Host-Read Ads

Jul 21st 2023

Host-Read Ads 44

Setting Brands Expectations From Podcast Advertising - Part I

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

Setting Brands Expectations From Podcast Advertising - Part I

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

Today I am going to talk about why you must set brand expectations before starting a podcast campaign with them, and I am going to refer to this as Part 1 because there is a lot to cover, and I want to be sure I touch on all points. Therefore I am leaving it open, and this series will be as long as it needs to be.

First, I want to remind everyone that podcasts have only been around for 20 years. No one has the exact number of active pods because people start and stop them all the time, and there are millions of pods out there, with hundreds of millions of episodes. And in 2023, you can consume content in almost any format you want. Traditionally there was TV, movies, radio, and print (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.). Today we have so much more - pods, social media, online print & audio, information, disinformation, and so much more that hardly anyone is consuming the same content, let alone the same way. The birth of the Internet has allowed us to become a fragmented society making it a challenge for brands to reach who they want.

The first point I want to make when meeting with a brand is to set advertising expectations by exploring what marketing efforts they are doing now. What have they done in the past that was successful? What wasn't? What is active now that's work? I do a deep dive into past and existing advertising campaigns because I want to understand the brands efforts to this point.

It is imperative to ask these questions because, according to research, it takes an average of 8 touchpoints to close a sale. Therefore, if a brand wants to start a podcast campaign and they are doing nothing else, then how will its campaign be successful if they are not targeting the audience they want on multiple platforms? Brands must combine marketing tools to reach the audiences they want. Spreading out marketing dollars without the right frequency and platforms will waste brands advertising dollars. Therefore, your first call with a new brand needs to be exploratory. Find out their pain points and focus on solving their growth goals before discussing campaign ideas.

There is a plethora of content to cover on this topic. Stay tuned for Part 2.

And if you are interested in working with our partnership team here at TWiT, please reach out to, and our team will reach out. Have a great day, and thanks for listening to my pod.

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