
iOS Today 610 Transcript

iOS Today 610 Transcript

Mikah Sargent (00:00:00):
Coming up on iOS Today, Rosemary and I are getting crafty taking on some hobbies and finding apps that will help us make the most of those hobbies, those crafts, et cetera, stay tuned for iOS Today.

VO (00:00:19):
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Mikah Sargent (00:00:26):
This is iOS Today. Episode 610 recorded Tuesday, July 12th, 2022, iPhone and iPad tools for your hobbies. This episode of iOS Today is brought to you by eight sleep. Good sleep is the ultimate game changer and nature's best medicine. Go to eight. Sleep.Com/Ios. To check out the pod pro cover and save $150 at checkout eight. Sleep currently ships within the USA, Canada, and the UK. And by nomad, go to nomad today and use the promo code iOS Today for 10% off your first purchase of any nomad accessory. They have Applewatch straps, wireless chargers, ultra durable cables, and more limited time offer. Hello and welcome to iOS Today. The show where we talk all things, iOS, iPad, OS TV OS watch OS home pod OS. It's all the OSS that Apple has on offer. We love to talk about them here on iOS Today, because this is the show where we help you make the most of your devices. I don't know why I've, we've gone into this accent, but here we are ALA and let's just kick things off by letting you know my name's Mikah Sargent one of the two hosts of iOS Today.

Rosemary Orchard (00:01:44):
<Laugh> I am not even gonna attempt to do an accent cuz I'll probably insult a good chunk of the world. Hi everyone. I'm Rosemary orchard and mostly English. I think let's see where my accent goes over the show. Shall we?

Mikah Sargent (00:01:54):
I'd like to hear your American accent, if you

Rosemary Orchard (00:01:55):
Have one I mean I kind have an American accent most of the time anyway. It's just trying to make it longer I guess, than I can't. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a very generic American accent.

Mikah Sargent (00:02:10):
Yeah. It's it's good. There we go. Cause for you I, I like that kind of Americanization of there, there are like two ways that I see UK folks do it. One is they go super Southern and it sounds really funny, but the other is that you just, you go a little, you just have to go a little nasally because it helps you kind of elongate the words mm-hmm <affirmative> that is a much more believable accent. So very good job. Very good job. But anyway, we're not talking about accents today, unless your hobby is accents, in which case then sure that that counts. But Rosemary had a good idea. I like to craft, I know Rosemary does some crafting and we've got a lot of listeners out there who loved craft. And so we thought we'd talk today about different apps that you can use to help you kind of keep track of the different hobbies that you have. So Rosemary, how do you wanna kick things off?

Rosemary Orchard (00:03:05):
Well, I think there would be a, a good point. Just taking a moment to look at some of the more universal things everyone has. We have some things specifically for some textile crafts a little bit later, but I thought to start with them might just be good. Most people have things that they like to read or watch. And they're trying to keep on track on top of and on track with, and they wanna keep an eye on that. So I found a couple of options, one of which we have featured here on iOS Today before. And I just thought it might be nice to cover those and give people an idea of, you know, there is more than just reminders for these things. Not that there's anything wrong with using reminders to keep track of the things that you want or plan or intend to do, but you know, there's some other more tailored options perhaps out there, which is always a pretty nice option.

Mikah Sargent (00:03:51):
Yeah, absolutely. So there, there are a lot of built in tools that can help you do kind of basic organization, right? That will help you make sure that, that you can kind of separate those hobbies. You can separate those craft ideas and all of the stuff that goes along with it, because depending on what you're doing, you know, you might have templates, you might have instructions. I recently tried take, got a hobby where I was working with miniatures and sort of building a, like a mini house and that one's gone away for a while because it's very involved and I haven't had the time, but with that came, you know, a set of instructions for how to build the house, but all sorts of little, little bits and bobs that have to do with the different the different items that are inside of the home.

Mikah Sargent (00:04:45):
So it, you know, it, it's sort of a cutout, a little diorama of a, of a house. And it's got little tools and books that hang are, are, are rather stacked in shelves. And so you have to fold them all exactly right. And glue some of them and cut some of them out and put some of them together. And it's a very involved process that requires, you know, making sure you've got everything organized and set up exactly how you want it. And so I did take the time to use the built-in tools that iOS provides for like scanning. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> so just, you know, snapping a photo, but using it as a scan and importing it into notes and then going from there, with it taking it kind of to the next step. And so that is, you know to, to kick things off one of the ways that you can do it with the built in tools, but Rosemary, you've got some third party apps yeah. That are helpful with this.

Rosemary Orchard (00:05:36):
Yeah, I do. And I do just wanna take a moment. I'm just gonna look for a piece of paper here on my desk, or actually, you know, what I have diagnosis murder that will do, cuz I just feel like actually showing people that scanning feature built into iOS and how you can use it might be a good idea because you mentioned notes, but did you know, you can scan a PDF straight into files. And this is such a cool feature that I think a lot of people have missed out on. So in, in files if you tap on the three dots, then there is a scan documents option. And then you just position it in the frame. So this is the fourth season of diagnosis murder. It's gonna do its best. And that's it I'm done. I tap save and that has saved it as PDF.

Rosemary Orchard (00:06:14):
That's it? I I've, I've got the whole thing. So if you've got a bunch of paperwork hanging around for some of your hobbies, then, you know, digitize it for free. And you know, without even having to get out your got old flatbed scanner, that that would be an improvement for a lot of things. I think a number of times I've lost a kniting pattern and I only had like a printed copy that somebody given me cuz they photocopied it out of a book or a magazine. Ugh. So annoying. I should make sure I scan everything really, really quickly. But the there's a couple of apps for just keeping on top of, you know, like different things that you wanna watch or listen to or read and, and so on, which I would like to cover it first. And the first one of those is new to me.

Rosemary Orchard (00:06:56):
And it's called catalyst. Oh, that's the wrong device. There we go. That's catalyst over here. So catalysts spell C a T a L I S is movies, books and more. And so the idea being that you can create lists and you can discover things from other people's lists as well. And so there's, there's quite a few examples in this discover tab. And when I go over to lists, I can just start by creating a list and I've signed up, I've used Appleto sign it in and create an account and I've set up my username and everything. And then you can just search for things. So for example, I am catching up on diagnosis motor. I'm almost done with the eight season now, so nobody spoiled the final bit for me. But there we go.

Rosemary Orchard (00:07:38):
So I can pop that in. I can set a title, which is what is it I guess motor mystery TV shows. And I'll just pop that in there. And then, you know, I can change like, you know, this cover art and everything if I wanted to and searching for images there's an online search there. Oh. And that appears to have selected the wrong thing out. I'll fix that later. But you know, you can create all of your lists and you can follow other people too. So if Mike, I had an account, then I could follow him and I could see what cool TV shows and the podcasts and other things he was looking to add to his list and, and keep on track of, because one of the great things with media and watching media and, you know, consuming it is, you know, finding more stuff from your friends and other people who like this sort of thing. And it's certainly nice when it's made easier for us.

Mikah Sargent (00:08:26):
Absolutely. Absolutely. Now there's one that you have on the list. That's a pretty popular one, one that I I think that in fact it might have been, it was either you or Dan Mor who suggests this one to me, I wouldn't be surprised and I love this one has a delightful design. The usability is, is very, it's very simple to take on and use. So tell us about sofa.

Rosemary Orchard (00:08:56):
Yeah. So sofa is similar to capitalist in some ways and, and different in others. It's lists of media that you want to consume. So apps to check out books, to read games, to play iOS games, to play movies and shows to watch, or you can split it up. And the idea is that you can create piles and shelves and track your activity. So when I tap on the plus then I automatically get a list of the different kinds of things I can keep track of, which as well as what I mentioned before, there's also board games music albums, video games and books of course is on here. So if I tap books, then I can search for a book. And now of course I literally can't think of any book in the world. I'll go with the hitch galaxy.

Rosemary Orchard (00:09:42):
Which of course is the longest title. It feels like there we go. Hi Cruz. Oh, perfect. Come on, come on. Auto complete. No, it's, it's not quite got hitch is guide to the galaxy, but there we go. The hitch check is guide to the galaxy. Ooh, illustrated edition. I shall have to check that out. So now I found my book. I can add it to the pile. I can lock some activity or I can add it straight onto a specific list. So these are the lists that I've already created here that are my options, so I can pop that into books to read. But if I tap in in the, in the main view in the top left, then I can create groups. Then I can create lists there as well, allowing me to, you know, fully organize these things as much as I like, or I can just check everything in a big pile.

Rosemary Orchard (00:10:26):
If you don't wanna organize it, but I really like this little UI. I can add things to the shelf from any of my lists and shelves are things that you own. So for example, the weird center Brazil, and I can pop it on my shelf. And this is part of the super sofa feature set. So sofa itself is free and then there is an in app. I want to say a purchase option. I am struggling to remember off the top of my head now, Micah. It is a monthly subscription of 3 99, but if you are a family, then you can do it for 5 99 and then everyone in your family gets that, which you've got lots of people in your family. You'll certainly appreciate the value. But honestly the free features of sofa are great. You don't have to, you know, use every single element of it to just enjoy the fact, you get some, you know, nice, pretty lists that you can keep everything together with. So yeah, that that's sofa. And I remember showing, I think this was my app cap perhaps at one point Micah, and I remember you going, I need this app and I'm, I'm getting it immediately. Cause it is just so good

Mikah Sargent (00:11:30):
And I still have it still use it. I think it is a fantastic app again, beautifully designed and, and excellent for, for being able to do that. Now the next one that you have on the list is one that is good for being able to just keep track of, of books, right? These are, these are books that you wanna make sure that you are kind of keeping track of having read and books. I mean, of course, whether you read them by moving your eyes across text and having that text show up inside of your brain so that you can process it or you listen to books as I do, this is a great way to keep track of that. And kind of know how many books you've read and what your history of book reading is. Right? That's, that's kind of the fun thing about this is seeing kind of a chart of your, your book reading history. I need to, I do not have this app currently. I should let you get to what the app is because everybody's going, what's the app, but I should get this one because I wanna sort of have a better understanding of how much I've read in the past year.

Rosemary Orchard (00:12:34):
Yeah, yeah. And whether you prefer listening to your books or are reading books you know, with your eyes or your fingers, you can take advantage of book track. Now book track is, you know, it's a very specialized version of, you know, book tracking compared to say sofa or catalyst, which are basically just lists of things that you wanna read or you've read. And you like you know, but of course they expand to other genres as well of entertainment book track is very much, I have books. I have a library, I have a wishlist, a wishlist, sorry, not a wishlist. If you got a wishlist, let me know. I'd like to be on it please. But you can keep a little bit of an inventory as well, so you can have different locations. So if you've got multiple bookcases in your house, I don't know, say for example, you've got one in the kitchen you know, possibly keep your recipe books there.

Rosemary Orchard (00:13:20):
You've got one in your lounge. That's where my sofa is or couch. For the Americans, maybe you've got one in your office, you can have all of these different locations. And then you can for your books in your library, you will actually be able to add them to a personal location so that you can, you know, set that up. And there's just so many options here. You can have personal comments on your books, you can add, text them, you can organize them into series and put when you've purchased it as well, you can save your quotes on top of that. And there's just all of these different options to keep track of everything. And I really like the fact that there's just so many view options. So if you've got lots of books in your library, you can do it a cover view.

Rosemary Orchard (00:14:07):
Obviously this only has the one book right now. But the more books you had obviously the, the nicer gets, and there's a bigger cover view for those of you who really like your book covers or want an easier tap target, or, you know, just, you know, find it difficult to see things, especially on smaller screens. But there, there's plenty of you options to give you the information that you may want. And then there are filters too, so I can specify by book type. So I can say it's paper book, digital books when ebook or an audio book. And you know, once, once I've got everything set up, then I will see these things because obviously I don't have any audio books right now that one was a paper book. And I just really like all of these as options.

Rosemary Orchard (00:14:50):
The fact that is, is so nerdy and great. And I can, you know, just put everything wherever I want it and have all of that control. I love that I have all my different categories. I love that there are tags and I really need to go through and inventory these things. But you know, what maker, when I go to add a book, I don't just have to type it in. I can, you know, manually add something, you know, if you've got a special you know, pre-release edition of something that maybe, you know, got changed before it went to market, I've got a proof readers copy of some books which I really love. Oh, nice. But they're not the same as the ones that actually ended up being sold. They, the story has changed. It's still great. You know, it's just changed, but you can also just scam barcodes.

Rosemary Orchard (00:15:33):
Yay. So if you've got loads of books, you don't have to stand there or sit there, typing them all in. You can just scam barcodes and, oh my gosh. I mean, we all love being lazy at times, right? Unfortunately my keyboard's not a bar code, so I can't can't demo that feature, but I love the fact that you can just save yourself, sometimes scan it in, move on to the next one. And then you can keep tracking everything, add some statistics into your life. If you want to store those quotes that you all know that you have from your favorite books and just keep on top of your home library, cuz hopefully everyone has a home library, whether it's digital or physical. Hopefully they've got a little nest of content that they like to consume.

Mikah Sargent (00:16:13):
Yes. alright, let's take a quick break. Before we come back with more apps to help you keep track and keep on top of your hobbies. I do wanna tell you about eight sleep who are bringing you this episode of iOS Today. Eight sleep it's look, sleep itself, good sleep. It's the ultimate game changer because it's nature's best medicine consistent, good sleep. It can help reduce the likelihood of serious health issues. It can decrease the risk of heart disease. It can lower your blood pressure and it can even reduce the risk of Alzheimer's. It's still more than 30% of Americans struggle with sleep. And it turns out temperature is one of the main causes of poor sleep. I've talked about this before. I used to do a podcast on sleep science and dreams. And so I had to do a lot of research for that podcast and in doing the research and reading books and becoming a subscriber to the journal sleep, I have learned quite a bit about sleep and like everybody has said at, at some time sleep, it's so important for you.

Mikah Sargent (00:17:22):
It's so important for your health. But I think that people still, despite the fact that we all kind of have that in our head and when we hear somebody say that we sort of nod and go, yeah, that's true. Don't quite grasp just how important sleep is take what you know about how important sleep is, and then multiply at times 10. And then you're starting to get into the range of how important sleep actually is. It's the time when we restore our bodies. It's so very important. And look, I have struggled over time with being able to sleep soundly because I am a very, very, very warm sleeper. Don't know why, but I am. And so I would go to bed at night, I would get so sweaty, I'd wake up in the middle of the night and then I'd feel miserable because obviously I don't want to be laying in that.

Mikah Sargent (00:18:09):
And so I would have to get outta bed and sometimes even go as far as to lay down a towel and then go back to bed, awful, not fun. And me knowing how important sleep was. It made that even worse. So being able to have a way to regulate my temperature when I go to bed is a game changer. I'm falling asleep in record time. I'm falling asleep faster than I ever have before. And it's thanks to the eight sleep pod pro cover. Yes, eight sleep sent one of the pod pro covers my way to check out. And as a tech person, obviously I was just a blown away by all of the technology that's packed into this thing. But as a sleep nerd, the more important thing I was just my jaw dropped because it, it, it changed things in such a, a total way that I was not expecting.

Mikah Sargent (00:19:04):
And I just can't say enough good about the, the eight sleep pod pro cover this device. It's the most advanced solution on the market for Thermo regulation. It pairs dynamic, cooling and heating with biometric tracking. You can have the cover to any mattress and start sleeping as cool as 55 degrees Fahrenheit, or as hot as 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Yes, again, it, it pairs with reading how you're sleeping overnight and determining what the sleep cycle you are in at any given time with that temperature change. And it's very smart about doing so it gets smarter over time. It can make suggestions to, oh, it seemed like you did a lot of tossing and turning last night when you set the temperature higher than you usually do. Let's set that back down to what it should be. Those kinds of suggestions the temperature of the cover will adjust each side of the bed, by the way based on your sleep stages, your biometrics, the bedroom temperature, and react intelligently to create the optimal sleeping environment.

Mikah Sargent (00:20:01):
And so what does all this come out to mean? Well, eight sleep users fall asleep up to 32% faster, reduce sleep interruptions by 40% and get overall more restful sleep with 30% more deep sleep. That means being confident that your mind and your body are moving through the restorative sleep stages. These are the ones that are incredibly vital for physical recovery, for hormone regulation, for mental clarity, the restorative stage of sleep is so vastly important that like scientists and researchers have even gone far enough to determine if we could use those restorative stages of sleep to prolong the life of the human body, to help cure different diseases of the mind or disorders of the mind that is like, they think that the restorative stages of sleep could be the thing that cracks the code to longer life. So clearly it's so important. And to have something that will help you get more of that deep sleep, that stage that as we get older, we have less and less of why doesn't everybody have one.

Mikah Sargent (00:21:13):
When you're powered by eight sleep, you can show up to be the best partner, the best parent, the best version of yourself. And I certainly can say, yes, I am part of that. <Laugh> that, that, that best version of myself, thanks to the pod pro cover go to eight to check out the pod pro cover. And with that URL, you'll save $150 at checkout eight sleep currently ships within the USA, Canada, and the UK. That's eight And Hey, if you do go there and you do do this thing, reach out, I wanna know, I wanna know about how your sleep has improved since you've gotten the eight sleep pod pro cover or the eight sleep mattress, eight S thank you, eight sleep for sponsoring this week's episode of iOS Today. All right. Back from the break. And now it's time to get into crafting and other hobbies that you might have Rosemary, you have one that it's sort of written on the tin, right? <Laugh>

Rosemary Orchard (00:22:17):
Well, yeah, I think the first one I just wanna mention quickly and I can't talk that much about it because I am not really into miniatures and modeling, but I feel like as a good chunk of our audience that will be or know somebody who is, so I wanna mention hobby life and hobby life is an, a free iOS app. It's by a solar developer from Australia, and I'm just gonna toggle open the tour app feature, which goes through the tour again for us. It allows you to keep track of sort of miniatures and things that you're building for, you know, various different projects and campaigns that you might have. So the idea is you, you build collections, which is sort of like starting a mini army and filling out all data, whatever it is that you prefer, and you can prepare for battle and then analyze your collection.

Rosemary Orchard (00:23:00):
And the idea is that as you use the app, then it will go through and build statistics. And your aim is like golf. You want the lowest score, not the highest score. And so I've tried setting this up and I have to say, I, because I don't do miniatures, I tried setting this up with smart home things. And clearly I, I went a little bit wrong because inside of smart home, I, I created a category called sensors. And then I've created a project inside of door sensor for smart I D humidifier, and one inside of flood sensor for smart I D humidifier. And I guess what they, they don't tie together. So I need to flip that around and do that the other way. But if you are into painting mini and this sort of thing then hobby life is a free app to check out on the app store, which I think is well worth a shout to, to look at. And I'm, I'm really glad I found it for all of the folks who are looking for something like that it's available on iPhone and iPad. And the idea is that you can, you know, track all of these things over time so that you can find out maybe how much your hobby has cost you. It, or maybe, maybe not, don't, don't track that information if you don't want to. But I certainly think that it it's a lovely free app and the developers clearly worked very hard on it.

Mikah Sargent (00:24:10):
Absolutely. I wanted to give a brief shout out to an app that I use for quite a bit of, of category storage and organization, but in particular with my crocheting and knitting. And that is an app called notion, which we've talked a lot about on this show before. But it is how I start when I started to get into crocheting and knitting. I wanted to have a place where I could kind of store different places where I was going for patterns that were free at the time before I got into buying patterns and sort of organizing things according to crocheting and knitting, and also keeping track of my my, my different tutorials that I use to learn how to crochet and knit, because I am a person who goes through phases. And so I will be like super into crocheting and knitting for a while, and then I'll take a break.

Mikah Sargent (00:25:03):
And then when I come back, I need to just like, see the first five seconds of a stitch or, you know, the first, the first few movements of a stitch to be able to then, oh, right. That's how I do this specific one. And so I've got some tutorials in here for crocheting, some tutorials in here for knitting, like with double-sided knitting needles, and then on to some different projects that I've done in the past or might want to do in the future. And you can see, this is one of those, what is it, the con bond board or CanBan board. And so they have different tags, including ones that have been started, ones that I have not started, ones that I've completed. And in fact, I need to update that cause I have done the SLO hat. And so these were different ones, oh, I've done the realistic B2.

Mikah Sargent (00:25:51):
So I can move, oops, move those over and get them where I want them. And this is a very simple way. There we go to, to keep track of different projects that you might have going on, different tutorials and these some of these I've got, you know, the texts actually posted in here with, or in this case, it's images the tags that talk about, is it a front post kind of stitch or is it a back post stitch? And let me go back, cuz there are some two where I, okay. I guess these are all just images. But I've got some videos as well, embedded, I think this is one of those. Yeah. And so I, you know, was learning how to knit and around using double pointed needles versus knitting using a needle a connected needle.

Mikah Sargent (00:26:41):
The, the actual name of that escapes me at the moment, but this was just a nice way to keep track of all of those things. And it is all very easily kind of understood how it's intuitive. It's what the word I was looking for, intuitive on how to get that set up. So notion is available for free to download. There is an in out purchase for kind of a pro version, but most people aren't going to need the pro version. That's for, if you wanna kind of share with other people and, and, you know, use this as kind of a team program, but most of us are just using it for ourselves. So I had to give a shout out to notion because it was my early tool for keeping track of all of my different patterns and whatnot. Yeah. So that's that Rosemary, you have some more specific suggestions for apps that can help you. And this next one super popular. A lot of people are like, oh, do you have this? Do you have this? Do you have this? Have you gotten this yet? Yes, I do have this now. <Laugh>

Rosemary Orchard (00:27:43):
Good. Good. I'm really glad you do Mikah because I dunno if you're like me, but have you kind of ended up with a bit of a stash of yarn that you're not quite using yet and a long list of future projects? Yeah. I mean this, this definitely doesn't happen to us fiber crafters at all. So you know, keeping track of all of your future ideas for things, and especially when it comes to something like crochet or knitting where you've got a particular fiber and you've got different weights of fibers and, and materials. And so when you've bought it and you've got enough for a particular project, you need to remember which project that that's for. Because otherwise you're gonna really struggle to keep track of things. And I'm just quickly copying a, a link to a kniting pattern so that I can show everyone how this app works.

Rosemary Orchard (00:28:28):
And so I will just pick, oh, perfect. A hat. Wonderful. We always need new app caps for iOS Today. So apparently I'm learning to crochet Mikah that's that's my next one. So yeah, yarn buddy is a free app where you can keep track of more than just knitting. If you are into any E kind of, sort of FIY craft, then you will be able to keep track of those. So I'll just switch over to my current projects, which as you can see includes Fox and I'll create a new project to show people how this works. So when, when you create a new project, you, you set the project name and so I will just call this hat for now. I would call it a better name if I had a bit more time, apparently it's, Hey, there we go, hat, then I can select my craft.

Rosemary Orchard (00:29:10):
So there's knitting and crochet. And then if I tap other and show more, then it gives me even more options. So Lum, knitting, embroidery, marae, tapestry, TAing, other, and of course, cross stitch this particular one is actually a cross stitch pattern. So then I can choose my stages. Am I in progress on this? Am I already finished on this, perhaps? Or is this a future project? If you're, if it's a future project, then your start date is ignored. Just as a note you can set the total number of rows. I'm not quite sure what the total number of rose on this particular project is. And I'll just have tap, download free pattern and see, it should say somewhere around here 33 30 threes digits 33 rows in this crochet pattern. Okay. That seems like a good bit of information.

Rosemary Orchard (00:29:58):
And then I can add more so I can, I can add images if I want to. So I'll just take, click quickly, take a screenshot of this, obviously. If I were wanting to, to do better, I would, I would actually download the image, but I I'll use the screenshot for now. And then I can also add a ya and I can choose for my St where I, and add something new. So I'll save that and it'll take a moment to sync. But while it does that, I'll just show you there's options where you can see just your current projects, your future projects, which for me now includes the hat and the shawl, and that, that little image for the hat is there from, from that photo that I added. And there's also our coach projects, which are things that you've completed in the past.

Rosemary Orchard (00:30:37):
And of course the, all you now I've created this project. So now I've done that. I can actually import and I can import something for using and crochet. There's a really great website called rivalry, and this will import directly from that. But I also have a save webpage option, so I can just type in the URL or paste it in my case. And it will go ahead and do its best to try and grab it. So in this particular case, it's just going to import it as the page, the whole page as the pattern. But I could have also selected a particular file. So if I downloaded this file, for example then I would be able to import that. So to remind people, if you need to download a file in safari, when you tap on the share sheet, if your share sheet doesn't crash, like mine just has feature of the I 16 data, then you'll be able to actually save it.

Rosemary Orchard (00:31:29):
Of course I can do that because my share sheet is just crashed, but you could save, you could save it to documents and then, then import it from there, which is great. But yeah, so this, this is very nice. And then you've got counters so that you can count your number of rows. And when I hit 33, I'm really glad I didn't put 333 in that mic. Otherwise my finger would run out taps. You know, it will stop. It will let you keep going. If you need to add extra to it. And you can add more counters if you want to and so on, but you've got a stash feature. So in your stash, you can add various different things. So you can have scans that supplies, of course, to embroidery floss or, you know, Yan for kniting and crochet, whatever it is that you like, you can select your fiber type, dial Lotts and things like that.

Rosemary Orchard (00:32:12):
That's all very important. If you are knitting or crocheting, you don't want two different dial Lotts in your jumper because otherwise your arm will be one color in your body will be a different color and it will actually show up because these things are not perfect. It's art rather than science. But I think my favorite feature in this is just this really useful little tool section. It's got a quick counter it's got unit conversions so that you can easily convert between lengths weights and then millimeters and inches, rather than meters and yards of lengths. It's got common abbreviations. So if I don't know what BBL or B O means in crochet, it will tell me this means back loop or back loop only. This can be very useful when you're trying to get into a craft because you don't necessarily know what se two talk means single crochet, two stitches together.

Rosemary Orchard (00:33:01):
That's, that's what that means. But yeah, so it it's just handy. It's also got materials and tools as a separate section to your yarn stash a yarn stash is indeed the correct term for this, the alternative acceptable terms are dragons hoard. And please remember don't anger, the dragon <laugh>. But if you, you have you have options for you know, adding tools such as add needles or hooks. And then of course, other such as raw solu or fabric for embroidery, whatever it is that you would like. So you can add all of that in there, and then you've got options in your settings. You can prefer metric units and all sorts. And this app and everything I've shown you thus far is free. If you want more features such as being able to tag things and other options then you can upgrade to yarn buddy pro, which will allow you to do things like annotate patterns, add notes and links have row alerts pop up.

Rosemary Orchard (00:33:57):
So if you wanna change colors on a particular row, then that can, that can show up when you hit that row number. And so on due date reminders. So you are never caught out for the holiday rush again time tracking and alternative app icons is 12 pounds, 99 a year or $14 99 a year, but that is yarn buddy. I should note, there's also a onetime in-app purchase option for those folks who do not want a subscription. And that over here in the UK is 34 pounds 99. So I'll just check what that is on the us app store. It is 39 99 for the one time in app purchase there. So that you don't have a subscription if you like the app and you think, yes, I want all of these extra features. I should note, it's also available on the Applewatch, which I believe I've used for row counting in the past, which can be quite handy, especially if you're trying to do something on like a bus or a plane. You don't have space to get all of your devices out in front of, you can just keep, keep track, keep tapping on your wrist to keep track of how many rows you've done.

Mikah Sargent (00:34:55):
All right. Let us talk about the next one. Which is, so I, I have to admit yarn buddy is not the one that I thought it was. And I wish I could remember. There's, there's another yarn app that people in the past have told me to download and I downloaded it and I wish I could remember what it was so I could talk about it. But yarn buddy, I had not downloaded. I have now downloaded. So yet again, Roseberry, thank you for telling me about a new app. That's definitely worth checking out. Now, if, if you are kniting regularly then there is a great app in the app store for you called knitting chart. What's up with knitting chart.

Rosemary Orchard (00:35:39):
Yeah, well kniting chart is actually for more than just knitting. It's called knitting chart, but you could use this for well, anything that really requires you to plan out, you know, squared patterns of some kind. And so knitting chart, when you first go to open it, I I've, I've wiped it and reinstalled it just now so that I could do this the, the, the, the app itself is free and then you can create new projects and there's, there's a YouTube channel. So I will open the example. That's what I wanted to show you. And so what it will give you is the ability to draw stitches, which you don't actually have to do with knitting. You could do this with crochet. You can then use this with cross stitch or any other kind of embroidery or similar.

Rosemary Orchard (00:36:22):
And so you can select stitches and do them in different colors. You can then erase them. You can create graphics and choose cells, place, everything, and more. And I really like the fact that this lends itself well to repeating patterns because what a lot of these things are, are repeating patterns. So if I wanted to say remove the bottom of this snowflake so that I could then draw that in a little bit differently, and I actually want the bottom of the snowflake to be a little bit darker. So I'm going to do it like this. And I should know this is a little easier on an iPad with Applepencil. But I've just gone a little bit too far. So I'm just gonna use the array of tools to just tidy up what I've done, and you can see, you know, I'm just building a nice little repeating pattern and it's very simple and easy to do.

Rosemary Orchard (00:37:11):
But as I, you know, go through the examples, I can see more complex things like this. One is obviously an example for embroidery with those lovely straight lines, you're can really struggle to do a knitting. Maybe you could do that with crochet. I'm not sure micro actually my crochet skills are very much not up to par, but this is sort of a mandala type design. And you can see those those dotted lines on here, which indicate sort of a mirroring effect. And it, it's just a very useful little app for creating patterns of various kinds. So you can do designs, you can convert images. There are row counters built into this. You can import PDFs or images and Dr. And draw on top of them. And you can also just free form and Des, and it specifically says Mica crochet chart in any form that you like. So you have to start by naming it. So I'm gonna call this one Micah, because why not? And ah, yes, sorry that one to do that you do need to upgrade to the in-app purchase version, which of course I don't have right now because I reinstalled this. But I can restore that in-app purchase to play with this more, which is nice if you wanna branch out from just following patterns to creating your own

Mikah Sargent (00:38:20):
Beautiful, beautiful. And then a couple of more worth mentioning on the list. I don't even wanna try to tackle pronouncing this next one. <Laugh>

Rosemary Orchard (00:38:31):
I, okay. I'm gonna take a wild guess. I don't know. I'm very sorry if this is Swedish or finish and I get it very wrong. I think it's called woo me. And it's w O O L M I and this is for knitting patterns again, but you can, as as with the previous app, use it to create your own jumper. And so you've got the options of creating kid sweaters and women's letters. You can modify the women's letters to fit, you know, any adult size human and it gives you all of the different options that you might be interested in. So for example, you can choose your shoulder type. So would you prefer a Raglan style shoulder, which goes from the neck to the armpit, or would you prefer a drop shoulder, which goes off the shoulder?

Rosemary Orchard (00:39:14):
I am going to go with a rag climb because that is slightly easier to knit at least for me. So then I go to the next step. What kind of shape would I like? Do I want a slim, regular or oversize? I'll go slim neckline. Do I want Aero or V v-neck are fun, especially combined with Thery climb. That's gonna be nice and complicated. Body length. Do I watch short up to hip or long body length is actually one of those things I love about knitting and crochet. It's so easy. If you've got a longer shorter torso to adapt something to, to fit you without completely destroying the pattern. I'm gonna go with up to the hip. But I can always modify that as I knit and then I can choose my sleeve length. Do I want shirt sleeves?

Rosemary Orchard (00:39:51):
That's gonna look weird with a regular, mm, okay. Three quarters or long. I'll go with three quarters, save myself a bit of yarn, and then I can input my, my various measurements. So I'll just input something. Here, I don't actually know aboard a chunk of these are in metric. Ah, there we go. There is there's options. But yes, once I filled that out, it will then help me create a pattern so that I have, oh gosh, I'm not 171 inches tall. That might be problematic if I put that in. But yes. So once you've got that set up, you can create some patterns. There's also the option of finding patterns, which I think is quite fun. And it's a free app on the app store to like take a play at. And if you wanna get into you know, designing your own things combining this with knitting charts can be a great way to, you know, create your basic pattern of, okay, so, you know, I want this kind of sleeve and Nick line, and then I'm gonna put like this kind of color pattern in the middle of it to, you know, jazz things up a bit

Mikah Sargent (00:40:50):
Beautiful. And last, but certainly not least sewing Monica.

Rosemary Orchard (00:40:57):
Yeah. So this one is for somebody whose name I can't quite remember, but they were asking in the club TWiT discord a little while ago about an app. They specifically wanted something to tell them about different kinds of sewing stitches. And unfortunately I did have a look for this episode and I couldn't find anything. There are lots of great websites out there though. And of course, websites work on all of our devices except perhaps the whole pod. But you know, sewing log is designed to help you log your sewing journey. And so you can putting in your projects with patterns and fabrics. I'll just pop it open on my phone here. So that I can hopefully show everyone ah, of course I don't have anything in there right now because I was playing with it and deleted it all, but you can log everything so that you keep track of all of the different things that you might want to play with or create and then tie it all together and then, you know, do some sewing and keep track of what it is that you've still got left in your inventory, because I'm sure a lot, lots of sewers just like you know niches and crocheters end up with their own personal hoard of wonderful things that they can then play with to, to create all of those lovely things that they're stitching.

Rosemary Orchard (00:42:07):
So yeah, if you're looking for something that will help you keep track of that, then sewing log may well be the answer that again is a free app on the app store. There's no in-app purchases or subscriptions and it's available on iPhone and touch. And it's also available to install on the Mac but is not unfortunately an iPad app.

Mikah Sargent (00:42:27):
All right, folks that brings us to the end of this segment of iOS Today. I hope you got some great inspiration for your next hobby or craft project. Some apps that are well worth checking out to help you along in those places with that though, it's time to take a quick break. So I can tell you about the folks at nomad who are bringing you this episode of iOS Today. I have to say nomad I've long been a what a, what is it called a, a person who purchases products from a company a customer, I guess, although that's not the word I'm looking for a customer of of nomad because they make incredible accessories for your devices. And one of those new accessories that just came out is the new 65 wat fast charger that nomad has this 65 wat fast charger.

Mikah Sargent (00:43:23):
It has two ports on it. It's a du port solution and it actually does dynamic power allocation. So if you plug in one device and it can support 65 wat charging, then it will take full 65 wat charging. But if you plug in two devices, then it will dynamically power. Each of those devices based on the draw that those devices can take, it's beautifully designed as is nomads way. The actual plugin folds up. So it gets pretty small, which is quite nice, and it is super fast charging as well, which is always a delight, oh, as well as USBC, if I didn't mention that. But nomad doesn't just do power adapters and things like that. I've also got what's called the nomad card, and this is a card that you pair with your air tags that lets you keep track of your wallet or whatever you want to slide this into.

Mikah Sargent (00:44:23):
So inside of here you have this card and I will admit it's a little thick. So for some of you who like me carry tiny little wallets, I don't have a full size wallet. I've just got a little I think they call it a little folio. It's a little big for that, but if you've got a full size wallet, this will fit just fine. Or if you wanna slide it into your bag with this in the middle, this is great too. You just pop it in the middle and tuck it away. And then you have your air tag there in kind of a card fashion to keep track of things. And they even show on the back, no matter has some wallets. And so you can put it in to the wallet if you want to. Again though, that's not it they also have excellent Applewatch bands that are very, very, very good at at, at being this is the, the sports slim band and very good at being sport bands.

Mikah Sargent (00:45:24):
So the, the using the same material or a similar material, the flu Lastimer material for the, the band and it is really good at holding up over time, you know, sweat resistant, all that fancy stuff. And then the last mention I want to give is for everybody needs one of these. If you have the new Siri remote and you do not have the case from or they call it the leather cover from nomad, then, then you need to hop on right now on nomads website, nomad today and get this because this case not only makes that Siri remote more ergonomical. Yes, sure. Feel better in the hand, but it also lets you slide in an air tag. So if you lose the remote, you can find it using an air tag. So this is the reason why I'm only showing you the box is because it's on my AppleTV downstairs already smells amazing.

Mikah Sargent (00:46:23):
It's made with that H leather and it is it, like I said, it just feels so much better in the hand. It's a little more hefty, so it's harder to lose, but if you do lose it, don't worry. Cause I've got that ready for you. And look in the past nine years, nomad has expanded to offer a wide range as I was just showing there of mobile accessories to fit any need that's iPhone cases, Applewatch straps, wireless chargers, premium wallets, passport holders, all made with that H leather. The H tannery in Chicago was founded in 1905 and no matter has always used them because they just, they make leather. That's just so dogone amazing. And over time it ages beautifully. It looks great. I've got here as well, an air tag key chain that you pop the air tag into and this is that beautiful H leather.

Mikah Sargent (00:47:14):
This goes in my pocket all the time and yet it still looks beautiful to, to this day. And I've had this one for quite a long time. In fact, it it's, it gets character over time. It it, oh, it's amazing. So if you've got Appledevices, which if you're watching this show, you do then nomad is the place to go to get your, your accessories, to get your, your cables. I've got nomad cables that have basically replaced all of the cables that I have because it's USBC. Many of them are made with Kevlar. So they're super strong resistant, resilient. I mean I can run over them with my chair, which I sometimes do. You've got in this case, it's a USBC to lightning. They've got universal cables that let you plug in all sorts of things. USBA micro USB us BBC, everything in between.

Mikah Sargent (00:48:06):
They're very long cables, which is nice, cuz that means you can stretch those out for your devices. I don't know where I'd be without nomad in terms of making all of my devices as safe as possible, as charged as possible, as comfortable as possible nomad just rocks it. And I'm so glad that they're a sponsor on the network, cuz I think you all benefit from this. They benefit from this. I benefit from this in the sense that I feel so comfortable talking about and encouraging nomad because it it's everything. And I mean, look, I've got a charger on my desk right now from nomad as well. <Laugh> I've kind of a no bad guy. I gotta say. Anyway nomad is currently celebrating its 10 year anniversary sale. Congratulations, nomad can't believe they launched with a simple cable on Kickstarter 10 years ago and this is where they are today.

Mikah Sargent (00:48:57):
So from July 6th to July 15th, you'll be able to save 30% sitewide on virtually all nomad products, no coupon needed. Just simple, easy savings as nomad celebrates its 10th year in business. Head to nomad today for exclusive savings from July 6th through July 15th. Now if you're listening after July 15th, use that same URL, nomad today and use the promo code iOS Today to get 10% off your first purchase of any nomad accessory. This is a limited time offer. So hop on it. Nomad today. Whew. All right back to the show nomad love ya. Let's get into things with the news first and foremost, Rosemary orchard, we can celebrate because now everyday people can vitally check out the new version of iOS and iPad OS and all the OSS. Yay. Why is that?

Rosemary Orchard (00:49:52):
They can indeed the public beta has launched and with it, a note of cautionary advice from micro and myself, if you only have one iOS device or iPad OS device, be careful when installing this because you may end up slightly stuck. As always with beers, you have to take care, do a backup first and so on. But that said now that I can actually show off my, my iPhone on screen again here on iOS Today, I'm, I'm very pleased with the new iOS beta. This was the only sticking point I had where these, these this wasn't working at all for me in I iOS 16, was working for Micra and iPad OS 16. But other than that, there are bugs as is to be expected. But you, you can go test this out if you are ready and willing to do so. You can just head over to Apple's website and download the public beta certificates from there. And then go ahead and install the beta. I mean, should people buy it? What, what feature do you think people will love the most?

Mikah Sargent (00:50:51):
Oh God. Probably the lock screen customization on iOS. Mm-Hmm, <affirmative> the, it's so much fun to customize your lock screen and then on top of being able to, and yeah, I think next week our show will be going through iOS 16 again, and kind of showing people how to use this now that the public beta is out. Maybe we'll start by giving people a tutorial on how to install the public beta spoiler. But being able to go through and customize your lock screen exactly how you want it, and then doubling down on that, the new options that show up all the time. I, I will pop into there sometimes. And it will have scanned my photo library and found some new photos that work well. And I'm like, oh my God, this looks so amazing. I've got one of my, my gal Missy, and I can't show it at the moment because my iPhone is not playing nice with the system.

Mikah Sargent (00:51:44):
And it just, it was so touching to see Missy's face in fact, I'll just show it, I think I can just show it it, it's not a great shot but maybe I'll send Anthony a screenshot afterward that we can put on there, but yeah, it's, it's Missy and then the time is behind there and it's just so cute. And I, I think that a lot of people are gonna love this because it's just a way to customize your devices that I think folks have wanted for quite a long time. And now that it's here they can finally make use of this this new feature. So yeah, I think that's gonna be the big thing first and foremost, with some of the other features underlying what, what's another one that you think will, will make folks go, Ooh, I gotta get this.

Rosemary Orchard (00:52:32):
Oh, I think honestly, one of the, the biggest ones for a lot of people is going to be that lifting of images and being able to make something incredibly memorable. And so for example, if you've got a picture of, for this, this cat, I stole this cat off the internet a while ago. But what you can do is you can just sort of tap and, and hold on the cat, oh I'm not triggering the right mode to do this. Now I'm trying to do this live on error. And of course it's not working either way. You can, you can just sort of pick it up. There we go. I finished pick up the cat and then I could pop over to messages, tap onto mic and just drop the, drop the cat and send micro a cat.

Rosemary Orchard (00:53:07):
And look, look at that. Okay. Look at this image. Okay. Where did that green go? All of that green in the background. Like if I zoom in really, really closely on these air tops, I can see a little bit of green, but that was done 100% wi with AI. And I just think that this is truly an example of how great our devices are, that I can make anything into a meme. So easily by just picking up an image. And I don't know if that says a lot about our age. I remember Craig fedi doing the example of yep. So we have all of this technology and all of these amazing engineers at our disposal. And what have we done? We have made talking poop with the, with the an emoji you know, there's many things, but honestly, things like emoji make people update.

Rosemary Orchard (00:53:51):
There's a reason why the emoji come in the point won't update because anybody that's been hanging on is gonna go and install that right away, cuz they want the new emoji and they wanna see what emoji their friends are sending backwards and forwards. So you know, it, it, it, the silly things are the things that are important perhaps. And I, I think focus modes are far from silly. And I think so many people are really going to enjoy the fact that they can in the focus mode, set their, their Applewatch to, to change the, the, the watch face automatically as well. Like this is just straight up an option here now, so I can edit and choose my Applewatch face so that when my podcasting focus mode starts, I get, you know, the, the focus mode that is the most appropriate for me.

Rosemary Orchard (00:54:34):
I, I, I like that. I like the fact that this is something people dip with shortcuts it's moved in and I think people are really gonna enjoy playing with it. And I have to say I've been very pleasantly pleased with how thus far touch wood, please. Somebody give me a forest. We need more of those in the world anyway. But this has been fairly bug free. There certainly have been bugs if you're in the UK and you use CarPlay, you may occasionally find that your map flips around. And so the information is on the wrong side of the screen. Everything else stays the same, just the map flips. It's interesting. Not quite sure why it does that, but it does. But you know, that, that that's life with with a beta that if that's the worst of the bugs, I think we're pretty good.

Mikah Sargent (00:55:16):
I, yeah, I, I, I'm excited to see what please share your, your screens, your, your lock screens and all the fun stuff that you're doing. And obviously ask us questions. If you've got those about the iOS 16 public beta, we'd be happy to answer those as well. Alright. Some quick little tidbits here Applehas been fined for refusing to store user. I call data in Russia. So this is an ongoing thing where Russia said, look, if you want to operate in our, if you would let, I'm not gonna do it, never mind. If you wanna operate in our country, then you are going to have to store our user data in the country as well. The, the users of Russia, that data needs to be stored in the country as well, and apple or, and Russia said, and if you don't, then we're gonna find you and Applehas yet to do that.

Mikah Sargent (00:56:09):
And has now been fined by a Russian court for not storing the data in Russia. The argument is that if Applestores the data in Russia, then it is beholden to Russian laws that allow for the surgeon and seizure of that data. So by not storing it in Russia, then that data is protected from Russia doing the search and seizure procedure to get that data. So I don't really see any movement on any fronts in terms of this, but I don't know. I mean, those those, those charges are gonna start stacking up. So we'll just, just have to see, I mean,

Rosemary Orchard (00:56:44):
You say that Mike out and the court fined Apple2 million rubles. It sounds like a lot of money. It's approximately $34,000. Oh, I can't remember how many million the fine of million euros, the fine that the the Dutch courts issued Applewith for not, yeah. Sorting out the, the payment methods fast enough is as far as their opinion was concerned for those dating apps that were supposed to be allowed to use a third party payment method and that that's all gone through and, and those apps can use that now, but, you know, they were repeatedly finding apple millions of euros every couple of weeks for not doing this. And brush is like, yeah, we really want this 2 million rubs pocket change, basically in comparison, you know, the world's first trillion dollar company is not gonna bat an eyelid really at $34,000. Fine. I don't think,

Mikah Sargent (00:57:35):
I think you are correct about that. Ikea, or as I like to say, because apparently it's how it's supposed to be pronounced Ikea is getting into home kit lighting now Ikea of course, has done some home kit devices in the past using its trod free gateway. That is the sort of hub that use that you can use to do. What do they have? They have blinds, they have some speakers and things like that, but now

Rosemary Orchard (00:58:05):
Light bulbs. Yeah,

Mikah Sargent (00:58:06):
Yeah, yeah. Light bulbs. Now they're doing some kind of other types of lighting. Tell us about these new lights.

Rosemary Orchard (00:58:13):
Yeah. So some of these lights have been around in one form or another for a while. With a driver, I actually have the, the lights that are up here in front of me right now with this button are actually hunkey lights which are from I gear as well. They're they're kitchen lighting range. And I hook that up with the smart driver that they have, but they're expanding this to offer smart lighting for properly for kitchens and bathrooms and just expanding more things. I thought this was particularly interesting. Right now you can't buy the Ikea hub or the Ikea tread free hub, which by the way, I believe means Threadless in Swedish though my pronunciation probably totally wrong. But they're coming up with a new hub. And so you can't get the old one partially just because of supply lines and the pandemic and global circumstances.

Rosemary Orchard (00:58:59):
And partially because there is a new one coming that com has matter support, which is of course the latest, smart home standard which is being worked on by apple, Google and all of the big names. But I think it's really nice that they are really adding more integrated lighting options, which are explicitly home kit compatible here. And they look pretty nice as well. You know, they, they look just like regular, like integrated lights, which is what we want. We want things that just look lovely. And then, you know, the magic happens when you walk into the room rather than just, you know, when you push a button to turn on the lights or you have to wave your arm at a particular angle underneath the, the the cabinets, my parents have one of those, like, it's, it's a motion sensitive, like motion triggered light type thing underneath their, their cabinet.

Rosemary Orchard (00:59:43):
So if you like move your hand underneath the cabinet, it's just dark enough. The light will turn on and then getting it to turn off again, you have to like stick your hand in there and like wave. And then it will go, oh, okay. I should turn off now. But you know, half the time it turns on you didn't want it turn on and half the time it turns off, you know, you didn't want to turn off and when you wanna turn it off, you can't. So I'm glad to see that there's just more options coming for people who want their smart lights around the home and Ikea stuff is thus far, very reasonable as well. They also which I think people may have missed have air purifiers, which are home kit compatible. And one of them is a coffee table mic. It's a coffee table with an air purifier bill into it. So you can have a Juul functioning piece of furniture. I love that

Mikah Sargent (01:00:23):
Idea. Nice. I think that's a great idea. And then last but not least prime day has kicked off. And so there are some deals for folks who are looking to save some money on Appledevices during prime day, because yes, Amazon does sell some Appledevices. So nine to five Mac is put together an article including the Applewatch series seven that is available from $279 Appleair tags, which you can get for $25 for one or $85 for a four pack. That still seems so pricey. The AppleTV 4k, which is down to $120. So that's about 60 bucks off. And some older devices, including the Applewatch series six which is around two 60, or can actually be all the way down to $130. Very cool. Ooh, I didn't realize the home pod mini was on sale Uhhuh.

Rosemary Orchard (01:01:20):

Mikah Sargent (01:01:21):
$3. I might have to pick one cause I've only got one. And I I've been thinking about getting two well, one more to make two and since it's on sale. Hmm.

Rosemary Orchard (01:01:29):
Yeah. Well, especially if you have an iPad, which you're currently using as a home hub you know, this is the kind of sale that you should take a look at now so that you don't end up stuck with the old, outdated home kit back backbone, which of course, if you're using your iPad as your only home hub, you will then be stuck with when, when I was 16 releases if you have a home pod or an AppleTV is your home pod, then it will upgrade. And there's a whole bunch of just massive improvements coming to home kit, which I'm sure everyone will appreciate having. So definitely keep an out for those sales and if you've got the, the means to do so, then it might be worth grabbing one of those home pod minis.

Mikah Sargent (01:02:07):
Indeed. All right, folks with that, I can hear the music because it's time for shortcuts corner.

Speaker 4 (01:02:14):
Oh, oops. <Laugh>

Mikah Sargent (01:02:27):
This is shortcuts corner. The part of the show where you write in with your shortcuts requests and rose Mary orchard, these shortcuts expert has some suggestions and advice for you. The first shortcuts corner comes from Doug M who writes hi, Mike N Rosemary. I have a pretty basic questions. Editorialization here will be the judges of that. Anyway, aside from going to, to sites that specifically deal with shortcuts, what is the best way to find an answer on one's own, trying to Google anything using shortcuts is an exercise in frustration, Appleshortcut, or a series shortcut will sometimes help, but neither is very effective. My second question is whether there is a way to set a default format for the date. I hate having to change the date slash time to my preferred format. Every time I use it in a shortcut, thank you for your time and thank you for making my long hours of driving for work, more enjoyable and oh, good. Paying the tax. The tax is paid in the form of my Greyhound flame, who is hoping for some, some of the cheese that, that they have is for him. Flame. I get it. Oh my God. What a beautiful coat. Hello flame. Oh, I just wanna pet flame big ears.

Rosemary Orchard (01:03:43):
<Laugh> oh, me too. And I love the fact that people are sending us pictures of their pets. It's just so lovely. You know, that people, people are doing that, you know, they don't have to, it's not a requirement if you're sending us a question, but if you have a pet, you are more than welcome to send us the pet text. And we will feature your pet on the show as well with your question. But yeah, Doug has a couple of good questions. And so the first one, finding your own answers to anything related to shortcuts. Now this is a bit tricky because honestly it depends on what kind of thing it is you're looking for. I'd honestly recommend that you probably start with a guide to shortcuts. So David Sparks my co-host on automators has his own shortcuts guide.

Rosemary Orchard (01:04:25):
And I have a book take control of shortcuts, which there is a brand new 2.0 version coming out later this month. So, so don't, don't buy the one point, oh yeah. Wait until get the 2.0 later this month, I'll let everyone know where that, when that release is, but the other option I want to recommend, which is free, available to everyone is Reddit. Reddit has a shortcut or sorry, a subreddit for shortcuts it's called shortcuts. And so you can go take a look on there and search searching that separate in particular will often find you what you need. And of course you can also post there and ask questions, but you're more than welcome to send us questions too. We love having questions here on iOS Today. Even if you think that they're very basic, they're not, we, we, we just love having all the questions basically.

Rosemary Orchard (01:05:06):
So yeah. Please send us all those. Your second question, Doug was about formatting the date so that you get it in your preferred format every single time. And this is something where I'm sad to say that there is no easy solution to just default something to the same thing every time, but that's because there's a number of reasons for it, but underneath iOS in your shortcut needs access to all the different elements of a date and time. And, you know, storing a formatted version basically changes it from being, you know, this wonderful thing that can convert itself into anything into just a piece of text. You know, and it has to remember that, but what you can do, which I would recommend doing is create a mini shortcut, okay. Create mini shortcut, call it format date. And then you can just format your shortcut input.

Rosemary Orchard (01:05:56):
So I just added the format, date action here, tapped in the space and I set it to the shortcut input and then it popped up and it just changed this to everything. Okay. And then I just changed the, the, the types from everything I used this clear button up here, and I scrolled down and just turned on dates. And, and that was it. The O the only other thing that you might need is if there's no input, you probably want to ask for input or something, maybe I'm not sure. But then what you can do here is you can change your format so you can change it. There's short, medium, and long relative et cetera, with date formats. And of course there's custom where you can go crazy. There's if you tap on the show info here, then it actually tells you what website to go to, to find out the Unicode standard for forming days and times there.

Rosemary Orchard (01:06:40):
If people are looking for some extra, so you can change this to be whatever you like, and then this will output the info. If you want to be extra short, then you can use the stop and output to, to provide that, and then just use your run shortcut action in every shortcut, or whenever you need that format, date action, open this shortcut, tap on this, use the copy action. And then inside of your other shortcut, you can use the just underneath an action or on an action. You can just tap and then pace below and that's it. And then that's all you need to do. You've got that so that you can reuse it every time. So hopefully that will help you Doug and save you a little bit of time,

Mikah Sargent (01:07:20):
Yout full. All right, the next one comes from Brad who writes in hello, Mike and Rosemary. I have a question about how to best automate a shortcut. I have made, I have an iPhone 12 pro and my wife has an iPhone 13 pro while 5g is faster. In most cases in the small town we live in the 5g service is actually around dialup modem speeds. If we turn off 5g and cellular settings than our mobile internet speed is acceptable on LTE, but 5g is much better when we get a few miles away from our town. I have made a shortcut that checks the zip code of my phone's current location against a dictionary list of 5g blacklisted, zip codes. And it auto flips between 5g auto and LTE only for cellular internet. It works great on both phones for myself. I have a driving focus auto turn on, and then a personal automation that runs my 5g check and toggle shortcut.

Mikah Sargent (01:08:09):
Whenever driving turns on or off, the main issue is using the same setup for my wife's phone. She doesn't want to use a driving focus since whenever we go out of our town, I am usually the one driving and she doesn't want her phone auto enfor driving mode. When she is just a passenger in the vehicle, I was thinking it would be great to somehow detect when she leaves or joins our house wifi, but that doesn't help. If we travel into and back out of a blacklisted zip code over the course of a trip, ideally, I could trigger this whenever she leaves our home wifi, then every so often while off our home wifi, is there a way to do this with no human intervention to know when the shortcut needs to be triggered? Thanks in advance, Brad. Wow. This one is involved. It's very what I love. I

Rosemary Orchard (01:08:57):

Mikah Sargent (01:08:58):
So clever though, that they've come up with this whole thing and like figured out a way to do this. I love people making the most of shortcuts and digging in and really making this happen.

Rosemary Orchard (01:09:08):
Yeah. Yeah. And Brad even sent the, the actual shortcut that he's using, which I took a look at and, and, oh my gosh, great job, Brad, such a, a good shortcut. But the problem that we've really got here is not necessarily specifically about, you know you know, the blacklist of the zip codes and everything that be, you've solved, great job. It's the personal automation that we need to fix so that you can, you know, have it toggle between those states. And I think that there's a couple of different things that we could do with this, because as you said, the driving focus mode locks things down quite a bit. And if, if I just pop into the settings, then you can see there. There's not a lot of options here, unfortunately for me you know, that, that's the, the thing with driving and I have this set to manually as well, rather than activating automatically, but there is an activat it's CarPlay option.

Rosemary Orchard (01:09:53):
Now we don't want that for our driving mode, because as you said, your wife doesn't want it, but CarPlay is potentially an option. So there are a few things that we can use with this. Now, I think realistically, probably your absolute best bet is gonna be using the time trigger for automations and just creating lots of time triggers to run the same shortcut multiple times a day for your wife. That's that's probably just gonna be the simplest solution. I don't love it, but it will work, but there are some other options such as CarPlay because CarPlay is one of these options and you can have the, do the same thing at the same time for CarPlay connecting and disconnecting, where I'll just pop the the run shortcut action in here. So that you can run your shortcut, which obviously you have as a shortcut because you shared it with me and I'll just slight that one.

Rosemary Orchard (01:10:42):
And then when I tap next, I can turn off this ask before running. So if you've got wireless CarPlay, then your wife's phone probably automatically connects to that as well. And her connecting to CarPlay doesn't have to trigger driving mode. It can still trigger a personal automation. I will just back out of this because otherwise I'm gonna have weird things happening. The other options would be NFC tags. If you've got NFC tags around and you, your wife doesn't mind waking up her phone and then tapping her phone sort of on an NFC tag the, the readers up here near the camera, that might be an option, but battery levels are one. So if your wife frequently charges her phone in the car, then when she connects to the charger, then that could be an option for triggering this battery changing between percentage levels.

Rosemary Orchard (01:11:26):
And so on or good old app triggers. When you open and close apps, if there's particular apps that you tend to open, when you arrive and leave home, then, you know, for example, the home app, then you could use that sort of thing. So, so those are all good options. Of course, focus modes. If she uses focus modes at all, like a work focus mode fitness focus modes, then those will also help trigger this as will the Applewatch work out. But basically you kind of just need to go through and look and see which options here will allow you to do the turn off the ask before running flag, because that's the bit that you want. Whenever you turn off ask before, can turn off, ask before running, it can run entirely without human intervention, just like you asked.

Mikah Sargent (01:12:09):
Wow. Oh my, I was kind of concerned and I should not have been, I should know better than to be concerned. And then lastly, rounding things out with another Doug. This is Doug F who writes in hello, Mikah and Rosemary. I need to create a shortcut which will set an alarm when I'm working. Let me try that again. Hello, Mike and Rosemary, I need to create a shortcut which will set an alarm when I'm working a weekend. I have an all day event on my calendar work weekend. I want it to set an alarm for Saturday and Sunday. When I have that event, I haven't been able to figure out how to trigger a shortcut based on an event. Thanks in advance. Love the show. And here's my kitty tax meet Linux, Linux,

Rosemary Orchard (01:12:52):
Edo cats,

Mikah Sargent (01:12:52):
Beautiful forehead, mark. Oh my goodness. Hello Linux. And those whiskers are so long.

Rosemary Orchard (01:12:59):
I know whisker fireworks right there. Oh, wow. Thanks Doug. That that's two pets in one day, such a good day. It is a good day. So yeah. Yeah. So Doug wants to know how he can trigger a shortcut based on a calendar event. And the answer is you can't, but we can still solve Doug's problem, which is setting an alarm for work based on the event, being in the calendar. That's really what it is. And so I'm presuming that if Doug has a work weekend and is working Saturday and Sunday, we will be able to check on Friday night as to whether or not that event exists in the calendar. So we'll go ahead and create a personal automation inside of shortcuts and use a time of day trigger. And we don't want to repeat this week daily. We want to repeat this weekly and I will turn off the other days of the week and we just want Friday and Saturday.

Rosemary Orchard (01:13:48):
And so you'll choose the time of day, whatever is most appropriate for you, Doug, I've just picked, say nine 21 in the evening. And then we need to do the magic part, which is checking if you've got work. And if you do have work setting up your, your alarms. So we need to find calendar events where and that is an action that we can just add and it will find everything that we want. So we need to find something where the ad, the start day is in the next one day. So that would be today and tomorrow. You could also look for just today, but that would mean that you have to run it after midnight. And I don't know what time your alarm is. If you are running after midnight on Saturday and Sunday, then you can just say, Hey, if there's something for today.

Rosemary Orchard (01:14:32):
So now we need to find something that is an all day event. And you said that it is called work weekend. So I'm just gonna look for the title work weekend. Now of course I don't have anything like this in my calendar, but that that's not gonna stop us for now. And then we need an if, okay. So we have our, our calendar events, let's say it found something. So if calendar events has any value, okay, so it found a calendar event. So we can do something. We can just remove this otherwise, and then we can set an alarm. And so we can create an alarm. And what I will do is just use that create alarm action, and then you pop it in for whatever the time is most appropriate. So I will just call it work, and then we just need to change this.

Rosemary Orchard (01:15:16):
It automatically filled in the date and time from the calendar events. If that's all day, it's gonna wake you up at midnight. We don't want that. So I'll just pop in 9:00 AM here, hoping you don't have to get up too early to work at weekends, but whenever whatever time works for you. So that's it, it's, it's three actions find calendar events. And then if, and then inside of that, if with the calendar events, having a value, create your alarm, and that's it. We put it inside of a personal automation to run on either Friday and Saturday, evenings or Saturday and Sunday, just after midnight, turn off, ask before running. That's the, that's the key and you're done, that's it. Three actions. You can, you can do it, Doug. I, I know you can, so hopefully this will help a couple of other people solve some problems with shortcuts too.

Mikah Sargent (01:16:00):
Awesome. Awesome. All right. We have just enough time for one question from the feedback and question segment and that one comes from Steven Steven writes in, or I'm sorry that one, I, I misread that one comes from Marshall. Marshall writes in, hi, I have a question regarding the Applepencil that I'm not sure if anyone has thought of, I know the Applepencil is made specifically for the iPad and works via software and screen type, which makes it different from other style. I have both the one and two and would like to use them at least the one with my iPhone. I know this doesn't work on the software side, but I wonder if there's a replacement nib that could basically turn it into a dumb stylist that way I can actually get use out of an otherwise unused pencil. Thank you, Marshall Marshall.

Mikah Sargent (01:16:45):
I was about to say, no, it's not possible. And then you said replace the nib with a different Stu with a different tip. So basically what's going on here. Is that the Applepencil? Yes, it works through wireless communication magic where the tip itself does not have capacitive. It, it's not a capacitive in nature, but instead uses a mixture of a little sensor device inside of the end of the Applepencil. And then the wireless communication that takes place between the two devices to be able to do that as well as I believe gyroscope to determine tilt. And so whether you've got the first edition Applepencil or the second edition Applepencil that does not have the capacity of nature that you need to be able to use it on an iPhone. However, there are some third party style I, that do have capacitive tips.

Mikah Sargent (01:17:40):
Most of them are kind of rounded and have, they're kind of like Silicon in design. And so they're kinda squishy and they're relatively large. But there are some third party style I, that use a little round disk on the end. And so if you could, in theory, replace the tip on the Applepencil one, the first edition Applepencil with one of those tips, then you could use it like a stylist, but I don't really see, like, if you're gonna purchase that third party stylist to use with the iPhone, then you might as well not break the Applepencil that you have that you're, that you're not using in order to make that into the stylist for your iPhone when you could just use that first part or that third party stylist in its current form without breaking it either.

Mikah Sargent (01:18:38):
So I don't think that there's really a good way to go about doing this unless, and I could be missing that out there on Amazon or Alibaba or, or I don't know, other places where these things exist. Someone has come up with like a little silicone cover that you could put on top of the tip to turn it into a capacitive touch, but I still hesitate because anything smaller than like the tip of a pinky is not going to work well as a capacitive touch sensor because the iPhone software iOS is designed to accept input from a finger and that larger area that's there on the tip of your finger. So I don't think you would be satisfied with the outcome. And then you would just be upset that you had ruined two separate stylists or SLI to make kind of a Frankenstein version. Those are my thoughts, but Rosemary has a secondary consideration.

Rosemary Orchard (01:19:42):
Well, my thought is, why don't we turn it upside down? Right? So the Applepencil, the, the nib is really small. It's great for working on an iPad with that screen. But the other end of the Applepencil is, well, it's like a pencil size, right. Which is maybe about the size of a small pinky. Oh yeah. And at the very least for the Applepencil, one, there are replacement capacitive cover caps that you can get for that end of the Applepencil that you can then pop on there. So that you have a regular stylist on one side and then your, your Applepencil on the other end. So you're not rooting anything nothing's getting damaged. And that is an option now I've yet to find anything for the Applepencil too. So I'm gonna ask all of our amazing listeners, if anybody knows of something like this for the Applepencil, two a, I would love this please. And B I think Doug as sorry, Marshall, we also really love this too, because that would solve you know, the problem for him. So yeah, maybe, maybe flipping the problem upside down will help us solve it. Putting a, a capacitive cap or a Silicon cap of some kind on the, the, the top of the Applepencil instead of the nip will allow you to do what you want.

Mikah Sargent (01:20:51):
So smart, thank God for Rosemary. That's, you know, I say that a lot and I always mean it. That's yeah, that's a really good, good solution. All right, folks with that, it is time up next for our app caps,

Mikah Sargent (01:22:12):
It's time for the app cap segment.

Mikah Sargent (01:22:24):
This is the part of the show where we wear caps at top hour heads to honor our app or gadget picks of the week. These are the apps or gadgets we're using now, or maybe have been using for a long time that we want to share with all of you. And so we do Dawn caps or cap like items in order to honor those picks and talk about them. And it would appear that Rosemary and I were thinking along the same lines today in terms of sort of band style caps, Rosemary orchard. Tell us about the cap at top of your head, and then tell us about your pick

Rosemary Orchard (01:22:59):
Band style. Micah. I am wearing a floral crown. Thank you very much. Oh,

Mikah Sargent (01:23:03):
It's a crown you're right. I'm sorry. It's

Rosemary Orchard (01:23:05):
A crown crown. It's a crowd. It's, it's, it's a lovely little floral crown that I picked up a little while ago. It's got some blue flowers a pink flower, a green flower, not sure why green, but either way green flower and a li look flower in the middle. Of course, li look, I love purple. And yes, this was picked partially because I love flowers and I love purple and mostly because it's incredibly hot here today. And I thought putting a hat on top of my head, Mike calls me to overheat towards the end of the recording, which wouldn't be good. You know, if I'm gonna overheat in a recording at the end is the best time, but maybe we can just skip that <laugh> but my app cap today is, is not an app. It's an iOS feature, which I kind of forget about exists sometimes, and I had to use it this weekend.

Rosemary Orchard (01:23:46):
And I, so I used this great future called live listen, because what I needed to do is I needed to fix my smart Intercom. So I have a new key opener on my, my Intercom, which allows me to buzz people into the building from my phone. It works great, but the one thing that had never worked was being able to set it to ring to open. So when somebody buzzes it automatically buzzes them in. Now, obviously you don't leave this on permanently. Otherwise it defeats the point of having an Intercom system, but if you know, somebody's coming and you are you know, like running, running around, doing a bunch of things and you might not hear the Intercom, you can turn it on for a bit and that never, never worked. But the problem that I had was I'm not two people, I'm one person.

Rosemary Orchard (01:24:25):
So I couldn't be inside listening to my inside Intercom whilst also outside pressing the button to, to, to make the Intercom ring. And I considered a whole bunch of solutions which were completely over the top and insane. I should probably have just asked a neighbor, but then I realized I could use live, listen and live, listen works on the iPhone and the iPad. And so if you've got AirPods or beats headphones saying, you can just pop one in and then inside of settings on the iPhone make sure that you have the hearing added to the control center. So under the settings area for the control center, there's all of these different options that you can add and control. And the, the hearing is one of them. So now that's turned on inside of the control center. I can tap on the hearing and then I can say that I want to live. Listen. Now I'm gonna have to try and connect to my air airports to make sure that this actually works. And,

Mikah Sargent (01:25:22):
Oh, Rosemary, you have gone quiet. I don't know if you can hear us but you are muted. Your audio, it seems shifted. Zoom might have shifted your audio when you turned on live. Listen, because you did sound, there we go. You're back.

Rosemary Orchard (01:25:36):
I think so. Yeah. Yeah, there we go. So you'll need to make sure that you have your, your airports connected inside of your iPhone or your iPad or your beats whichever it is. And you can do that. If you tap and hold on the, the four options in the top left of the control center and then tap and hold on Bluetooth, you'll see which devices you're currently connected to or, or not as the case may be, and you can tap on one to connect it. Then you can tap into the hearing option and under live, listen you can tap and turn it on, and then you'll be able to hear whatever your iPhone is hearing. Now, I'm gonna turn it off because it's very distracting hearing myself loop back on me. But you have to pop in an airport to be able to do that.

Rosemary Orchard (01:26:14):
And it's just very useful to be able to leave your iPhone somewhere and be able to hear what is being said or what is happening when you've got to do something like fixing an Intercom system and you cannot physically be in two places at once. Well, you can use live, listen to to, to, to resolve that by leaving a device in one place. And then, you know taking your AirPods with you, obviously you're limited to the maximum range of your AirPods or beats. But with that exception aside, it works incredibly well. I, it solved my problem in seconds. Once I got away from the idea of sticking a switch bot on my Intercom, the press, the buzzer for me, that was ridiculous. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking there, a switch bot's a little robot that has like a finger that goes out and presses the button.

Rosemary Orchard (01:27:01):
But then I wouldn't have been able to check whether or not the door opened anyway. So, you know, I had to be outside, but this, this solved my problem lifeless on 10 out of 10 feature. And it's a great accessibility feature that anybody can use it. You know, if you're in a really crowded restaurant or something, and you wanna hear what other people are saying more clearly, then you could give them your iPhone pop in an AirPod and listen more clearly to what they're saying. And of course don't forget there's a translate feature built into your iPhone as well. That will also tie into this if you need that.

Mikah Sargent (01:27:30):
Awesome. that, yeah, that's a good reminder that that's out there. The, the app cap for me today, oh, first I'm wearing a bandana on my head that features the university of Missouri Columbia tiger. This is where I went to journalism school was at the university of Missouri and I was digging through some old boxes and found this bandana and I thought, oh, that'd be a great app cap. So now I am wearing it. The top of my head, it's gold gold and black and white, where the colors for the university of Missouri tigers Mizzou as we call the university. Anyway the app that I'm talking about this week, it's actually, I had originally chosen a different one and then I to go to nine to five Mac this morning and see about this one. And so it's one, I can't show on screen, but the link will show everybody kind of what it is.

Mikah Sargent (01:28:20):
It's called SCCI and excuse me. So with this app, I know that I sometimes don't feel like typing out a whole bunch of texts or I feel like I can get my point across better if I just use my voice, probably because I use my voice regularly for podcasting and ex explaining things. And so it makes sense that that is how I communicate better. So I will sometimes send audio messages in chat to different people, and then they will listen to those back. But sometimes I feel bad because there are times when I don't want audio messages and I am not in a place to kind of like listen to them. And so this app called SCCI has come along and solved it for us. What this does. It's an, it's a Mac, oh, it's a Mac app.

Mikah Sargent (01:29:17):
And Rosemary is currently sending me some different options, so, so that I can transcribe them, but it's it, it's a Mac app that lets you drag and drop these voice messages into it. And then the app will transcribe those voice messages. So that, that way you, if you're in a place, like if you're on the subway and maybe you don't have AirPods, or if you just don't feel like listening at the moment, it will transcribe those messages right there. And be able to show you what the, the, the voice message is saying. I tried it this morning. I sent myself one and then transcribed it, using the system and it worked very well. And that is because school C makes use of the built in transcription that your Mac has. I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually see this on iOS, but for the first rendition of it, it is just a Mac app.

Mikah Sargent (01:30:10):
And it's a, it's an app that's available for free, but you can name a fair price. So I you know, gave some money to the developer because I think this is a great idea. And now I'm getting some messages I'm gonna transcribe them from Rosemary. One says, Hey, Micah, how's it going? Here's a longer voice message for you to test. And then also the app will provide you the option to playback the text, if you want to, and change how fast it moves. So if you see somebody pop in with like a three minute message, you're like, Ugh, you can speed it up too. So on top of giving you a transcription, it also gives you the ability to have more control over these short blips of text, just by dragging and dropping them. Hi, Micah, how are you?

Mikah Sargent (01:30:53):
And then one that Rosemary recorded in French. And I I don't think that it did a good job with that one, but I think I've only chosen English in my English and my settings. So I would need to update that. There we go. I can change it to French, and now it says it BJA I can't, I can't pronounce this, so <laugh>, I don't wanna Bush your French, so I'm just gonna leave that alone, but it did properly from what I can see transcribe it in, into French, but I'll change that now back to English. And then, yeah, I can easily drag and drop those. So again, it's called SCCI, it's available for free from gum road. So you go on your Mac, we'll include a URL, you go to the website and you can keep it at $0 if you just wanna get it.

Mikah Sargent (01:31:45):
But you can also give some money. I suggest give the developer a, a couple of dollars or a few dollars as a thank you, because this is a really cool app that I know there are sometimes where I want to get back to a person, but I don't have the wherewithal at the moment to listen to a long audio message. So being able to just read through it is very helpful. And then there are times where I send those to people and I'm like, I hope that they're in a place where they're able to listen to this. And if not, then I feel kind of bad about it. So having a transcription there is great as well. So well worth checking out that is spy not in the app store, but available for your Mac via gum road. All right, folks, that reach, that brings us to the end of this episode of iOS Today.

Mikah Sargent (01:32:26):
If you have questions, feedback, shortcuts, corner requests, cetera, send those to iOS Today, that is that's the best place to go to do that. We record this show live every Tuesday at 12:00 PM, Eastern, which is 9:00 AM Pacific which you just go to twit that TV slash live. And that will show you all the different places where we stream live, including Twitch and YouTube and a few other places. But we think the best way to get the show is by subscribing to the show or following the show, depending on where you go to get it. And that is available to you by going to There, you'll be able to click to subscribe to audio or to subscribe to video. And we're available on many different services, Google podcasts, Applepodcasts, Spotify, YouTube even just plain O RSS. If you have a different way that you wanna do that, that is how you go about doing that.

Mikah Sargent (01:33:17):
And I should also mention club TWI for seven bucks a month, TWiT TV slash club TWI. You can join the club and become a member that gets you access to every single show ad free. So you gets your own custom little feeds that are ad free. You also got access to the twit plus bonus feed that has extra content. You won't find anywhere else behind the scenes outtake special content that we include there as well as access to the discord server, the members only discord server. That's a place where you can go to chat with your fellow club, twit members, but also those of us here at twit, Rosemary's super active in the club, TWiT discord as well. And it's also another place you can go to ask questions that will end up in the show. We have a $7 a month plan, or the $84 a year plan, a whole year of club TWiT for $84, less than a hundred dollars.

Mikah Sargent (01:34:06):
There aren't many other member subscriptions out there that will get you that oh, this is also a great time to mention that you will get access to my new show, hands on Mac, via club TWI. If you join club TWiT for the monthly or annual plan, then you can get the new show hands on Mac. It's a show where I'm covering not just Mac, but all of the different systems, platforms, devices that Applehas with short tips and tricks all there for you all available. If you would like to get the show again through club TWI, that's fine, but we've also got this new way. If you go to TWiT do TV slash club TWI, you can just get the single show plan for 2 99 a month. You get access to hands on Mac all on its own. So if you don't want to pay that $7 a month for the whole club to it, you just wanna check out this new show 2 99 a month, and you can get hands on Mac on its own.

Mikah Sargent (01:35:06):
It's also available via, via Applepodcast subscriptions. If you wanna check it out there, but yeah, lots of great stuff available. And yes it's important to note that that single show plan does not grant you access to the discord. It is just for the show but we do appreciate the support that helps me continue to be able to do this show and bring you lots of cool tips and tricks every week. I'm very excited. We already recorded the first episode. That's coming out this Thursday talking about one of my favorite apps for the Mac that makes all the difference. Every time I set up a system. Thank you for listening to that spiel. And now it's time Rosemary to tell folks where they can find you online.

Rosemary Orchard (01:35:48):
Well, the best place to go is over Rosemary, which has links to all the things I do on the internet, including iOS Today, and two other podcasts. And of course you can find me on Twitter at Rosemary orchard, and I'm always lurking in the club, TWiT discord in the iOS Today, channel too mic. Where can people find you?

Mikah Sargent (01:36:03):
You can find me at Mica UR on many, a social media network where you can to That's ch I HOA, where I've got links to the places I'm most active online. Check me out on Thursdays for tech news weekly, and now hands on Mac, which publishes every Thursday on Saturdays for the tech guy radio show heard around the world where folks call in with their questions and Leo Laport. And I provide answers. Although this Saturday I will be running the radio show on my own as Leo takes off for the TWiT cruise for the next week or so. So we'll be very exciting. Please tune in on Saturday to watch or listen to that. Thank you all for joining us this week. Thank you for your excellent questions for your paid pet taxes. I hope that you have gotten some inspiration for hobbies and apps that you can use to make the most of those crafts and hobbies. This is always a, a, a fun time to get to talk about awesome apps and services from iOS, iPad, OS, et cetera. I will see you all next week. Thank you for being here. Goodbye.

Ant Pruitt (01:37:16):
Did you spend a lot of money on your brand new smartphone? And then you look at the pictures on Facebook and Instagram, and you're like, what in the world happen to that photo? Yes, you have. I know it happens to all of us. Well, you need to check out my show hands on photography, where I'm going to walk you through simple tips and tricks that are gonna help make you get the most out of your smartphone camera or your DSLR or mirrorless, whatever you have. And those shots are gonna look so much better. I promise you, so make sure you're tune into twit TV slash hop for hands on photography to find out more.

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