
MacBreak Weekly 869 Transcript

Please be advised this transcript is AI-generated and may not be word for word. Time codes refer to the approximate times in the ad-supported version of the show.


Leo Laporte (00:00:00):
It's time for MacBreak weekly. Alex Lindsay's here. Andy Ihnahtkofilling in for Jason Snell from Apple. Insider.Com. It's Steven Robles. We got lots to talk about. Big announcement from Apple. They're finally bringing two of their premier products to the iPad. We'll talk about Apple's quarterly results last, last week. Some big court results in Europe. And why I'm not gonna buy another Chevy. It's all coming up. Next I'm Act break. Weekly

V.O. (00:00:35):
Podcasts you love From people you trust. This is TWiT.

Leo Laporte (00:00:44):
This is Mac Break. Weekly episode 869, recorded Tuesday, May 9th, 2023. Daddy Care. Plus, this episode of Mac Break Weekly is brought to you by ZipRecruiter. Whether you're starting a new business or growing one. If you wanna be successful, you need the most talented people at your team. That's where ZipRecruiter comes in right now. You could try it for free at break and by Z Doc. When you're not feeling your best, just trying to hold it together, finding great care shouldn't take up all your energy. Go to zuck break and download the for free. Then find and book a top rated doctor today. Many available within 24 hours. It's time for Mac Break Weekly, the show. We cover the latest news from Apple. And thank you Apple. That's all I have to say. <Laugh>, there's news came out at six in the morning our time, but there's <laugh> News that's Theor the friendly of your good buddy, Andy Anco of W G B H Boston. Hi Andrew.

Andy Ihnatko (00:01:51):
Hello. Yeah, it's a, it's always fun. Like one of the first things I do in the morning is like, read it, read my daily comic strips on Go Comics. And then I also just like, see is there anything really awesome in my YouTube feed that I don't wanna start the day before I watch. And so it's always nice before, oh, I'm gonna have to take a look at that before <laugh> before later. So when the videos start posting, I go, okay, I'm good thing I didn't decide to go for a walk or anything.

Leo Laporte (00:02:12):
Yeah. life is strange that way. All of a sudden. Apple's on the East Coast. I don't know. It's <laugh>

Andy Ihnatko (00:02:19):

Leo Laporte (00:02:20):
Who's working in PR at 6:00 AM I don't know, somebody pushed the button. It's

Andy Ihnatko (00:02:23):
All, it's all about Madison Avenue baby. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:02:26):
You know, it probably is, right? It's all about stock. And Alex, Lindsay, I'm sure when the news came in was busy, busy, busy. Because he's gonna be one of the people who's gonna be using Final Cut on an iPad. I betcha. I betcha betcha. Hi Alex.

Alex Lindsay (00:02:38):
Yeah, we were in Office hour. Hey, hey we were in office hours and someone asked the question, I was like, they're what? They're mm-hmm. <Affirmative>. I, I didn't get to see it cuz usually we're in pre-show and weren't really paying attention to that by then. And, and yeah, I was, I was happily surprised.

Leo Laporte (00:02:49):
Looks good. I make a habit of going to the Apple newsroom right before the show, just in case <laugh> usually disappointing. Not this time. And as we knew Jason Snell has taken the week off visit Mom. It's Mother's Day weekend coming up. He's a good son. So instead of the six colored charts today, we're gonna have the Apple Insider charts today with Stephen Robles. Hello, Stephen.

Stephen Robles (00:03:16):
Good. It's great to be here. I even have a final cut right here on my iPhone already.

Leo Laporte (00:03:20):
No, you don't. You stopped that. You can't, not allowed. Not allowed. It's it's coming out, mate. So the new, I should say the news, which we haven't said yet.

Stephen Robles (00:03:30):

Leo Laporte (00:03:30):
Apple is bringing Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro to the iPad. You will have to buy it a new, in fact, it's a subscription, which means five bucks a month for each am mere $60 a year. I think that's a good deal. Frankly, Apple's been offering has had the best deal ever. You bought, I bought Logic like years ago. Yeah. Funnel Cup Pro years ago. Never gave him another scent for 2 99 or whatever it was. So you know, I don't mind, I think five bucks a month is a fair price. You will have to have an M one or later iPad to use Final Cut Pro. You will have to have a, a 12 or later to use Logic. The, you know, we, it's not out yet despite what Steven's showing us. It won't be out till May 23rd. Is that a real copy you've got there, Steven? Or

Stephen Robles (00:04:22):
No? No, that last week, a basic Apple guy on Twitter. He is a great follow, but he created a final cut iOS icon just for fun, <laugh>. And maybe he's got some inside knowledge, but he might,

Leo Laporte (00:04:33):
He might now we should say it will not run in an iPhone. So Right. <Laugh>, I, I knew immediately and for good reason. Look at the ui. This is Logic <laugh> and they're not gonna fit on a six inch screen, that's for sure.

Andy Ihnatko (00:04:45):
But but what a, what a perfect wig. Because, because now we are, we are the, the the multiple generation of we have to freeze frame whatever we're watching no matter what it is to look for like Easter eggs and, and, and other conclusions. There is no better troll than to simply put an icon somewhere in the back of the screen so that people say, oh my God, forgot to, to clear his desktop before.

Leo Laporte (00:05:07):
And Apples did do that, didn't they? There was a final at the last event. Wasn't there a final cut Pro on an iPad? I feel like there was,

Andy Ihnatko (00:05:17):

Stephen Robles (00:05:17):
They showed off Da Vinci Resolve on the iPad.

Leo Laporte (00:05:19):
Yeah, they did announce Da Vinci resolved.

Alex Lindsay (00:05:20):
Yeah. Before, before Resolve was announced. So Apple talked about Da Vinci resolve on the iPad before Okay. Resolved was announced on its own. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:05:29):
Now we know WWDC June 5th. So there is a larger story, which is, well, why did Apple do this now? It would've been a big enou a a WWDC level announcement. I think. We've been talking for a long time. How about you know, this is Jason Snell's refrain. You made this amazing hardware and you don't put professional software on it. It's what a waste.

Alex Lindsay (00:05:55):
I think that's one of the big problems that Apple has, is that there's no real reason to upgrade your iPad very often because most of the apps run perfectly fine. My kids have the first iPad Pro 12.9 and they're still using them just fine. <Laugh> like, you know, like they don't ever feel like they can't do what they, that they're trying to do on it. And, and I didn't really feel the the stretch until I put resolve on, on my iPad where it's like, oh, maybe I need to get the M two, you know, as, cause I still have, with the M one, I felt like it was doing pretty well. And so, so I think that Apple, you know, I think we want to see more of these professional ads. Cause the iPad is capable of it. It's just that we're not seeing the apps, you know, that take advantage of it. So I think it's a really interesting thing. I think that, that the membership had to happen. Apple spent so much time talking to developers about using subscription services that if they had put it out as a single item, it would've undermined their entire, you know, thread that they have about how you should run an app.

Stephen Robles (00:06:51):
I I do think it's telling though, because last year they had the iPad OS announcement, desktop class apps was like a highlighted headline there. And then they talk about Freeform. And so I do feel like Final Cut definitely could have had a huge moment at ww d c this year. But I think it's because they're making room or big announcement. I mean, the rumors about the VR headset are kind of all over the place, so maybe it's to make room for that and all the big

Andy Ihnatko (00:07:14):
Athletes. Yeah, I I I agree with that completely. Apple, apple isn't like Google. Google will, Google will expand the length of their, like their developer keynote to include anything that they think that they want to put in there. Which by

Leo Laporte (00:07:28):
The way, we're gonna find out tomorrow cuz it's tomorrow <laugh>. And I'm gonna, yeah. And we're gonna push, we started at 10:00 AM I have a feeling we'll be pushing Windows Weekly in this week. Google <laugh>.

Andy Ihnatko (00:07:37):
Yeah. Down because not, not, I mean, not, not to turn this into a Google podcast, but like bs Apple has a lot of, apple has just a lot of simple linear things to talk about. And hey, you know what? We don't need, we don't really have to, this is a developer keynote. We don't really have to talk about we don't have to really announce final Cut and new Audiologic apps for, for the iPad right here. Whereas <laugh> especially, especially this year, Google says, shareholders, please don't take our stock just because we don't have, we don't have a chatbot. And, and, and also board, please don't fire me as c E o I'm doing ever so hard a job right now. So yeah. That's,

Leo Laporte (00:08:14):
It's gonna be, you nailed it. It's gonna be the Cinar Pacha apology tour tomorrow. We'll see. Actually, they're gonna talk a lot about ai. I know they've got a folding phone, which they finally admit they're gonna be making, they'll have things to say. But it

Andy Ihnatko (00:08:27):
Is, it is refreshing to, to talk, I mean, to bring it to Apple. It is refreshing that I I I've always thought that Apple has a sort of, sometimes an infanti infant infantalizing attitude towards us user saying, well, we, everybody, we hate leaks because we want the, the delight and surprise our users. Like, well, okay, eight years old and, and this isn't Christmas Eve. It's like Buras Google. Google is like, sure. Oh sure. Well sure. We'll, we'll, we'll show you the folding phone. Sure. We'll talk about, yeah, we'll talk about this tablet cuz we're working on it for about six months.

Leo Laporte (00:08:54):
That, that's perfectly fine. It's very different attitudes, isn't it? I think my my read on it was just Apple wants to clear the decks for Yeah, yeah. What will be the most important announcement of ww d c, the VR visor?

Alex Lindsay (00:09:08):
Yeah. And there's a big question still around now this may be why suddenly there wasn't a lot of updates, too Final cut. And a lot of people have been talking about, wow, we haven't seen any new features for like a year and a half. Oh, people are starting to go, well, if Apple and we went, just went through N A B, where, you know, resolve and Premier saw a lot of updates and so a lot of Final Cut users were getting a little antsy and or are getting antsy. And and so I think that, that this was I think that this clears the deck, but what we, what we don't know is, is that the only thing that they're gonna update. So a lot there, there's a lot of tools that Apple has added to Final Cut in motion that would make it very useful for the, the delivery of content for AR and VR headsets. And so the question is, is, is the delay that we're seeing related to them putting a bunch of new features in that they can't talk about? And the team has essentially stopped working on everything else for the last year and a half <laugh> and, and just working on getting the 3d tools up to speed, getting the VR tools up to speed. Those are all in there already to some degree, but they're not very well formed. That's, that's good point.

Leo Laporte (00:10:11):
You'll be using both Final Cut and Logic to create content for the headset, won't

Alex Lindsay (00:10:15):
You? Or, or, and potentially. And Apple's been adding, of course, logic has been adding lots of of, of immersive audio tools and, and so on and so forth into it. But I think that also the potentially final cut in motion become some of the primary tools to drop video level work into an immersive environment. And, and we don't, we don't know if that's the truth or not yet, but we will in a couple weeks, you know, and, and, and so it's, it's gonna be really interesting to see if that, if they roll out, and that's why it'll all make sense. If it does. If it doesn't, they're gonna have a, you know final Cutts still do great <laugh>, but it, it will be, it'll need to really focus on the social media pla you know environment. Because I think if they don't update within byoc October I think that most professionals will start moving to other things and their market will, and and their market may, may, it may be fine for their market to be mostly social media producers, and that that may be where Apple's going.

And that also is easier when you make it available on the iPad. So, so there's, that could be the, the solution as

Leo Laporte (00:11:16):
Well. Final Cut Pro for the iPad reading from Apples Press release introduces an all new touch interface and intuitive tools unlocking, unlocking new workflows for video creators. A new jog wheel makes the editing process easier than ever and enables users to interact with content in completely new ways. They can navigate the magnetic timeline movie clips and make fast frame accurate edits with just the tap of a finger, or better yet, the pencil, if you have a label, what the features,

Stephen Robles (00:11:44):
I think it's really exciting. It's, it's called Auto Crop and it shows some screenshots on the actual final cut page. But this is a feature that you see in things like cap cut and other apps that you can get for an iPad where it will intelligently crop a full lane 16 by nine clip to a vertical clip for things like reels and TikTok, ah, thing on the subject. And what's interesting is

Andy Ihnatko (00:12:04):
Did they

Leo Laporte (00:12:04):
Buy that from Quibi?

Stephen Robles (00:12:06):
<Laugh>? Well, <laugh>, but it's funny because most companies will call this an AI feature, right? Like, this is AI powered cropping, and if you look on Apple's landing page for Final Cut, they're very careful to not mention the words AI or artificial intelligence anywhere. But for the auto crop feature, it says intelligently adjust footage Yeah. For vertical square, other aspect ratios. And so I'm curious, it's farther, farther down the page where you see like the the glass blowing candle thing. There's scene removal mask, which is like an auto green screen, which again is a takeoff like TikTok and what they do, auto crop and voice isolation. Those are kind of three features put together. Hmm. curious if they will actually say these are like ML machine learning features, AI features, and if they'll bring these to the final cut on desktop, because this auto crop feature, as far as I know, is not in final cut for the Mac right now. And I'd love to see it. That would save me a ton of fun.

Andy Ihnatko (00:12:57):
Yeah, that's, that's really interesting to me too about whether do they, are they gonna decide to make final cut into a iPad focused edition, a final cut, meaning that they're going to have a pro-level editing suite for people who are likely to be editing on an iPad? Or are they going to try to do, we're gonna try to give you an equivalent experience as much as, as humanly and engineering possible between these two platforms. So if you were switched to, so you could start editing a project on, on final cut for desktop, spend some time on the plane consuming the project on iPad, and then continue back on the original when you come back, that's two different ways to do it. And with the M one ship powering powering both of your machines, there are a lot of, a lot of potential there.

Stephen Robles (00:13:38):
Well, it says on the page, you can send a project to Mac, so if you start in final cut on iPad, iPad, ah, to Mac, but it does not say you could send it backwards. And I imagine there'll be some compatibility issues if you start in final cut on a Mac and try to send it to the iPad. I don't think you'll be able to do that.

Alex Lindsay (00:13:54):
And one of the real bad

Leo Laporte (00:13:55):
If you can't go for full round trip.

Alex Lindsay (00:13:57):
Yeah, I mean one of the real powerful things there though is to be able to do an assembly while you're still shooting. And so,

Leo Laporte (00:14:03):
So yeah, that makes me think that's the point is right to bring the iPad to the studio.

Alex Lindsay (00:14:07):
Yeah. And so you could be sitting there with an iPad and a director or someone sitting there and they could be doing this on a laptop as well, but an iPad's kind of a nice place to do that where now I don't think the iPad can ingest yet directly, but you could be potentially sending something via N D I or sending something up to Frame io as ca camera to cloud and then pulling it back to the iPad in the same location, <laugh> or, and then being able to assemble things. And you can do that with Resolve as well. And so, so those are things that I think that being able to make those decisions, the reason the editing, if you have a everything storyboarded and you start shooting everything and you start inserting them, a lot of times before you've broken down that set and set let go of the crew that you're spending $25,000 a day on, you can go and shoot a couple inserts, I need a couple hands to do this or I something else. And so the, the closer we get to being able to edit while we're shooting the, the oftentimes the more we just think of a couple things that would be nice to have for the editor later. And so, so those are

Leo Laporte (00:15:00):
Things that are, it's a fancy video tap with a little more control. Yeah. Tell me just for those of us who are not pros like you, you can't ingest, what does that mean?

Alex Lindsay (00:15:11):
It just means that I, right now, there's no way that I know of that you can plug in some kind of card that would let you take the H D M I or s d I feed from the camera and capture it directly to the iPad. And so we don't, I, I don't think that it should be capable. So where

Leo Laporte (00:15:26):
Would you ingest, you said if you have a N D I connection, you can watch it live, but how would otherwise, what are you gonna do have to have a computer there and ingest it? Again,

Alex Lindsay (00:15:34):
You'd save it to files. You, you'd either save it to files, you know, the cloud files or you could do something, I imagine you could tie it into something like Frame do io, so, you can have a camera to cloud, which is you have a terra deck or something connected to your camera and it's uploading while you're shooting. Every time you hit stop, it just uploads that file to, to frame and then people can pull it immediately down. And so those are, those are ways to kind of get it in there really quickly. It, this is the beginning probably because again, the u s BBC is capable of getting video in. We have other U S D V SB devices that will capture video. The M one and M two are definitely capable of managing that process. What's missing is the subsystems that would allow that to easily flow straight to files, you know, on, onto the, on there. And so that's, but it feels like

Leo Laporte (00:16:21):
You can, I mean, one of the reasons probably they're requiring these higher end iPads is you can hook up a Thunderbolt Drive to the iPad and use it Yeah. As well, right. As

Stephen Robles (00:16:33):
You're bidding, it's not clear. It's not clear from the information they've given whether you can edit off an s s d, that's something where Luma Fusion on iPad, you can actually have the footage on an external S S D drive connected to an iPad with a Thunderball cable and actually edit with the footage sitting on the drive. Nowhere on this final cut landing page, does it say you can keep footage on an external drive and edit it internal cut. So you might have to actually transfer it onto the iPad directly before you can edit it. But it's unclear they didn't say anything about it.

Leo Laporte (00:17:02):
That's a big deal because you, you, I mean, they do make two terabyte iPads now, but still,

Alex Lindsay (00:17:09):
Yeah, I think it, I think if we think about really large projects, we're probably gonna go back to desktop. But where I think this really fits in is for social media. So if you're like, I'm gonna go to SY gear in a couple weeks and we're gonna shoot a bunch of stuff, I'm definitely gonna take an iPad down and I'm just gonna try shooting. I've done this with Lumo Fusion in the past, which is that, you know, if I wanna shoot it short, I can, I I'm just gonna try to shoot it probably with Lumo Fusion and with Final Cut just to see what, what it feels like. But I could theoretically just be shooting everything with the iPad. Have a nice little rig. You can get these small rig or you know a couple different things. Use the

Leo Laporte (00:17:42):
Ipad's camera.

Alex Lindsay (00:17:44):
Yeah. Use the iPad's camera for social media. Absolutely. Yeah.

Stephen Robles (00:17:46):
Or I mean, like, I have one of these little, you know, s BBC dongles with an SD card slot on one side. And so like, I would bring my Sony a 74 mirrors. Just pop it, yeah. Just pop the footage, you know, put it on the iPad and then edit it in final cut.

Andy Ihnatko (00:18:00):

Leo Laporte (00:18:00):
You have to copy or not, we'll make a difference. Of course, <laugh> to you, I guess you wouldn't wanna edit on an SD card anyway. You will, you would copy it to the iPad.

Alex Lindsay (00:18:08):
Well, and I, and I think that, again, the, when you're talking about wanting to turn things over really fast, I look at like shorts. You know, one thing I'm interested in is like, do the plugin architecture that works in motion, will it go over to work in Final Cut? Can I, for instance, save a bunch of effects that I build in motion? That might be my lower thirds, might be my, my text ups and so on and so forth that are all designed the way I want them and I just have to type them in. That would be an, an incredible integration, but I don't know whether those will be supported at least in the first version of iPad. So lots

Leo Laporte (00:18:38):
Of questions raised by this Apple announcement, obviously. Go ahead.

Stephen Robles (00:18:42):
Well, one other word on external devices on the page under the monitoring settings, it talks about capturing pro risk footage on iPad, but you'll also be able to monitor external microphones connected to the iPad. And this is a big deal because I deal with a lot of microphone and podcasting and iOS devices, and it's largely like a black box. Like you usually are not sure if it's using the external microphone. You don't really get audio levels from the external microphone. And so here it looks like they're making an effort to encourage external mics, show you that monitoring live on the iPad screen. And so I feel like maybe a year or two from now, we might be close to that kind of ingest of video footage, whether it's an external mirrorless camera connected via cable or a webcam. And I do hear from a lot of people that wish they could connect things like external cameras to an iPad for a video podcast or whatever.

Andy Ihnatko (00:19:28):
Yeah. I think that that's, that's one of the few things that, that defines the difference between, I'm going to New York for two or three days, I can just take my iPad and I'm going to New York for two or three days, but I have to do one 15 minute pretty Okay. Quality video stream. Therefore I have to bring the notebook plus plus everything that I need to to, to accessorize with it. Yeah. That's, they're showing that that's one thing that they need to

Leo Laporte (00:19:52):
Do. They're showing some TikTok ERs shoot with the iPad at the skate park, then go to the diner and edit at the diner and and everything they need in them and post from the iPad, I presume. Right. Just put it right up there.

Alex Lindsay (00:20:06):
Yeah, and I think that, I think that we're seeing Apple Apple's been doing this for a couple years, is they're focusing more and more on social media, you know, content creators. Yeah. they've been very successful in that area. So a lot of content creators or have, because that's fast. It's, you know, when you're not, you know, you, you, it, you know, when you're not getting paid per hour, you want to be able to throw it together as quickly as possible. And so a lot of creators use Final Cut right now. And so for, I think that it seems like they're, they're looking at a market that has really embraced them as opposed to the, the film market, which has been just not, not super <laugh> excited about Final Cut. And so, so you know, I think that they may end up leaving, not leaving, but definitely more energy on the, on the social platforms.

Leo Laporte (00:20:49):
Yeah. Well, that's a huge and growing platform. It's

Alex Lindsay (00:20:52):
Bigger, it's, it's far bigger than the broadcast. Yeah. The broadcast market's getting smaller. Yeah. Social media's getting bigger. Yeah. It, it, it, it's probably not. And and the problem is, is that in social media, you have a lot of people that every, every new feature is something that they're pretty excited about and they have, you know, and when they want it, a lot of people want it in film and tv. It's a lot of really fiddly things that people want that take an enormous amount of engineering. And the chances of them actually using Apple's product is very low because they'll complain about something that they want, that they have in Avid or, or, or Resolve. But the chances of them actually changing course for that, for that feature is very low. So the, the ROI for Apple to, to chase after the film and TV market is very l you know, very hard, hard case to make. Whereas in social media, there's no real clear winner. There's a, you know, apple, I, I think Final Cut's probably one of the largest installed devices for that kind of thing. But it's a very, it's a, it's a market that, that is still ripe for a lot of disruption.

Leo Laporte (00:21:53):
I think. It's, you know, the pricing also tells you that's where they're headed. Cuz if it's, if it's a pro market, you could charge a heck of a lot more 4 99 a month get one month free, or you could pay 50 bucks for an entire year. And that's for each product. So if you wanted both, and I guess there people would want both, that'd be a hundred bucks a year. That's well within any, you know, social media creator's budget. That makes sense. Right.

Stephen Robles (00:22:20):
I'm curious if it will be available for iCloud family sharing also. Ooh,

Leo Laporte (00:22:25):

Stephen Robles (00:22:26):
My, my kids, because they're inexpensive labor, I've actually have them taking my video podcast content and making vertical clips so I can post a TikTok and reels. Oh, why

Leo Laporte (00:22:35):
Did that? I think of that.

Stephen Robles (00:22:37):
They don't have a yeah, thank you. They don't have a Mac and I actually don't have a family Mac around, set up. They have iPads. And actually to change 16 by nine video to a vertical clip on an iPad, you can't do it in iMovie. You, you know, it just doesn't have that kind of feature. So that auto crop and Final Cut is gonna be the deal. And so I'm gonna get them final cut. Unfortunately, they have older iPads, so don't tell them. I might have to get them. You have

Leo Laporte (00:23:01):
To get new iPad. You can use it on an air though. Right? And you'll want the on, on the M one air M two Air and you'll want the the pencil. I imagine, or no, Alex, is this the kind of thing you have? I think

Alex Lindsay (00:23:13):
It's, I think, I bet you there's a lot of, there's a lot of opportunities for innovation with the pencil as it relates to Final Cut. I, I think they saw, even in some of the examples, they showed some places where you could paint on it and so on and so forth. And if you look at how even how it's being used in Keynote, like there are features in the iPad version of Keynote that aren't available on the desktop. So I can grab onto an object, for instance, and just I, I with my pencil on Keynote and just animate it, just, just swing around. I wanted to go over here and then I wanted to go over here, and then I went to go over here and I let go. And that animation's there. Now <laugh>.

Leo Laporte (00:23:45):
Yeah. watching this clip from the, from the film that they put out, they've got a creator using a pencil to in Logic, but then drawing a cur, drawing a <laugh> a sound yeah, there's all sorts of possibilities, aren't there? Yeah. I'm curious, and of course, those guys in the diner were as, as, as was an earlier creator, are annotating and putting text cuz that's what creators do. They like to do. They put text on their, on their video with the pencil too. Well,

Alex Lindsay (00:24:17):
I think if you just think about just circling, doing something where you're just circling something and then doing Arrow over here, even for, not just for creators, but for teachers a lot of things, there's, there could be potentially an enormous number of opportunities here that you wouldn't have in a traditional N L E. So I think that's, it's a really interesting, interesting opportunity.

Leo Laporte (00:24:36):
Let me quote the the, the movie my friends are really gonna be gased. If somebody gets nasty with this, they're gonna become really good. I don't know what the kids are talking about, but obviously Apple sounds, they

Andy Ihnatko (00:24:52):
Seem very excited.

Leo Laporte (00:24:53):
<Laugh>, they seem rather impressed. <Laugh> get nasty with it and Gast. Okay, fine.

Stephen Robles (00:25:01):
It's exciting that apple also said third party content will be available. Yeah. In final on iPad. So motion vfx FX Factory Pro, I use a ton of motion VFX plugins. And so the fact that you can use those kinds of lower thirds and animations, which is big for those shorts and vertical videos also, it's pretty exciting.

Leo Laporte (00:25:19):
Well, and if you start loading this, the, even just the free samples Apple provides on logic, you're gonna, many, many gigabytes of storage <laugh>, you, you're probably gonna wanna dedicate an iPad to these tools.

Alex Lindsay (00:25:31):
I just wanna see if, I wanna see if they add some kind of emoji function where you can just immediately put in your little emoji heads, you know, right into Final Cut and you can build

Leo Laporte (00:25:39):
Drone. Oh, you know, you're gonna be able to do that. Copy cuts. They actually showed in the video, they showed the press and hold to turn into a sticker in Final Cut, and then the moving that sticker onto a title card. Is that interesting? I don't think Final Cut has that right now. Does it? <Laugh>

Alex Lindsay (00:25:57):
You could do it in messages. <Laugh> it was, you can out,

Leo Laporte (00:26:00):
Yeah, you can do it in messages and then it's in your photos and then you can export it from photos and final cut. So the

Alex Lindsay (00:26:05):
Tech, the text there, it's just a matter of adding that little piece to the stack. So probably wasn't that hard. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:26:11):
This is I think this is a very exciting news, I think worthy of announcement at WW d c, which makes me even more excited about what they might announce next month at WW d c. Yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (00:26:23):
I wonder it is gonna be interesting to see like as, as has been mentioned, the ex use of external Lightning devices would be super interesting. But I wonder if this is a good time to do a head-to-head between, is is it slower to ingest and to edit stuff off ingest and edit stuff across Lightning as than it is to use unified memory? Cause that's always been one of the, one of the selling points of, at least on the desktop, here's why you, we can't let you upgrade stuff on your own because we have this brand new memory model that's 10 times better than anything you would like if you were able to just buy an $80 <laugh>, $80 drive and put it in yourself. Do

Leo Laporte (00:26:59):
You think this also means that Apple will announce iPads? I mean, this would be a, a prime opportunity to say, Hey, here's the iPad made for Final Cut and logic.

Alex Lindsay (00:27:11):
I mean, the M two is way more powerful than what is probably gonna don't,

Stephen Robles (00:27:16):
They don't have an M two iPad air yet, so they might just say, we put the M two and the iPad air and call it a day maybe

Alex Lindsay (00:27:23):
Next. I I think that the, I think that the, this most of what this is is they've got a lot of things to

Leo Laporte (00:27:28):
Announce. Yeah, no, I agree.

Alex Lindsay (00:27:30):
And they need to, you know, clear the deck a little bit as Andy said. And, and they just need to have a, a they're very fortunately for all of us, they're fairly disciplined about how long these, these keynotes go. And so I think that they're trying to get it down probably to 80, 80 or 90 minutes and, and

Andy Ihnatko (00:27:50):
I think they want it lower than that. I think they, I think they're

Alex Lindsay (00:27:53):
Couple have been 80, 90 minutes. Have

Leo Laporte (00:27:54):
They? Not a tight, not Oh, WWCs,

Alex Lindsay (00:27:56):
They haven't been tight. They weren't, they were tight sixties for a while. Yeah. And I just know because I have to, oftentimes we're doing stuff for office hours and I, we get to the top of the next hour and I'm like, oh, gotta go <laugh>.

Leo Laporte (00:28:07):
So yeah. Top maxed out with two terabytes of storage. The current pro with an M two is $2,400. So that's PC price. It's not like Yeah. You know, I mean, you're, that's

Andy Ihnatko (00:28:24):
A premium PC

Leo Laporte (00:28:25):
Price, premium pc that's, yeah. That's buying a MacBook Pro.

Andy Ihnatko (00:28:30):
Yeah, it would be, it would be a bummer if you spend all that money for it and you realize that, oh, this one part of my workflow that's super important for me on my Mac is not present in this iPad. That's <laugh>,

Leo Laporte (00:28:40):

Alex Lindsay (00:28:40):
Stupid. I do think, but if it made you feel any better, you can buy a Mac right now. You can buy a Mac studio at, I was in Costco buying something and I <laugh> I walked by, I was buying some work workout clothes, but I walked by the Mac Studio and it's 1514 99 for a Mac, for a Max Studio, and it was a little

Stephen Robles (00:28:56):
Bit <laugh>. Amazing. That's, that's what I run out the Mac Studio, just the M one max version. But it is incredible. I love it.

Alex Lindsay (00:29:01):
I have the Max version, I have the max, that's what I'm on right now. And, and, and I it was very, I don't have, I was like, I can't spend that money <laugh>, my, my pocket started smoldering just walking by. So it, it does make you wonder when you see $500 discounts at Costco, you wonder what's gonna happen at, at dub dub. Like, it feels like they're trying to clear product, you know? Usually when you see

Leo Laporte (00:29:22):
I'm getting excited

Alex Lindsay (00:29:23):
To clear product. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:29:24):
Because I was not excited about the VR headset, be honest with you. But Right. If they announce new Max, new iPads, Mac bro,

Alex Lindsay (00:29:33):

Stephen Robles (00:29:33):
Pro, 15 inch MacBook Air, probably Yeah. We know that's

Andy Ihnatko (00:29:35):

Leo Laporte (00:29:36):
We don't know. We don't know anything. We think Germin knows <laugh>. We just follow in his wake.

Alex Lindsay (00:29:43):
And again, I I I would say that if I, if, if I was gonna release another Mac Studio or a Mac Pro, what I would do is sell as many at Costco as possible. Yes. In the, you know, in the couple weeks.

Leo Laporte (00:29:54):
Dump him, dump him now.

Alex Lindsay (00:29:55):
Yeah. Yeah. Like clear, clear that deck. Cuz it'll be really hard to move him after that.

Leo Laporte (00:29:59):

Stephen Robles (00:30:00):
We gotta see the Mac Pro, right? The Mac Pro's gotta be coming. I mean,

Alex Lindsay (00:30:03):
Somewhere out there in the, they said

Stephen Robles (00:30:05):
It's coming.

Leo Laporte (00:30:06):
They said it's coming years ago they said it was coming next year

Alex Lindsay (00:30:09):
And they're already, and

Andy Ihnatko (00:30:10):
They're already late. So it's not as though releasing it, the WBC will make it un late. So now that, now, now that now the pressure's off oddly enough. Well, yeah.

Alex Lindsay (00:30:16):
Well, and, and and, but I will say that the last time they announced the new Mac Pro was the Ed Dub dub. So

Leo Laporte (00:30:22):
That's where you announced

Andy Ihnatko (00:30:23):

Leo Laporte (00:30:24):
That's the, that's where the pros are, where the pros are. That Funicello, Frankie Valley. Frankie Frankie, it wasn't Frankie Valley, it was the other Frankie,

Alex Lindsay (00:30:35):
It was five years ago now that I think of it. I think it was 2018 when they did the, the New Mac Pro, the new Cheese GRA was I think 2019.

Stephen Robles (00:30:42):
I think can this has rekindled my hope for aperture. Can, can Apple be aperture

Leo Laporte (00:30:47):
<Laugh>? No, I think this should kill your hope for Aperture. But there is, there is one more pro product missing from an iPad that could mean that it could be your full-time computing device. And that would be Xcode. Right. We always said if they put final cut on there an Xcode on there, then you don't need a desktop anymore. But I, I don't see them, I don't, I wouldn't want to code on an, on an iPad.

Andy Ihnatko (00:31:13):
It would nice to be have that, that that alternative though. And especially for, given that the, the iPad isn't just Apple's tablet, it's also their budget computer. And so the ability to, for people who are getting on board the Apple ecosystem for well under a thousand dollars as low as $300 to be able to develop and deploy actual Yeah. App store apps on the thing that would be a game

Leo Laporte (00:31:36):
Changer. I thought by now they would they would advance their swift Playgrounds to the point where you could do, I guess you kind of, I mean you can put it on the app store, but where that would be a point, you know, whatever you call it, drag and drop programming kind of thing. Whereas some wizzywig and playgrounds is kind of m slowly, much more slowly than I would've expected moving in that direction. Maybe that's what we're waiting for. Not xcode, but just playgrounds to become more powerful.

Stephen Robles (00:32:08):
Do we think gonna move the desktop final cut to a subscription model after this?

Leo Laporte (00:32:12):
Oh, that's a good question.

Alex Lindsay (00:32:13):
I, I don't, I I think that they're just happy that everyone's still, I I I don't think that they're gonna change it. I don't, I think that that would be hard because a lot of us have used that as a reason that we stuck around for a long time. It's like, it's like, well, you know, you don't pay the subscription for it and, and you know, everything else, you know? And, and so I think that people, people were

Leo Laporte (00:32:30):
Pissed by the way. I saw a number of people, you know, in the usual snark, oh no snark zones. Twitter and Reddit Hacker News that there was, oh, Apple's doing it in Adobe.

Alex Lindsay (00:32:44):
Wow. It's a lot less money. Like five do, it's $5 a month and $50 a month is two very different numbers, you know, for, for what's going on. Well,

Andy Ihnatko (00:32:51):
Two, to be, to be fair, or $10 as cheap as 10 bucks, if you just want one Photoshop perhaps for Photoshop, which, which is the, which which is, which is one of the Crown Jewels minimum

Alex Lindsay (00:32:59):
Mini, they don't let you take each one of those. So Photoshop, you get 10 bucks a month, but if you want After Effects or Premier, you gotta buy into the entire suite. Like it's, and that's the thing that hasn't, that's a lot of reason that folks like me won't use Premiere is because I'm like, I don't need all of those apps and I don't wanna pay for all those apps. They, they, you know, I get the business model, but I don't appreciate it.

Andy Ihnatko (00:33:21):
But the, but the, on the flip side of that, like a, if it keeps you completely up to date, like on new revisions as they come out, that's a nice thing. That's one of the, what's one of the benefits of, of Adobe, I think that they did, they did follow through on their promise to say that, look, it's not as though we're just gonna give you an option, an alternative towards never giving us any more money. Any ever, again. They do keep enhancing it with really, really nice barn door style updates you do. But the other, but the, but the other cool thing is that it really does lower the bar for a lot of makers that, that people can figure out that they can afford five bucks a month. Or even I'm, I've got this one project that's gonna take me f me three months, I'll invest $15 in a three month subscription to Final Cut Pro. But they may not be in an economic position where they can say, I can, I need Final Cut Pro, but I just absolutely cannot, sp cannot afford it right now. Yeah.

Alex Lindsay (00:34:11):
Yeah. And I think, and, and again, I I wouldn't have as much of a problem with the do, like I I pay 10 bucks a month for Photoshop. Me too. You know, like, you know, like the Photoshop, Lightroom, and that's fine. Bundle

Leo Laporte (00:34:19):
Is is worth 10 bucks a month. Yeah,

Alex Lindsay (00:34:21):
Yeah. But it's, it's the that's twice

Leo Laporte (00:34:23):
What this is.

Alex Lindsay (00:34:24):
But you and you, but, but it's the, you have to pay for everything else, right. If you want. Just because all I want is After Effects and, and potentially Premiere. I don't want all the other apps. I don't need 'em, you know, like, and it's quite, so I don't, it's quite, and so it's, so it's, I I just feel like there's, there's a point and

Leo Laporte (00:34:40):
Then they push storage, expensive storage on you and

Alex Lindsay (00:34:42):
Well, and, and, and again, for me, there's, there's a point of subscription Makes sense. The developer gets money on Ongoingly. They can, you know, that allows 'em to innovate. Yes, I get that. I agree. Yeah. It's the, I'm going to bundle you into something that Right. That makes it, the greed ensures that I make way more money. Yeah. It's a, it's a manipulative behavior that I don't, that I, I just think Adobe, you know, I'm, I'm sure that they're making a lot of money, but it's really, you know, they're, they're creating this huge gap because there's a lot of people upset about it. It's a difference

Leo Laporte (00:35:08):
Between an ongoing income and rent seeking and Adobe's absolutely rent seeking at this point.

Alex Lindsay (00:35:13):
And, and, and the thing is, is that, and that's why a lot of people, like, as you know, the, the other problem that Adobe has is that there are three times as many engineers working on Resolve as there are on After Effects and Premiere <laugh>. And so the As Resolve keeps on getting better and better and better People are, you know, like for me, I'm half and half final cut and resolve. So when I do precision work, I use Resolve. When I use Fast, fast and Furious, I use Final Cut, and it's about half of my day, half of my editing time is spent on one in one or the other. I don't, and I don't need them to change. I'm not trying to figure out which one's going to win. I just use the two. And I know what I want to go into a product I project, I know which one I'm gonna use.

And I don't try to figure out how to get the back and forth between them or anything else. You know, I just do the thing. Right. And so I think that I don't really feel that pressure. But I will say that a, I I know a lot of people that are using Premier that are, you know, looking at Resolve as a $300 buy once, never even pay for an upgrade. Like, why am I, you know, why am I here? You know? And, and, and it wasn't that way a couple years ago, but it's starting to start to really, you know, edge people out. And it's because they're only using Premiere and being forced to pay for everything. And that's just a, that's the, that's the thing that is really driving people crazy.

Leo Laporte (00:36:23):
I've been feeling, as I said at the beginning, guilty that I paid once five or six or seven years ago for Logic and, and final Care. I don't feel

Alex Lindsay (00:36:31):
Guilty at all. <Laugh>.

Leo Laporte (00:36:33):
Well, I wanna, yeah. I mean, apple has, apple doesn't need the support, but I I, I don't think it's a problem saying five bucks a month or $49. I think that's, it's fine. Appropriate. I do think really there's an interesting story here. I think you nailed it, Alex, that Apple is pivoting to creators. You or you know, social me, you know, social media style creators, TikTok ERs and YouTubers as opposed to movie studios and tv. And I think it

Alex Lindsay (00:36:59):
Totally makes sense. It

Leo Laporte (00:37:00):
Makes a lot of sense. That's the right way to go. Yeah. That's absolutely the right way to go. And by the way, that's the most vital interesting area right now in production, right?

Alex Lindsay (00:37:08):
Yeah. Well, with the writer strike absolutely. <Laugh>.

Leo Laporte (00:37:11):
Yeah. Yeah. Timing. Actually there's a whole lot. My Apple, there's a whole lot.

Alex Lindsay (00:37:14):
Yeah. Yeah. The timing, the timing couldn't be any better. There's a whole lot of cr you know, a whole lot of people that, that are just gonna sit there and wait for the next thing while the creators

Leo Laporte (00:37:20):
Go crazy. Yeah. Another thing, somebody in our discord pointed out in none of these videos or stills do you see Stage Manager,

Andy Ihnatko (00:37:30):

Leo Laporte (00:37:31):

Andy Ihnatko (00:37:31):
Good. Good catch.

Alex Lindsay (00:37:32):
It's dirty. I still don't get that.

Leo Laporte (00:37:34):
Isn't that interesting? Right? You wouldn't, I never, because it takes up so much space. You want that full screen? You want every inch of it? No, I, I don't turn it off too. Yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (00:37:42):
I don't use Stage Manager.

Leo Laporte (00:37:43):
Yeah. Flop Ola.

Andy Ihnatko (00:37:45):
Yeah. It's not,

Alex Lindsay (00:37:46):
Somethings ketchup up, you know, ketchup up, you know, apple can put some stuff out and it goes a little slow for a little while. Like, like Freeform is not something I'm using every day, but I feel like, oh, I could, I could see using this, you know, like, like it's cool. I just can't find other people to play <laugh>. So they're all like, so

Leo Laporte (00:37:59):
That's the,

Alex Lindsay (00:37:59):
That's only

Andy Ihnatko (00:38:00):
Problem in my, in my case, it wasn't so much that I, I tried it and rejected it. It's more like I tried it, I saw that wow, there's something interesting here, but it is not so intuitive that I can pick it up as I go. I'm going to have to find, I'm gonna have to wait until it's like, it's like binge like binge watching a show that everybody tells you is awesome. It's like, it's not, I'm not rejecting better Call Saul. I'm saying that I have to defer starting to watch it until I feel as though I have enough time in my schedule to start, like adapting to this. But but just just getting back to, I mean, I think that you are right about not pivoting towards creators, but making sure the creators are really, really happy. I mean, that does click in with something that happened.

We're gonna be talking about the earnings call later on. But one of the most interesting things in the q and a was Tim Koch was asked directly saying, Hey, how about what about the, with the pro level of the market, how's the pro level market doing? And he acknow and he said, oh yes, we're absolutely committed to the pro market. But he did say like outright that we do consider, do I have the quote here? Do we, we consider ourselves a consumer-oriented company. So it's not as though they're ever going abandon pros, but when they see where, where is, where is our bread buttered? It's basically on people walking into a store with our grubby hands full of cash, plugging it down and then walking out with something they're going to adore. Yeah. As opposed to the machine, the, the machine Smiths, so to speak. Yeah. And,

Alex Lindsay (00:39:15):
And I, and I will say as a pro, the Mac Mini and the studio, but the Mac Mini especially has fulfilled more needs than I've Yeah. Than I've had. You know, it was always like, oh, this is a great little package. If it was just a little bit more powerful. And now it's more powerful. And, and I think that between myself and, oh, I know think we've now bought 30 of them <laugh>,

Leo Laporte (00:39:33):
Like it's

Alex Lindsay (00:39:33):
Not, you know, not, not a minor amount of them. And, and they're great as glue, and you put 'em in, you know, you, you go, oh, I'm just, my son needed to do some programming at, at school, just gave him Mac Mini, you know, just, he's got monitors there, just plug 'em in. And, and it's just, you know, it's, it's so powerful. And, and so I think that, I don't think that the, the demand for the pros is that is high enough. I mean, I think it when they show, like, and this is the percentage, they won't cut it out, but if they split out, this is much how much we made with the Mac Pro, it'll be like, oh yeah, I need little sliver. Yeah. That barely exists, you know? And so that's probably also why there's not a lot of pressure. I do think it's important though, from a Mindshare perspective for the people to feel like they're, you know, there's a, there's a value to having an F1 team, you know, like, you know, and there's a value in the development of all the things, all the product, all the technologies, as well as just where you position the product.

So I think having a Mac Pro does make a difference in the long term. I think Exactly. When it comes out and, and the actual income doesn't matter.

Leo Laporte (00:40:27):
It's what the pro what's happened is the, the definition of cool kids has changed. Cause it used to be people would look to the pros as, oh, they're the cool kids. They, they're the ones who are really using technology. We are gonna emulate them. Now. I really think the cool kids are the people who own Yeah. Mac, apple stuff and are creating with it. And it's not the studios those aren't the cool kids anymore. So I think Apple's completely justified. And it's certainly a good economic decision to just say,

Alex Lindsay (00:40:54):
Look and cool

Leo Laporte (00:40:55):
Kids use Apple.

Alex Lindsay (00:40:57):
And the thing is, is again, most of the pro, the pro line is mostly focused on how do you make it more like Abbott? Like that's the request they're making. Right? Right. That, and

Leo Laporte (00:41:05):
That's not a market. How do

Alex Lindsay (00:41:06):
You, how do, this is what we want to be more like the product that we're probably gonna stick with anyway. Whereas the social media market is really creating new things, new ideas, new ways of cutting. Yeah. It's vibrant, you know, and they're exciting. Yeah. And, and the, and and it's really hard, like when I work with, so, you know, I think that what people don't realize is how hard it is to cut. You know, the kind of stuff that we see, like, it, it seems like an easy thing when, you know, like Steven put up something this morning about Final Cut, and I was like, wow, like that's moving fast. And, and the, the but the, the thing is, is that you that kind of editing is really hard, especially when you're at a, you know, at at, I work with a lot of creators and that, that kind of work is an enormous amount of very fine tuned edits and, and graphics and, and they're paying attention to things that broadcasters aren't paying attention to and how they put all the stuff up together and it's much faster editing oftentimes. And they need somebody to pay a lot of attention to them. And it, you know, resolve may do some of that premiere probably less, you know, cuz they have Rush, so they're gonna, which no one uses like, you know, <laugh> So, so Adobe's got a rush team that no one's using. I've never seen Rush in the Wild ever. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (00:42:17):
I know. Used, that's what Adobe wanted everybody to use. Nobody

Alex Lindsay (00:42:19):
They've got a product that they think that everyone's gonna use. And so, so I think that having, I think that for creators, having Apple and Black Magic sitting there kind of vying for their attention, which is I think is really, it's really great for them. And we're gonna see a lot of innovation in, in what video looks like as as you move forward. Yeah, absolutely.

Andy Ihnatko (00:42:36):
It's, it's also, it's also really just quickly, it's also really good for Apple's business because apple isn't really about, Hey, we're gonna sell a whole bunch of people, a bunch of $10,000 computers and we're gonna be really, really happy above those margins. It really is about, we are acquiring a customer and then as soon as we get a customer, we can monetize the hell out of them. The person who bought the, instead of, if we can get that per that that creator to buy an iPad instead of the $1,500 Windows laptop that they in gaming laptop they thought they were going to, it's not just that $1,500 iPad. They're probably gonna get a watch, they're probably gonna get AirPods, they're probably gonna subscribe to Apple Services and now they've got revenue for life. And so that's not necessarily something that someone who's has the $10,000 to spend on the Tricked out Mac Pro, they're just looking for return on investment, bang for the buck, tick off the features that I want. They're not necessarily learning they're not insisting setting into a motion a sequence of events that leads to them getting an Apple themed tattoo in seven years. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (00:43:35):
Apple, I'm curious. Apple wants to be hip. Apple does not wanna be establishment. They are establishment. That's the dirty little secret, but they don't wanna be seen that way. They wanna be seen as a punk with the leather jacket that turned up a collar going, Hey, wait a minute. That's not hip anymore either <laugh>.

Stephen Robles (00:43:52):
But also in order to be that relevant and especially with like the influencer TikTok crowd, they're gonna have to move very fast. Because as I scroll TikTok, as you do, I see the little cap cut logo on so many of the trending videos because Cap Cut will add these templates and filters that will then go viral on TikTok. And then everybody wants a video that looks like that. And so they go to Cap Cut to make the video. And in order for Apple to compete and not, you know, for people to choose to go to Final Cut on their iPad versus cap cut on their phone, they're gonna have to stay with some of those trends or at least offer some of those filters in a fix so that people will wanna use

Leo Laporte (00:44:29):
It. You're already at a date's Dead's over, oh, is this Oh God, yeah. Oh no. What are you looking at TikTok for man? I gotta go on what <laugh>, I dunno, what's the new one? I just know that my, my, my kid who was a big TikTok influencer has moved now to Instagram and YouTube. And there's no cap cut on his videos. Although I do notice this is, yeah. Sponsored by Beef. It's what's for dinner <laugh>. So I think he's doing all right. I've,

Andy Ihnatko (00:44:56):
I've heard I've heard of that brand. That's

Leo Laporte (00:44:58):
Impressive. <Laugh>, he's sponsored by beef Holy cow. He died the way does this with a MacBook Pro 16 and Premiere. So and he, and there's no ad for it and nobody's asking him, and there's no behind the scenes, oh, here's how I do it. Nobody cares

Andy Ihnatko (00:45:16):
About that. Oh, this is like teens. He's a foie for heaven's sakes. I

Leo Laporte (00:45:18):
Know. He's 28 now. My God, he's out of it. <Laugh> so old. Wait a minute. Here he is. Here he was with somebody. Even an older foie smoke. A Stoy. <Laugh> Foggies with Stogies. All right, let's take a little break. We do want to talk about the quarterly results, even though the six color graphs are not here. They're going to be here in ab absentia. There's a lot of other stuff, including the New York Times. Just noticing that Katie Cotton passed away 60 days ago or something. Yeah, apple Insider. Your, your publication had the story. April 10th, the New York Times published the obituary this week.

Andy Ihnatko (00:45:56):
Well, they probably didn't have, they probably didn't have that Obi ready to roll. I think that the,

Leo Laporte (00:46:00):
Well, she died very early, surprisingly. 57.

Andy Ihnatko (00:46:02):
It has, it has to be a New York Times obituary. So I, I'm wouldn't be surprised if it really did take them a few weeks to get all those quotes. Yeah, it's a really good, it was a really

Leo Laporte (00:46:09):
Good piece. It was nice. It was really nice. Yeah. Katie Cotton, of course, longtime Apple PR person. And really the person who put Apple on the map when Steve Jobs came back. So, yeah, she deserves a lot of credit. Passed away at the age of 57 in April. But the New York Times oh bit was this week. Let us move on and we will have more in just a bit. I'm gonna pop my collar, <laugh>, turn up my thumbs. Hey and talk to you about Zip Recruiter. If you are starting a business, boy, you know, as somebody who runs a small business, I really appreciate ZipRecruiter. When you're, whether you're starting a new business, you're growing a business, or like me, you're just trying to keep that business. All the wheels on. You need the most talented people on your team.

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So in a nutshell, Apple's quarter, surprisingly good. Right? Better than expected. Anyway, Jason Snell last week said I predict 90 billion in revenue. It came in a little, it came in higher, about 94 billion in revenue. 94.8 billion. So I guess that's 95. Better than the market expected. The margin better than the market. 44.3%. That's a nice margin. That's very, that's nice. Profits. 21 point, 24.16 billion in net income. That's three, that's 8 billion in a month for three months. Little bit off the year to year previous, but that's, you know, still good money. And the real surprise, I should, let me pull up the six colors charts. Cuz the real surprise was the success of services that has really outperformed for Apple. Yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (00:51:13):
All time, all time record. They mentioned it was not, not just because not, not just because of one particular segment of it. It was across the app store, apple Music, iCloud, even payment services.

Leo Laporte (00:51:24):
Yeah. Yeah. Cuz you, you know, usually the, the caveat I say is, well, it's all through the app store and then ain't by the way. Right. That ain't gonna be forever. Cuz the EU is really really pushing them on that one.

Andy Ihnatko (00:51:37):
Yeah. Also, also they, they, in the q and a, they also did call out that like app store game revenue is way, way down. Right? largely, or, and partly that's because they had an artificial boost during Covid, but they're mentioning that advertise advertising revenue is down, game revenue is down. And that's probably where you see a lot of, the lot of the bad news happening.

Leo Laporte (00:51:56):
Service is now near nearly a quarter of their revenue. Of course, iPhones still, you know, more than half, actually even a little more than half the before. 7% iPad, 8% Mac, 9% wearables.

Andy Ihnatko (00:52:10):
March quarter record for, for iPhone.

Leo Laporte (00:52:14):
Yeah. Which this is not a, this is normally a slow quarter, right?

Andy Ihnatko (00:52:20):
Yeah. The, the, the quarter first quarter is ref it includes holiday sales. And so a lot of the, that takes a lot of the air out of the second quarter results, right. For mobiles. Cuz whoever was waiting to waiting to upgrade it has probably upgraded by now. Right. So yeah, I mean there's, there, there's a lot of really good news here. There's a, they, they were be <laugh> if, if you read the transcript any time they, they, every single segment either includes the phrase quarter record or it rec says unprecedented foreign exchange prob headwinds and unprecedented macro international macroeconomic turndowns. So, you know, like basically <laugh> basically the score of like each category there. Yeah. Like the Mac was, Mac is down like 31%. Oh, the, oh the other, the third phrase is <laugh> is hard to compare because of course this quarter last year we were, we were, we were getting a big bounce from the u release of Apple Silicon. So the fact that Mac Mac sales are down 31% is hard to, it's hard to compare because of not

Leo Laporte (00:53:19):
Same. It's, it's like a 15 year old. It's all excuses, excuses, excuses, excuses. I mean, it's,

Andy Ihnatko (00:53:23):
It's, it's, it's, it's valid. But that, that's, that's the point of an earnings call, right. To basically even when you have the, have the bad news to try, try to levin it as best you can without getting sued by shareholders. Because you can't say things like that. During

Leo Laporte (00:53:37):
Was the, was the worst news. The, the Mac revenue change. I mean, it's bad news for me cuz I'm a Mac user. I love Mac, but year over year Mac revenue was down 31%. I mean, that's a big drop. It

Andy Ihnatko (00:53:48):
Was, it was the most dramatic iPad was down 13%. That's again, als also M one changes. Yeah. wearables was steady down just 1%. And even then, again, this is where they try to make sure that you, they get all the good news out. They're saying they had, they had record quarters in the US and Greater Chi, greater China, despite being down 1% services, again, nothing but nice things to say about services. So,

Alex Lindsay (00:54:12):
And, and of course the, the Mac hadn't, after the M one was released, had just an explosion. Right. So it, it's really hard to keep that pace once you've you know, once you've had such a, a huge influx. So, and it's gonna

Stephen Robles (00:54:25):
Display all that. Yeah. One, it all came out in that in March 22.

Leo Laporte (00:54:32):
America's Down a little bit China down a touch, Y M e A Europe and the Middle East up a little bit Japan kind of flat. Yeah, I mean this, what else did Tim Cook say? Any other kind of glean? Did you glean any he, he talked about ai. He said we're cautious. <Laugh>.

Andy Ihnatko (00:54:52):
Yeah, he did. I mean, he did. And careful, he, he, he was asked about that during the q and a. And he did the usual double-edged thing of saying that we're cautious. We think that it's still early, early days, but also kind of like what CCHE was saying in defense of their late <laugh> arrival into the chat bot saying, Hey, we've been, we've been an AI company for a long time. We've been using AI and fall detention detection. We've been using I ai, the EKG stuff so that we have AI throughout our experience. We just, we we're just being cautious and we're being, we're being safe and we're being secure, Steve, which is, which is completely valid.

Leo Laporte (00:55:24):
Steven Kovac asked him about layoffs. He said that's a last Tim Cook said, that's a last resort. And so mass layoffs not something we're talking about at this moment. That's good news in a tech industry that has laid off hundreds of thousands this year.

Andy Ihnatko (00:55:39):
Yeah. And they're still hiring. That was, that was in a CN BBC interview that they gave, I think just before the earnings call. And so they're saying we're still hiring, just not as just not as we're slowing down that rate just a lower clip

Leo Laporte (00:55:49):
Level than we were before. We're doing all the right things are challenging the things that we spend, and we're finding a few more ways to save on it. This is of course, a message to investors. We're frugal. We're being careful. Yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (00:56:02):
Still. And mention cutting corners where they can. Again, not as desperate as, not as desperate as, you know, Google probably saying we are still using disposable flatware, but we're asking people to not throw them away. Just rein, rinse them, keep them in your pocket. That's your spoon for the week.

Leo Laporte (00:56:16):
Yeah. anything else that we gleaned from the earnings call or interviews pre or post?

Andy Ihnatko (00:56:26):
A lot. A lot of it was a lot of, a lot of Apple's message was all about emerging markets and saying, because they were, they, they'd have to ime they did have to admit that there was a lot of slowdown in the US markets. But however, they're basically talking about India, not just as for manufacturing, but as a new market. That's kind of one, one question. One caller actually compared it a little bit to the situation and there are opportunities in China about 10 or 15 years ago. And Tim Cook said specifically that, yeah, we think that there's a big opportunity lar off o often because again hitting upon the, the, the question about China, we, there's a lot of people who are entering the middle class and those people now have money to spend on luxurious brands. They didn't, he didn't call themselves themselves a luxurious brand. But but you know what you're talking about here. Yeah. What I do see in India is a lot of people entering the middle class, and I'm hopeful we can convince some number of them to buy an iPhone as well as see how <laugh> and we'll see how that works out. But it's working out well.

Stephen Robles (00:57:23):
You also did say that the apple savings account has had a, you know, credible response, the high yield savings.

Leo Laporte (00:57:29):
Yeah. We know that.

Andy Ihnatko (00:57:30):
That was, that was another drumbeat. Yeah, you're right.

Leo Laporte (00:57:32):
Wow. That was a huge success. Apple made enough money that they're gonna do another 90 billion in buybacks. And of course that helps the stock quite a bit, right? When they do

Andy Ihnatko (00:57:43):
That. Yeah. Cause that, that, that, that drives off revenue. But that's also, it's starting to become a little bit more controversial because even if you're not like, you know, quasi socialists saying, well, how come you help, why don't you put some of that money back into improving worker, worker situations? But a lot of it is that even Congress is they're propo. I think the S E E C is putting in new rules that are going to effect in the fall about how, look, you can't be invest. We, we are, it's a, we are calling it a stock buyback, but under rules that we abandoned a bunch of years ago. That's basically investing in your own company using insider information. So we are putting it into effect a whole bunch of new rules about how you can do buybacks, including, basically you have to announce like exactly each, the 90 billion in buybacks basically means that the board has approved 90 billion worth over the coming seasoned depending on opportunities at Apple C.

So the government is basically saying now that you have to explain every single transaction, when you make it, you have to explain why you're making it, why you're making it this quantity of investment, why you're making it now. Basically to make sure that they're not playing some tricks saying that, Hey, we know, we know that the, that our stock is gonna tank in the next two months because we are gonna have to, we're gonna have to announce that this thing where this, this device where you charge both the phone and the watch on the same thing is never gonna work. And we wanna make sure that we get value outta the company or we, you know, do whatever we'd have to do before then. So it's, it's a little bit of controversy there, but on, on saving accounts, that was another drumbeat thing where a lot of, a lot of questions, even when you could always tell what part of the message is that when they try to weave a success into every, as many answers as they can possibly make it, and Apple Savings Accounts was one of them.

They were asked specifically by, well, how, how do you see this as an ongoing driver of revenue? And that the inter the interesting response in that he didn't, Tim Cook specifically was not talking in talking about it as a product revenue generating product so much as like he directly compared it to part of the Apple Health portfolio saying that the Apple Watch will help you be healthy with exercise heartbeats, keeping an eye on your stats, things like that. We think that our financials products are basically also helping people to build financial health and wealth health. So that was interesting. Again, you're, they're, they're, they're not talking to the press. They're talking to analysts who are gonna be directing like hundreds of millions of dollars on investment money depending on what he says. The fact that he declined to say that we're hoping to make some money off of this is e either a shows that he's very much taking the long view about when we, they can make this profitable or he is being very, again, he's Tim Cook, he is, he is coded with Teflon.

There is nothing he, he's, he's got, he's got nothing to worry about in terms of his position or the, or or Apple stock. The fact that he's declining to say that we're trying to make money off of this. We are actually just trying to create an Apple Health product and basically Yeah. Exactly. Get people, and if there's a business aspect to it, to get people more entwined into the Apple ecosystem, meaning to, again, we don't want to just sell, we don't want to just sell somebody a laptop or an iPad or a watch. We want to create a new a new a new customer that we can then make money off of for the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years. Interesting. It

Stephen Robles (01:00:53):
Was a funny comparison to the, to the fitness thing, but apparently they only want financial fitness in the us No one else No gets fine Apple Card poor

Andy Ihnatko (01:01:01):
Users and, and iPhone users. Actually,

Leo Laporte (01:01:03):
You can't blame

Andy Ihnatko (01:01:04):
'Em. I'm sure Android, Android users can die in the street. Poor <laugh> and homeless <laugh>. That was your fault for not buying an Apple watch.

Leo Laporte (01:01:12):
You should have bought an Apple watch. I mean, it's, it's so hard just to get up to work in the United States, let alone try. Oh, I can, can you imagine the banking regulations you'd have to face and all that stuff? Yeah. It's crazy. Yeah, absolutely. I I just realized I ran and got my I'm so excited and now that their final cuts coming out on the iPad, I can use my bridge keyboard with my with my,

Andy Ihnatko (01:01:33):
That is an investment you are gonna love for the rest of your cause It feels, it feels good that you're investing, again, becoming a customer and just part of the ecosystem and part of that tribe. It just, I, I myself got a bridge tattoo on the back of my neck here. I'm so happy about it.

Leo Laporte (01:01:50):
You know, this was a, I I bought it early on before Apple obviously came out with its own magic keyboard with a real track pad. And this looked kind of cool to go with because it's heavy, it's aluminum, you know, I mean, it's a real keyboard, not a, not a kind of click, like not a, like a keyboard. It's a fake keyboard.

Andy Ihnatko (01:02:10):
Not as, as, as, as, as nice as the Apple Magic keyboard. I love my Apple Magic Keyboard. Keyboard. Oh yeah. It feel, it feels, it feels like you've got a tablet with a mobile thing on the Yeah. Bridge was great. And that they basically said, if you want, if you want to, to, to feel like a laptop, dam it, we'll give you a laptop to,

Leo Laporte (01:02:26):
But I used it for about one day cuz it weighed like, so it weighs as much as the iPad

Andy Ihnatko (01:02:30):
Does. Okay. There was that and it's thick.

Leo Laporte (01:02:33):
And I, you know, I, I got the magic, the Apple Magic keyboard and I was like, no, I've, so I've had this bridge keyboard in my drawer. I just realized. And then of course the story came out this week. That bridge has basically gone completely belly up staff unpaid orders unfulfilled. I seem to remember this was a, I wanna say a kickstart. I feel like it was crowds crowdsourced originally.

Stephen Robles (01:02:55):
It's unfortunate cuz it really felt like a brand that would be around for a long time.

Leo Laporte (01:02:58):
I know. Yeah.

Stephen Robles (01:02:59):
And, and it was one thing when the iPad launched with a smart connector. At first I feel like I could be wrong, but in the announcement it was like, you know, this smart connector is going to, you know, bring a whole new wave of accessories for the iPad and all that. And it didn't really happen that way. You know, even with a lot of those bridge keyboards, you still just have to do a Bluetooth connection and it's just not ideal. Like, I, I don't wanna charge another device. The magic keyboard is the ideal solution for me. So it's unfortunate. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:03:24):
Bri nine to Five Mac talked to some former employees who said, yeah, I mean the company was mismanaged during growth. There were misleading statements from its two co CEOs an overall hostile working environment. I don't know anything about that. I think regardless, impossible to compete against Apple if they're gonna sell a similar product, and this is the a problem Apple has, you know, they, the ecosystem for add-ons for you know, apple stuff is severely limited because of what Apple, you know, they don't make a dock, so there's a dock business, right.

Stephen Robles (01:04:02):
Unless you're a partner like Logitech and you can make things like the crayon that Apple literally will talk about in the keynotes. Right. And push in the Apple store as almost, well

Leo Laporte (01:04:09):
They were, I think they were selling the bridge in the Apple store briefly anyway. Yeah, they were. Yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (01:04:15):
Yeah. They, they, they do mention this like in the nine to five Mac article is really, really good. They talked to a lot of people and they had, they, they dipped into a lot of their own experience and knowledge about it. Yeah. And yeah, they mentioned that, for instance, when the magic keyboard came out, it could naturally as an Apple product for an for an Apple iPad, running an iPad os it could do things that no third party keyboard could possibly do. And like, and like, and like Steven said, when apple often will work with a third party third party manufacturers and kind of lift them up if they can, if that company can make something that Apple doesn't think it can do a great job or doesn't make a good fit with, remember that when Apple like a few, like was it five years ago or something when they had their big iPad education event and they decided, look, we need education. Can't necessarily spend a hundred dollars for an Apple pencil. So not only will we, so we will basically have, was it Logitech? Create a cr the Apple crayon creator, a crayon for the iPad that is almost as good. It's just not quite so, so important. So yeah, they'll partner with you, but you boy, if, if you, if you're not as tight as as Apple and are watch out. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:05:20):
They do quote some guy named Jason Snell who said that the bridge track pad was not remotely close to Apple's track pad in class. He described the final product as being an imprecise jerky experience that was simply no good. So yeah. Thank you Jason for killing bridge

Andy Ihnatko (01:05:38):

Leo Laporte (01:05:38):
It's your fault.

Andy Ihnatko (01:05:39):
That's okay. That's okay. I'll get, I got, I know I got a cousin who's into laser. He'll give me a discount if I, if I, I want his Instagram. But yet, and, and to be fair, this, this is why it can really, really bite in the bite in the butt because it's not that they made it effective product. Is that the only way they could get at that point? The only way they could get the track pad to work. Cuz third party pointing out, excuse me, third party pointing devices were not supported in an iPad. It was at that point was to do kind of a hack and basically make it into an accessibility hack so that it would basically turn on accessibility and basically use it as an accessibility third party pointer, which was really not necessarily optimized for that kind of thing. It was great that they got it working at all. But it's not something that when you, when you got something someone like Jason Snell, who's no fool, who's just basically gonna say, I no, I'm not gonna accept any, any excuses. I'm gonna tell you that this was a pain in the butt to use. Yeah. That's gonna be bad.

Stephen Robles (01:06:27):
It actually got the bridge touch pad. It was actually a standalone magic track pad device. It was nice, sleek black. And it was u s bbc. The reason I got it was cuz I didn't want to have lightning anymore. I was trying to go all u s bbc. But even that with just wireless touchpad, it just wasn't as good. Like, it just wasn't good enough. To you.

Leo Laporte (01:06:45):
It's too bad. But that's what happens, you know, in the world. So if anybody wants to buy this <laugh>, I'll give you a good deal. No, no. I'm, no, you can't have John, you wanna, why would you wanna buy it? John Ashley, what would you do with it? You don't wanna buy it? Really. I'm gonna, I'm gonna keep it. It's gonna go in my library of $5 failed. Yeah, no, I'm not giving you, this is gonna, this is a nice box. It was, it was a, a great product. I thought it was a very interesting product.

Andy Ihnatko (01:07:12):
Do you think it will work with the, with a Google Pixel tablet next month? <Laugh>?

Leo Laporte (01:07:16):
Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Hey, I'm

Andy Ihnatko (01:07:19):
With Micro. I should, I should

Leo Laporte (01:07:20):
Ask you Andy, if you wanna join us tomorrow at 10. I forgot that you cover you cover Android stuff unless you're doing it for material.

Andy Ihnatko (01:07:28):
No well I'm gonna be paying attention for material, but if you would like

Leo Laporte (01:07:31):
To join us, we would love to have you Jeff. Jarvis and I are gonna do the keynote tomorrow at 10:00 AM Pacific for Google. I owe, I owe, I owe. It's off to work. We go. Apple has, well this is a weird headline from Bloomberg Law, so I'm gonna go with it. Apple fails to fully reboot iOS simulator copyright case. You may remember Corium made a security research tool that emulated iPhones that was a useful thing for security researchers. On Monday, the US Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit ruled that that simulator is protected by fair use. Took, they had to go all the way to the court of appeals for it in Cosec which is the name of the simulator, furthers quote, furthers scientific progress by allowing security research into important operating systems. And so it's okay. And Apple says, okay, fine, we're going drop it. This suit's been going on since 2019. And they've lost every step of the way. They, they pursued it all the way to 11th Circuit. So this is good news. I think, you know, fair use has posse anyway in the 11th circuit.

Andy Ihnatko (01:08:51):

Alex Lindsay (01:08:53):
I think it's been made. I think it's in, I don't think it's moot

Leo Laporte (01:08:56):
Now. Yeah.

Alex Lindsay (01:08:56):
Too. It doesn't ma And so I think that Apple's kinda like, okay, well there's nothing to do about it now. And, and for a little company that did this, I don't think, I don't, you know, apple tying you up in court is, you know, a pretty expensive process. So I think that that might have been also the want make, make sure that everybody thinks about right. Going down that path cuz they're gonna, you know, cause that's hundreds of thousands of dollars that it costs to defend, you know, to, to go to court. That's that level of, of case is not, not $10. And so I think that even if Apple loses sometimes, I mean, I've definitely worked for large companies that they just tell people, yeah, we know we can't win <laugh>, but it's still gonna cost you a half million dollars. You know, like, you know, like, this is, this is the cost. You know, just make sure that it's worth it.

Leo Laporte (01:09:34):
Apple, I mean corium did have some support from third parties like Public Knowledge who felt that this was an important case to defend. So I don't know how much of it came outta their pocket, but of course that's a long four years and Yeah. You know, in court. Yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (01:09:48):
And you can see why Apple fought so long for so long. The, the, the line you can't, that they can't let anybody cross is, Hey, we made something that can run, that can pretend to be an i an Apple computer and run the software, or at least convincingly to, even if it's something as important as as running security checks and trying to investigate the vulnerabilities. But yeah, they don't, they don't want that door open even a

Leo Laporte (01:10:10):
Crack. Yeah. Yeah. The we mentioned that the EU continues and probably this summer, we'll tell Apple you're gonna have to have a third party store at Google as well in their play store. Also a little warning from the eu coming specifically from EU industry Commissioner Terry Breall about Apple's plans to, or reported plans to implement and made for iPhone certification on U S B accessories used to be C accessories. And the fear is, or the thing TE is addressing is that Apple produced chargers might allow faster charging speeds on the iPhone 15. I actually,

Alex Lindsay (01:10:49):
I actually don't think that that, yeah, I think that what, what they seem to miss there, unless someone misread it or everybody misread it, is the made for iPhone will probably have to do with data. You know, like, you know, whether it, it passes data or not. So I, I think they're gonna let you charge all you want. But if you want, if you're not made for iPad, you won't be able to connect the device that actually can talk to it.

Leo Laporte (01:11:10):
So yeah, this is only about charging

Alex Lindsay (01:11:11):

Leo Laporte (01:11:12):
This is only about charging. And Brett TA is merely saying we will stop frozen from being sold in the EU if you try to skirt our new U US B c C charging policy. So apple will have a u US BBC charger. They don't have to this year. I think they have to by next year, but

Alex Lindsay (01:11:30):
By the end of next year. By the end of,

Leo Laporte (01:11:31):
Of next year. So they,

Alex Lindsay (01:11:32):
They could theoretically release one more product Yeah. Into the they or two more. They could do the 15 and the 1616 and still be Yeah. In, in line.

Andy Ihnatko (01:11:40):
But, but it's not, it's not totally surprising that the EU would basically issue this warning and do it in such a public way saying you're not, you're not gonna get around this by saying, Hey, great, you can charge, you can charge for third party chargers, enjoy your five what? Right. 18 hour to a full charge thing. Right. Worth the fight, wasn't it everybody? Because you know that that would've been petty and stupid, but you could totally see Apple doing that totally

Leo Laporte (01:12:04):
<Laugh>. Totally.

Andy Ihnatko (01:12:05):
I'm I'm not, I'm not saying, I'm not saying they would do that. I'm saying that I don't know that they wouldn't do that.

Alex Lindsay (01:12:09):
<Laugh>, the, the only thing is, is that the only question would be is could they, could they charge it faster if, if both devices are talking to each other? So, you know, it has to do with over driving the battery and and so on and so forth, that if they have a, if they have something. Cuz the problem really is, is that, you know, you buy all these chargers and, you know, the Chargers are varying level of, I mean, U s BBC is kind of a commoditized product. There's a lot of things that aren't great <laugh> that are released with it. And so, so the thing is, is that you could argue that Apple would want to have the devices be able to talk to each other so that they can manage the power that's going to the, to the phone. And so that would be the reason that you'd want to have, have your own closed system to, to make that actually work. Yeah. Apple can do a lot of other things, like put a different, you know, put your u s BBC in and then have something on the back that charges really fast <laugh>, you know, like, you know, that that isn't, that, that is, you know, something. So there's a lot of ways to work around it. Well, it'll be interesting to see what Apple does. I don't

Stephen Robles (01:13:02):
Think iPhone 14 pro more than once to Lightning. I charge with MagSafe in the car at overnight. And so even with this u s BBC port, even when I travel, I bring the MagSafe duo still because funny,

Alex Lindsay (01:13:15):
I you, you're a hundred percent right. What's really interesting is, is that I, I didn't, I IPOed mags the, the IPOed the, the inductance charger for a long time. And then I had, I got that one from my car and now I'm addicted. Like I just put these little things everywhere. I set my phone on it and I can't remember the last time I plugged my phone into anything, you know? Yeah. I think that I wouldn't be surprised if the, if the base models of the iPhone come without any connector in the next, you know, in the next couple years, the, the pros will probably stay there. Cuz you have to move a lot of data. But I wouldn't be surprised if Apple just closes it off

Leo Laporte (01:13:47):
Completely. See, my problem is I would, I wireless charge for everything I do, but, but I, I like having a wallet case and this, the charger doesn't go through this. And so I have to plug it in and I would be disturbed if I couldn't have my nice thick wallet case

Andy Ihnatko (01:14:03):

Leo Laporte (01:14:04):
You have a peak, you have that peak case, Alex and I, the, the

Alex Lindsay (01:14:06):
Peak charges. I put my wallet on the back or if I pull it off,

Leo Laporte (01:14:09):
I'm not gonna put my, I could put my ID and my credit card in something that's only attached to my phone. Magnetically. I'm sorry, that's, this works great. But I did it in Europe. I did it in Europe cuz I wanted to have for some reason I can't remember, there was a reason. Oh cuz I didn't, I was gonna use my phone as a camera. I didn't want to have this.

Alex Lindsay (01:14:26):
That's exactly why I moved

Leo Laporte (01:14:27):
To it. And, and the problem really is not so much the, the, the bottom part of the wallet case, but this silly wrist strap, which for some reason every time got in my picture. So I've enough problems with my thumb getting in my picture. I don't want another thing that can get my picture. So Yeah. I used the pee case, which I love. But that has that special charge. That is a special mm-hmm. <Affirmative> hard magnetic thing. Right. I mean, it's not, and you still have to take the wallet off to do it.

Andy Ihnatko (01:14:52):
Yeah. And I do, but

Alex Lindsay (01:14:53):
It's still a lot easier.

Andy Ihnatko (01:14:55):
Yeah. Well, I mean, but for, for you, I mean for, I I'm, I'm really a big proponent of choice. I really think, I don't, I I have, I have wireless chargers in the house. I don't prefer them when it, when it comes down to the, it's ti my, my battery's down at the end of the day, my battery's down to 12 or 13%. I like being able to, I like plugging at a cable. It's just more convenient. It's gonna be there. I've got this, I've got this ch I've got this charging cable that can be used for 18 different things inside my house. It just, as opposed to having this plugged into a wireless charger that can only be used with like maybe three or four things. But but if it would be ish, if Apple didn't like support usb power delivery, which is an independent standard supports five amp charging. And that, again, that would be kind ofish. I, I'm, I'm with you. When it comes to the ability to create a custom protocol that can do a much, much more intelligent and much more safe aversion of charging, again, high speed, but also without overheating, without damaging the battery. That's a big, big priority. But for them, for, for I think power delivery has to be table stakes for any US BBC charge phone.

Alex Lindsay (01:15:58):
I think that what's interesting is, is that Apple could, there's a fine line there, which is that Apple could deliver something that will charge just as fast, but the battery will last longer if you use the May for iPhone version. Right. Because it's gonna, it's gonna condition that, that power. And so, and I think that that's, that's gonna be a really hard one cuz if you plug it in and and test it, it'll be fine. But over a year or two years, if, if the computer, if the device is able to talk to it, it's gonna change the, it's gonna vary that, it'll be interesting to see how that goes.

Andy Ihnatko (01:16:25):
Yeah. But pipeline power delivery wasn't, wasn't designed by chimps. I mean it was, they, they took that in consideration. And if, and when you're talking about something the difference between, hey, this phone will last me seven years versus this phone battery will last me four and a half years. Eh, eh,

Stephen Robles (01:16:39):
I will say I, I did a video on MagSafe battery packs and I compared a bunch of different ones. And when it comes to just the heat generated from a lot of these third party MagSafe batteries, like, I just don't trust it. It gets too hot. And so when it comes to charging my phone, I know it was really poo-pooed by a lot of people. But Apples first party MagSafe battery pack, it's the one I go to because it's the only one that feels like they've found that balance of actually charging it and temperature. And I don't feel like my battery health is gonna take a 10% hit after using this pack for a few times. So, and

Alex Lindsay (01:17:09):
Again, I I I think it's really gonna be about the made for iPhone is gonna be really about data. It's not gonna be about power. Yeah. Yeah. Like it's, that's the main

Andy Ihnatko (01:17:15):
Data, data end devices. I mean, if you, you don't think you, you probably are not gonna be able to, if the day in which, in which you can attach an external camera to an iPad, it's gonna have to be a made for, made for iOS or made for iPad device certified.

Stephen Robles (01:17:28):
I do wanna mention I put the link in the show notes, but in the e esr MagSafe wallet, I know you don't wanna Leo have like cards on this magnet thing, but the e ESR wallet built in find my, so it has fine my, on this MagSafe wallet and not like the Apple MagSafe wallet find my, where if it just disconnects, it marks the location. This has like legit find my not precision loca locations, but you know, find my like chipo devices and stuff. And then you can have the cards. It has a little loop where you can like hold it with your finger. And the whole case actually is a stand for your iPhone. So the ESR wallet, I, I recommend.

Leo Laporte (01:17:59):
So the, I mean the peak magnetic wallet is, I mean, it didn't fall off while I was in Europe. It made me nervous. So I imagine this is true too. You can have a really strong magnet on these MagSafe backs.

Alex Lindsay (01:18:12):
Well I have it because I have the peak. You know, that attaches to your vent, you know. Oh, I have

Leo Laporte (01:18:16):
The whole thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I bought, I bought

Alex Lindsay (01:18:18):
Like, and when it snaps on, it snaps

Leo Laporte (01:18:21):

Alex Lindsay (01:18:21):

Leo Laporte (01:18:22):
Not, and I bought everything <laugh>. I bought the, I have two different bicycle mounts. I have everything. And even a, you know what I really like there was a little sticky magnet that you put on your bedside table. And I, the phone goes right onto that. And that's really <laugh>. Yeah. That's really nice. But I want, I wanna be able to carry safely, you know, my driver's license and my credit cards are protected in this wallet. And plus I love the idea that the wallet protects the front of the, of the screen. So if I drop it, as long as it's closed,

Alex Lindsay (01:18:56):
I'm not, I know I have a screen protector on it. And, and I guess the, I like,

Stephen Robles (01:19:01):
Applecare made me feel better. Apple, you guys don't do AppleCare.

Alex Lindsay (01:19:04):
Yeah, but, well, I mean, I still don't wanna break

Leo Laporte (01:19:06):

Alex Lindsay (01:19:06):
Scratch, scratch <laugh>. My wife is so happy with that because I gave her my 13 and it was like in min condition. Cause it literally, when I get it, my phones are always, it goes into a case. Yeah. Okay. The, the, the, the, the screen protector goes on. It's like, look, I'm the mid

Stephen Robles (01:19:19):
Condition. I don't have no screen protector or anything. You just got AppleCare. No problem. <Laugh>,

Leo Laporte (01:19:24):
I get Apple. Will

Alex Lindsay (01:19:24):
They replace it if it just scratched a little, couple little scratches. Like, I don't have any scratches.

Stephen Robles (01:19:28):
I do have a scratch. I do have a couple of scratches that bother me. I can't look too closely. See,

Andy Ihnatko (01:19:33):
See you like, you like one of those trust fun kids. You just, you know, wrap the new Lambo around a rounded car. Rounded pole. Don't worry. Daddy will buy me a new one. Stupid car Daddy

Leo Laporte (01:19:44):
Care Plus

Andy Ihnatko (01:19:46):
Those of us work, those of us with good rough working man hands, working person hands. We have to take care of the damn things that we own kids. Both

Leo Laporte (01:19:52):
My phones are, are bashed and battered and cracked. And when I say let's get a new one, they say no. They don't wanna look fancy. They wanna look like working people. And so they have beat up old

Andy Ihnatko (01:20:04):
Phones. I'm putting on notions. Very nice.

Alex Lindsay (01:20:06):
I had, I had tests, had two tests at twelves that I had to use for work. And, and we finally, I gave 'em to my kids. And, and and yeah, they didn't have any problem with it. <Laugh>. <laugh>. They never, they didn't bother

Leo Laporte (01:20:16):
Them at all. No. Wait till they're teenager. It's this, this peer pressure doesn't happen until they're Oh, they're teenagers. Really?

Alex Lindsay (01:20:22):
Yeah, they're teenagers. They're my 14 and six, 14 and 15 now.

Leo Laporte (01:20:26):
Kinda. Oh my god, I can't

Andy Ihnatko (01:20:27):
Perspective believe

Leo Laporte (01:20:28):
This. Yeah, they're 14. I thought they were babies. Still <laugh>. I'm living in the past. Well, okay, maybe a little older then, but there're maybe not, maybe not. But it feel, it felt like there was severe peer pressure cuz I gave them daddy care Plus, you know, I told them, you got daddy care plus <laugh>.

Alex Lindsay (01:20:45):
I don't know if it's a new generation or the last generation or the next generation. My kids feel no peer.

Leo Laporte (01:20:50):
They want daughter shiny new products. I was

Alex Lindsay (01:20:51):
Like, do you want, do you wanna get on Snap? Cause she's not on any social media. She's like, no, if someone wants to talk to me, they have to, they have to come over and get my my phone number. Like, like they

Leo Laporte (01:20:58):
Have to ask me. Wow.

Alex Lindsay (01:21:00):
She's just like, no.

Leo Laporte (01:21:00):
Oh, so they're not, you know, you're their abnormal. That's why. Okay. You have abnormal

Andy Ihnatko (01:21:05):

Stephen Robles (01:21:05):
14. My son's 14 also. But there is peer pressure about the green bubbles cause he's been in a couple. Oh yeah.

Alex Lindsay (01:21:10):
Maybe you talk about that. You

Stephen Robles (01:21:12):
Talk about that's been green.

Leo Laporte (01:21:14):
Your kid has, your kid doesn't have

Alex Lindsay (01:21:15):
It. Admit that is one where my parents go. My right. My parents, my kids go, oh yeah, you don't want a green bubble. Like, they're like, they're like, they're like, no one. Everyone, you get dropped out of the, out of the

Leo Laporte (01:21:25):
Oh yeah. You're not in the groups. You're not the group through the whole thing. Yeah. You miss all the parties. Yeah. Yeah. You

Andy Ihnatko (01:21:29):
Know what we've been, that

Alex Lindsay (01:21:30):
Is, that is intense. I will say they, they don't have any peer pressure except for the green bubble is mm-hmm. <Affirmative>, nobody wants a green because they, they just feel like your parents don't, parents don't care enough to get you enough. Yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (01:21:38):
You know what we, we with, with the coronation and everything we, here in the US we've been awfully smugged about Oh, at least we didn't grow up with a class system. <Laugh>. Yeah. Well, we do. We just, we, we, we, it's the blues

Alex Lindsay (01:21:49):
And the greens. It's,

Leo Laporte (01:21:50):
It's a crypto class.

Andy Ihnatko (01:21:51):
We, we pray, we pray to a different golden God <laugh> and it's a glowing white Apple logo. What's,

Alex Lindsay (01:21:57):
What's fascinating now is that I guess the numbers are like 80% under 18 or something, or that are using iPhones. Like

Leo Laporte (01:22:03):
That's what I was telling you that right at the beginning, you know, be the cool kid. Even if you're not act like it and hello fellow, make sure you

Andy Ihnatko (01:22:12):
Make sure you conform because it's the conformists who, who tune into rock stars and movie stars. People who just do exactly what the guidance counselor tells him to do. You know, <laugh>,

Stephen Robles (01:22:21):

Andy Ihnatko (01:22:22):
The, get into that good school knuckle down hard. It'll pay off in the end.

Leo Laporte (01:22:26):
Final eu EU story. Well, it's not the EU story. Well, it is in the EU story. So the UK regulator who is who feeling his oats right now after shutting down the Microsoft Activision deal, <laugh> the the competitions donut

Andy Ihnatko (01:22:43):
Market for the whole office.

Leo Laporte (01:22:44):
Yeah. Donuts for the whole office. Look at, look at our power here we are not even in the eu. So they were trying to to open an investigation into Apple's mobile browser and cloud gaming services. And the EU said, no, Uhuh not gonna do it. The competition appeal. I see. Maybe it's different in another language, but the word tribunal in English. Yeah. <laugh>. It doesn't have a good sound. Anyway, they quashed the decision to open an investigation and refused Britain's antitrust regulator permission to appeal that ruling. You,

Andy Ihnatko (01:23:24):
You, you are right. If it's, if you're gonna call it a tribunal, there need, you need to be flanked by two Klingons carrying paint sticks. Yes.

Leo Laporte (01:23:31):
<Laugh> the competition and market authority. Don't make me laugh. I can't, the competition and market authority can still appeal to the Court of Appeal. They haven't decided yet if they're gonna do that. Why I don't, you know, celebrate your Activision Yeah. Victory and leave it at that.

Andy Ihnatko (01:23:57):
Well, again, they, they, they got the Activision victory, but they did get Charles. So

Leo Laporte (01:24:00):
Yeah, right. There you go. Two

Andy Ihnatko (01:24:03):
Steps, three steps forward, two steps back. It's <laugh>.

Leo Laporte (01:24:06):
Did you, did you get up early and, and, and watch the coronation? Andy feels like you're royal. I you might have

Andy Ihnatko (01:24:12):
No, I'm, I just think it's funny as hell when you have like, so I I I, I think these things are funny as hell where you have like this, these 2000 people in this room, some of them are like, they got, they're OB or whatever, like 18 years ago and they're like, yes, it's part, it's good to be part of this system and you have to be, to be recognized like this. And then like you see like a pop star come in who's just a, just a great person who's like, Hey, where's is this my seat? Is this my seat that your

Leo Laporte (01:24:38):

Andy Ihnatko (01:24:39):
<Laugh> and all, and all of the, in all the infantile stuff about, I, I wish I had enough time in my day to figure out what the deal is with Charles's kids and why they're beefing with each other. I really, I don't care enough. So I'm just gonna say exactly. I'm just gonna listen to all these pe all these commentators like, ooh, you noticed. He's,

Leo Laporte (01:24:56):

Andy Ihnatko (01:24:57):
He's not just two aisles behind. He's also to the left, not to the right. He's seated to the left perhaps. Perhaps under, perhaps that's why the, that's why the, the, the, the Princess of Wales is wearing that hat with that feather so that the cameras would not even have him in the front. I'm like, I don't care. Just bring on Lionel Richie. Okay. Yes,

Leo Laporte (01:25:17):
<Laugh>. Let's take a

Andy Ihnatko (01:25:20):
Little break

Stephen Robles (01:25:20):
To mention. Go ahead. Oh, sorry. No, real quick. Just the Cgp Gray video. I put the link, it's the difference between the UK Great Britain and England. And it's an old video. It's hilarious. And even explains like the Crown and all the territories and how it's all like terminology together. Oh,

Leo Laporte (01:25:37):
It's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. The, the he's British, right? Or No, he

Stephen Robles (01:25:43):
Lives in London, but he's American.

Leo Laporte (01:25:44):
He's American, but he lives in London. Yeah. I am not Britain <laugh>.

Andy Ihnatko (01:25:49):
I'm just, I'm just, I'm just gonna say that with, I mean he, he chose the scheduling for this. Why he chose to schedule it like days before the Eurovision Song contest, where there's gonna be all kinds of unflattering comparisons about the pageantry and the entertainment value and how invested people are in this. He's not gonna come off well cuz people are gonna be way more interested in Eurovision than in his coronation <laugh> during the lead

Leo Laporte (01:26:13):
IOS 16.5 release candidate not r Our seat does not stand for Royal Coronation stands for release candidate iPad OS 16 five release candidate Mac OS 13.4 watch OS 9.5 and TV OS 16.5. All the rcs came out today. What is, they all came out to play. What does that mean?

Andy Ihnatko (01:26:39):
I don't know that there's, I don't think, I haven't seen anybody who said there's any kind of breakthrough features. It was kind of interesting in that Apple doesn't, apple doesn't talk about unannounced products, but they did like accidentally or just, you know, who cares Sort of mentioned that when they, they they press release about the Pride Bands said that, oh it's going, these pride bands or the Pride bands and the Pride Watch phase are gonna be released this day next week. It will require watch os 16.5 and Iowa 16.5. So that, oh, so that means that you're releasing 16.5 on next date. Haha. We have a scoop.

Stephen Robles (01:27:08):
Yeah. I think the only notable change is the sports ball tab in the news app. <Laugh> dedicated Sports tab.

Leo Laporte (01:27:17):
Apple does these pride bands every year and usually when they do the pride bands, they release wallpaper to go with it. And I guess, I mean, I I don't think there's anything else that will require an update in the operating system. It's probably the wallpaper, right? That's that's gonna come with it. Yeah. yeah. But, but

Andy Ihnatko (01:27:35):
It's cool they do that every year. I mean, and I think that they, not only is it cool in and of themselves, but they, they set a trend that now if you have any kind of like, of a wearable, you can now, you can get the, the Pride Band for your Fitbit. I don't know if they <laugh>, I dunno if the Pixel Watch is making enough money to get to generate a, a custom pride band. But that's a really, really cool thing and I'm glad they do it every year. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:27:56):
Well and it's $49 every year. It's kind of a nice

Andy Ihnatko (01:28:00):
Little cuing

Leo Laporte (01:28:02):
Cuing. So the band does match the wallpaper. It's not my favorite band. I agree. But they've done it does some nice pride bands, but not this one. I think it,

Andy Ihnatko (01:28:14):
It can double as a birthday band. Like it looks like birthday cake. Yeah. It's not like, it's not like the, the rainbow stripes. So they usually have some kind of version.

Leo Laporte (01:28:22):
Yeah. Which I really liked. Yeah. Maybe they've just run out of ideas. <Laugh>.

Andy Ihnatko (01:28:27):
Exactly. How many times, how many times can you <laugh>? Yeah. It's it's, it's kind of an ask.

Leo Laporte (01:28:32):
Apple's former head of iCloud is now working for General Motors. Remember that GM decided they were not gonna support CarPlay or Android Auto in their future vehicles. So this guy who, you know Mike, Mike Abbott who worked at at Apple for iCloud services and infrastructure, did I, iMessage and FaceTime. He will be executive vice president of software. So presumably responsible for whatever General Motors puts in their cars instead of CarPlay. We have a Chevy Bolt that has CarPlay. I'm not buying a car without CarPlay. Sorry. In fact, Ford even said we lost that battle 10 years ago. <Laugh> <laugh>. Which is true cuz the car's software is never as good as apple and Google can do. I think, I think,

Alex Lindsay (01:29:24):
I think especially where GM's coming from, they're not coming from trying to create a better service. They're coming from trying to make more money. Own it. Yeah. So they're coming from bleeding us, just bleeding us a little bit more and that, that position where they're, you know, where they're coming from when they develop this is how do we squeeze a little bit more money out of the consumer is never gonna build a better product. Yeah. And they don't have enough juice. The the problem is, is they have a commoditized product that isn't no one cares about. Like, you know, like no one cares about it. Like in the sense that they have to have a gm. If you're buying a Tesla, you're, you're buying a Tesla, you know, you're not, you know, you might get over that, but you're buying a gm, you could just as well buy a Ford <laugh> agree.

It doesn't really agree. Right. You know, and so the problem is, is that other people will just be like, wow, they can buy a Honda, a Ford, a Volvo, whatever. It doesn't, like they're not in a place where that they're, that they have to, they'd have to come with something that is truly different for people to be willing to put up with, you know, not having something that they everybody uses on their, in their product. And so I I think it's, I I, it'll be really interesting to see how this turns out for them. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm looking forward to it. I would popcorn,

Leo Laporte (01:30:23):
It's too bad. I mean, I, I think actually the Chevy Bolt is a great ev I was very happy with it. I was interested in their new platform, the l t M platform, but they discontinued the bolt <laugh> so they could do all team and they're not gonna put CarPlay in the next generation. So. Yeah. I so glad Weed off the table.

Alex Lindsay (01:30:41):
It's worked out so well.

Leo Laporte (01:30:42):
So dumb. It's just off the table. I mean, the reason I don't buy a Tesla either, to be honest. Yeah. There is nothing better than Apple CarPlay. It's a, and because you're getting a new phone every few years, you're getting new op operating systems updates all the time. It's just always gonna be more up to date than anything a car manufacturer can do. Jim Farley is right. They lost that battle. It's done.

Stephen Robles (01:31:04):
I actually just recently had got CarPlay, but by a third party, like little screen that you put in, it's called the Car Ride. I have an older car, so there was no chance I was gonna get like built in CarPlay. But now that I've used it for the first time, like since it's launched yeah. I'm not gonna use anything else. It's Yeah.

Leo Laporte (01:31:19):
Yeah. And you control it. Yeah. After it gets all the info <laugh>, you know,

Alex Lindsay (01:31:24):
That's, and I, and I will say that like when, when all things are, even if, if, if a car manufacturer actually puts in the entire car play display that Apple was showing is like, this is what's there. Oh, I'll buy

Leo Laporte (01:31:34):
That one. There's a, yeah, there's

Alex Lindsay (01:31:35):
A lot of people that are gonna go, oh, I'm just gonna buy that. And, and because again, for most cars, they all fit into a little box of, you know, there's a sedan, they have a truck, they have a van, they have a, but I don't look at it like, oh, I have to have the Chevy van. I mean, I look at it like, well, there's like four vans and I'll play around with it and I'll look at what the features are. And so I think that there's, you know, I think there's not that many cars that stand out that are within a reasonable price range, you know? And so I think that most of them are just like some basic things that you like a little bit better than others. And so I think that that's gonna be really hard for, for gm. I think they're gonna actually take a pretty big hit, you know, from, from that because there's gonna be a lot of people who, who buy car, who have more, you know, oftentimes have more disposable income. They're not gonna buy those cars cause they're gonna be like, oh, I can just go get a,

Leo Laporte (01:32:24):
But we hired the former head of iCloud <laugh>, what do you guys want? <Laugh>?

Andy Ihnatko (01:32:29):
And they're, and then they're also apparently having Google, like, help them on that os ah, and part

Leo Laporte (01:32:35):
Be Google Auto or something running underneath probably.

Andy Ihnatko (01:32:38):
Right? No, it's, it's gonna be something new. But part of the deal is that, hey, we'll help you out, but if, are you gonna, what, what kind of map are you gonna be using in that? You think it's gonna be Google Maps?

Leo Laporte (01:32:46):
Oh, yeah, there, I think they already said it'll be Google Maps. I think they already said that. Yeah.

Andy Ihnatko (01:32:49):
So Google, so Google Services will be wired. It won't be Android Auto, but it will be. So there's a, yeah, it's, it's, it would be nice if you had the choice, those of us who are aware enough to say, look, if I don't want to have Google as bad enough, the GM is going to be monetizing all of my telemetry off of this car. Do I have to have another huge company doing it as well? Or at least I, I've Apple's a $2 billion, 2 trillion company, but I kind of trust them to only want, only want to be the only company that makes money off of me and exploits me as opposed to helping other people to do

Alex Lindsay (01:33:17):
That. And I, I have to admit, I, you know, I used to immediately put Google Maps onto my phone. And that's what, that's just all I used on the iPhone. I have gotten to the point where actually like Apple Maps, I hate better than Google Maps. I agree. And I, and it took a long time. Like, I hate, I I, I hesitate to say that, but you know, cuz I, you get used to it cuz you hit the link and it pops open automatically and, and you get, you kind of used to it. When I go back to Google Maps, I kind of feel like I'm going backwards now. Like I just feel like the display and some of the wonkiness that it has when I'm trying to find something is the, the Apple Maps is actually after years. Because I mean, I didn't start using Apple Maps as a primary map thing until maybe six months ago, like this last

Leo Laporte (01:34:00):
One. It's a function of where you are though. Alex, don't use it in Rome because, oh really?

Andy Ihnatko (01:34:04):

Leo Laporte (01:34:05):
Lisa and I so had little battle cuz I used Apple Maps cuz I'm using my watch as we we're not driving, we're walking and I wanted my watch to subtly say, turn left here. And we kept getting lost and Oh really? Going the wrong way. And Lisa finally just fed up, started using Google Maps. And so every day, every day we go walk around Rome for like hours. Lisa's going, no turn left here. I said no, but the watch said turn right, no turn left here. <Laugh>. We were battling between maps and now maybe it was also my fault. Apple Maps did do a cool thing where I could, I think it was Apple Maps. Hold up. Yeah. It was, I could hold up the phone, show it some buildings and then it would put a giant arrow on the building saying go that way, way. But how often are you gonna do that? Google. Google Def

Andy Ihnatko (01:34:49):
Google definitely does that. Well, Google does it too. I used it, I use it a hell of a lot in when I'm in New York. Yeah. Because the, the number of times where it's like I've been there long enough that I want to be one of those persons who knows if I'm on 10th Street. Yes. IFM on 10th Avenue, where is

Leo Laporte (01:35:02):
Left to go up there,

Andy Ihnatko (01:35:03):
10Th Avenue and Left Avenue was like, no, I have to, okay. I, okay. I just went two blocks in our direction, turn around. New

Leo Laporte (01:35:09):
York's a good example cuz that's exactly where I Roman, New York. The two places where I'll go the wrong way for a few blocks. Yeah. And, and Lisa would never let me forgive. Never let me get over. And

Andy Ihnatko (01:35:19):
It's, I mean, apple, Apple's doing an amazing, apple has been doing an amazing job. It really is the equal of Apple, of Google Mass for a lot of things. It comes to, it's, it's the finer points that I think that Google still has the advantage. Like, okay, tha this is definitely the bi this is definitely the building. But where is the entrance to this building? Apple Maps <laugh>.

Leo Laporte (01:35:37):
Well, apple does this. Apple starting in iOS 15 did this. And I used it a couple times in Rome. But the whole idea was I don't wanna be a tourist holding up my phone saying, where the hell am I, I want my watch to subtly tell me which way I was going. I I

Stephen Robles (01:35:52):
Actually did a side by side test video in the car. So I had Google maps and Apple Maps on two iPhones side by side. And there were some parts of Apple Maps, the voice navigation I actually preferred cuz it would say things like, after the second lights

Leo Laporte (01:36:05):
Turned, right? Yes, I agree. And it had

Stephen Robles (01:36:06):
Specific voice things, but I got a lot of comments on the video from international viewers that said, it's just not usable.

Leo Laporte (01:36:12):
It really depends where you are. I, I think that's really the bottom line. And, and Alex, you're probably using it mostly in Silicon Valley, where of course it's very good. California or California. Yeah. LA

Andy Ihnatko (01:36:23):
Last week, if, if the city is not more than is is younger than 200 years old, you're not playing this on expert level. You, you have to go, you have to go to Boston at minimum. Oh yeah. To figure out that, oh, oh, okay. Thank you for turn left at the next corner. It's not a corner. There's a pointy bit. And then there's three ways to go that way. And by the way, them are no left turn. Oh no. Left turns. What can't go

Leo Laporte (01:36:45):
There. Rome is, even Rome reminded me a lot of Boston. It's of course a few thousand years older and it's roundabouts crazy. Well, what we were, so one of the things about Rome is in the old city center, you can't dig because there's a ruin under there, <laugh>. And as soon as you start to dig something for that new building, you're gonna have be stopped. And the archeologists are gonna come in. So there's no high rises. And the streets are pretty much the same layout that they were, you know, 2000 years ago. So when it was just horses or something. So it's crazy. And there's a lot of cobble stones. So apple maps, I think even Google Maps, I think, you know, same thing in Venice, they struggle a little bit with the weirdness. You know, it's hard to map that stuff.

Andy Ihnatko (01:37:31):
It really is. You need, the biggest advantage is when you have a city, I I, I'll, I'll change my answer a little bit. That you need a city that's had a huge horrific fire Exactly. More recently than 110 years ago, where they say, okay, guess this is horrible grid. This is this, it's gonna take us years to recover from this. But at least we can finally do something sensible with the way we San

Leo Laporte (01:37:50):
Francisco, perfect example. It's a grid. It's easy Go to

Andy Ihnatko (01:37:53):
Go. Yeah, go to Boston. You can see the, we've, they filled, they spent an entire century during the 19th century, literally filling in the bay to create new real estate. And you can tell, because if you go to the, the top of the Hancock Tower, like the, the observatory at night, you say, wow, that's the only part of the city where all the street lights are like at in straight lines and angles and all the, all the streets. They're like Arlington, Boyleston, Claredon, <laugh> are like named, named in alphabetical order. It's like, this is what we could have had, had be just basically laid, laid ways to the entire city in 1908 or something.

Leo Laporte (01:38:29):
I prefer it the Boston way. I like walking Rome, getting lost. And there's, you know, as you say, there's streets that go at all different angles. And it's great. I love

Andy Ihnatko (01:38:40):
It. Cuts, cuts down on the street racing too, because you know what, that's right. You get, you get, you get that quad buck bike up to like 30 miles an hour before you really have to bang a hard right there. You're not gonna have some fun with that.

Alex Lindsay (01:38:50):
I, I admit I have no experience of most cities driving because I, I, you know, in Rome, love to walk, love to walk. I, I walk. Yeah. I walk before 9:00 AM Yep. And then after that, I, you're

Leo Laporte (01:39:01):
Smart. Go early. Yeah.

Alex Lindsay (01:39:03):
Oh my. Rome's such a night, night, city, you go out, right? A daybreak. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>. And especially during the summer where you have a lot of, and it's like two or three hours of just walking around. There's nobody there. And it's awesome. That's

Leo Laporte (01:39:14):
The time to beautiful. Cause it's really crowded. Afternoon. That's really,

Alex Lindsay (01:39:18):
Yeah. Oh man. After about 10:00 AM I will not, I'm just, I go back cause I'm usually there for work. So I'm usually working by then. So care,

Leo Laporte (01:39:24):
I fell in love with it. Alex. I would go back in a heartbeat. I would move there in a heartbeat. I'm gonna, I'm trying to talk to Father Robert and see if I can be a priest <laugh> or just dress like you. I'd love

Alex Lindsay (01:39:36):
To go to restaurants. Yeah. Go to restaurants and try to order something and then the waiter will be like, no, that's not what you're gonna order. You're gonna have this, this is much

Leo Laporte (01:39:42):
Better. Yeah.

Alex Lindsay (01:39:43):
Much better. Mix this with listen to

Andy Ihnatko (01:39:44):
Him, mix this

Leo Laporte (01:39:45):
With that. But listen to him. He knows cappuccino afternoon are, are you crazy? What are you nuts.

Alex Lindsay (01:39:50):
Exactly. Exactly.

Leo Laporte (01:39:51):
<Laugh>. let's see. Apple partner Foxcon buying more land in India and Vietnam. Of course, right. This continues.

Alex Lindsay (01:40:06):
I mean this is, I mean, everybody's talking, a lot of analysts now are asking companies how they're de-risking China. Mm-Hmm. <affirmative>, you know, like this has become, you know, they're everybody's trying to move out and it's, it's a really feels, it still feels like an un an unforced error. But both Russia and China, what they're doing, what Russia has done and what China is threatening to do just feels like, you know, most of the West is just like, we would just do business with anybody that doesn't cause too much trouble. <Laugh>. Like, they're not, they're like, not really that, that you know they're not much of a high horse if you have to do this and this and this. And now they're, now they just can't be there. You know? And so, so I think that that India's obviously a big opportunity for Apple. It's

Leo Laporte (01:40:50):
Also room. Listen to this. Foxconn bought a 13 million square foot parcel of land, the equivalent of 50 Manhattan City blocks near the Bangal Bangal airport lure airport, 37 million. Great place. Nice. It's

Alex Lindsay (01:41:06):
A great place to have our space. Perfect. Right. So I think that, right? Yeah. And the, and the problem for, for China is, is this is a permanent thing. Like, this isn't something that, that happens. Like when people start buying that kind of land and building these factories, they're not coming back, you know? And, and so it's not something that can just zigzag. Now there's obviously huge challenges around supply chains. You know qualified personnel do it. I mean, you know, chin Xin has an incredible workforce as well as a centralization of technology. But

Leo Laporte (01:41:33):
That's been built up over years. I imagine it wasn't so sophisticated when Apple first started and it's taken them

Alex Lindsay (01:41:38):
Some time. Yeah. And so, I mean it, but again, and, and, but I think everybody, a lot of companies, not just Apple, are trying to find their way to at least be able to produce a, a chunk of the products. Without, yeah. Without that. And that's why those services are so important for Apple as well. Because that's your lifeline. If if you can't sell hardware,

Leo Laporte (01:41:58):
Well, let's take a little break. And I have some picks of the week coming up from Steven Robles. It's great to have you from apple Insider. And I didn't, I neglected to mention Beard fm, which is <laugh> his his YouTube podcast site. He does a lot of stuff.

Stephen Robles (01:42:19):
But yeah, you wanna see everything I do. It's, it's on Beard

Leo Laporte (01:42:21):
Fm. You are the bearded teacher. I think that's good. Good, good branding, good marketing video tutorials. There's a couple of podcasts there. He's a busy, busy guy and of course writes for apple Insider as well. You've got a Smart Home podcast. That's pretty cool.

Stephen Robles (01:42:39):
And then Yes. Home Kid and Flag.

Leo Laporte (01:42:40):
Yeah. And then movies on the side. You do that with Nate Baranowski. That's cool.

Stephen Robles (01:42:46):
That's cool. Yeah, he's a good friend of mine. He's a 3D chalk artist in Chicago.

Leo Laporte (01:42:50):
You're kidding. I love that stuff.

Stephen Robles (01:42:52):
He did 3D chalk art. I, I'll put his Instagram during the break.

Leo Laporte (01:42:55):
Would you? I would love to see that. Oh cool. He's incredible. And apparently he likes movies <laugh>.

Stephen Robles (01:43:01):
He does. He does.

Leo Laporte (01:43:03):
Have you seen The Guardians of the Galaxy Volume three yet?

Stephen Robles (01:43:07):
Not yet. Not yet. I need to do it.

Leo Laporte (01:43:09):
We got tickets for tonight.

Stephen Robles (01:43:11):
Oh, there you go.

Leo Laporte (01:43:12):
Actually, I don't, I'm not going. The kid's going, <laugh>. Lisa. Lisa and their kid interact. It's gonna be, I'll let them go. It'll be fun for them. You know what? I haven't been a movie theater since Covid and I don't, I have no plans to. We have a nice tv. We've got surround sound. I make some excellent Amish country popcorn thanks to Alex Lindsay <laugh> just tried by the way, the, I don't, what do they call it? Fairy popcorn. The littlest kernel of all.

Alex Lindsay (01:43:36):
Yeah, those are good too. Those are really soft.

Leo Laporte (01:43:38):
I get your mushrooms size cuz those are the big ones. I got a sampler with all the kinds they make. Yeah. Yep. <Laugh>. So I got better popcorn. I

Alex Lindsay (01:43:46):
Have a, I get the six pound, I have the six pound of the, of the mushroom. Cause you just, it's kind of your go-to. Yeah. Then I get the sampler and I slowly work through all of those ones as well for a little bit of, it's fun.

Leo Laporte (01:43:56):
It's fun. And the sampler size is just right for the, the whirly pop. So yes. What is it? Amish, what's it called? Amish Country Popcorn?

Alex Lindsay (01:44:04):
I think so,

Leo Laporte (01:44:04):
Yeah. Yeah. I buy the six pound bags as well. <Laugh>, because

Alex Lindsay (01:44:07):
It, I don't,

Leo Laporte (01:44:08):
I don't wear the six pounds of popcorn goes, but it goes, it really does <laugh>

Alex Lindsay (01:44:14):
160. 160 grams per

Leo Laporte (01:44:17):
Per worly pop.

Alex Lindsay (01:44:19):
Per worly pop. Yes. Otherwise it pushes up against the top.

Leo Laporte (01:44:23):
Yeah. You don't want the top to pop open in opportunity. You want it to be ready when it's ready. And that's that. Wait

Alex Lindsay (01:44:29):
At 1 65 with it. It just immediately is like, oops, no. <Laugh> pushing up there.

Leo Laporte (01:44:35):
I might what is it, lady Finger? That's the little one. I might, I'm a lady finger. Yeah. I might buy six pounds of the lady finger. In fact, I'm gonna do that right now. Oh,

Alex Lindsay (01:44:41):
Good. <Laugh>. I never really good.

Leo Laporte (01:44:43):
It's good to have both. You never know. Right. Oh, look, I can do, subscribe and save <laugh>.

Alex Lindsay (01:44:48):
Yeah, exactly. <Laugh>

Leo Laporte (01:44:50):
Never run out our show today. Now you know why I've been visiting Z Doc <laugh>, our show today brought to you by Z Dock. When someone is really good at what they do, you know it right? And it's, it's, it's like you feel like you're in good hands. It could be a waiter, a chef,

Alex Lindsay (01:45:11):

Leo Laporte (01:45:11):
Doctor when you see, you know, a chef run a restaurant run beautifully. And the chef's is like in charge and stuff. You know you're gonna have a good meal. When you get the right doctor. Same thing. You relax immediately. You're at ease. You'd go, I I'm being heard. The doctor's listening. She's going to, she's gonna help me. Now I have to tell you that very, everybody's different what they want. Some people want a doctor. I prefer doctors who are gonna tell me everything, all the details. Right. Some people don't wanna know that. They just say, tell me what to do. I don't wanna know the details. Just gimme the pills. Tell me when to take them and I'll do it. Zoc helps you find the doctor that's right for you. Zoc, it's free. It's an app you can, you can put on your iPhone or your Android device.

It's the only free app that lets you find and book doctors and who are patient reviewed. Plus you can sort by insurance, you'll know they take your insurance. You can say, I wanna make sure that I can make an appointment with them. And so, you know, they're available when you need them. And by the way, not just physicians, not just MDs, but chiropractors, dentists, all kinds, right? So they can treat almost any condition under the sun. Dermatologist, I was looking for a gerontologist. Somebody who handles the diseases of old age for for an older person we care for. And Zoc found the one in the area that took the insurance that was available. I mean, it's, it's wonderful. No more Dr. Roulette and no more looking, you know, on the internet for questionable reviews. Zoc vets, every review you're seeing the reviews and the reviews are, and tell you things like this doctor will listen to you and, and, and give you all the information.

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Stephen Robles (01:48:19):
So this is a new AI tool. It's called Gling, G L I N g, GLING ai. Ging ai. So if you make video content you know, I do a lot of talking head videos, obviously YouTube creator content, this AI tool. You upload your raw video file and basically it transcribes the video. And the powerful feature is gling will remove all silences and your bad takes. So if you, how,

Leo Laporte (01:48:50):
How do it know <laugh>

Stephen Robles (01:48:53):
Listen, it's, it's incredible. Like, you know, typically if, if you're doing talk again in content, you might have some false starts. Yeah. Or you can say the same thing multiple times. Yeah. And usually it's the last take that you're wanting to actually use in the finished. And so this, after you actually transcribe it transcribes a video. It will show everything that it cut out what it sees as silences and bad takes. You can just very quickly say, actually no, I want to keep that take or cut more out. You can even just cut individual words or whole sentences in the video. And so it does all of that. It does an incredible job. And then you can export an XML file for Final Cut or dementia Resolve or Oh, so you get an

Leo Laporte (01:49:32):
Edit edit list. Oh, nice. And, and that,

Stephen Robles (01:49:34):
You know, the reason why I I didn't typically use a lot of these AI video editing tools is cuz I don't want to upload a video and then download a compressed video and then use that to edit with. Right. And what I love about this tool is you just download the XML file and when you import that into Final Cut, which is what I used to edit, it just has all the cuts and it's referencing my original video file, the raw video automatically, you can even download a multi-cam XML file because the way I film videos, I record on my Sony mirrorless camera, but I record the audio separately to into a separate wave audio file. And I typically put it together in a multi camm clip. And you can do that with this Gling AI tool. I download the multi-cam XML file, I can still add an angle, put in my voiceover file, you know, snap that or you know, sync it to the the monitoring angle and all my cuts are still in sync.

You do have to be careful if you're doing that kind of multicam thing where, you know, your video file has to be longer than the audio, otherwise it'll like bump in the multi cam clip the, the video file off and then all the cuts will be off. So you just have to make sure, like hit record on the camera first and then record the audio, stop the audio stop the camera kind of thing. But I've been using it for the past several days and it has saved me hours and hours of time. Have you

Leo Laporte (01:50:52):
Compared it to script ai, which it seems similar. Yes. Yeah.

Stephen Robles (01:50:57):
But script can remove filler words. But then it doesn't, you know, you can download a compressed version, you know, you can do 10 80 p and whatever, but it doesn't, I want something where I still edit

Leo Laporte (01:51:08):
In file. It doesn't give you the edl. I like that. Yeah,

Stephen Robles (01:51:12):
Because this by

Leo Laporte (01:51:12):
The way, if, if if this recommendation from Steven has disappeared from the show, you can thank our editors who do not want you to know about this product. <Laugh>. They don't want me to know about this Gling, G I N G

Stephen Robles (01:51:28):
Because my first step in the process whenever I edit is to just get the raw edit. You know, I cut out all the silences, all the bad takes, right? And so this tool has now done that first step for me. And that's usually a lot of the time consuming part. Then I can add whatever overlays or, or whatever. And right now you can do it for free with a video and it's not even, there's no subscription and you can't even pay for it yet. Which makes me a little nervous. I actually contacted them. I'm like, let me pay you, please let me pay you for this cuz I want this to keep being developed. But right now they just suggest $5 a video, but it's like a tip jar. Like there's actually an official Wow. Yeah. It's, it's pretty wild. It's very early.

Leo Laporte (01:52:07):
But even if they continue to charge $5, that's a good price I'll

Stephen Robles (01:52:11):

Leo Laporte (01:52:11):
That's a great, oh my goodness. And in, in a way that's better than the other pricing models cuz I don't know how much I'm gonna do in a month or what it's worth, but if I'm doing it per video, I know five bucks. Yeah. That's worth it. Yeah. So now will it help me with the chapter markers in YouTube? Cuz that's a constant issue.

Stephen Robles (01:52:29):
Not really, no. I mean, you can see the timestamps in in the going of the video, but not really. Not really.

Leo Laporte (01:52:35):
I want something like that. Yeah, this is good. See, I'm gonna show this to our editors and, and they can throw stuff at me. <Laugh> gling ai. Andy, did you wanna say something about it?

Andy Ihnatko (01:52:48):
No, no. I'm, I'm looking, I'm looking at the page and just giving examples of like, edits that are, it's flagging. The only thing I don't understand is what is a disfluency

Leo Laporte (01:52:56):
<Laugh>? Wait, what mean, what is

Andy Ihnatko (01:53:00):
They? They got,

Leo Laporte (01:53:00):

Andy Ihnatko (01:53:01):
Mark silence and adjusting camera. It's

Stephen Robles (01:53:05):
A mouth crumble

Leo Laporte (01:53:06):
Mouth. You have a egg

Stephen Robles (01:53:08):
<Laugh>. You meant to say Final Cut Pro, but you said final Pro cut and you know, you could do it again. And then

Andy Ihnatko (01:53:13):
I think you, you, you said here Gling is pretty good and shows promise, but I wouldn't recommend it. I think you meant to say it's awesome. I gave, I'm giving them $800 per video.

Leo Laporte (01:53:24):
I'm, I'm really tempted to take a look at this. This looks great. You might want to use it with descript, like do the script first and then upload to Langer. I don't know. This is interesting. I like that it takes out Disfluencies. I got plenty of those <laugh>. It's, it's pretty great. Nice. Pretty great. Thank you Steven. Then,

Andy Ihnatko (01:53:42):
Then I switch to all brand and I, I have that very much, much

Leo Laporte (01:53:45):
<Laugh>, Andy Ihnahtko pick of the week.

Andy Ihnatko (01:53:49):
Apple has finally a whole bunch of new games in Apple arcade right now. My favorite right now is what the car by the same studio as you might imagine that did what the golf and you think, oh, car. So it is a driving game. Yes, it's a driving game in the same way that what the golf is a golfing game. It is first, at first it is a cartoony, oh look fun. It's like you're driving in this little mountain pass with bar with bears like cheering you on and holding up signs. And then like instead of a car, the car has like legs for wheels, which changes like how it handles the second time you run it. And then, oh, well how about way too many legs. And now it's got way too many legs and it's harder and it's different the way it goes. And then like the next level, it's not even really levels. It's more like you're playing different versions of a weird, very, very weird and increasingly drunk and demented driving game by the fourth version that it took me through was <laugh>. It's like there are two, I think either beavers or bears standing on each side of the car wearing like traffic cones as hats. They're just carrying your car through the, through the course. <Laugh>.

It's like, I, I keep screwing up because like oftentimes I'm just laughing at like what it has chosen to make me do with this car. It, it is the absolute opposite of thank goodness of of, of what I see in most bracing games, which is like, you, you do one lap and you're really wonderful F1 car and then it's the east. Hey, congratulations. That was a great lap. Now here you want, you want upgrade the brakes? Maybe you want do the, the transmission and the differentials. Like, no, no, no, just let me drive another, let me have fun driving this fake car through this fake area and forget the burden of mortal existence. And then unforgiving and un uninterested God for just 10 minutes please. And this actually absolutely does

Leo Laporte (01:55:29):
That. I loved what the golf, so I I will be playing this. That was a big,

Andy Ihnatko (01:55:31):
That was so creative and so

Leo Laporte (01:55:33):
Very early arcade hit, big hit for apple. Yeah. Yeah. And I actually still pay for Apple Arcade cuz I'm doing an Apple one, even though I, we, I know really use it. So good. I'll be, be downloading that. One when we're done. I am downloading a new game from the folks at Niantic. You know, they created Pokemon Go and today released a game called Perot. Or is it Peri Do It is a virtual ar pet iOS and Android. In fact, let me, my pet is named Pookie. Let me just let me just launch Pookie here and I will just show you. There's Pookie. Hey Pookie. And I can, I can scratch her and she's purring. You probably can't tell it, but she's purring and we can play a game. I will I will play fetch with Pookie. Here, let me just throw that ball. Pooky. She's running off. She's getting the ball. She's gonna come right back and come back. Hi Pooky. Good girl. What did, she's happy She likes to play. <Laugh>. There we go. You feed the pet. You oh, where did she go? She's,

Alex Lindsay (01:56:37):

Leo Laporte (01:56:37):
Lost her. She's, oh, there she's, oh, you can't lose her. I could put that away. I can I can do other, I will eventually get other toys. I have to feed her. She's a tamagotchi. Actually, they showed it already on iOS today. So if you wanna see more gameplay with Rosemary. Where is she? Oh, she's over there. Oh, the tennis ball's about to break. Where'd she go? Where'd she go? <Laugh>. this is, it's, you know, it's well done. It's a game. It's an AR game. Kind of like Pokemon Go. It's pretty well done. Kind of fun. She'll bug me. She's gonna sleep right now. But one interesting thing, and I bet you they talked about this already on iOS today. What's that? What does she want that? What is that? You can buy stuff of course, right? That's where the money is cuz the game's free.

I'll use use the location stuff. You can buy stuff and you can get real stuff delivered by Amazon. This is the first deal Amazon has made with a virtual game to order real stuff like t-shirts and things. So it's a new business for Amazon's kind of interesting. It's called Per it's free to play, although I'm guessing they're gonna kind of be pushing you to, to buy stuff in there. <Laugh>. I think Niantic does really really good stuff. It's the first Amazon anywhere at game as well. So you'll be able to get Parado icon T-shirts and pillows and pop sockets <laugh> to let the world know you're in the Pardo Keeper Society for real money with real shipping because it's real merchandise. Interesting. Amazon Mr. Alex Lindsay, your pick of the week

Alex Lindsay (01:58:30):
And re this one before, but I went through the Mac bag pics and couldn't find it. And so I, I felt like it was worth talking about. I I use this I use a lot of plugins from iso trope isotope. And this is kind of a secret weapon that I was talking. The reason I brought, I thought about talking about today is I was talking to one of my producers yesterday and, and I was like, well, I, I have to, I was having some trouble getting the license to work. I had changed computers and everything else and it took me a couple minutes and it's like, I can't really operate without it. Like I, so when you go into Logic, these are all plugins that are isotopes. You know, they have RX and Ozone and, and you have you know, D verb.

So if someone's got too much reverberation in their room, you can take that out. DS d explosive d you know, you're mostly taking things away to make those, those work. And they have a lot, a lot of different bundles. I pay 20 bucks a month. Like it's, it is a subscription that I pay for. I don't know what it, I think it would cost a lot of money if it wasn't that way, but it's a $20 a month subscription. And I have to admit, I was trying to figure out which one I had. I don't know which one I have <laugh> in there. So that's why I just said iso trope, just check it out. But there's ones for vocal and for music and, and for a variety of other ones. And you get this Holy cow, this big bundle. Look at that, this big bundle of, of tools. And again, the ones that I use mostly are, you know, someone talks a little bit into their mic and you take it out and someone talks a little bit and, and it really does a good job. And everybody I know that does much audio work has it <laugh>. It's kind of like a, like, this is kind of like everybody, you're, you're just like, well then I just use art. And they're like,

Leo Laporte (02:00:00):
What does this dialogue match do? That's interesting.

Alex Lindsay (02:00:04):
It is designed I haven't used it that much because I don't worry about it that much. But if you're trying to, if you have two dialogues from the same person, or if, if you have, I think it's also if you have two different people

Leo Laporte (02:00:13):
Oh, like maybe if you're over dubbing the same room, you want to change Yeah. You set the word,

Alex Lindsay (02:00:17):
But you want, you want the, the tonal quality to be the same. Right. Right. I have, you know, they have one called Nectar, which is supposed to kind of like analyze the, and put in the plugins, and I haven't been as excited about that. I, but, but the, the DRB Depl of DS is almost guaranteed if I start doing much work, I'm gonna put some of those in. If, if there's any of those issues that are, that are there for for my show or other things that I work on with audio. You're doing

Leo Laporte (02:00:43):
A lot of audio these days. Yeah. I Z O T O P E iZotope. Like an I I'll take with a Zed. Oh, you use it too Steven?

Stephen Robles (02:00:52):
I'd say, yeah. I use the RX 10 suite from Isotope and I use it for exactly one tool all the time, which is the breath remover. I breathe kinda loud. And so I just run my wave file to remove all the breaths and it's amazing. And then I'll take that audio and bring it into Final Cut. But Nice. All the tools are amazing, but Breath movement. Yeah. Awesome.

Alex Lindsay (02:01:12):
It's really good. Yeah. Yeah.

Stephen Robles (02:01:14):
<Laugh>. Yeah,

Leo Laporte (02:01:15):
Exactly. I dunno what you're talking about. Oh God.

Andy Ihnatko (02:01:16):
You're giving me, you threw me flashbacks years ago. I used to, I used to a podcast with someone who had like a boo, like a headset, like, and they would keep the microphone like positioned right underneath a nostril. And I'm like, I'm not kidding. I had to quit this podcast after like a month because he would not stop doing it. And it was, you

Stephen Robles (02:01:33):
Have to run this episode through ISO after this,

Leo Laporte (02:01:37):
The force is strong in this one. All right. <Laugh>

Andy Ihnatko (02:01:42):
Izo continue our dive exploding, exploring the, the canopy of life at the Great Barrier Reef continues to astound us. <Laugh> Jacque

Leo Laporte (02:01:51):
Is so visiting you,

Andy Ihnatko (02:01:53):
Continue to flourish. <Laugh>.

Leo Laporte (02:01:56):
I thought it was Steve Zsu first, but no, it's, your

Andy Ihnatko (02:01:58):
Life Comes from the Water. <Laugh>

Leo Laporte (02:02:01):
<Laugh>. Thank you Andy Yakka, when are you gonna be on GBH Next my friend?

Andy Ihnatko (02:02:06):
I am on this Thursday at 1230 in the afternoon Eastern Time. Go to w gbh to stream it live or later. I'm also gonna be on, if you're in Chicago, I'm gonna be on WGN next Tuesday at seven 30 to a Battle eight. Also talking about hopefully different tech news, but there'll be lots to talk

Leo Laporte (02:02:22):
About. Nice. Stephen Robles, the bearded teacher is at Beard Do fm, all his stuff is there. His bio, his blog, his podcasts, his YouTube series for learners. He does a lot of stuff, but if you just go to you'll find it all there. Steven, we love it when you're on. Thank you for for coming by. We really appreciate it.

Andy Ihnatko (02:02:46):
Thanks for having me. It's an honor. Yeah.

Leo Laporte (02:02:48):
Oh, it's an honor and a privilege and a pleasure to have you on Alex Lindsay Office every day of the week. There's something interesting happening there, and it's free and everybody can visit and watch it on YouTube or even join the the Zoom. What did you do to this week?

Alex Lindsay (02:03:07):
We had, well, yesterday we had Michael Krasney on talking about how to interview. Oh,

Leo Laporte (02:03:11):
It was, I gotta watch that.

Alex Lindsay (02:03:12):
Wow. What a, what an hour. Like it was just, it was, it was really amazing. I mean, we have, we have a lot of good second hours and usually every week we have a lot of good ones here, but he just, he was, he was in the zone and we had, we had folks asking great questions and we just really dug into the process of interviews, if you're thinking about that at all. I mean, he just really talked about how he approaches it and what he thinks about and how he puts it together and it just it was a masterclass yesterday. Nice. So we're really very nice, really excited about that. Yeah. So, so I would definitely check it out

Leo Laporte (02:03:41):
And of course, lots more. You can join the Zoom and ask questions or just watch after the fact. Find out If you wanna hire Alex, you can go to his day job. 0 9 0 Media. He's back home. It's nice to see you in your home studio once day. Be back home. Yeah. Yeah,

Alex Lindsay (02:04:01):

Leo Laporte (02:04:01):
A reminder to our club Twit members, we've got a big AMA coming up this week on Thursday with Alex Wilhelm. You've seen Alex on many of our shows. He's kind of a finance expert, but he's also a great friend and a wonderful guy and lives in my childhood home. You can ask him about that as well. Alex Wilhelm's ama from My Childhood Home will be at 9:00 AM Pacific this Thursday. Home Theater Geeks is also every Thursday in the afternoon at 1:00 PM Pacific, Sean Powers will be the guest in a fireside chat next month. Stacey Higginbotham's new book from Anna Lee Neitz, the Tara Formers, that'll be the book of the month for our Stacey's book club. And then on July 14th, it's time to get drunk with everybody from Twit Twit after hours. We've never done this, but we're gonna sit around drink Brown Liquor and you're gonna find out the true story.

Burke (02:04:57):
I wouldn't say we're all trying to get

Leo Laporte (02:04:59):
Drunk. Oh, come on. You know, with Aunt Pruitt hosting it, there'll be a significant amount of consumption. Rod Pile does a fireside chat too. All of that is part of your membership, not the entirety of your membership at all. In fact, when we created Club Twit, we thought the whole thing would be about ad-free versions. You get ad free versions of all of our shows, no ads, no tracking, just, you know, privacy. And it takes about an hour outta every show. So it's not that much, but it's, you know, it's faster and you don't even hear this. You also get access to the Club Twit Discord, which is full of great stuff. Not just those events, but wonderful chatting about all kinds of subjects. Not just the shows, but even geek topics like, well, you know, alcoholic content that there's also gaming and cooking and food and all sorts of stuff.

Plus the Twit plus feed with shows quite a few now that we don't put out in public. We only put out for Club Twit members, hands on McIntosh with Michael Sergeant Hands on Windows with Paul Throt, the Untitled Lennox Show with Jonathan Bennett and Company, the GI Fizz with Dick de Bartolo, Stacy's book club and all that. And we use it to launch shows. The latest of course, that's where this weekend space started, the latest show as Scott Wilkinson's back with Home Theater Geeks Club, only for now. But we're hoping that we can launch it into public. The, the reason we can do this is cuz you support us with $7 a month. It keeps the lights on, keeps the staff employed, and it keeps us producing new content. So I think seven bucks a month. Very fair. Go to twit tv slash club twit.

There's also family plans, yearly plans, and corporate plans. Twit.Tv/Club twit. We do this show every, let me think, Tuesday, right? <Laugh>? Yeah, I think so. Tuesday, 2:00 PM No, 11:00 AM Pacific, 2:00 PM Eastern. That would be 1800 utc. I mention it live because you can watch us or listen to us live at live TWI tv. There's audio and video streams there. If you're watching or listening live, you can of course chat in our discord. If you're a Club Twit member or in our irc for everyone at IRC dot twi, do TV after the fact at supported versions of the show, it are at the website, w there's a YouTube channel. You'll see a link at the website there for that. There's also, of course, your favorite podcast player. Just subscribe in whatever app you use and you should be able to listen the minute it's available or watch. We have video versions too on a Tuesday afternoon. Thank you everybody for being here. Thank you Steven. It's great to see you. Andy Ihnatko. Thank you. Alex Lindsay, thanks to all of you for joining us, but now I have some bad news. It's time to get back to work cuz Break time is Ova Byebye.

Scott Wilkinson (02:07:55):
Hey there. Scott Wilkinson here. In Case you hadn't heard, home Theater Geeks is Back. Each week I bring you the latest audio, video news, tips and tricks to get the most out of your AV system product reviews and more you can enjoy Home Theater Geeks only if you're a member of Club Quit, which costs seven bucks a month. Or you can subscribe to Home Theater Geeks by itself for only 2 99 a month. I hope you'll join me for a weekly dose of Home Theater Geek two.


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