
TWiT Newsletter Feb 26 2024 Weekly Newsletter

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Your Favorite Podcasts, Now Free

Tech fans rejoice - some of TWiT's most insightful shows are now free for all to enjoy! In a major announcement, audio from top Club TWiT exclusive programs like Hands-On Windows, Home Theater Geeks, and iOS Today can now be downloaded without a membership. Leveraging new advertising tools makes these in-depth discussions on apps, devices, and industry trends accessible to podcast listeners everywhere. Get the details on the expansion here. Subscribe here for free or from any podcatcher to gain insights from experts on your commute or anywhere.

Jennifer Pattison TuohyEmily Dreibelbis

TNW Welcomes Jennifer & Emily!

We're welcoming two more phenomenal hosts to Tech News WeeklyJennifer Pattison Tuohy from The Verge and Emily Dreibelbis of PCMag. Jennifer, our smart home guru, brings a treasure trove of knowledge from robot vacuums to smart locks, with a rich background writing for The New York Times and Wired (U.K.). With her Silicon Valley insights and a focus on electric vehicles and AI at PCMag, Emily adds a fresh, tech-savvy perspective.

Don't miss their captivating discussions and unique tech insights. Subscribe to Tech News Weekly with Mikah Sargent for your weekly dose of technology trends and innovations.

The Internet Dodges a Bullet

This week on Security Now, Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte uncover a massive vulnerability in DNSSEC that could have brought the internet to its knees. Researchers developed attacks that could DDoS any DNS server with a single packet by exploiting flaws in how DNS keys and signatures are validated. Though responsibly disclosed, this "KeyTrap" bug required coordinating fixes across all major DNS software. New vulnerabilities in Microsoft patches and passwordless logins are also analyzed. Don't miss out on the deep analysis - subscribe now to protect your online safety.

"TWiT. Bring your brain; we'll do the rest."

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