Two Days of Amazing Coverage.
Over the next two days with all of the exciting announcements, WWDC and E3, we are re-shuffling the shows a bit. Here is the rundown for the next two days of exciting coverage.
Times in bold are new or have changed. All times are Pacific Time.
9:00 Reading the Feeds With Tom Merritt BETA - Tune in to be with Tom as he reads through his feeds and talks to the chat room.
9:45 Breaking News: WWDC keynote - We will be combing the news from Apple as fast as it comes in.
12:00 MacBreak Weekly - A special MacBreak right after the Keynote.
1:30 Home Theater Geeks
2:30 TNT with Tom Merritt
4:00 FourCast
5:00 All About Android
6:30 The Social Hour
11:00 Breaking News: Nintendo E3 announcement - Will comment after the announcement finishes.
12:00 Live from E3 - Roaming the floor.
2:30 TNT with Tom Merritt
After TNT Live from E3 - More floor coverage.
6:00 HamNation
7:00 NSFW