Host-Read Ads

Apr 7th 2023

Host-Read Ads 29

Audience's Listening Habits on

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

Audience's Listening Habits on

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

In previous episodes, I have mentioned our qualified audience, which is highly technical and full of lifelong learners.

From our 2023 survey reaching over 10K fans, 99% of the TWiT audience listens to most or all of our podcast episodes, while 85% listen to ALL of our podcast episodes. The reason why our fans stick around is that the content is king, and the content of our shows is the #1 reason our fans come to us. The number 2 reason is that they want to hear from our trusted hosts. Because of this, our fans stick around for entire episodes of our shows.

While there is some overlap, the average fan listens to approximately 3 shows, while a very committed group listens to all of our shows. We also have a Club where fans can pay to receive ad-free content, a platform on Discord to chat with like-minded fans, and bonus content. Even though these fans have a Slack channel called "All-the-Ads" because our fans want to know the brands they need to pay attention to, several do not download the ad-free content and continue to download the ad-supported shows because they want to hear the ads. Our audience wants to know what Leo, Mikah, Jason, and Ant say about the brands we are partnered with. This is how engaged our fans are.

If you want to reach our audience, please email, and we will get back to you ASAP.

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