Inside TWiT
Call for Bumpers wants your bumpers! We'd love to have fan-created TWiT station IDs to play between shows and in the nightly reruns.
Create whatever you want. You can create an entire animated piece, or send us a video of you saying "This is Bob from Anytown, USA and you're watching TWiT Live!" (like the ZDTV Netcam Network of old). Just keep it under 30 seconds.
If you need the TWiT logo for your piece, we have it in Adobe Illustrator format. Please make sure you use the new, solid blue TWiT logo with the square bug and not the old, light blue logo with the rounded bug.
Post the bumper to YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, or whatever video hosting site you prefer, and send the link to colin at with the subject line "bumpers".