Host-Read Ads

Mar 10th 2023

Host-Read Ads 25

Tracking Your Campaign

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

Tracking Your Campaign

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

Unlike radio and TV ads, the full impact of every podcast ad dropped on our network takes 8 weeks to reach its fullest impact. Here are the 3 reasons why - #1 You have to give the audience time to download the episode, #2 You have to give them time to listen to the episode, and #3 You need to provide them with time to act on the ad read.

We place our partners on our sponsor page, show episode page, and in the RSS feed episode description. Direct partners also receive social media and newsletter promotion, and ALL partners receive over-delivery on ad impressions because we embed our ad reads, meaning they are evergreen and live in our content forever.

When reviewing the results of a campaign on our network, you must review ALL the data to gauge the overall impact. Here are the five steps you need to follow.

  1. Review the total impressions delivered on our reporting document and remember that all ads take eight weeks to reach their fullest impact
  2. Review the visits to your landing page if a custom URL was established
  3. Review the conversion made if tracked on a landing page or offer codes
  4. Review the Podsights traction, as most fans will skip landing pages & offer codes because what's offered on them on our network is generally the same as the homepage
  5. Implement a post-purchase survey and ask directly from your new customers how they found you. I was given as a recommendation for this.

You must consider ALL traction because, based on four years of data, we find that all DR campaigns are 3x+ greater than landing page visits and 6-8x greater for branding campaigns.

We are the gold standard in podcast advertising, why go anywhere else? Reach out today to, and let's discuss your growth goals.

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