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Our new servers are online, the DNS has propagated, and iTunes is updating. Check your netcast client to see if it has downloaded the most recent versions of our shows. In some cases you may have to request older shows that weren't downloaded. In more drastic cases you may need to resubscribe. The shows posted since the feeds went down Friday morning include:
- Inside the Net 38
- TWiT 73
- KFI Tech Guy 291, 292
- Daily Giz Wiz 170, 171, 172
- Windows Weekly 2
- FLOSS Weekly 14
- TLR 5, 6, 7 and have not yet been moved to the new servers, but that will happen in the next few days. You shouldn't notice any service disruption. Leoville Town Square will go back online as soon as I've imported the database. Thanks so much for your patience, offers of support, hosting, and cookies. The TWiT Army rocks the house!
UPDATE: All sites are now on the new servers. Everything seems to be running ok. There will be a few little issues here and there, I'm sure. If you notice something odd please let me know by emailing me or posting a comment here. Thanks! You may now resume fighting over netcast vs podcast.