Host-Read Ads

Mar 3rd 2023

Host-Read Ads 24

Dynamic Ads versus Host-Read Facts #2

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

Dynamic Ads versus Host-Read Facts #2

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

I want to continue from last week's episode and do a deeper dive into why host-read ads in a podcast are more impactful than dynamically inserted ads. This is my 2nd podcast covering this topic, and I plan to do more because the difference is substantial.

First, who truly listens to 30 or 60-second dynamically inserted ads when listening to a podcast? I don't, all podcast players have skip features, and since the ad is read by some random person that I don't care about, I immediately skip the ads because it's easy.

Ads longer than a minute see consumer purchasing power increase by 40%, according to Nielsen.  So why are brands wasting money on dynamically inserted ads that do not deliver like host-read ads? If you have a highly engaged audience, they will benefit more from hearing ads from their trusted hosts over producer-read ads.

Take, for example, when you listen to NPR podcasts, the dynamic ad is even more generic because they cannot endorse or recommend products or services because it's public radio. I always ask brands and agencies how they track NPR ads, and they all say they don't. They buy NPR for prestige - it's brand campaigns only. Then when these same agencies/brands speak to me about our host-read ads, they expect to track all of our campaigns. Why? We will always deliver higher results for brand or DR.

Another example is Spotify. Sure, brands/agencies can buy dynamically inserted ads and geotarget the audience they want to reach, but they still have the same issues as all dynamic ads. 1 - they are read by a random person and not the host 2 - they are 30 or 60 seconds long and easily skippable 3 - they do not perform as well as host-read. It's why podcast ad spending is down.  The results are not there, and these ad buys fall flat.

We are the gold standard in podcast advertising, and we only sign partners with services/products that benefit our audience. Are you ready for substantial growth? Let's help you grow. Reach out today to, and let's discuss your growth goals.

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