Host-Read Ads

Dec 16th 2022

Host-Read Ads 13

Traction from a Campaign on

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

Traction from a Campaign on

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

I want to clarify the results of traction from a campaign on - Because our fans are tech-savvy, privacy, and security-focused - landing pages/offer codes are not enough to review when understanding the impact of a campaign on our network.

Here are three reason's why:

  1. Our audience will simply google the client's name and go directly to their website & most of the time, the offer on the client's homepage is the same as the TWiT offer. Therefore landing pages/offer codes do not work because why would anyone use one when it's the same as the client's offer?
  2. Our audience is privacy/security-focused, does not want to be tracked, and may use a VPN when visiting our sponsors.
  3. Based on our annual survey reaching over 10K fans - 20% forget to visit a landing page or use an offer code.

Therefore we recommend using ad tech on our network, and we offer Podsights - please listen to episode 4 for a full explanation of how it works, which will provide additional attribution. We also clarify that you must wait eight weeks after every ad is dropped to reach its fullest impact. Podcast ads take time because you need to wait for fans to download the episode, listen to it, possibly see it elsewhere, and then act. It can take 8-15 touchpoints to motivate fans to convert.

If you are interested in advertising with us, please email, and we will get back to you ASAP. Thank you for listening, and have a great day.

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