Host-Read Ads

Dec 2nd 2022

Host-Read Ads 11

What You Need to Know Before Writing Ad Copy

Hosted by Lisa Laporte

What You Need to Know Before Writing Ad Copy

New episodes published every Friday.
Category: Help & How To

You must understand your client's campaign goals.

  1. Is the campaign a branding campaign? Are they trying to elevate their brand so that when consumers need what they offer, they will remember them?
  2. Is the campaign a DR (direct response) campaign? Meaning the brand wants to track responses/purchases/conversions?
  3. It matters because the ad copy needs a more compelling CTA (call to action) if the campaign focuses on direct response. Too many brands ignore the call to action when they want a direct response campaign and treat the CTA as a branding campaign. You won't be able to gauge traction if you offer nothing in your CTA. Brands should offer 20% off if you sign up today versus visiting our website and checking us out if you are focused on direct response.
  4. Understanding your client's campaign objectives must happen before you craft ad copy.

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