (02:30:04):
Leo Laporte (02:30:05):
And then he puts it down on the E Claires or his hand and they squirts the Butler. Oh the queen is just, the queen is amused. She's very lovely.
Speaker 7 (02:30:19):
Perhaps he would like a marmalade sandwich. I always keep one for emergencies in his hat. So do I
Leo Laporte (02:30:28):
In her purse?
Speaker 7 (02:30:29):
I keep mine in here. <Laugh>
Leo Laporte (02:30:35):
This is the best for, but this is the very best part. They opened the window. And this was shown on the screen to these people. As they're cheering, the
Speaker 7 (02:30:46):
Party is about to happy to believe him. And thank you, pull everything. That's very kind. Oh,
Leo Laporte (02:31:02):
You Brits are lucky. What do we got? And by the way that drum line, watch this drum line. They're gonna play. We will rock you watch this and she's playing the couple on side.
Speaker 7 (02:31:17):
Speaker 8 (02:31:18):
Leo Laporte (02:31:24):
It's a heck of a drum line.
Ant Pruitt (02:31:28):
The light show, dude. I love snare drum.
Leo Laporte (02:31:31):
Oh man. Plan Jubilee. As a, a representing the people who have rebelled against you <laugh> yeah. And win our own way. And even though some, some are trying to bring back. Yeah. We, we want our own monarchy now that we're trying to avoid. Yeah. But we we certainly do appreciate her as quite a monarchy's
Ant Pruitt (02:31:51):
Pretty cool.
Leo Laporte (02:31:52):
Isn't that? Sweet. Thank you. A Pruitt hands on photography. TWI TV slash hop. What's coming up.
Ant Pruitt (02:32:02):
Oh, well this week we're going to sort of rehash a previous conversation about printing photos, but we're going to talk about selling your photos. So we TV slash
Leo Laporte (02:32:13):
Huh? Just did a little of that. Didn't we?
Ant Pruitt (02:32:15):
Mm. Hint.
Leo Laporte (02:32:18):
It did excellent Twitter, tough TV slash hop. Jeff Jarvis is, wait a minute. Oh, well, why do I put this away? The director MI the town height center for entrepreneurialy great graduate school of journalism at the city, university of New York. Great to have you buzz and is going to be busy for the next few weeks because he is also community manager at club TWI. And the book club Stacy's book club is a week from now. If Stacy doesn't, if Stacy can't make it back from Puerto Rico I'll do it cuz I've been reading it and I'm loving this it's William Gibson's. I'm sorry, Neil. Stevenson's latest
Ant Pruitt (02:32:59):
Neil Steven
Leo Laporte (02:33:00):
Termination shock. And I know aunt, you hated it. So I'll take over <laugh> John and I are reading it. I'm not finished. I've got a, I've only got six days to read 12 hours. So I've gotta, I've gotta get through a button, listen to
Ant Pruitt (02:33:14):
12 hours. It's helped me to stay away from that book cuz it's it made me angry quite
Leo Laporte (02:33:19):
What were, what angered you?
Ant Pruitt (02:33:22):
I just see privilege, man. Just, oh, I look at, I go, it
Leo Laporte (02:33:26):
Does start with the queen of the Netherlands. Yeah.
Ant Pruitt (02:33:29):
Netherlands. Yeah. I go down the road to, to, to buy gasoline for the car and seeing that it's, you know, damn near seven bucks a gallon. And then there's these homeless people next to me and all that is while I have my audio book playing in my ear and these people are
Leo Laporte (02:33:46):
Ant Pruitt (02:33:47):
Talking about having tea and, and sulfur and, and just, just like, nah, dude, just, I need to turn this off. Cause I'm getting angry.
Leo Laporte (02:33:55):
Okay. Wow. In that case I better host this book club. It's 9:00 AM. <Laugh> June 16th. We'll let the com stay out of it. No, you can join. You could join and give us your point of view there. You're gonna do you, this was your idea to do members, fire site chat on July 7th. That that's kinda neat. That'll be fun. And then of course, Alex Lindsay hasn't asked me anything coming up, July 14th, these are events we do inside our discord club. Twit is really three benefits. Add free versions of all the shows we do. Because you asked us for that, no tracking, no ads, nothing. You also get access to the discord, which has shows that we don't, you know, put out publicly like our untitled Linox show the Stacey's book club, the gizz fizz. It also has conversations about all kinds of things, geeks love. And as I mentioned, because you're paying seven bucks, the conversations are always good, great people in there and you get the TWI plus feed where stuff that we talk about before and after the shows and other places shows up. So you get a lot of benefit, I think from your $7 a month, that's it? Twitter, TV slash club to, we'd love to have you be in the club, come on now, man. Join us in the club. So,
Ant Pruitt (02:35:08):
So, so members in the discord, I know I don't do the DMS a lot because it's, there's no way I can keep up with them, but don't be surprised if you get a DM for me asking about a sit down. Good. I, I wanna do these Hangouts with y'all
Leo Laporte (02:35:23):
So good. Yeah. Thank you, Ann. And we do have a dedicated Minecraft server, two of them actually for discord and it w went down. I didn't realize this when our power went out on Sunday. Of course the Minecraft server went down too. So I have fixed it, rebooted it it's all running fine. Go on in there. If you're a member of a club TWI or if you're not yet whitelisted in there go to the let's play section of of club TWI. And I will add your name to the list we do. Really, it's having a lot of fun in those Minecraft servers as well. Club TWI. Thank you everybody for participating. We do this week in Google, every Wednesday, 2:00 PM, Pacific 5:00 PM. Eastern 2100 UTC. Join us live. If you wish we have audio and video
Leo Laporte (02:36:13):
We also have a live chat That's open to all like the discord chat room, but this one's open to all. We also have free versions of the show available, add slash twig. There's a YouTube channel and supported that you can. It's actually a good place. If you wanna share a bit of the show with somebody just you could step a little bit at the, on the YouTube channel and send that off. And of course the best way to get it, probably subscribe, cuz it is a podcast and you can get it automatically. The minute it's available, pick up a podcast player and search for this week in Google subscribe. And if, and if that player has reviews, please leave us a nice review five stars. We'd appreciate it. Thank you. That's it for this week in Google for this week, we'll see you next time. Bye-Bye
Speaker 9 (02:36:59):
Don't miss all about Android. Every week. We talk about the latest news hardware apps, and now all the developer goodness happening in the Android ecosystem. I'm Jason Howell also joined by Ron Richards, Florence ion and our newest co-host on the panel. Huyen Tue Dao who brings her developer chops, really great stuff. We also invite people from all over the Android ecosystem to talk about this mobile platform. We love so much. Join us every Tuesday, all about Android on
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