Jan 11th 2008
Windows Weekly 46
Statler and Waldorf on CES
Hosted by
Paul Thurrott,
Leo Laporte
Paul reviews the "Crapfest Electronics Show": Bye-Bye HD-DVD, WHS Power Pack, FIOS, the OLPC and Eee PC and more...
Records live every Wednesday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.
- The Crapfest Electronics Show
- Bye-Bye HD-DVD
- WHS Power Pack
- OLPC and Eee PC
- Origami 2.0
- RIP Zune
- iPhone Hatah
- Wired article about the iPhone
Audible Pick of the Week: iCon by Jeffrey S. Young
Software Picks of the Week
- Paul: VLC Media Player
- Leo: FeedDemon
Vista Tip of the Day
- Winodws Mobility Center hack
Check out Paul's Blog at http://www.internet-nexus.com and the SuperSite for Windows http://winsupersite.com for more information.
Thanks to CacheFly for the bandwidth for this show. The Windows Weekly theme music is courtesy of Derek K. Miller.