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May 12th 2023

Host-Read Ads 34

Sales Tip - Communicate with the CMO and CSO To Maximize Campaign Results

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

Sales Tip - Communicate with the CMO and CSO To Maximize Campaign Results

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

I have worked in all aspects of C-level positions over my 35+ year career with an emphasis in accounting, finance, growth, partnerships, biz dev, media, and sales - I prefer to work with partners who bring their marketing and sales leaders to the first strategy meeting. And here are my top 3 reasons why this will maximize campaign results.

  1. I find it common at several companies for their sales and marketing teams to have different agendas and not be fully aligned in working on the same goals, or they are just too busy to communicate regularly. It always baffles me when I ask a CMO who their target customer is, and they have no idea. OR the CMO provides me with the wrong information because they are not communicating regularly with their sales team. Now the CSO may understand what is working for the sales team today, yet it's not uncommon that they don't know what coming next, while the CMO typically does. Therefore the first & most important reason for asking both to attend a strategy/exploration call is to better understand their growth goals. Having both attend saves time/back & forth/, and you typically discover there are more goals than originally outlined.
  2. It provides you with an opportunity to build excitement. You are the guide to solving their problems and helping them achieve their goals. Always be fully prepared for this meeting, study LinkedIn profiles, and understand their business so that you can focus solely on solving their needs - you build excitement, and now you have two, not one, person wanting to partner with you.
  3. It will help you build a more robust, stronger campaign as having ALL of the business objectives/goals and understanding what is working now, what didn't, and having a full growth plan will provide you with the confidence in your recommendations, giving you a better opportunity of satisfying your partner.

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