Host-Read Ads

Sep 15th 2023

Host-Read Ads 52

Podcasting And The Explosion of Ad Tech

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

Podcasting And The Explosion of Ad Tech

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

I want to help podcasters and podcast networks navigate through the explosion of podcast ad tech. Ad tech has taken over podcasting, and everyone is touting that they have the holy grail in metrics. The sad thing is that podcast advertising is more than metrics. You need to be reaching the right audience, you must have a compelling CTA/offer, and post-purchase surveys are a must -along with trust and integrity.

Ross Adams, CEO at Acast, said, "Podscribe's track record in delivering accurate and insightful attribution solutions - which are certified at the highest level - is exceptional. We also know their approach to customer satisfaction is unmatched in this space. This collaboration reinforces Acast's commitment to offering advertisers the very best impartial tools to succeed in the podcasting space."

Podscribe is one of many attribution services that is independent, meaning not owned by a large media company. For example - Spotify owns Spotify Ad Analytics, formerly Podsights, and Podscribe is saying that they have better metrics because they are independently owned. Please do not be fooled by the label "independent" - it is simply a marketing phrase to attract brands to them instead of Spotify Ad Analytics which is now free to use. You have to pay for Podscribe and to promote that Spotify Ad Analytics is inaccurate or untrustworthy because Spotify bought it is wrong. All ad tech is the same, and why pay for it when you can get it for free? They are simply saying "independent" to encourage you to buy something you can get for free elsewhere.

Here are three points to remember about why podcast advertising works that have nothing to do with ad tech:

  1. With host-read ads, trusted hosts have audiences that want to hear from them. When they deliver the ad read with authenticity, a genuine experience with a product/service that they can give a personal endorsement about - their fans listen closely to the ad read. These hosts can also focus on the features and benefits to properly educate their fans and provide testimonials because ad reads are not cut off at sixty seconds.
  2. Purchase power is 50% higher with host-read ads, according to Nielsen, because you cannot establish trust with a producer-read ad or commercial.
  3. It takes multiple touchpoints to convert a fan. Brands that advertise elsewhere and include host-read ads see higher conversion rates because customers who trust hosts delivering the message will recall a brand at a higher rate when seeing or hearing it elsewhere.

So remember, ad tech is one tool to use in podcast advertising, and take the time to decide who you want to partner with because no one wants multiple pixels in their feeds or possibly turning off their fans because of all the tracking ad tech that every brand wants. Limit it to one or two. And remind brands that free ad tech is as valuable as paid. Just because you are independent doesn't mean you are better.

If you are interested in advertising with us because you want the gold standard, then please email, and we will get back to you ASAP.

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