Security Now with Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte

Apr 7th 2020

Security Now 761

Zoom Go Boom

Zoom is a Security Nightmare

Records live every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 20:30 UTC.
Category: Help & How To

Zoom is a security nightmare - from zoombombing to encryption issues, Steve Gibson runs down Zoom's security concerns. Plus, Jitsi is a great alternative!

  • Mozilla just patched a pair of CRITICAL 0-days
  • Eight security bugs eliminated from Chrome last week
  • Safari gets a bunch of very important fixes
  • Chrome and Edge join Mozilla in postponing the deprecation of TLS v1.0 and v1.1
  • Chrome team reversing themselves on the enforcement of Same Site cookies
  • Edge with Vertical Tabs and Smart Copy
  • The return of STIR & SHAKEN
  • Cloudflare has added Parental Control to their DNS service
  • Cloudflare's new service accidentally blocks LGBTQIA+ sites

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For 16kbps versions, transcripts, and notes (including fixes), visit Steve's site:, also the home of the best disk maintenance and recovery utility ever written Spinrite 6.