iFive for the iPhone
Hey everyone,
Now that iFive for the iPhone is 2 episodes in, I thought you might like to know a little more about how the shortest show the TWiT network has ever known came to be.
Leo and I created iPad Today over two years ago. We were hoping that this whole iPad thing was more than a passing fad, and lo and behold, we were right. Luckily, Apple keeps things interesting so that even after 109 episodes, each week we're bursting the seams with new content.
A little too much content actually!
Though we've always tried to stick iOS apps and discussions that are either iPad-only or universal, the fact is that if we ignore iPhone apps completely, we miss out on too much. We do cover the iPhone somewhat on various TWiT shows, but never enough for it to feel thorough. So we started thinking…what if we created an entirely new show specifically for iPhone users that didn't take away AT ALL from our momentum on iPad Today and offered up something unique?
Each week, I give you a roundup of five apps, news, how-tos, and reviews that you, an iPhone lover (or coveter) should know about. It's not a countdown show per se, just a fun way to get five iPhone goodies in every episode.
iFive is a departure from what may come to mind when you think of traditional TWiT content. Each episode is ten minutes or less, fast-paced, and heavy on visuals. Not only do we not want it to feel simply like the iPhone version of iPad Today, but we want to experiment with a different kind of production and see if it resonates with you. iFive is all about the details, and we want to show 'em off, tiny iPhone screen be darned (thankfully for you, the show is available in HD)!
The show response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. Although we're still making a few tweaks here and there, overall I'm really happy with the direction iFive is taking, and all the great feedback so far. That said, we welcome your thoughts and encourage you to reach us with app or story ideas, questions, comments, and criticisms. The show is constantly evolving and can't exist without you.
Email us: ifive@twit.tv
Google voicemail: (614) ON-IFIVE
Watch/subscribe: http://twit.tv/ifive
Thanks for watching!