Host-Read Ads

Apr 28th 2023

Host-Read Ads 32

Understanding Your Clients Goals

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

Understanding Your Clients Goals

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

The entire job of a salesperson, or here at TWiT, we refer to our clients as partners, so the entire job of a partnership person is to be the guide and help partners achieve their growth goals. Therefore understanding your partners needs is critical before you start working with them.

Here is the list of 10 questions you need to ask before signing a new partner to a campaign:

  1. Understand what the partner wants to promote.
  2. Who do they want to reach - job title?
  3. Company size and industry?
  4. What advertising has worked before, what hasn't? And what are they doing now?
  5. Timing for campaign? When is your busiest sales quarter of the year?
  6. Is this branding or DR campaign?
  7. What sets them apart from their competitors?
  8. What are their growth goals for this year?
  9. Are there any upcoming products/services being released this year?
  10. What problems/challenges are they facing?

These are only the initial questions. You may discover more issues and questions while talking with your potential partner, and being flexible is also crucial.

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