Host-Read Ads

Feb 24th 2023

Host-Read Ads 23

Dynamic Ads versus Host-Read Facts #1

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

Dynamic Ads versus Host-Read Facts #1

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

I've been reading about podcast advertising and its decline since its boom in the pandemic. A record number of podcasts launched and monetized during the pandemic, and several are closing now that it's over. Actors, athletes, and anyone stuck at home, the entire world, launched a podcast during COVID, and now there is a downturn as people are realizing that podcasting takes time, commitment, an audience, and hosts who have something to say that have an audience who wants to hear from.

Our network,, was established in 2005, and today we have 13 ad-supported podcasts and 15 ad-free podcasts in our Club. We are not a network that cropped up in the pandemic, nor are we going away because advertisers don't want to buy DAI ads. I am constantly speaking with new partners who are complaining that DAI ads do not work. They are buying an audience that does not want to pay for content, and the ads are producer-read, which falls flat with audiences. Why? Because who cares about some random person reading an ad - podcast listeners want to hear from their trusted hosts, which is why they listen in the first place.

71% of listeners recalled the brand when exposed to a host-read ad. So why would any brand buy DAI? The only reason would be to promote their overall brand because DAI and true brand awareness because DR will not resonate, nor will most remember who was promoted. Here at, we are boutique - we only offer host-read ads and vet all potential partners to be a suitable fit for our audience. 60% of our business is direct because we super-serve our partners with courtesy commercials, over-delivery on impressions, and they are reaching a qualified audience who wants to hear from our hosts. And we are audio and video = ALL ad-supported shows are released in both formats, and video is substantially more than YouTube. We publish everywhere and anywhere we can and have for 18 years.

We are the gold standard in podcast advertising and only sign partners with services/products that will benefit our audience. Are you ready for substantial growth? Let's help you grow. Reach out today to, and let's discuss your growth goals.

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