
Apple Beta Software: How to Get Involved and What to Expect

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The world of Apple enthusiasts is buzzing with excitement as the tech giant rolls out its latest beta software. If you've ever wanted to get your hands on Apple's newest features before they hit the mainstream, now's your chance. Mikah Sargent, host of the Hands-On Mac podcast, recently walked listeners through the process of joining Apple's Beta Software Program.

The Apple Beta Software Program allows public users to test pre-release versions of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, HomePod software, and watchOS. By participating, you not only get early access to new features but also play a crucial role in identifying bugs and providing feedback to Apple.

How to Join the Program

  1. Visit in Safari on your device.
  2. Click on "Sign Up" and enter your Apple ID credentials.
  3. Read and agree to the Apple Beta Software Program Agreement.
  4. Once enrolled, go to Settings > General > Software Update on your device.
  5. Tap on "Beta Updates" and select the appropriate public beta for your device.

After installation, you'll notice a new "Feedback" app on your device. This is your direct line to Apple for reporting any issues or suggestions you may have while using the beta software. The Feedback app allows you to:

  • Choose the specific area where you're experiencing issues
  • Provide a detailed description of the problem
  • Include screenshots or other attachments
  • Submit system diagnostics automatically

Remember, the more detailed your feedback, the better Apple can address the issues before the official release.

Joining on Different Devices

While the process is similar for iOS and iPadOS devices, there are slight variations for other Apple products:

  • macOS: Use a special enrollment tool available on the beta website
  • tvOS: Access beta updates through the Settings app on your Apple TV
  • watchOS: Update through the Watch app on your paired iPhone
  • HomePod: Enroll through the Home app on your iOS or iPadOS device running the beta software

Leaving the Program

If you decide the beta life isn't for you, don't worry. You can easily unenroll:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Software Update > Beta Updates and turn it off.
  2. Visit to remove your account from the program.

Joining the Apple Beta Software Program is exciting, but it comes with responsibilities. You'll be using software that's still in development, which means you may encounter bugs or unstable features. However, if you're tech-savvy and enjoy being on the cutting edge, it can be a rewarding experience.

Want to learn more? Tune in to the full episode of Hands-On Mac with Mikah Sargent for a visual look at the Apple Beta Software Program and other tech tips.

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